HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract # : 11346 - B & F CONTRACTING - Execution Date: 11/22/2016Ci'fV SLi:itKNRICINAL LINKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GLENDALE, ARIZONA AI{D B & F CONTRACTING,INC. c-I1346 ru22t2016 NOUA1yTIFIS LINKING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement') is entered into as of this &{^, *' Oa;SeH 2016, benx'een the City of Glendde, ur Aizona municipd corporation (the "City'), and B&F Contracting lnc., tn Aizonr corporation ('Contractot'), collectiv"ly, th.'?ardes." RECITALS A. On May 22,2014, under the S.A.V.E. Cooperative Puchasing Agreement, the City of Peoria entered into a contract with Contractor to purchase the goods and services descdbed in the Job Oder Contract for ITet Utility Pipelioe Proiects ('Coopemtive Puchasing Agreement'), which is atached heteto as Exhibit A. The Cooperative Purchasing Agteement permits its cooperative use by other governmenal agencies including the City. B. Section 2-149 of the City's Procurement Code pemrits the Materials Manager to procure goods and services by participating with other governmenal units in cooperative purchasing agreements when the best interests of the City would be sen'ed. C. Section 2-149 dso provides that the Materials Manager m:ry enter into such cooperative agreements without meeting the formal or informd soliciation and bid requLements of Glendde City Code Sections 2-145 md2-146. D. The City desires to contract with Contractor for supplies or services identical or neady identical to the supplies or services Contractor is providing other units of government under the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. Contractor consents to the City's urilizxtiqs of the Cooperative Puchasing Agreement as the basis of this Agreemeng and Contractor desires to enter into this Agreement to provide the supplies and sernices set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are incoqporated by teference, and the covenants and promises contained in this Linking Agreemeng the panies agree as follows: 1. Temr of Agreement. The City is puchasing the supplies and/or senrices ftom Contractor pursunnt to the Cooperative Puchasing Agreement. According to the Cooperative Puchasing Agreement puchases can be made by govenrmenal entities from the date of award, which was May 22,2074, until the &te the contract expires on May 37,2015, unless the tenn of the Cooperative Puchasing Agreement is extended by the munral agreement of the original contracnng parties. The Cooperative Puchasing Agreemeng however, rury not be extended beyond Mry 37,2079. The initial period of this Agreemeng therefore, is the period ftom the Effective Date of this Agreement until May 31, 2017. The City Manager or 6gsge? however, flray renew the term of this Agrcement for two (2) one year periods until 8/r0/16 2. the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement expires on May 31, 2019. Renewals are not automatic and shdl only occut if the City gives the Contractor notice of its intent to renew. The City nr:ry glve the Contractot notice of its intent to renew this Agreement 30 days ptior to the anniversary of the Effective Date to effecnrate such renewd. Scope of Vorh Temrs- Conditions. and Specifications. A. Contractor shall prcvide City the supplies and/or services identified in the Scope of rUfork attached as Exhibit B. B. Contractor agrees to comply with all the temrs, conditions and specifications of the Coopemtive Puchasing Agteement. Such terms, conditions and specifications are specifically incoqporated into and are an enforceable part of this Agreement Compensation. A. City shdl pay Contractor compensation at the same rate and on the same schedule as provided in the Coopentive Purchasing Agreement, which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. B. The toal purchase price for the supplies and/or senrices purchased under this Agreement shdl not exceed three hundred eighty-nx'o thousand, eight hundred and fotty-four dollars and sixty-thee cents ({382,U4.63) for the entire tenn of the Agreement (i"iti^l ternr plus any renewals). Cancellation. This Agreement may be cancelled pursumt to A.R.S. S 38-511. Non-discrimination. Contractor must not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, nadonal origin, agp, marital stanrs, sexud odenation, gender identity ot expression, genetic chaactedstics, familial sanrs, U.S. miliary veteran stanrs or any disability. Contractor will requLe any Sub-contractor to be bound to the same requhements as stated within this section. Contmctor, and on behdf of any subcontractors, wanants compliance with this section. 6. Insurance Certificate. A certificate of insurance applyiag to this Agreement must be provided to the City prior to the Effective Date. E-veri&. Contractor complies with A.R.S. S 23-214 and 4grees to comply with the rcquLements of A.R.S. S 41-,+401. No Boycott of Israel. The Parties agree that they arc not curently engaged in, and agree that for the duation of the Agreement they will not engage in, a boycon of Israel, as that term is de6ned in A.R.S. 535-393. Notices. Any notices that must be provided under this Agreement shall be sent to the Parties'respective authotized representatives at the address listed below: 3. 5. 7. 8. 9. 8/ro/16 City of Glendale c/o Ms. Kelly Hargadin 5850 W. Glendale Avenue, Ste. 315 Glendde, Arizona 85301 623-930-364r and B&F Contracting,Inc. c/o Mr. Bnrce tD7. Balls 110t1 North 23d Avenue Phoenix, AZ 850n 623-582-1770 IN T0TITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and yeat set foth above. *City'' City of Glendale, an Atizona municipal corporation "Contractor" By, Kevin R. Phelps City Manager Nam Tide:General Man4ger ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: B&F Contracting Inc., Ciw Cle* 8/ro/16 LINKNGAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GLENDALE, ARIZONA AI\ID B & F CONTRACTING,INC. EXHIBITA Job Order Contmct for l(/et Utility Pipeline Proiects - ACON23314 Accepance of Offer and Contract Awatd Mry 31,2014 Contract Amendment One (1) to extend tenn to May 31,2016 Contract Amendment Two (2) to extend temr to May 31,2017 8/r0/16 llat dab llanagement Procurment 9E75N.85hAw..2dFl. Pgorlq A285345 Tefephom: (6Zl.1 77 3-7 1 l5 Foc (623) 773,.7116 Buytn UoaHoug.CPPB CONTRACT AMENDMENT Solbltation No. P14-0062A Page 1 of 1 Dcsctittion: JOC forWet utifity Pipeline Prctiects No. Turo (2) Date: 4/1U16 |naccordancewfththeContractSpecia|TErmsandConditions,@,theabove referen€d oontracfi shallexpire oi 5/31/16. The contract is being extended and the new contract term is: 6/1/16 to 5191117. @gco rtcaht.nd .gn€mont A clgncd copy rhell bc lllcd wllh thc Clty of Prode, trtcrLb llrnrgrment Dlvblon. 1 . t X -)o16 Tlrcmas F. Foley, Prcddent- Dete TypedilameeidTide B&FContiaclho.|rc. Compeny Nare ll0l1 N.23dAvenue Phoenlx Clty AZ 85029 7pW Clty CC Numbcr ACOM33148 Conlract Nunbsr C[ySed copydgH2000 CtyofPcoda. Atsona Tho $ove leb7errced ContadAmendmcnt b hanW Excalbd: rt Pcoda, &tsona llanalBrDan AC0N23 3148 (Rooere0nt)CF GoNTRACT AMENqilENT Xrbtbblrtegernrt Ffocurunrt s73]t.!CIAF..f Ft. P.ofb.AZ4tr45 TCcplro|l: GaOTllttl5' Fr (la3)?7+7llt ertar: LLHcte.CPPB 9olicfbfiton]tlo. Pl4{0fi14 P.$f of I Doroipdm: JOC lbrllfit Uflry Plpcinc Prol.Ca fmcndnsrtl{o. Om(l) Oe: Agl|tf.20rs In accodance wlth h€ Contlct SpeOat Tclttts cnd Condltlom, @ the abovc r€filn€d'onbactlhlll oplrr on lIry 31, 2015. Ths€onbld b bcing c,Gndcd md hc ncw confract bm ls: June l, 20fO !o lry 31,2016. |sdDr rd f'|.rot A rltrd cogt ah|l f. fl.d |fli Or Cllt of i.crb| SttLb 8&FConfrrlhg lm. E-7T]T-TlD.di|.mr'dTtr.CoapmtIm. AZ t6@9ll0ll ll.ef tvcnrp Pholnh Adrlu Crt sn 4cqb ArffiD: u GarlnEq, OCilunDcr A@itutrrn Conhrcl ilunlr Wturwl Joc l(mn. Englmfie St?.n iror .. Appo,tdatbFonn: t,T flp roop rturrtl conbgAmailnar b |If$t ErqrH: (brffinlCF igofretl4A City of Peoria, Arizona Job Order Contract JOC for Wet Utility Projects Location: City of Peoriq lrfaterials Mrnagement Contecl: Lisa Houg CPPB Phone: (6231773-7115Maifing Ad&cs: 9t?5 N. lst A"e., 2d Fl., Peoria, Azt3345 I l0l I N.23d Avenue ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND CONTRACT AWARD (For Clly of Peorh Usc Only) YoUr olfcr b bcr4y DqFcd. Ttc Cootdc b nor bound ro letl thc oduruqin cr,ioc3 Bnd by lbc rodrod rr}|rd naior brrcd qar ttrdidtlion, inclultg dl ma$narnr. ctc.. of rbe contrg md dre Conruc'l olEr rslocatcd by hc Oty. ltc Corago it hcrcby ouiootd |n b oiln@ oy hT-lc nufq,Uroft&iy rrrcrd, svtec cor&rpin undcr ldroorrrr it C|c.