HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract # : C19-0432 - IDEMIA IDENTITY & SECURITY USA - Execution Date: 5/17/2019 C19-0432
THIS LINKING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of this I 1+ day
of 1149 ,2019,between the City of Glendale,an Arizona municipal corporation
(the "City"), and Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
authorized to do business in Arizona ("Contractor"),collectively, the "Parties."
A. On November 1, 2018, the State of Arizona entered into a contract with Contractor to
purchase the goods and services described in Contract ID CTR040047, Solicitation No.
ADSPOI 8-00008040 ("Cooperative Purchasing Agreement"),of which an excerpt is attached
hereto as Exhibit A, and full contract available upon request. The Cooperative Purchasing
Agreement permits its cooperative use by other governmental agencies including the City.
B. Section 2-149 of the City's Procurement Code permits the Materials Manager to procure goods
and services by participating with other governmental units in cooperative purchasing
agreements when the best interests of the City would be served.
C. Section 2-149 also provides that the Materials Manager may enter into such cooperative
agreements without meeting the formal or informal solicitation and bid requirements of
Glendale City Code Sections 2-145 and 2-146.
D. The City desires to contract with Contractor for supplies or services identical, or nearly
identical, to the supplies or services Contractor is providing other units of government under
the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Contractor consents to the City's utilization of the
Cooperative Purchasing Agreement as the basis of this Agreement, and Contractor desires to
enter into this Agreement to provide the supplies and services set forth in this Agreement.
NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the foregoing recitals,which are incorporated by reference,
and the covenants and promises contained in this Linking Agreement, the parties agree as follows:
1. Term of Agreement. The City is purchasing supplies and/or services from Contractor
pursuant to the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. According to the Cooperative
Purchasing Agreement, purchases can be made by governmental entities from the date of
award,which was November 1,2018,until the date the contract expires on October 31,2019,
unless the term of the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is extended by the mutual
agreement of the original contracting parties. The Cooperative Purchasing Agreement,
however,may not be extended beyond October 31,2023. The initial period of this Agreement,
therefore, is the period from the Effective Date of this Agreement until October 31, 2019.
The City, however, may renew the term of this Agreement for four (4) one-year periods until
the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement expires on October 31, 2023. Renewals are not
automatic and shall only occur if the City gives the Contractor notice of its intent to renew.
The City may give the Contractor notice of its intent to renew this Agreement 30 days prior
to the anniversary of the Effective Date to effectuate such renewal.
2. Scope of Work;Terms. Conditions, and Specifications.
A. Contractor shall provide City the supplies and/or services identified in the Scope of
Work attached as Exhibit B.
B. Contractor agrees to comply with all the terms, conditions and specifications of the
Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Such terms, conditions and specifications are
specifically incorporated into and are an enforceable part of this Agreement.
3. Compensation.
A. City shall pay Contractor compensation at the same rate and on the same schedule as
provided in the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, unless the City and Contractor
agree otherwise.
B. The total purchase price for the supplies and/or services purchased under this
Agreement shall not exceed one hundred seventy-seven thousand eight hundred
eighty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents ($177,881.39) for the entire term of the
Agreement (initial term plus any renewals),identified in Exhibit C.
4. Cancellation. This Agreement may be cancelled pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-511.
5. Non-discrimination. Contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment on the basis of race,color,religion,sex,national origin,age,marital status,sexual
orientation,gender identity or expression, genetic characteristics, familial status, U.S. military
veteran status or any disability. Contractor will require any Sub-contractor to be bound to the
same requirements as stated within this section. Contractor, and on behalf of any
subcontractors,warrants compliance with this section.
6. Insurance Certificate. A certificate of insurance applying to this Agreement must be provided
to the City prior to the Effective Date.
7. E-verify. Contractor complies with A.R.S. § 23-214 and agrees to comply with the
requirements of A.R.S. § 41-4401.
8. No Boycott of Israel. The Parties agree that they are not currently engaged in, and agree that
for the duration of the Agreement they will not engage in, a boycott of Israel, as that term is
defined in A.R.S. §35-393.
9. Attestation of PCI Compliance. When applicable, the Contractor will provide the City
annually with a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) attestation of
compliance certificate signed by an officer of Contractor with oversight responsibility.
10. Notices. Any notices that must be provided under this Agreement shall be sent to the Parties'
respective authorized representatives at the address listed below:
City of Glendale Police Department
c/o Rick St.John
6835 North 57th Drive
Glendale,Arizona 85301
Idemia Identity&Security USA LLC
c/o Jenny Pelayo
5515 E. La Palma Avenue
Suite 100
Anaheim,California 92807
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year
set forth above.
