HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty #: 11056 - 8/10/2016#gT-f #tH{aK rjltf,GlNfl I- /Retum to: BESOURCE REAL ESTATE SERVICEs. LLC 300 Hsg€rool( Blvd. Owinos Mills, MD 21117 {410) 654-5550Mr fuqorcc{ 67t Oty of Clendale Community Rsvilalization Dvision 6829 N. 58e Drivc, Suite 104 Glendele.l{Z 85301 Hh+oB-16-to33) OFFICIAL RECOBDS OF },IARICOPA COUNIY RECORDER ASI.EN PI'RCE'JI 20160835915 ttlL0120]-6 L2t38 EI.ECTRONIC RECORDING 14?9149598? 9 4- 4-2'2-- Yorks c-l1056 08/10/2016 SUBORDINATION AGRSEI'ENT This agreement, made AuSrust 10. 2016 . is amoog the follou'ing parties Dale L. Cargon (*Ownsrg"); the CITY OF GLENDALE. a municipal corporation (€ity'); and ConscssionalBakISAOAATIMA. fkndefJ. RECITAIS: Subjcct Propaty: Iot Ssven Thousand Swsr Huodred Fifty Four (7754), MARYVALE TERRACE 2SAe accoilding to thc plat of reoord h the office of lhe County Recordcr of Mricopa County, Arizona" recoded in Book 79 of Maps, page 19. Ihe subjccl proparty is subj€ct to fic following lieos: 1. A notc in thc original amount of $126.000.00 sccured by a Decd ofTnrsg cach dafed Decembcr 4. 2007. The Dced of Trust was recorded on Desetnber l0 2007. at the Maricopa County Rocordo, No. 20071295115 . {Lien l) 2. A note ia the original amount of $ 25-000.fi1 secured by a Deed of Ttust, esf,Jh datod May2L2@6 The Deed of Tnrst wos rccordad oo June l. 2006 at the Marioopa County Recorder, No. 06-0746127 The City is the currort benoficiary, (Lien 2) owne$ wish to e,xcsute a note in the amoqt of $ 132.000.00 in favor of Lcndcr, sscured by a Deed of Tnst of which Leirds will be the beneficiary and which will constit'te a lien on the subjeet puperty. (Lieo 3) This loan transa€tioa is for rhe purpose of refinancing Lien t. As a coodition prccodert to rnaking the loan (Licn 3) to owners, r.,lrfiEr roquires that thc city subo,rdinate it$ s€cluity inte,rcst (Lien 2) to Lender,s security intsr€st (Lien 3) created by the new loilt taruactioa, TERIT,TS: The Prrties agree that: 1. Lien 3 and any renewals or extensions thcreot ehau unconditioually bc and remain a lien on the Subject Property prior and zuperior to Livt 2. 2. Lesdet shall pay in full the notc described in Lisn l. upon paymenl in full, Lcoder shall caus€ to be executed and recorded, a relesse and guisfaction ofthe Desd of Tnret ard note described as Uen l. OWNERS: LENDBR: By Na BENEFICIARY: STATEOFARTZONA County of Maricopa CITYOFGLENDALE el-2 A Kwin Phelps, City Manager ) ) ss. ) instrumeirt APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^ ,Th" foregoing instrumedt was acknowledged I A"^, tt "2o_f!rby 7.,^ o"n.:+c nd acknowledged beforc My Commission Expires: ? -)6-tq !,tclary fuub. Stdo tAltm .. . MARICOPACOUiITY t$y Commission Erpir€! Jut Zf, 2org STATEOFARTZONA ) CountyofMariorpa I '" YTiYe.Pi*" STATEOFARIZONA Countyof Mrricopa i ) ss. I 1rc forgsoine instrumcrit was acknowtedgcd before ms this20 .bv day of on behalfof COMPANY MyCornmitrion Erpircl N"ts,yPubii;-_