|ilGd lliic lo ftoocd nd ftrdc oader. AcoN2iiri Rcv(l/lryl3)CF JOB ORDER CONTRACT Pl4-0062 lVet Utility Pipeline Projects CONTRACT T1OR CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE T ARTICLE 2 ARTICI,E 3 ARTICLE 4 ARTICLE 5 ARTICLE 6 ARTICLE 7 ARTICLE 8 ARTICLE 9 ARTICI,E IO ARTTCLE II ARTICLE 12 ARTICLE T3 ARTICLE 14 ARTICLE T5 ARTICLE T6 ATTACIIMENTS Attachment A Anachment B Attachment C Attrachment D JOB ORDER CONTRACT AGREEMENT TABLE OF COTTTENTS DEFINITIONS CONTRACT TERM PERTORIT{ANCE OF TIIE WORK JOB ORDER DOCT'MENTS MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SITE CONDITIONS JOB ORDER SCIIEDT'LES INSPECTION OF' CONSTRUCTION AT{D ACCEPTAT{CE INVOICING AND PAYMENT CEANGES INSI'RAT{CE & BONDS INDEMNIFICATION DISPI'TES TERIVTINATION AND DEFAT'LT WARRAI{TY OF CONSTRUCTION STAT{DARII TERMS AND CONDITIONS JOC Creneral Scope of Scrvices SIQ & Contractor's Response JOC Cos Prcposal Forms @ricing Matrix, Projcct Cost Sheet) Contractor's Conacts & Authorized Signature Form Rcr(lYjOli)CF -J- JOB ORDER CONTRACTING CONTRACT THISCONTMCTisentered intoand madeeffectivethe lst dayof June.2014 by and between the City of Peoria, Anzfir4- an Arizom charter municipality (the *orynei), and B&l' Contnc{lno , (the'Job Order ConractorJ. The parties agrce as follows: I. DDFINITIONS. l.l. SEgf. Ovncr means Ovnerrs senior manager, Contraoting Offrcer or a duly arthorizcd representativc which means any pcrson specifically authorized to act for Ovner by executing the Confact and any modification thereto. Ownerls duties include adminisfiation of the Contract, inclding thc negotiation of change orden and modifications and assessing Job Order Contractot's technical performancc..and progrcss; inspecting and pcriodically rcporting on such perfonnancc and progrcss during thc stated pedod of performance, and fnally certifring as to thc acccptance of the Work in its cntircty or any portion thereoi as required by the Contract documents. 12. Job Order Contrrctor. Job Order Contractor means Job Order Contractot's senior manager or is duly authorized rcprcscntative or any person spocifically authoriad to act for Job frer Conbactor by executing the Conract, ard any modifications thereto. Job @er ConEactor's duties irrcludc adminiitraion of thc Contact and performance ofthe Work 13. Contrace Contract rneilts this agrcement including its atachments and any Job Orden tha may bc issued. l.a. Subcontnct Subcontract moans any Contract including purchase ordets (other than one involving an employer-employee relationship) entercd into by Job Order Contractor calling for equipment, supplies or sewices required for Contact performancc, including aty modifications thereto. 1.5. Job Ordea Job Onder mcans a spccific writtcn 4grccrnent bctween the Owner and the Job Order Confragtor for Work to be performed under this Contsact'for an individual, mutully agreod upon scope of worlc, schedulc and pnce. 1.5. gglb Work means in response to Job Onders that may be mutually agrcd upon and issued periodically by Owner, Job Order Contractor shall, except as may be specified elsewhenr in the Contract, fumish all necesary labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipmenq transportation, supervisiorL management, ud perform all operations necessary and roquired for survey, design, and constnrction work which will be defined and firther described as to specific project requircments in each Job Onder. Thc Work shall be performed in amordarrce with the rcquirements'sa forth in each Job Order and as firther specified in Ailrchmcnt "An(JOC Gcncral Scope of Senrices),2{ttacf,nunt 4B' (SIQ & Contmctor's Response), Anochncnt 'C" (JOC Cost Proposal Forms), and in Atachrrunt tD" (Contractor's Contac6), all of which are incorporated herein and made a part hcreof. 1.7. Puncb Lbt Prcoerrtlon. A minimdm of thirty (30) days prior. to Final @mpletion the Job Order Contractor, in conjunction with the Owner, shall prepare a comprchensive list of Punch list items, wbich thc Orner may edit and supplement. The Job Order Contractor shall procecd promptly to completc and conect Punch list items. Failure to include an item on the Punch list does not alter thc responsibility of the Job Order Conhastor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contret Documents. Wananties required by ttre @nuact Documents shall not commenoe untit the date of Final Completion unless oihenvise provided in the Contrart Documens. l.t Flnal Comoleilon. Final Comptetion of the Work shall be decmed to have occurcd on the latcr of thc datcs that the Work passcs a Final Complction inspection ud acceptmce by the Owrrr. Final Completion shall not be deemed to have occuned and no final paymcnt shall be duc the Job Ondcr Conractor or any of its subcontractors or suppliers until the Work has passed the Final Completion inspecrion and acceptance and all required Final Completion close-out documenlation items has been produced to the Owner by the Job Order Contractor. 1.9. Refercnce Strndards Rcv{lt|60lJ)CF 4- 1.9.1. The "Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" and the "Uniform Standard Details for Public lVor&s Construction' which are sponsored and distributed by the Maricopa Association of Govemments (tvtAG), and which are hereinaftcr refened to as thc "MAG Spccifications', are hcrcby adoptcd as part ofthese conerct documents. 1,92. July 15, 1997 by Section 23-50a of Ordinance 97-38, the City of Peoria adopted the "Uniform Standard Details for Public Works Construction from the Mricopa County Asociation of Governments by rcfcrence with ccnain cxcepions. 1.9J. A copy of these documents is kept on file at the Oflice of tlre City Clerk at the City of Peoria L COMRACTTERM 2.1. Contnct Tcrm. Tbe term of the Contract shall commcncc on the date it was executed by both parties and shall continuc for a pcriod of onc (l) year thceaftcr in accordancc with the tcrms and conditions of this Contract. By mutual unitan Conract Amendment, any resultant conract nay be extended for supplemental periods of up to a niodmum of forty*ight (48) months. Job Orders may be isuod at any time during the term of this Crntract. This @nfact will remain in full force and cffcct during the performancc of any Job Ordcr. 2;2. &LQf&g. In rcsponse to Job Orders that may be mutually ageed upon and issucd periodically by Orner, Job order Contractor shall pcrform thc Work, exoept as may bc specified elsewhcrc in thc Contract, which will be defined and further described as to spccific project requiremcnts in each Job Order. The Work shall be perfonned in accordance with the requirements set forth in each Job Order and as firther specifiod inAttar;hneat t',t"(JOC General Scope of Scwices), Altachmcnl ..8'(SIQ & Contractor's Response), Attocht Ent nC" QOC Cost hoposaf Forms), anilinAaachmcnt "D' (Contractor's Contacts), all of which arc incorporccd herein and made a part hereof. 23. !49!qd1lglggggg$ This @ntract embodies thc agreement of Owner and Job Onder Contractor to terms urd conditions which will govem any Wott tha may be prescribed under a Job Order that may be issued by Owner and agrccd to by Job Order Contrac{or. Nothing herein shall be constnred as requiring orvrter to issue any Job Oder, nor rcquiring Job Ondcr C;ontractor to accept any Job Ondcr, it being the intent that both parties must mutually agrce to any specific lVork before a Job Order may be issrcd. 2.4. @ This contract.shall be for the use of the City of Peoria. ln addition, specific eligiblc political suMivisions and nonprofit educatioml'or public health institutiom may also participae at their discraion In ordcr to participate in any the contract, a political suMivision or nonprofit cducational or public health institution must have been invited to panicipat€ in this specific solicitrtion ud the oontactor must be in agrcement with thc cooperative transaction. ln addition to coopcralivc purchasing any eligible agency may elect to participate (pigg/back) on the Gontracs the specific cligible politicat subdivision, nonprofit educational or public health instimion and the contractor must be in qgreement. Any orders placed to the contractor will be placed by the specific agencies participating in this puchase. Fayment for purchases made under this agreernent will be the sole responsibility of each participaing agency. The City shall not be resporsible for any disputes arising out of ramacrions madc by others. 3. PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 3.1. Job Order Aqrccmcnt Pcrformance of the Work shall be undertaken only upon thc issuance of wrinen Job Ordcn by Owner. Job Orden shall be in accordance with the requirements spccificd inAnachnlrlnt "A" (l@, General Scopc of SerVices), and shall sct forth, with thc necessary particularity, tlrc following: 3.1.1. Contract number along with Job Order Contnctoy's name; 3.f.2. Job Order number and date; 3.1.3. The agreed Work and applicable tcchnical specifications and drawingp; 3.1.4. The agreed period of performance and, if rcquired by Owner, a work schedule; 3.1.5. The place of performance; Ra,tllri(VlitCF -5- 3.f.5. The agreed total price for he Work to be performcd; 3.1.7. Submital rcquirements; 3.1.t Orner's authorized reprcentative who will accept the completed Work; 3.1.9. Signatures by the panies hercto signifying agreement with the spccilic terms of the Job Order; and 3.1.10. Such other information as may be necessary to pcrform the Worlc . 