"City" "Contractor"
City of Glendale, Idemia Identity&Security USA LLC,
an Arizona municipal corporation a Delaware limited bility company
By: By:
Kevin R. '• - .s Name: Michael Kato
City Manager Title: Vice President
Julie K B. er (SEAL)
City Clerk
Mic - I Baile
City Attorney
Excerpt from State of Arizona Contract ID CTR040047, Solicitation No. ADSPO18-00008040
Public Contract Manage: Buyer Arizona Page 1 of 1
Contract ID: CTR040047 Original End Date : 10/31/2019 C
Amendment#: Actual End Date : Contras
Label : Biometric Products and Services Maximum End Date: 10/31/2023
Type: Master Agreement Validity: Expiring Soon
Supplier: MORPHO USA INC Co-Op Contract Designation : yes
Contract Description : Statewide Contract:
Agency Project ID :
Federal Project ID :
Alternate Contract ID :
Label Product Code Short Description Supplier Supplier Reference No. Manufactures
Biometric Biometric Products or MORPHO
identification NA NA
Services USA INC
equipment •
1 Result(s)
Title Type
Procurement File General Documents
1 Result(s)
https://app.az.gov/page.aspx/en/ctr/contract manage public/40047 3/19/2019
Public Contract Manage: Buyer Arizona Page 1 of 1
Contract ID: CTR040047 Original End Date: 10/31/2019 Commodities: 43211714-Biometric identification equipment
Amendment#: Actual End Date: Contracting Agency: Arizona Department of Administration
Label: Biometric Products and Services Maximum End Date: 10131/2023
Type: Master Agreement Validity: Expiring Soon
Supplier: MORPHO USA INC Co-Op Contract Designation: yes
Contract Description: Statewide Contract:
Agency Project ID:
Federal Project ID:
Alternate Contract ID:
Label Product Code Short Description Supplier Supplier Reference No. Manufacturer Reference No. Currency UOM Negotiated Price
Biometric Biometric Products or MORPHO USD United
identification NA NA Each
Services USA INC States dollar
1 Result(s)
Title Type
Procurement File General Documents
1 Resultls)
https://app.az.gov/print.aspx/en/ctr/contract manage_public/40047?modal=true 3/19/2019
Request for Proposal
�, Arizona Department of Administration
4.7 ■,�
y � Solicitation No. State Procurement Office
' y,. , ADSP018-00008040 100 N 15th Ave.,Suite 402
t►,, i?° Description: Phoenix,AZ 85007
*1912 " Biometric Products and Services
Section 1 :
Solicitation Summary
1.0 What the State Is Soliciting
The Arizona Department of Administration, State Procurement Office division(the State), as authorized under A.R.S. §41-
2501 is seeking to establish one or more"statewide"contracts to satisfy the need for all state agencies, boards, and
commissions, as well as participating purchasing cooperative members(collectively, the Eligible Agencies)to provide
Biometric Products and Services. This technology will provide agencies the ability to obtain a menu of biometric products
and services that will ultimately increase the overall efficiency, allow for expanded flexibility in work practices and system
improvements;therefore,the State intends to make multiple contract awards to ensure the availability of a broad range of
options to meet the State's needs. The purchase of these services will be on an"as needed, if needed"basis and there is no
guarantee as to the number of products and services to be purchased.The Special Terms and Conditions provide a more
detailed definition of Eligible Agencies, and a list of all state agencies and purchasing cooperative members is available on
the State Procurement Office website at: https://spo.az.gov/procurernent-services/cooperative-procurernentIstate-
pu rchasing-coope rative
2.0 What's in the Solicitation'
Part 1: Section 1: Solicitation Summary ProcureAZ file#1:ADSPO18-00008040_
OPEN FIRST_Biometric Products and Services.PDF
Part 2: Section 2-A: Scope of Work ProcureAZ file#2:ADSPO18-00008040 RFP
Section 2-B: Pricing Document
Section 2-C: Special Terms and Conditions Biometric Products and Services.PDF
Section 2-D: Uniform Terms and Conditions
Part 3: Section 3-A: Instructions to Offerors ProcureAZ file#3:ADSPO18-00008040_
Section 3-B: Offer Forms Offer_Forms_Biometric Products and
Part 4: Attachment 4 Pricing Sheet ProcureAZ file#6:ADSPO18-00008040_Attachment 4
Pricing Sheet.XLS
3.0 How and When Proposals Are Due
Proposals will only be accepted online within the State's e-Procurement system, "ProcureAZ" system at
https://procure.az.gov until the "Bid Opening Date" indicated in ProcureAZ for the Solicitation No. shown at the top
of this page. Proposals must be in the State Procurement Office's possession online no later than that deadline.
LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. No extension or grace period will be given for delays or incomplete
proposals caused by internet connectivity problems, file uploading difficulties, or misunderstanding of the requirements or
procedures for online submission in ProcureAZ.
4.0 pre-Offer Conference
The State WILL conduct a Pre-Offer Conference for this Solicitation at the time and place indicated in the solicitation's 'Pre-
Bid Conference'field as found within ProcureAZ(https://procure.az.qov); attendance is optional. Refer to paragraph 2.7 of
the Instructions to Offerors for more information.
5.0 Jnquiries
Any question related to this Request for Proposal shall be submitted utilizing the"Q&A"tab within ProcureAZ.The Offeror shall
not contact or ask questions of the department for which the requirement is being procured.
End of Section 1
PART 1 of the Solicitation Documents Section 1: Solicitation Summary
Template version 2.0(01-FEB-2017) Page 1 of 1
$k, Request for Proposal Arizona Department of Administration
v_F� Solicitation No. State Procurement Office
• ADSP018-00008040
100 N 15th Ave.,Suite 402
Description: Phoenix,AZ 85007
ts%d 4.7 Biometric Products and Services
Attachment 2-B
Organization Profile
Firm Name Idemia Identity&Security USA LLC Year established 1996
Principal address 296 Concord Rd.,Suite 300,Billerica,MA 01821
(street,city, state)
Entity type: ILC Structure: Limited Liability Company
Branch or IDEMIA,Anaheim,CA Parent: Morpho USA,Inc.
Years of experience providing goods similar in type and quantity as required by this Solicitation. 44
Years of experience performing services similar in size and scope as required by this 44
Years the organization has conducted business in Arizona. 24
Contract Representatives to Contact
Name Title Telephone Number E-Mail Address
1. Denis Blofield Sr.Program Manager (714)496-8862 denis.blofield@idemia.com
2. Gary Newlin Sr.Sales Manager (612)839-9639 gary.newlin@us.IDEMIA.com
3. x x x x
Licenses/Certifications (if applicable)
Description Issuer Number Expiration
4. N/A
End of Attachment 2-B
PART 3 of the Solicitation Documents SECTION 3-B: Offer Forms
Page 22 of 39
Template version 2.0(01-FEB-2017)
Available online a t : P r o c u r e . A Z . q o v
(0) I ugmentD EidM IA
aed entity
October 3, 2018
Mr. Nick Perrera, MPA, CPPO, CPPB
Statewide Procurement Manager
State Procurement Office -Arizona Department of Administration
100 N. 15th Ave, 4th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007
Email: Nick.Perrera(a�azdoa.gov / Ph: 602-542-9128
Ref: Responses to Clarification Request No. 2 dated 10/01/2018
For RFP Solicitation #ADSPOI8-00008040 Biometric Products and Services
Dear Mr. Perrera:
IDEMIA appreciates the opportunity to present the State Procurement Office -Arizona Department of
Administration (ADOA) with our responses to your Clarification Request No. 2, dated 10/01/2018.
We are providing an emailed response to your questions in the following pages.
Should you require additional assistance, please contact Gary Newlin, Sr. Sales manager, at (952) 442-
8701 /gary.newlin(a�us.idemia.com. Alternatively, you may contact Denis Blofield, Sr. Program Manager at
(714) 238-2047/denis.blofield@idemia.com. We look forward to speaking with you further.
Michael Kato
Vice President Law Enforcement Programs
Public Security Business Line
Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC
IMPORTANT NOTE:MorphoTrak, LLC has changed its legal name to Idemia Identity&
Idemia Identity&Security USA LLC Tel:(714)238-2000
5515 East La Palma Avenue,Suite 100 Fax:(714)238-2049
Anaheim,CA 92807 https://www.idemia.com/market/identity-security-na
Clarification Request No.2
October 3,2018
Responses to Clarification Request No. 2 dated 10/01/2018
Please note that the entities "MorphoTrust" and "MorphoTrak" no longer exist as
legal companies and have been merged into IDEMIA USA. We do refer to
equipment and services provided by the former organizations as "Legacy
MorphoTrust" and "Legacy MorphoTrak".
