HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty #: C-9558-1 - 12/29/2014WHs]'r Rrconoeo RnruRx To AntzoNa DspeRrMrNr op TneI{sloRTATIoN, R/W Openeroi.qs Src. 205 S, 17rH Avr., MD 6l2E Psostlx, AZ 854A7-3212 Esclow Nc. AnTzoTIA DEPARTM ENT OF TRAN SPORTATION OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY R:CORDER 201 70391 s1 8,tSI31 12917 08 : 39,701 t 958WE'5-1'1 --, N ELECTRONIC R:CORI)]NG c-9558-1 L212912014 Wxux-x f,AgffiwfiffiNfT CITY OF GLENDALX, an Arizona municipal corporatica,, the Grantor, for the consideration of ONE DOLLAR AND OTH3R VALUABLI CONSIDERATION, does hereby grant and convoy io the STATE OF ARIZONA, by and through its Department Of Transportation, and its successors or assigns, the Grantee, a perpetual easemsnt over, and acro$s that certain real property situated in Maricopa County, Arizona and described in Fxhibit "A" attached hereto, together with the right of reasonable access to said property over and across the property that adjoins said property, oaly for the maintenance of the structural integrity of walls, but doss not include repair of damages to or neglect by others of the walls constructed in said easemer*, as outlined in IGA/JPA 13-0002457-I dated December 29,2014 belween the abcve named Grantor and Grantee for Crand Avenue, 71tl Avenue to 43'd Avenue, said easement described as: SEE EXHIBIT 65A'' ATTACHED HERETO AND BY REFERANCA MA}A A PART HEREOF. At such time any of the above granted easement is no longer required by the Grantee, or its assigns, the rights 1o the particular easenrent shall cease and terminate only upon resolution by the governing body of the entity holding said easement interest. The resolution shall take effsct when recorded in the office of the County Recordsr of the county in which the easement is located. PARCEI,: 7-11958?ROJ[CT: 60 MA 149H7292 43'o Avenue - 71" Avenue ag 7-16-2415 IN \YITI.IESS WFmREOF,lhis inshument is exsculsd this I p day of iloTARY cn&nr'$An0r Capaeity claimed by signer(s) tr llrn:vmual(s) tr Colponara tr AT].oRNEY-IN-FAcT E Tnus:es(s)ar c OrrrcBn{s) ) )ss ) OIANNE BUR1 taoEy Publ|c - Sldc of lrkal MARICOPACOUNTY My Conmhsion Erpksc l,lry Cl, 2OlS srArEoF Arizowa ccuNry or {ylariup" Before ^r, . Del.qnfi-U b-V fT ;nuonor*,**ro*r** (Name of Notarv) Zri lapersona l ly-appeared B Orsrn personally known -OR- tr proved to ms to be the person(s) whose nan:e (s) islare subscrtbed to the withi:r instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed llre samo in his/her/their autiorizod oapacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturr(s) on the instrumstt the person(s), or the ertity on bshalf of which the porson(s) aotsd, executed the instrument. My commission oxpires: {f}rt,#/,,70tq Approved by tho Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation filiit',,.i:: -._ ,zoj:-* Acoepled: STATtr O3 AnI7ONA Right of ![ay Manager Document Type: WE ParcelNo.: 7-l l95S DESCRIPTION FOR WALL NASEMSNT Traci Ngi !: That portion of Lot 11, HAISELL'S ADDITION TO CLENDALE, according to Book 2 of ldaps, Page 10, records of Maricopa County, Arizona, located in the East half of the Northwest quafier (E%NW/I) of Section 6, Township 2 Nor:h, Range 2 East, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, described as fcllows: COMMENCING ai a 3 inch AHD brass cap in handhole 0,5 foot below roadway marking the Csnter quarter corner of said Section 6, being South 00"18'56" Wsst 2636.85 feet from a3 iach Glendale brass cap flush with rcadway marking the North quarter corner of said Seclion 6; thence along the North - South mid section line of said Section 6, No:th 00o18'56" Sast 165.84 feet to the construction centerline of U.S. Highway 60 (WICKENBURG - PHOENIX HIGHWAYXGRAND AVENUE); thence along said conslruction centerline of U.S. Highway 60, North 44o36'22" West 257,71 feet; thpnce North 45o23'38" East ?4.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING on the relocated northeasterly right of way line of said U.S. Highway 60; thence along said relocated northeasterly right of way line, North 43o37'38u S/est 442.94 feet; thence continuing along said relocated northeasterly right of way line, North 44o40'03" West 390.54 feet; thence continuing along said relocated northsasterly righl of way line, from a Local Tangent Bearing of North 44o40'03" West, along a curve to the Right, having a radius of 4950.00 feet, a length of 460.89 feet; thence North 89o35'23" East 12.97 feet: thence lrom a Local Tangent Beatilg cf South 39o59'53" East, along a curve to the Left, having a radius of 4940.00 feet, a length of 4A2.62feet; thence South 44o40'03' East 39S.63 feet; (continued) g)fiIIBIT'AO PAqE T Unassigned LOCATION: zl3 Aver:ue-Tl"Avenue sw 07-23-24t5 PROJECT: 60 MA r49H7292 PARCEL: 7-11958 thence South 43o37'38" East 452.19 feet: thence South 88"55'30" Wesl 13.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TraqtNo.2; That portion of Lo1 4, HADSELL'S ADDITION TO OIENDALE, according to Book 2 of Maps, Page 10, records of Mariccpa County, Arir*na,located in the West half cf the Northwest quarter (W?rNW%) of Section 6, Township 2 North, Range 2 3ast, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Maricopa County, hsizona, described as follows: COMMENCING at a3 ilch AHD brass cap in handhole 0,5 foot below roadway marking the No*hwest corner of said Section 6, being South 88"50'51" West 2442.50 feet from a 3 inch Glsndale brass cap flush with roadway marking the Ncrth quarter cornsr of said Section 6; thence along the North line of said Section 6, North 88"50'51" East 38.87 feet to the construction centerline of U.3, Highway 60 ($/ICKENBURG - PHOENIX HIOHWAYXGRAND AVENUE); thence along said construction centerline of U.S. Highway 60, South 44o36'22" East 260.68 feet; thence North 45o23'38" East 94.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING on the relocated northeasterly right of way line of said U,S. Highway 60; thence along said relocated northeasterly right of way line of U.S. Highway 60, North 20o03'43" East 10.69 feet; thence from a Local Tangent Bearing of South 49o11'l l " East, along a curve to the k11, having a radius of 2430.00 feet, a lenglh of 157,50 feet; thence South 50o12'31" East 130.66 feel; thence from a Local Tangent Bearing of South 51o55'53u East, along a curve to the Right, having a radius of 2560.00 fee1, a length of 428,79 feet; thence South 87"36'12" West 13.06 feet; (continued) rufiIIBIT OAO P"$.qa g Unassigned (wE) Avenue- 71 Avenue sw 07-23-2A15 PROTECT: 60 MA 149H7292 LOCATION: 43 PARCEL: ?-11958 thense from a Local Tangent Bearing of North 4231'23" West, along a curve to the Left, having a radi:s of 2550.00 feet, a length of 418.73 feel; thence North 5So12'23" West 180.50 feet; thence from a Local Tangent Bearing of North 52"54'00u West, along a curve to the Right, radius of 2440.00 feet, a length of 154.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINO, il(HIBIT OTL' r*.eE I PROJECT: 60 MA 149H7292 LOCATION: 43'o Avenue - 7l" Avenue PARCEL: 7-l1958 Unassigned (wE)sw A7-23-2015