3.2. Job OrderContrrctorDuffcs rnd Obllotlors 3.2.1. Pernrh & Rcsoonslblllthg. Job Ordcr Contractor shatl be responsible for proccsing of drawings, for approral by appropriate oversight bodies; for obuining any nec€ssary liccnses and permits; and for complying with any Fedcral, Sate and municipal laws, codes, and reguluions applicable to the performancc of the Worls Orner will reimburse Job Order Conractor for the actual, documented costs of consruction permits requircd for the performance of the Work Job Order Contractor shall also be rcsponsible for all damages to persons or property that occur 8s a rcsult ofJob order contractot's fault or ncgfigence, and shall take propcr safety and hcalth precautions to protect the Worlq the workers, the public, and the property of othen. Job Order Contragtor shall also bc responsible for all macrials delivcrcd and work pcrformed until complction and acc€ptance of the entire Worlc, except for any completed unit of Work which may have been acccpted under the Contract. 3.2.2. Outdoor Constructlon Rcsdcdon* Peoria frinarrce No. 9E-l I resficts outdoor construction as listod in thc following table: Conrtnrctbn Typc Aprtl2 - Septenber 29 Scptcnbcr30-April l A Concrae Work 5:00 am. to 7:00 p.m.6:00 am. to 7:00 p.m. B CIher Construction (within 500 feet of residential area) 6:00 am. to 7:00 p.m.7:tx, am. to 7:u, p.m. c Construction Work (more than 500 feet ofresidential area) 5:00 am. to 7:00 p.m.5:(D am. to 7:00 p.m. No interfercnce with the trallic flow on arterial stieas shall be permined during the houn of 6:00 am. to 8:30 am. or from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. unless pior authorization is obtained in writing by thc City of Peoria Traffic Engineer or their assignee. Specific work hours may be qtipulated by the City of Peoria on the project barricadc plan. During offpeak hours, the minimum number of lmes shall be two lanes (one in cach direction) on sseets with four lanes or lcss and four larcs (two in cach dircction) on str€cts witr five or more lanes. Night work must have prior authorization from the City. ln addition, certain areas of the City may have seasonal or special event rcstrictions for construction work as designatcd by the City on a case by case basis. 323. @ During performancc ofa Job Order and until the Work is completed and accepted, Job Order Contractor shall dircctly superintcnd thc Work or assign a compctent superintcndcnt who will supervise the performance of Worlc and is satisfactory to Orvner and has authority to act for Job Order Contractor. Job Onder Contractor will ensure that the site supewisor for the projcct is English proficient and that there is u least one English proftcient person al the construction site at all times work is being performed in order to communicate wilh the city's projcct manager. 3.2.1.@JoborderContractorsha|||ayoutitsworkinaccordancewiththe Contract plans and specifications and shall be responsible for all measurements in connection with the layout of the Work Job Order Contractor shall fumish, at its own expense, all stakes, templates, platforms, equipment, tools, Rcv(lUJOI!)CF -6- materials, and labor required to layout any part of the Work. Job Order Conractor shall also be responsible for maintaining and preserving all connol points establishd by Owner. 3.25. @ Existing survey markers (either brass caps or iron pipcs) slull be protected by the Contracor or removed and replaced under direct supcnrision of the City Engineer or his authorized rcprcsentatives. Survey monumcnts shall be consbrcted to lhe requirements of [4AG Specifications, Section 405, and Standard Details. Lot corners shall not bc disorbcd wiftout knowlcdgc and consent of thc propsrty owner. The Contractor shall replace benchmarks, monuments, or lot comers moved or desttoycd during constnrction at no exp€nse to the Ovmer. Confactor and his sursties shall be liable for conect rcplacement of distnrbed survey benchmarks cxcept wherc the Ovrrcr clccts to rcplace suwey benchmarks using his own forces. 3,2.6. Ifdl!.$gb$gg$ All Haffic affected by this construction shall be regulatcd in accordarce widr the City of Phoenix - Traffic Banicdc manual, latest cditioq and ttrc City of Phoenix in the Traffic Banicade Manual shall be rpfened to as the City of Peoria City Engineer for intcrpretation. At the timc of the prc.consiruction confercnce, the Contractor shall designate an employee who is well qu,alified ud experienccd in corstruction fafiic control and safety to be rcsponsible for implemcnting monitoring and dtering raffic control measurc, as n€ce$sary. At the sarne time the City willdesignate a rpr€sentative who will be responsible to soc that dl traftic control and any alterations are implementcd and monitored to the extent tha traffic is canied throughout the work area in an efrcctivc manncr and that manncr and that motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and workers are protected from hazard and acci&nts. The following shall be considered major streets: All major Parkway, mile (section line), arterial and collector(mid-section line and quart€r scstion line) srecs so classified by the City of Peoria. All traftic control dcviccs required for this project shall be tlrc ruponsibility of tlrc Contractor. The Contractor shall plre advancc warnings; REDUCE SPEDD, I,OOSE GRAVEI,' 25 MPH SPEED LIIIIIT and IIO NOT PASS signs in accordancc with the Traffic Banicade Manual. 3.2.63. The Contraaor shall provide, ercct and maintain all necessary flashing arow boardq banicades, suitable and sufficient waming lights signals and siglrs, and shall talce all necesary pr€cautions for the protection of the work and safety of the public. The Contractor shall providg erect and maintain accepable and adequate detour signs at all closures and along detour toutes. All banicades and obsructions shall be illuminated at night, and dl safety lights shall be kept burning from sunset until sunrise. All barricades and signs used by the Contractor shall conform to the sundard desigr, generally accepted for such pwpos€s and payment for all such serices and materials shall be considered as included in the other pay items of the Contract. The Contractor shall insurc that all existing traffic siglrs arc cr€ct, clean and in full view of the intcnded traffic at all times. Strect namc signs at major str€et intersections shall bc maintained ercs"t at all times. lf these sigrs should interfere with constructioq thc C.onuactor shall notiff the Inspector at least forty eight (48) hours in advance for City personnel to temporarily rclocatc said signs. The City Engineer will re*et all trallic and strtet name sigrs o pcrmanent locations when notified by the Engineer that constnrction is complete unles othenvise statod in the spocifications Paynent for this item shall bc made at the conract lump sun price for TRAFFTCCONTROL. 3,2.6.6. The Policc Departnrent shall detcrmine if eonstruction activitic or tnffic hazards at the construction project requlre the usc of Police Assistants or AZ Post Certificd Pcacc Ofticcn, altcnatively, if tlu Police Department detcrmines tlrot flagnen ate suflicient, it shall be the Contnctor's rcsponsibility to provide adequate penonnel including flagmen to direct traffic safely. All City of Peoria projects shall use only City of Peoria Policc Assistans or City of Peoria AZ Post Certified Oflicers, unless the Police Chief or their designee has determircd that no such assistants or officers are availablc. Arrangements for Police Assistant or Police Officcr services should be made with the liaison officer at the Peoria Police Department at telephone number (623) 773- 7 062 ot offduty@peo riaaz.gov. R.v ( l:riUl j)CF -7- Manual traflic control shall be in conformity with the Traftic Banicade Manual. A traftic control plan shall bc submitted to the Peoria Police Department indicuing whether a rced for uafiic comrol exiss during the project. The traffc control plan shall bc submincd clectronically and the liaison officer shall be contacted at the Peoria Poficc Department at telephone number (623)773-7062. 3.2.6.E. When uaffc hazards at constnrction sites warrant the usc of certificd police penonrcl to direct Faffic, arrangement should be made with the liaison officer at the Peoria Polico Dcpartment at telephone number (623>773-7062. 3,2.6.9. The assembly and tumarounds of the Conttactor's equipment shall be aocomplished rsing adjacent local sfoets when possible. Equipment uscd and/or directed by the Conuactor shall travel with traflic at all times. Supply trucks shall travel with trafric cxccpt when being sponed. Provide a flagman or officer to assist with this operuion. During constructiorl it may be necessary to alter traffic oontrol. Alterations shall be in rcordance with the Traffic Banicadc Manual. No street within this project may be closed to throrgh trafiic or to local cmergency traffic without prior wrincn approval of the City Engineer of thc City of Peoria Wrinen approval may be given if sufficient time exiss to allow for notification of the public at least two (2) days in advancc of sush closing. Partid closure of sbeets *ithin the project shall be done in srict conformity with writrcn directions to be obtained from tlr City Engineer. Caution should be wod when excavating near intenections with raftic signal underground cable. Notiry tlrc City Engineer twcnty four (24) hours in advance of any work at such intencctions. The Conractor shall install and maintain t€mporary overhead traffic signal cable as spccificd by thc City Engineer when underground conduit is to be severcd by excavations at intcrsoctions. The Conuactor shall providc an off. duty uniformed police ofiicer to direct traffic while the raffic signal is turned offand the wiring is transfencd. All damaged or modified uaffic signal overhead and underground items shall be r€pair€d and rcstored to the City Engineer's satisfaction. Magnetic detector loops shall under no circumstances be spliced., The Contractor shall address how local aoc6s to adjaccnt propcties will be handled in accordance with the specilication herein. Where crossings of exising pawmenc occur, no open henches shall be permittcd overnight, but plating may be permined if conditions allow as dercrminsd by the City Engineer or his authori?