1. In the previous round of clarifications the State erred by writing "badge"scanning instead of the
intended"batch"scanning for fingerprint cards. Please see the revised question below:
Please confirm if MorphoTrust cannot offer a solution for batch scanning. If not,please provide
additional detail for an interface that would be required for a third party batch scanner and any limits on
Until a few years ago, we offered our customers Epson's FBI-Certified 10000XL scanner with an
automatic document feeder. However, Epson declared this scanner end-of-life and replaced it
with the 11000XL, which does not have an automated document feeder attachment. With no
other competitive FBI certified scanner on the market, the IDEMIA "BatchScan Workstation"
became non-existent. We can only offer our existing customer base best-effort reburbishment of
their existing automatic document feeders until another FBI-certified, viably priced, high-speed
scanner becomes available.
At one time, a company called Improvision offered an FBI-certified high-speed scanner, but with
its price around $100,000 per unit, this was not a viable solution to continue our BatchScan
product line.
Idemia Identity&Security USA LLC
E:. ti, b
Douglas A. Ducey
Governor Gilbert Davidson
Chief Operating
Officer and Acting
(602)542-5511 (main) (602)542-5508(fax)
Sent via e-mail to: rossana.toledo@idemia.com
October 30, 2018
Re: Award of Contract No. ADSPO18-00008040
Dear Rossana Toledo
Thank you for submitting a response to Invitation to Bid No. ADSPO18-00008040. Your company's offer
has been selected for award. The initial contract term shall begin on 11/1/18.
All offers received were evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in the solicitation
document. The procurement file for this solicitation, including evaluation documents and resultant
contracts, will be available for public viewing within three days of award via the State's e-Procurement
system, ProcureAZ.
You are cautioned not to begin any work under the contract until the Procurement Officer assigned to your
contract has issued a written notice to proceed.
If you have any questions regarding your company's contract, please contact me at
nick.perrera@azdoa.gov or 602.542.9128.
Nick Perrera
State of Arizona Procurement Manager
Exhibit F
IDEMIA Arizona State Price List
NOTE: IDEMIA does not offer two-day delivery on any of the stated products.Contact your
Program Manager or Purchasing agent for an estimated delivery window.
NOTE:Assumptions are provided at the bottom of the table.
DESCRIPTION Hardware Software Services Total List Price
Ruggedized:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,cabinet,500 ppi $8,989 $5,316 $2,070 $16,374
Year 2 Maintenance-Ruggedized:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,cabinet,500 ppi
Ruggedized: Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,cabinet,1000ppi $9,1511 $5,3161 $3,661 $18,129
Year 2 Maintenance-Ruggedized: Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,cabinet, 1000ppi
Ruggedized:Livescan booking workstation,rolled fingerprints,cabinet,500ppi $2,9831 $2,6581 $3,306 $8,947
Year 2 Maintenance-Ruggedized:Livescan booking workstation,rolled fingerprints,cabinet,500ppi $1,893
Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,desktop,500 ppi $7,5751 $5,3161 $1,144 $14,035
Year 2 Maintenance-Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,desktop,500 ppi
Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,desktop, 1000ppi $7,6871 $5,3161 $2,787 $15,789
Year 2 Maintenance-Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,desktop,1000ppi
Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,rolled fingerprints,desktop,500ppi $1,2791 $2,6581 $1,853 $5,789
Year 2 Maintenance-Desktop:Livescan booking workstation,rolled fingerprints,desktop,500ppi $1,893
Portable:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,portable,500ppi $8,3981 $5,3161 $1,958 $15,673
Year 2 Maintenance-Portable:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,portable,500ppi
Portable:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,portable, 1000ppi $8,1811 $5,3161 $3,930 $17,427
Year 2 Maintenance-Portable:Livescan booking workstation,palms and rolled fingerprints,portable,1000ppi
Portable:Livescan booking workstation,rolled fingerprints,portable,500ppi $2,2331 $2,6581 $2,536 $7,427