€d representative. lf plates cannot bc wed, croasings shall be back-filled or the C.ontractor shall provide a detour. 32.7. Oocntions & StorrqE Job Order C.onractor shall confine all operations (irrcluding storage of materials) to arcas authoriad or approved by Owner. 3.2.8. Clcrninq Uo & Refu$ Dboorl Job Order Contractor shall at all times feep the sitg including storage areas, free from accumulations of waste materials. Before complcting thc Work, Job Onder Contractor shall remove from thc premises any rubbish, tools, scaffolding equipment, and materials that are not the property of Ovmer. Upon completing the Work, Job Order Contractor shall leave the site in a clean and orderty condition satisfactory to Owncr. Final cleanup of the prcmises shall bc included in thc period of pcrformarcc ofthc Job Order. Job Order Contractor shall be responsible for all construction rcfirse disposal containen and their removal from the site. Disposal of any hazardous materials not addresscd and priccd in the Job Order will be segregated for disposal by Owner unless Ovner requires Job Order Contractor to dispose of the materials in which case, an equitable adjrstment in the price will be negotiated and agreed. Rrv ( l2/jOlJ) CF -8- The Contractor and/or subconractor shall be requircd to use the City of Peoria Solid Waste Division's scrviccs for commercial collection of Solid Waste. This roguirement is not intended to precludc other methods or means for hauling debris or cxcess material from the proj€ct site such as tntckitry largc volumes of material, including soil, building demolitioq or hazardous and spccial wastes. The intent is to use City of Peoria Solid Waste service'where standard waste disposal is needcd. Specifically, all rolloffand front-load containcn rsed on a City of Feoria construction site shall be conuacted for through the City of Peoria Solid Wastc Division at the prevailing rate. lt is the contractor's responsibility to @ntast and make all necessary arangements with the City of Pooria Solid Waste Division for these services. Any and all charges for these sewices are the rcsponsibility of the contractor. The City Solid Waste Division may, at it's option, dbcline to provide service for business leasons at any time during the contract. Any exceptions to this requircment will be at the sole discretion of the City Solid Wasrc Division. Plcasc contact the Solid Wastc Customcr Servicc Reprcscntativcs at623473-7160. 3.2.9. Erbtinq luorovemcnts rnd Utlllflc* Job Order Contractor shall protect from damage all existing imprcvcments and utilities at or rrcar the site and on adjacent propefiy of third parties, the locations of which are madc known to or should be known by Job Order Contractor. Job @cr Crntraetor shall repair any &magc to those facilities, including those that are thc pmperty of third parties, resulting from failurc to comply with the requiremcnts of the Job Ordcr or failure to exercisc reasonable care in performing the Worlc lf Job Order Contrrctor fails or rcfrses ro ttpair thc damage promptln Owner may have the necessary repair wo* performed and charge the cost to Job Order Contractor. 3.2 10. Sf![. Job Order Contractor strdl be rcsponsible for compliance with all safety rules and regulations of the Fedenl Occupational Safety and Hcalth Act of 1970 (OSHA), dl applicablc state and local laws, ordinanccs, and regulations durirg the performance of the Work. Job Onder Contractor shall indemnify Owner for fines, pendties, and corective measur€s that result from the acts of commision or omission of Job Ondcr Contretor, its subcontrastors, if any, agents, employees, and assigns and its failutt to comply with such safety rules and rcgulations. Job Order Contractor shall furnish and enforce the usc of individual prctcctivc equipment as needed to complete thc Worlq including hard hats, rain gear, protectiv.e foot wear, protectivc clothing and gloves, eye potection, ear protection, Espirators, safety bels, safety harnesses, safety lifelircs urd lanyards, and high visibility reflective safety vests. Job Order Confractor shall provide waming signs, barricades and verbal warnings as requircd. 32.t0.3. Emcrsencv Ptnccdurcg Job Order Contractor shall inform is employecs of emergerrcy procedurcs to be adtrered to in case of a fire, medical emergcncy, or any other life-thrcatening situaions. i.Z.tO.l. Accldent Notfficetlon. Job Order Contractor shall promptly notif, Orner of any recordablc accident involving personnel or damrge to material and cquipment. Copies of any injury rcports or accident investiguion reports shall be provided to ttre Owner. 'Jobgite Srfctv llocumcnts. Job Ordcr Contractor shall mainain a set of OSIIA articlcs and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) at the job,site office as they apply to the Work being performed. Copies shall be provided to Owner whcn rcquested Job Ordcr Contrector'r Srfctv Pnoann. Job Oder Contractor shall submit to Owner a copy of its safety policies and program procedures which establish the safety rules and regulations as they ar€ to bc applicd to performance of the Work. These documents shall be submitted by Job Oder Conuactor within fourteen (14) calendar days after issuance ofthe initial Job Order and prior to.the sommencemcnt of the Work. Job Order Contractor shall assigq during performance of the Worlq a designated safety representative to develop and monitor the projcct safety program. The name, company addns, and telephone number of the assigned individual shall be submitted to Owner by Job Order Contractoralong with its safety policies and program procedurcs. Rtr'tlYi(Yl.llCF -9- 3.2. t0.8. Emcrqcncv Mcdicrt TrcltrnenL Job Order Contractor shall make available for ls employees and those of its subcontractors, while they are performing Work on the sitg emergcncy medical tlcstmcnt either at the sitc or at a nearby medicd facility. 3.2.t0.9. Owncr'r Riqht to Monltor. Orner rcserves the right to apprcve and monitor Job Order Contractods safety policies and program procedures as applied during performancc of the Work Failue to comply with safety policies and program procedures, once approvcd by Owner, shall.be cause for the termination of the Job frer in ascordance with $ I/. Fint Aid Kit Job Order Conuactor shall provide and maintain on thc jobsite, at all times when Work is in progress, a completely stocked first aid kit which contairs all standard emergency medical supplies. [lggpfgggE&g. Job Order Contractor shall provide and mainain on the job6it€, al all times when Work is in progress, a fully charged fire extinguisher appropriae for the potential fir€ hazard. 3r.lt. Dlsccmlnrtlon of Contrrct Inforur3ion. Job Order Contractor shall not publish permit to be published or disfibutc for public consumption, any informatioq oral or writtcn, conceming this Contracg any Job Order or the Work performed undcr this Conrast without lhe prior consent of Orner. 3.2.12. Shoo Dnwinq$ Job Order Contretor's duties under this Conrbct include the prepantion of shop drawings or sketchcs neccssary to permil orderly construction of Owrc/s design plans. Job Order Contractor agrcs to provide dctailcd dcsign dnwings and plans if requested by Owner. 3J.13. Jobcltc Dnwlnqr rnd Socciflcedoaa Job Order Contractor shall keep on the Work site a copy ofthe drawings and specifications and shall at all times givc Ovmer access therao. 3J. 9wner Riqhb end Obliqrtlom. 33.f. Susoension of lilorh Omcr's Writtcn Ordcr. Owner may orderJob Order Contractor, in writing to suspend, delay, or intemrpt all or any part of the Worlc for a period of time that Owner determines reasonably appropriate. lVork Delrv or Suspcncion. lf thc performance of all orany part of thc Work is suspcnded, delayed or intemrptcd by an act of Owner in the adminisration of a Job Onder, or by Ovner's failure to act within the timb specified in the Job Order, an adjustment shall be made for any increase in the cost of performance of 0rc Job Order necessarily caued by the suspension, detay, or interruption, and the Job Order will be modified in writing accordingly. Job Ordcr Contrrctor Costs. A claim under this Subparagraph 3.3.1 shall no be allowed for any costs incuncd more than thirty (30) calendar days beforc Job order Contractor shall have notified Ovner in writing of thc act or failurc to act (but this requircmcnt shall not apply as to a claim resulting from a suspension order), and unless the claim, in an amount stated, is asserted in writing as soon as practicable aftcr the tcnnination of such srspensiotl delay, or intemrption, but not later than the date of find payment under the Job Order. 