Year 2 Maintenance-Portable:Livescan bookin. workstation,rolled fingerprints, .ortable,500..i $2,424
Fingerprint-Contactless Equipment
MorphoWave Desktop $2,776 $2,658 $2,009 $7,443
Year 2 Maintenance-Mo .hoWave Deskto. $1,116
Fingerprint-Tenprint Workstation
MorphoBIS Card Capture Workstation,no furniture $2,626 $31,895 $15,452 $49,973
Year 2 Maintenance-Mor•hoBIS Card Ca•ture Workstation,no furniture $7,839
Fingerprint-Latent Print Workstation
MorphoBlS Latent Expert Workstation,no furniture $2,435 $42,526 $17,771 $62,733
Year 2 Maintenance-Mor•hoBIS Latent Exert Workstation,no furniture $9,841
MorphoBlS Multimodal Workstation,no furniture $2,609 $53,158 $22,915 $78,682
Year 2 Maintenance-Mor.hoBIS Multimodal Workstation,no furniture $11,802
Fingerprint-Card Printer
Tenprint Card Printer,Laser,Monochrome,Duplexer MS810DN,2 Drawers(for ELSA LiveScans) $1,409 $0 $0 $1,409
Year 2 Maintenance-Tenprint Card Printer,Laser,Monochrome,Duplexer MS810DN Duplexer,1000BaseT
Printer Drawer for MS810DN Printer $2391 $01 $0 $239
Year 2 Maintenance-Printer Tray for MS810DN Printer $36
Duplex printing option(criminal fingerprint cards and applicant fingerprint cards)printer and dongle(for ILS/2
LiveScans) $5,4961 $0 $0 $5,496
Year 2 Maintenance-Printer Duplex $824
Duplex printing option(criminal fingerprint cards and applicant fingerprint cards) dongle only(for ILS/2 LiveScans)
$3,820 $0 $0 $3,820
Year 2 Maintenance-duplex printing option;dongle only $573
Paper Tray for ILS/2Livescan Printer $5321 $01 $0 $532
Year 2 Maintenance-Paper Tray for ILS/2 Livescan Printer $81
Color Laser Printer,Duplex $6331 $01 $0 $633
Year 2 Maintenance-Color Laser Printer,Duplex $95
Printer Tray for Color Laser Printer $2981 $01 $0 $298
Year 2 Maintenance-Printer Tra for Color Laser Printer $45
Fingerprint-Desktop Scanners(e.g.,flatbeds)
Flatbed Scanner V800 $936 $0 $0 $936
Fingerprint-Mobile Capture Device(handheld device)
Morpholdent Mobile Device-Unit price up to 25 units $223 $319 $1,265 $1,808
Morpholdent Mobile Device- Unit price from 26—100 units $223 $319 $1,106 $1,648
Morpholdent Mobile Device -Unit price from 101 —200 units $223 $319 $893 $1,435
Morpholdent Mobile Device -Unit price from 201 —500 units $223 $319 $681 $1,223
Year 2 Maintenance-MorpholDent Mobile Device $186
MorpholDent Professional Services(up to 2 weeks) $0 $0 $17,012 $17,012
MorpholDent USB Bluetooth 2.1 -Bluetooth Adapter $27 $0 $0 $27
Year 2 Maintenance-MorpholDent Bluetooth 2.1 USB Micro Adapter $4
MorpholDent BT/PIV Black Protective Sleeve $48 $0 $0 $48
MorpholDent Training:First 4 students $0 $0 $1,170 $1,170
MorpholDent Training:each additional 4 students $0 $0 $936 $936
Credence Two Mobile Device-Unit price up to 25 units $1,159 $532 $968 $2,658
Credence Two Mobile Device- Unit price from 26—100 units $1,159 $5321 $861 $2,552
Credence Two Mobile Device -Unit price from 101 —200 units $1,159 $532 $755 $2,446
Credence Two Mobile Device -Unit price from 201 —500 units $1,159 $532 $649 $2,339
Year 2 Maintenance-Credence Two Mobile Device $505
Fingerprint-Mobile Capture Device(for DNA query)
Please see the Mor•holDent o•tions under"Fin•er•rint-Mobile Ca•ture Device handheld device"
Fingerprint-Digital Archive System(for tenprints and mug photos)
Server storage is included with the MBIS AFIS solution under the AZAFIS Benchmark Pricing Tab of Attachment 4
Pricing Worksheet.To add archive storage to your current system,please request a quote from your Program
Record Archive Server Concurrent User Licenses(10) $01 $10,6331 $0 $10,633
Year 2 Maintenance-Record Archive Server Concurrent User Licenses 10 $1,276
Carrying Case for Portable LiveScan $1,063 $0 $0 $1,063
MorphoBlS Latent Digital Camera Upgrade $13,822 $0 $0 $13,822
Year 2 Maintenance-Mor•hoBIS Latent Di!ital Camera U••rade $2,073
Mug Photo Camera
Digital Mugshot capture option for cabinet livescans $1,701 $0 $0 $1,701
Year 2 Maintenance-Digital Mugshot capture option for cabinet livescans $255
Digital Mugshot capture option for desktop or portable livescans $1,4091 $01 $0 $1,409
Year 2 Maintenance-Di•ital Mu•shot ca.ture o.tion for deskto• or sortable livescans $212
Mu. Photo Ca.ture Workstation
IDEM IA's Mug Photo Capture workstation consists of a Livescan with a Mug Photo Camera-customers may choose
options from above.
Mug Photo Storage
Mug Photo Storage is included with the MBIS AFIS solution under the AZAFIS Benchmark Pricing Tab of Attachment
4 Pricing Worksheet.To add storage to your current system,please request a quote from your Program Manager
Facial Recognition System(priced as an optional add-on to the AZAFIS solution)
See the"AzAFIS Benchmark Pricing"Tab
Facial Recognition Workstation
Morpho Face Expert Workstation $2,839 $7,974 $1,946 $12,758
Year 2 Maintenance-Morpho Face Expert Workstation $1,601
Morpho Face Expert Workstation License $01 $8,5051 $0 $8,505
Year 2 Maintenance-Morpho Face Expert Workstation License $1,021
Morpho Face Detective Concurrent User Licenses(5) 501 $21,2631 $0 $21,263
Year 2 Maintenance-Mor.ho Face Detective Concurrent User Licenses 5 $2,552
Facial Recognition-Mobile Device
Not currentl available,but•tanned for 2019
Facial Reco!ntion Stora!e
Included with the Facial Reco.nition S stem
Store and Forward Workstation
Arizona Store and Forward $1,098 $42,526 $9,534 $53,158
Year 2 Maintenance-Arizona Store and Forward $7,894
Iris E.ulpment-Mobile Device(-hone,handheld,and multimodal
Not currently available
Other Biometric Equipment
AFIS Administrator Workstation:MorphoBlS Review Workstation,no furniture $1.701 S21.263 511.588 $34,553
Year 2 Maintenance-MorphoBlS Review Workstation,no furniture $5,421
MorphoBlS Remote Cluster Server $10,1001 SO1 $0 $10,100
Year 2 Maintenance-MorphoBlS Remote Cluster Server $1,585
Demographic data entry(DDE)Workstation $2.6741 $2.6581 $2,631 $7,963
Year 2 Maintenance for-Demographic Data Entry Workstation $1,194
Year 2 Maintenance-DigiScan Web Full Client Workstation $636
Year 2 Maintenance-DigiScan Web License $525
BioGuard Server License sot S8.442I $0 $8,442
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Server License $1,519
BioGuard Server Morpho Fingerprint Matcher License sot 59.2061 SO $9,206
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Server Morpho Fingerprint Matcher License _ _ $1,657
BioGuard Client Base License S01 S1.8681 SO $1,868
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Client Base License $336
BioGuard Morpho Finger Device License S0I $1.2001 SO $1,200
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Morpho Finger Device License $216
BioGuard AXIS Camera Device License SOI $5501 SO $550
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard AXIS Camera Device License $99
BioGuard Client Personnel Management License SO! $5,9211 SO $5,921
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Client Personnel Management License $1,066
BioGuard Client Access Control License SO1 $2,8241 SO $2,824
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Client Access Control License $508
BioGuard Client Static Reporting License sot $3,3491 SO $3,349
Year 2 Maintenance-BioGuard Client Static Reporting License $603
MorphoSmart Optic 300 $1.414 $0 SO $1,414
Prescan pad,3 x 4.5" $106 $0 SO $106
_MSO VP Mounting Kit _ __ $474 $0 SO $474
MSO VP 10.000 User Expansion Pack $510 $0 SO $510
MSO Verif License(Enhanced enrollment) SO $285 S0 $285
AXIS M1114 $1.393 $0 SO $1,393
POE Injector $71 $0 SO $71
Year 2 Maintenance(FY 2018/2019.Agreement#004297-000)-Current MorphoBlS AZAFIS system servers,
Licenses,MorphoBlS TEW/LEW/Review workstations,gateways, LiveScans,SAN Switches,printers etc.,located
at central and remote AZDPS sites.Maintenance pricing in year 3 and thereafter,to escalate at 5%per annum over
year 2. $1,502,835
Year 2 Maintenance(FY 2018/2019,Agreement#004297-000)—Legacy AZDPS equipment,including DigiScan
Web server/workstations,RAS workstations and monitors,livescans, printers.high speed scanners, MorpholDents
etc., located at the following agencies:
AZDPS,Apache,Cochise,Coconino,Gila,Graham,Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Navajo,Pinal, Pima,Santa Cruz,
Yavapai,Yuma,Kingman, Pinetop/Lakeside, Dept.of Juvenile Corrections.