3J.2. @ Owner shall have the right to take posscssion of or use any complcted or putially complaed part of the Work. Bcfore taking possession of or using any Worlg Orner shall furnish Job Order Contractor a lis of itcms of work rcmaining to be peformed or conectcd on those portiors of thc Work that Owncr intends to take posscssion of or use. However, failure of Orner to list any item of Work shall not relieve Job Oder Gontractor of rcsponsibility for complying with the tcrms of this Conract. Owner possession or'use shall not be deemed an acc€ptance of any Work underthis Conbact. Owner's Pog36don or Ure. While Ovmer has such possession or use, Job Order Contmctor shall be relieved of the responsibility for the loss of or damage to the Work resulting from Ownerb possession or use, notwithstanding the terms of Subparagaph 3.2.l. lf prior poscssion or use by Owner delays the progress of the Work or c,auses additional expense to Job Order Contractor, an equitable adjustment shall be made in rhe Job Order pricc or thc period of performance, and the Job Order shall be modified in witing accordingly. Rcv (l lrl0li) CF -t0- 333. Oaher Contnctr. Ourner may undertake or award other Contracts for additional work at or trar the site of Work under this Contrapt. Job Order Contractor shall fully coopentc with the other Job Order Contrrctors and with Ovne/s employecs and shall carcfully adapt scheduling and performing the Work under this Contrrt to accommodate the additional work heeding any direction tlut may be provided by Orncr. Job Ordcr Contractor shall not commit or permit any act that will interfere with the performance of its Work by any other contractoror by Owne/s employees. 3.4. Job Ordcr Amcodncnt Job Orders may be amended by Orner in the same manner as thcy are issued. 3.5. .&LArCcr 'E!gg The maximum Job Order value is Three Million Dollan ($3,000,000), except as pnovided by 0 l6J2.l. 1. JOB ORDER DOCT'METIITS 4.1. Socciflcrtlon tnd Drrwlns. Anything mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawinp and not mentioned in the specifications, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. ln case of difrerences between drawingp and specificationg the drawings shall govem. In case of discrcpancy cither in the figures, in thc drawings, or in the specifications, the mancr shall be promptly submined to Orner, who shall promptly make a determination in writing Any adjustment by Job Order Contractor without such a determination shall be at its ovm risk and expcnse. Owncr shall furnish from time to timc swh dctail drawings and other information as considered neeessary, unless otherwise provided. a.l.l. Whcrcver in the specifications or upon the drawings the words 'dircctcd," "requircd," 'order€d," 'dcsignated,n "prescribod," or words of like import arc ued, it shall be undersood that the ndircction' "requirrment' 'ordeJ," "designaion,'or'prescription," of Owner is intended md similarly thc words "approved," "acceptablc," 'satisfactoryr' or words of like import shall mean 'approved byr" or 'acccptable to,' or "satisfactory to' Opner, u;rlcss othenrise exprcssly stated. 4.12 Where "8s showr\" "as indicated,n 'as detailc4n or words of similar import are used, it shall bc understood that dte trfercncc is made to the drawings accompanying the Contract unles sated otherwisc. The word 'provided" as us€d herein shall be understood to mean 'provide complete in place,n that is "furnishcd and instatled. 4.2. Shoo Dnwings. Shop drawing;s include sketchcs, diagrams, layofis, schematics, descriptivc literature, illusrations, schedules, performance and test data, and similar materials fumished by Job Order Contractor to cxplain in detail specific portions of the Worlc Owner may duplicate, use, and disclose in any manner and for any purpose shop drawings delivcred under the Contract Shop drawings means drawings submitted lo Owner by Job @cr Conractor showing in deail: 12.1. Thc proposcd fabrication and assembly of stnrctural elancnts and, 42.2. The insallation (ie., form, fit and anachment deails) of materials or equipmcnt. . 123. The construction and detailing of elemcnts of the Work. 43, Sboo Dnwlm Coordinrtlon. Job Order Contractor shall coordinate all shop drawingp, and review thcm for accuracn completerrcss, and compliancc with Contract roquirements and shall indicate is approval thereon as evidence of srch coordination and review. Shop drawinp submitted to Orncr without cvidcncc of Job Ondcr Contractor's approval may be rcturncd for resubmission Ovmer will indicate is appovd or disapproval of the shop drawings and if not approved as submitted shall indicate Orner's reasons thercfore. Any work done before such apprcval shall be at Job Order Contraclot's risk. Approval by Ovuner shall not rclicvc Job Order Contractor from rcsponsibility for any enon or omissions in such drawings, nor from res.ponsibility for complying with the requiremenb of the C.ontract, arccpt with respect to variatiors dcscribed and approved in accordancc with $ /./ below. 4.4. Sboo Dnwins Modllicatlo$. lf shop drarvings show variations from the Job Order requirements, Job Order Contractor shall describe such variations in writing separate from the drawings, at the time of submission. lf Owner approves any such variation, Owner shall issue an appropriate Contract modification, e.\cept that, if the Rcv(12/i(Vl j) CF -ll- variation is minor and docs not involve a change in price or in time of performarrcg a modification necd not be issrrcd. 4.5. Shoo Drrwlng Onissiotrs. Omissiom from the dnwings or spocifications or the misdescription of details of work which are manifestly necessary to carry out the intent of the drawingp and specifications, or which are customarily performed, shall not relieve Job Ordcr Contractor from pcrforming such omined or misdescribcd details of the Work but they shall be performed as if fullyand conetly sct forth and described in thc drawings and spocifications. 4.6. (hvncr Furnbhcd Drrwln+s. Job Order Conractor shall check all Ovmer fumished drawingp immediatcly upon receipt and shall promptly notify Owner of any discrepancies Any crron or omissions in Owner fumished drawings are the responsibility of the Opner to rectify, including associated costs. Figures marlced on dnwings shall be followed in prefcrcncc to scalc measurcments. Larye scale drawings shall govern small scale drawings. Job Order Conuactor shdl compare all drawing and vcrifr the figures beforr laying out the Work and will be rcsponsible for any enors which migbt have been avoided thereby. 4.7. Shoo Drrwine Subnlttrl. Job Order Contractor shall submit to Owner for approval an appropiate number of copics of all sbop drawings as callcd for under thc various heading of thesc specifications. Sets of all shop drawings will be rctainid by Owner and one set will be returned to Job Order Contractor with annotation of approval or rejection within one (l) week after submission, unless a longer rpview period is neccssary by mutual agrccment betwcen Owner and Job Ordcr Contractor. 4.& Urc of Job Ordcr Documcnb. All dnwings (to irrclude as.buih drawings), sketcheq desigls, dcsign data, spocifications, note books, tcchnical and scientific data provided to Job Ordcr Contractor or devclopcd by Job Order Contractor pursuant to the Contract and dl ihotograpls, negatives, reports, findings, recommendations, ,tata and memoranda of evcry descdption relating thercto, as well as all copies of the foregoing relaing t0 the Work or any part thereof, slull bc the property of Orner and may be used by Owner withou any claim by Job Order Contractor for additional compensation, unlcss such material developcd by Job Order Connactor does not rcsult in u issued Job Order. ln such cascs, Job Order Contmctor will reccive rcasonablc reimbursement for thc derrclopment of such matcrials before Owner rces them in uy manner whaBoever. In addition, Owner qgrees to hold Job Order Contractor harmless to the extent permitted by law from any legal liability arising out of the Ourner's use'of such materials. 5. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP 5.1. Suitebllitv of lt&tcrid rnd Eouioment All equipment, material, and anicle incorporated in the Work covered by this Conract shall be new and of the most suitable grade for the purpose intende4 unless othenvise specifically ptovided in the Contract. Rcferences in thc spocifications to equipmeng material, article,'or patfit€d process by bade namg makc, or catalog nunber, shall be rsgtrded as e$ablishing a standard of qrulity and shall not be construed as limiting compctition. Job Order Contractor may, at is optioq use any oquipment, matcriEl, article, or process that, in the sole judgment and prior wrinen approval of the Owner, is equl to that named in the specifications 5.2. Orvncr Aoorcvel Job Ordcr Conbactor shall obtain Ovne/s approval of the equipment to be incorporqted into the Work. Whcn rcqucsting approval, Job Order Contractor shall furnish to Owner the namc of thc manufrtuu, the model number, and other information concerning thc performance, capacity, mtue, and ruing of the equipment. When required by the Contmt or by Ovrcr, Job Onder Conhactor shall also obtain Owne/s approval of the muerial or articles which Job Ordcr Contractor contemplatc incorporuing into the Worlc Whenieque*ing approval, Job Order Contractor shall providc full infonnation conceming the matcrial or articles. When direeted to do sq Job Order Contractor shall submit samples for approval. Machinery, equipment, material and articles that do not have the required approval shall be ingalled or rscd at the risk ofsubsequent rejection. 5J. Testinq of Mrterlrl$ Unless otherwise specificd in a Job Order, the Job Order Connactor shall be responsible for any required testing of materials prior to incorporation into the Work. Reimburcement for testing rcquired by third party entities will be included in the individual Job Order. 5.4 ll!;tnU$lp. All work under the Contract shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. Rcr'(lrlryli)CF -12- 6. SITE CONDITIONS 6.1. SitgJryEtitgigg. Job Order Contractor acknowtedges that it has taken srcps reasonably nocessary to ascertain the nature and location of the Worlq and that it has investiglted and satished itself as to the gencral and locd conditions which can affect the Work or is cost, including but not limited to: 6.f.L Conditions bcaring upon ransportatiort disposal, handling and storage of materials; 6.1.2. The availability of labor, water, clectric powcr, and roads; 6.13. Uncerainties of weather, river stages, tides, or similar physical conditions at the site; 6.1.4, Thc visible conformation and conditions ofthe ground; and 6.f.5. The character of equipment and facilities nceded preliminary to and during work performance. 62. Srrfrce rnd Subaurfice Investiqrtion Job Order Contractor also acknowledges that it has satisfred itselfas to the character, qnality, and quantity ofsurface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encounter€d insofar as this information is reasonably ascerainablc from an inspection of the site, including all exploratory work done by Owner, as well as from the dnwings and spscificatiors made a part of this Contract. Ovmer will provide to Job Order Contractor all subsurfre invcstigdion rcports it has commissioned, and has knowledge of, that reasonably neflcct erpected conditions at the location of the Job Oder. 6J. @ Job Order Contractor shall promptly, and beforc the conditions are disturbed, give a wrinen noticc to Ocnrcr of: 6J.1. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site which diffcr materially from those indicated in the Contract, or 63.2. Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual natur€, which differ maerially from those ordinuily cncormtered and gencrally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the C,ontract. 6.1. (hvncr hvatiqetion. Owner shall invcsigac thc sitc conditions promptly afier rcceiving the notice. lf the conditiors do materially so differ and cause an increasc or dcc,rcase in Job Oder Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performing any pan of the Work, whether or not changed as a result of the conditions, an equiuble adjutment shall be made and the Job Order modified in writing accordingly. 65. Writtcn Noticc of Dilferlns Sitc Coodldons. No request by Job Order Contractor for an equitable adjusrnent to a Job Order under this $ 6 shall be allowed, unless Job Order Conractor has givcn the wrinen noticc requircd. 6.6. tfgg$llg$UC& No request by Job Order Conractor for an equitable adjrstment to a Job Order for difiering site conditions shdl be allowed if made after final payment under such Job Order. 7. JOBORDERSCIIEDT'LES 7.1. Construction Scbcdule. If the Job Order Contractor fails to submit a schedule witb the Job Order, Orrner may withhold appronl of progress payrnents until Job Order Contractor submits the requircd schedule. lf requircd, the Job Order Contractor will submit for approval with the signed Job Order a practicable schedule showing thc se.quencc in which Job Ordcr Conhactor proposcs to pcrfonn the Worlc, and thc dates on which Job @er Contractor contcmplates starting ard completing the several salient featuns of the Work (including acquiring materials, plant and equipment). The schedule may be a formal computcrized schedule or a progt€ss chart in a bar chait format of suitable scale to indicate appropriately the pcrcentage of Work schcdulcd for complerion by any given date during the period. ln either c8se, the basic information should be the same and the schedule or chart must contain as a minimum: ?.1.1. A detailed list of work activities or work elements. 7.1.2. Show the logical dependencies (ties) to indicate what Work must h accomplished before other Workcan begin. Rcv t l!/i(Il j) CF - t3- 7.1.3. Show early start and carly finish dates along with lac start and late finish dates for each work activity or work element. 7.2. Failurc to Submlt Schcdula Failurc of Job Order Contractor to comply with the requirements of Owner under this clausc shall be grounds for a determination by Owner that Job Order Contmctor is not proeccuting the Work with sufficient diligence to ensure completion within the timc specified in the Job Order. Upon making this determination, Owner may terminate Job Order Contrrtor's right to procd with the Work if not cured within seven (7) days afier written notice is provided, or any separable part of it, in accordance with $ I/. 73. Pgggg&port Job Order Contractor shall submit a progess report eyery thirty (30) days, or as directcd by Owner, and upon doing so shall immediately deliver a cuncnt schedulc to Owncr if it has materially changed since the last submission of a schedule. If Job Order Conmctor falls behind the approvcd schedule Job Gder Contractor shall take steps necessary to improve its prqgress, including thosc that may be reasonably rcquircd by Oumer. Without additional cost to Owner, Owner may rcquire Job Ordcr Contractor to increase the number of shifts, ovenime operations, days of work, and/or the amount of constnrction plant or cquipmeng and to submit for approval any supplementary schedule or schedules in chart form as Owner deems necessary to demonstrarc howthe apprcvcd rarc of progrcss will be regaincd. 7.4 Emsncncv Work Job Order Contractor will give top priority to 8ny €mergency Work Owner may have and will allocate all resources necessary to accomplish such Work in accordance with O^rne/s schedule requirements. To the extent the Job Order Contractor incurs additiond cost, expense or schedule delay in performing Orner's emergency Worlc, Owrcr will equitably adjus thc Connact in accordance with $ 10. t. INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE &1. Job Ordcr Contnctor Inrocctlon Svslem. Job Order Contractor shall maintain an adequate inspection syst€m and perform such inspections as will ensurc that thc Work callcd for conforms to Job Ordcr requircments. Job @er Contractor shall maintain complete inspection records and make them available to Orvncr. All work shall be conducted under thc gencral direction of Owrrcr urd is subject to inspoction and tcst by Owner at all placcs and at all reasonablc times before acceptance to ensurc strict compliancc with the terms ofthe Contract. t . Owncr lngpcctionr rnd T€a& Owner inspections and tess are for the sole benefrt of Ovner and do not: &2,1. Relieve Job Order Contractor of responsibility for poviding adequate quallty control msasures; 8.2,2. Relieve Job Order Contractor of responsibility for damage to or loss of the material beforc sCCePtance; Constitute or imply acceptanc€; or Aff€ct the continuing rights of Ovmer after acceptance of the complete work &3. Job Ordcr Contrrctor Rermnrlblllth* The presence or absence of an inspector does not relieve Job Order Contractor from any Contract requinrment, nor is the inspector authodzrd to change my term or condition of the specification withou Owner's writtcn authorization. 8.4. Job Ordcr Contnctor Pcrformancc. Job Order Contractor shall promptly furnish, without additional charge, all facilities, labor, and material reasonably needed for performing such safc and convcnient inspcctions and tests as may be required by Ovmcr. Owner may charge to Job Order Contractor any additional cost of inspection or test when Work is not nndy at the time specificd by Job Orrder Contractor for inspection or test, or whcn prior rcjcction makcs rc-inspedion or rctest necessary. Owncr shall perform all irspcctions and tests in a manncr that will not unnecessarily delay the Work. Special, full size and performance t6ts shall be performed as described in the Job Order. 