Maintenance pricing in year 3 and thereafter,to escalate at 5%per annum over year 2 $117,135
1 Assumptions and Conditions
This section summarizes assumptions and conditions associated with our offer. They may be stated in
other responses, but we have listed them here for convenience. They are also provided on our web page.
1.1 General
The following are general assumptions and conditions related to IDEMIA's offerings.
• The term"current" refers to the date of this document.August 2018.
• IDEMIA software can only be loaded on hardware provided by IDEMIA or meeting IDEMIA's
configuration requirements. Please contact IDEMIA before attempting to purchase software to be loaded
on hardware not provided by IDEMIA to confirm compliance.
• Applicant Fingerprint Services will provide a complete en-to-end solution utilizing IDEMIA hardware.
software, and provider network.
• The customer will provide the facility resources necessary for equipment installation and operation,
including access, space: environmental controls, and electrical power in accordance with IDEMIA
specifications for solutions other than the EFAP and Cloud deployments.
• The customer is responsible for the network and network security other than for EFAP.The network
must meet IDEMIA's minimum specifications.
• Maintenance and support for all hardware running IDEMIA software must be provided by IDEMIA.
• IDEMIA does not currently accept P-Cards and pricing does not include fees resulting from the use of
Purchase Cards.We will consider accepting P-Cards, but any processing fees will be added to orders
that utilize this purenasing method.
1.1 Workstations and Devices
The following are the assumptions and conditions related to the proposed workstations and devices.
• General:
• Support for two-factor authentication is available as an option and must be quoted.
• Latent and Tenprint:
• The proposed Latent Print workstations,Tenprint workstations, and Tenprint and Latent(multimodal)
workstations will only work when interfaced with an IDEMIA AFIS, such as the current AZAFIS. The
interface is included.
• Workflows documented in the current AZDPS design documentation will be included. Additional or
changed workflows are available as an option and must be quoted.
• The workstations will be configured to print to a networked card printer if one is available. The printer
must be provided by IDEMIA or meet IDEMIA's specifications.
• Training is provided as an option.
• Livescans:
• Livescans include an interface to the AZAFIS and will be configured according to the latest Livescan-
AFIS Interface Control Document(ICD), regardless of the AFIS manufacturer.
• Additional interfaces; such as to a local Jail Management System, are available as an option and
must be quoted. (They may be$0 if already configured for deployed Livescans)
• Livescan workflows documented in the current AZDPS design documentation will be included.
Additional or changed workflows are available as an option and must be quoted.
• Livescan pricing includes one training session for up to five individuals.
• Base Livescans do not include a camera for face or SMT image capture. The appropriate Mug Photo
Camera option must be purchased to add the camera.
1.2 Automated Fingerprint Identification System Solution
The following are the assumptions and conditions related to the proposed Automated Fingerprint
Identification System(AFIS)solution.
• AFIS pricing is estimated based on the information provided and must be confirmed in an updated
quote prior to purchase.
• All current workflows and interfaces will be supported.
• Implementation services include a Factory Acceptance Test(FAT), Site Acceptance Test(SAT).
Administrator Training. and at least two weeks of on-site support after go-live.
• Tenprint, Latent, and Multimodal workstations integrated with the AFIS must be running IDEMIA
software in order to be compatible
1.3 Facial Recognition System
The following are the assumptions and conditions related to the proposed Facial Recognition solution.
• The facial recognition system will be integrated with the AFIS and cannot be deployed as a stand-
alone solution.
1.4 Enrollment Services
The following are the assumptions and conditions related to the proposed Applicant Fingerprint Services
• Arizona State Police must make available proper personal and time for configuration and testing of
applicant records via the states AFIS.
• State Agencies must have a valid ORI for processing of state applicant background checks.
Scope of Work
See Attached
5515 E.La Palma Ave.,Suite 100
Anaheim,CA 92807
Tel: (714)238-2000
March 19, 2019
Robert Miller CLPE
Glendale Police Department
6835 N. 57th Drive
Glendale, AZ 85301
Email: rmillera(�glendaleaz.com
Tel: (623)930-3318
RE: Extension to Maintenance and Support Agreement#004845-000
Dear Robert Miller CLPE,
By means of this letter, Idemia Identity& Security USA LLC ("IDEMIA"or"Seller") hereby extends Glendale
Police Department Maintenance and Support Agreement for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
All terms and conditions of the original agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
Please indicate acceptance of this extension by signing in the acceptance block below and returning it to my
attention via Email at jenny.pelayo@idemia.com at your soonest convenience.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact me at (714) 575-2964 or e-mail
jenny.pelayoidemia.com. Thank you in advance.
Thank you,
Jenny Pelayo
Contract Administrator II
Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC
Accepted by:
Signed by: Signed by:
Printed Name: Michael Kato Printed Name: Rick. S SD
Title: Vice President TitleC, er C7F PCLICE
Date: March 19, 2019 Date: y - I°1
Reference:SA 004845-000 Page 1 of 3
Idemia•5515 East La Palma Avenue,Suite 100,Anaheim,CA 92807
Customer Support Center(800)734-6241 • Email:cscenter(a�ldemia.com •www.ldemia.com
Description of Covered Products
CUSTOMER: Glendale Police Department
The following table lists the Products under maintenance coverage:
Product Description Node Qty Fee
Printer Lexmark T650 AZLPTGLN02 1 $763.22
RAS Record Archive Server AZMPOGLNO1 1 $133.63
DigiScan Web Full Client(Hardware 1
DigiScan Software) AZMDSGLNO1 1 $369.97
Printer Lexmark MS-810 AZLPTGLNO1 1 $346.71
ELSA P255/M Livescan booking workstation,palms and AZMELGLNO1 1 $4,823.11
rolled fingerprints.mobile,500ppi
ELSA-P255/C Livescan booking workstation,palms and AZMELGLNO2 1 $3,825.77
rolled fingerprints,cabinet,500 ppi
MorpholDent MorpholDent AZMMIGLNO3-17 15 $2,197.39
Server Remote Server Remote Cluster AZMBCGLN00 1
Cluster $1,190.20
MorphoBlS Tenprint/Latent Expert Workstation AZMBCGLNO1 2 $18,542.05
Workstation AZMBCGLNO2
Note: Initial annual fee based on pricing listed on Contract# CTR040047, subject to annual 5% escalation in
each subsequent renewal term.
Reference:SA 004845-000 Page 2 of 3
Idemia•5515 East La Palma Avenue,Suite 100,Anaheim,CA 92807
Customer Support Center(800)734-6241 •Email:cscenter(a ldemia.com•www.Idemia.com
Exhibit-C: Support Plan Options and Pricing Worksheet
Maintenance and Support Agreement# 004845-000 Date March 28,2018
New Term Effective Start July 1, 2019 End June 30,2020
Customer: Glendale Police Department Billing Agency:
Address(1): 6835 N.57th Drive Address(1):
Address(2): Address(2):
City/State/Zip: Glendale,AZ 85301 City/State/Zip:
Contact Name: Robert Miller CLPE Contact Name:
Telephone: (623)930-3318 Telephone:
Fax: Fax:
Email: rmiller@glendaleaz.com Email:
®Latent Station ®LiveScanTM Station ❑MORPHO BIS System
® Advantage—Software Support $32,192.05
• Telephone Response:2 Hour • Standard Releases&Updates • Supplemental Releases&Updates
• Remote Dial-In Analysis • Software Customer Alert Bulletins • 8 a.m.—5 p.m.Monday to Friday PPM
Standard Support:Sub-TOTAL $32,192.05
® On-Site Hardware Support $ Included
• 8 a.m.—5 p.m. Monday to Friday PPM • Next day PPM On-site Response • Defective Parts Replacement
® Parts Support $ Included
• Parts Ordered&Shipped Next Business Day • Parts Customer Alert Bulletins
If customer is providing their own on-site hardware support,the following applies:
➢ Customer Orders&Replaces Parts - Telephone Technical Support for Parts Replacement Available
• Increase PPM to 24x7 software support $Included
• Increase Response Time to 4 hour onsite and 1 hour telephone $Included
Support Options:Sub-TOTAL $ Included as checked
GRAND TOTAL $32,192.05
Please note: This is not an invoice. An Invoice will be provided after receipt of the signed document.
Reference:SA 004845-000 Page 3 of 3
Idemia•5515 East La Palma Avenue,Suite 100,Anaheim,CA 92807
Customer Support Center(800)734-6241 • Email:cscenterRldemia.com•www.Idemia.com
The total purchase price for the supplies and/or services for this purchase shall not exceed one
hundred seventy-seven thousand eight hundred eighty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents
($177,881.39) for the entire term of the Agreement (initial term plus any renewals). This not to
exceed amount includes the 5%rate increase annually.
Year 1 -$32,192.05
Year 2-$33,801.65
Year 3 -$35,491.73
Year 4-$37,266.32
Year 5 -$39,129.64