8.5. Job Ordcr Contrector Corrcctlvc Worls Job Ondcr Contractor shall, without charge, rcplace or con€ct Work found by Ovmer not to conform to Job Order requircments, unless Ovner congents to accept the Work with an appropriate adjustment in Contract price. Job Order Contractor shall promptly segregate and removc rejeoed material from the prcmises. &2J. s2.4. Rcr t lll3dl j) CF -14- &6. Feilure to Reolrcc or Corrcct Worlc lf Job Ordcr Contractor does not promptly replace or conrct rejccrcd Worh Ovner may: t 6.1. By Contract or othenvise, replace or conect the Work and charge the cog to Job Order Contractor; ol &62. Terminate for dcfauh Job ffier @ntractor's right to proce{. t 7. (hvncr InspGcdon bcforc Aoccotrnca If, beforc acccptarpc of thc entirc Worlg Owner dccidcs to examine already completed Wo* by removing it or tearing it out, Job Order Conuactor, on r€qu6t, strall pomptly ftrnish all necessary facilitics, labor, and material. If the Work is found to be defcctive or non@nforming in any materid respect due to the fault of Job Order Contractor or its subcontractors, Job Order Contractor shall bear thc expenses of the examinaiion ard of satisfaoory r€construction. However, if the Work is found to mcet requiremcntg Owner shall make an equitable adjutmcnt for the additional services involve.d in the examination and reconstructioq including if completion of the Work was thcrcby delayc4 an oxtension of thc period of timc for performance. &t (hvncr Acccotrnce. Unlcss otherwise specificd in the Job frer, Ovner shdl acccpt, as promptly as pracricable afier completion and impection, all work required by the Job Onder or that ponion of the Work that the Oyner detcrmirrcs can be acceptd separately. Acceptance shall be final and conclusive exoept for latcnt defects, fraud gross mistakes amounting to fnu4 or Ownefs rights under any warianty or guarantoe. 9. II{VOICING AI{D PAYMENT 9.1. Conocnndon. As full consideration for the satisfactory performance by Job fuer Contractor of Work prescdbed under the Contract, Ovner shall pay Job Order Contractor the amounts specified in the individual Job orden. 9.2. lnvoiccs Job Order Conractor shall submit invoices to the following addres: City of Peoria E40l W. Monroe St Peoris A285345 9J. Job Order Cost Prooosd Strncturc. For each Job Order, the Job Order Contnctor shall prepare a Job Onder Cost Proposal with the sufficient level of cost detail as required by the Owner. Co6t detail may include, but is not limited to: schedulc of vatues, work schcdule, direct labor cost and fringe belrfits, direct material costs (supportcd by quotes), direct equipment cosB (supported by quotes), cost ofsubcontracton (supported by quores) and allowablc indirect cosb (includes insurarrcc). Thc contractor shall utilize the markups established in thc JOC Pricing Matrix (Aaochnunt Q to calculate the overhead and profit for all Job Order Cost Pnoposals, unless otherwise requested by the Owner. Profit on subconlractordsubconsultants shall not orceed 5 percent. 9.4. Prmress Prvmcntg Ovmer shall make progress payments monthly as the Work ptoccods, or at molr frequent intervals as daermincd by Ovner, on estimates of Work completcd sub.mined by thc Job Oder Conhactor and approved by Owner. Job Order Contactor shall use an acceptable invoicc form and shall include supporting documents to r€flect a brealcdown of the total price showing the amount included therein for each principal category of the Worlg in such detail as r€qucstd, to provide a basis for daermining pragress paymenr. In the estimation of Work completed, Owner will authorize payment for matcrial dclivercd on the site and pr€paratory work done if Job Order Contractor fumishes satisfactory evidence that it has acquired title to such msterial and that the material will be used to perform the Work. 9.5. BelCEEgg. Not applicable. 9.6. Owner's Proocfi. All material and work covered by progress payments made shall, at the time of payment, become dre sole property of Owner, but this provision shall not bc construed as: 9.5.f. Relieving Job Order Contractor from the sole responsibility for all material and Work upon which payments have been made or the restoration ofany damaged Work; or Rcvt ll/jUl ji CF -t 5- 9.62. Waiving the right of Ownerto rcquire the fulfillment of all of the terms ofthe Conbact. 9,7. Aoorovel rnd Ccrtificrtloo. An estimate of the Work submitted shall be deemed approved and certified for payment after seven days from the date of submission unless before that timd the Orrrcr or Orrrner's agent prcpares and issues a spccific wrinen finding setting forth those items in detail in the estimate of the Work that 8r€ not approved for payment under this contract. The Ovner may withhold an amount from the pogt€ss payment sufficient to pay thc expenscs thc Owner rcasonably cxpects to incur in correcting thc deficiency set fbrth in the wrinen finding. The progress paymcnts shall be paid on or before fourtcen days after thc cstimate of thc Work is cerified and approvcd. The estimate of the Work shall be deemed received by the Ovmer on submission to any persm designatcd by the Ovner for the submissioq rcview or approval of the esimate of the Work. 9.t Unoeftl Anounb. Owner shall pay all unpaid amounts duc Job Order Contractor under this Contract within thirty (30) days, after: 9.8.f, Complction and accepance of the Work; gA.L Presentation of a properly executed invoice; 9.8.3. hesenation of release of all claims against Orncr arising by vinr of the Contracg other than claims, in stated amounts, that Job Order Contractor has specifically excepted from the opcration of the releasc. A release may also be rcquired of the assignee ifJob Orrder Conractor's claim to amouns payable under this Contract has boen assigrcd. Job Order Conhactor shall complete a Job Onder Contractorl release form accepable to Ovrrr; c 9.t 4 Consent of Job Order Contractor's sur€ty, if any. IO. CHANGES t0.1. Owner Chenees. Onyner may, at any time, without notice to the sureties, if any, by wrinen order designatcd or indicatcd to be a change order, make changes in the Work within thc general scope oithe Job Ordcrs, including changss: l0.l.l. In ttrc specifications (including drawing and designs); 10.1.2. ln Ovmer-furnished facilities, equipmeng materiats, scwices, or site; or 10.1J. Directing acceleration in the performance of the Work, or othenrise altering the schedule for pcrformance of the Work 10.2. Orvner Chanqc Order* Any othcr wrinen order (which, as used in this paragraph, inctudes directiorl imtructiotL intcrprettioq or determination) frorn Orncr that causes a change shall be beated as a change order under this $ IQ provided, that Job Order Contractor gives Owner timely nrrinen notice stating the date, circumstances, and source of the order and that Job Order C.ontractor regards thc order as a change ordei. 103. Contrect Adlustmcnt!. Exccpt as provided in this $ 10, no order, statem€ng or conduct of Owner shatl be rcated as a change under this $ I0 ot entitle Job Onder Contractor to an equitablc adjrstment hercundcr. 10.4. Modlllcetion of tbe Job Orden lf any change under this $ l0 cauges an inqease or dccrease in Job Order Contracto/s cost o[, or the time required for, the performance of any pan df ttr Work under a Job Order, whether or not clunged by any such order, Owner shall negoti*c an cquitable adjustment and modify the Job Ondcr in writing. l0J. .lpb 94cr 9ontrlctor Prooogel Job Order Contractor must submit any proposal under this $f0 within thirty (30) calendar days aftcn f0.5.1. Receipt ofa written change order under$ I0.I above;or 10.5.2. The furnishing of a wrinen notice under $ 10,2 above by submining to Owner a written statement describiitg the gcneral nature and amount of the proposal, unless this period is extended by Owner. The statement of proposal for adjustment may be includcd in the notice under$ 10.2 above. Rcv ( lAi0tll j) Cl: -t6. f0.6. Finel Pevucnt Limltation. No proposal by Job Order Conractor for an equiable adjustment shall be allowe.d if asserted after final payment under the Job Oder. f0.7. Job Order Contnctor Ertenslon Justlllcrtion. Job Order Contnactor shall furnish to the Owner a written proposal for any proposed extension in the period of performance. The proposal shall contain a price breakdown and period of pcrformance cxtersion jutification. f0.& Job Order Contrrctor Pricc Brerkdown Stnctmc. Job Order Conbactor, in connection with any proposal it makcs for a Job Order changc shall furnish a price breakdown itemized as rcquired by Orner and the pricing matrix as required in thc awarded contract. rL INST'RANCE & BOIiIDS ll.l. Job Order Contnctor Insunnc+ Job Order Contractor shall purchase and maintain in effect during the term of this Conract insunnce of thc types and with minimum limits of liability as stated below. Such insurarrce shall protect Job Order Contractor and Ovmer from claims which may arise out of or result from Job Order Contractor's opcrations whcther such operations are performed by Job frer Contractor or by any subconbactor or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. ll.1.l. WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSUMNCE providing statutory bencfits in accordance with .thc laws of the State of Arizona or any Federal statutes as may be applicable to the Work being performed under this Contrrt It.lJ. EMPTOYER'S LIABILITY fNSt MNCE with limir of liability not less than: $1,000,000 Each Accidcnq 81,000,000 Each Employee for Disease; and $1,000,000 Policy Limit for Disease. ll.lJ. COMMERCI,AL GENER/\L LLABILITY INSURANCE including Product/Completed Operatioru and Consactual Liability with limis of liability not l€ss than: t2,fi)0,000 Genenl Aggregare; $2,000,000 ProductdCompleted Operariora Aggregate; and $2,000000 Each Occunence. ll.l.4. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INST RANCE covering all owned, hir€d urd mn.owned motor vehicles uscd in connection with tlrc Work being performed under this Conract with limits of liability not less than: $1,000,000 Each Person for Bodily Injury; 11,000,000 Each Accident for Bodily Injury; and $1,000,000 Each Occurrcnce for hoperty Damqgc. 11r. Orvner as Addiffonrl Insurcd. The policies providing Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance as reguired in $ ILI shall be endorsed to name Ovmer as Additional Insured. Such insurance as is pmvided herein shall be primary and non-contributing with any other valid and collectible insunnce available toOwrr. lf3. Polhv Eldoremcnt All policies providing Job Order Conracto/s insurance as required in g fJ.t above shall bc cndorsed to provide the following: ll3.l. Thirty days wrinen notice of cancellaion or non-renewal given to Orner at thc address designatcd in$ 16,2. llJ.2. Waiverof submgation in favorof Ovmer. 11.4. Llmlts of Lhbllltv. Thc limits of liability as required above may be provided by a single policy of insurance or by a combination of primary, exocss or umbrella policies. But in no event shall the toal limits of liability availablc for any onc occunGnce or accident bc less than the amount requircd above. ff.s. Ccrtlflcrtc of lnsunncc. Proof of compliance with thcse ircurance requirements shall be firnishcd Owner in the form of an original certificate of insurance signed by an authorized rcpnesentative or agent of thc insurance compoy(ies) within ten (10) days of execution of this agreement. Renewal or rcplacement certi{icaes shall be furnished Ovmer not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the expiralion or termination date of fie applicable policy(ies). 11.6: SubcoFlrector Insuranca Job Order Contractor shall require any and all subcontractors performing Work undcr this Contract to carry insurance of the types and with limits of tiability as Job Order Conrracror shall Rcr (lYl(Yli)CF -t7- decm appropriate and adequate for thc Work being pcrformed. Job Order Contractor shall obtain and make available for inspection by Owner upon r€qu€st cuncnt certificates ofinsurance evidencing insurance coverages canied by such subcontractors. 11.7. D9IC$ If required by Ovmer, Job Order Contractor shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (l$V/o) of thc Consruction Worlq (excluding desiglr and pre- construction serviccs) in a penal sum equal to the aggregate price of all Job Orders issusd to the Job &dcr Contractor. Thc Pcrformancc and Payment Bonds must be submittcd to Owncr within tcn (10) calendar days after isuance of a Job Order. . ll.t Notice to Procced. Notice to hoceed will not be issued until pmperly executed bonds arc received and acceptd by Ovner. A scparate Notice to ltocecd wil! be issuod for crh Job Onder. The Notice to hocccd shall stiprtlalc the actual conhact start datg the contract duration and the contract completion date. The time rcquired for the Contractor to obtain permits, licenses and easemena shall be included in the conract duration and shall not be jusification for a dchy claim by thc Contractor. The timc reguired for the Contractor to prcparg transmit and obtain appoval of applicablc submittals shall be included in the contract duraion and shall not bc justificarion for a delay claim by the Contnactor. No work shall be started until after all required pcrmits, liccnses, and casements have becn obuircd. No work shall be started until all applicable submittals havc boen submittcd and rcturned approvod by the Owner's Representative. The Contractor shall notifr the City of Peoria's project manager or engineer at least seventy-wo (72) hous before th€ following events: llJ.l. ThG start ofconstnrction in order to anange for inspection. tl.t 2. Shutdown ofCity water, sewer, drainage, inigation and traffic control facility. ll.t3. Shutdown of existing watcr wells and booster pumps. Shutdown shall not exceed seventy-two (72) hom for any insallation. Only one installation may qc shutdown at any time. 11.t 4. Coordination of all draining and filling of water lincs and inigation laterals and all opcrations of existingnlvcs orgagel with the projcct managcr. f L&5. Start-up or testing of any water well or booster pump to be connected to any part of the existing City water system. This includes operation of existing valves necessary to accommodate the water. 12, IIIDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permined by law, the Job Order Contractor shall defen4 indemnif, and hold harmless the Owrrcr, its agents, reprcscntatives, officets, directon, officials and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to attomey fe6, coun coss, and the cost of appellate poceedings), relating to, arising out of, or alleged to have rssultcd from thc acts, erors, mistakes, omissions, work or serviccs of the Job Order Conbactor, its employces, agents, or any ticr of subcontractors in the performance of this Contnct. Job Order Contactor's duty to defend, hold harmless and indemnifr the Orner, its agents, r€pr€sentativcs, officen, directors, ollicials and emplbyees shall arise in connection with any clainu damagg loss or cxpcnse that is attribuable to bodily injury, siclcness, disease, death, or injury tq impairment, or destruction of property including loss of rse resulting therc frorq caued by any acts, ctrors, mistakes, omissions, work or services in the performance of this Contract including any employee of the Job Order Contractor or any tier of subcont actor or any other person for whose acts, eron, mistakes, omissions, work or serviccs the Job Order Contractor may be leglly liable. The amount and tlpc of insurance covcragp requircments set fonh herein will in no way be constnrd as limiting the scope of thc indemnity in this paragraph. 13. DISPUTES. 13.1. Ef![]9ggpgEEg. The parties are fully committed to working with each other tluoughout the term of the Contract and agree to communicate rcgularly with each oth€rat all times so as to avoid or minimize disputes or disagreements. lf disputes or disagreements do arisc, Job Order Contractor and Owner each commit to resolving such disputes or disagreemenb in an amicablg professional and expeditious manner so as to avoid unnecessary losses, dclays and disruptions tb the Work. 13.2. Field Level Rcsolutlon. Job Order Contractor and Owner will first anempt to rcsolve dispures or disagteemcnts at thc field level through discussions between the parties' representatives named herein. Rcvl llll0lilCF - tE- l33. Job Ordcr Contnctor Perfornrncc. The Job Order Contractor shall continue to perform the Work and Ovner shall continue to satisff its payment obligations to Job Order Contractor, pending the final rcsolution of any dispute or disa$recments bctween thc parties. l3.,1. Prrtlerinq. lf rcqrrsted and mutually agreed upon, the Owner and Job Order Contractor will share in the expcnsc of an initial faciliated partncring workshop, followcd up by periodic rcfresher mcetings at mutually agrced times. The goal of the workshop will bc to identifr common goals, common interests, lincs of communication, and a commitment to coopetative problem solving. 13.5. Owner's Rcottscntttive. Owner designates the individual listed below as iB rcprescntaivg which individrnl has the authority urd responsibility for avoiding and rcsolving disputes under this Contract. (ldentifr individual's name, title, address and tclcphonc numben) Clty of Pmrh, Itlrterielr Menrgement Dro Zcnko, Matcrirlc Mrnagcr 9875 N. tSt Ave - 2d Floor Peorir,Az 85345 (623)773-7rr' 13.6. Job Order Contrrctor'g Reorcscnt tivE Job Ordcr Contractor designates the individual listed below as is represenativg which individual lus thc authority and responsibility for avoiding and rcsolving disputes under this Conract. (ldentiff individual's name, title, address and telephone numbes) B& FContncdnglnc. Thomrs F. Fohy, Prcsldent ll0ll N.23d Avcnuc Phocnlr, AZ Efi29 (623) sE2-rr70 13.7. Owncr's Rcaolutiotr. Any dispute which is not disposed of by agreement will be decided by the Orvner, who will rcduce is decision to writing and mail or otherwise fumish a copy thereof to the Job Order Contractor. Any dispute not finally rcsolved under this $ I3 may be brougbt beforc the satc courts of the State of Arizona and adjudicued in accordance with the laws of Arizona 14. TERMINATIONANDDEFAI'LT 14.1. Termlnrtior for Convenience. Owner may tcrminate performance of the Work under this Conract in whole or, from timc to time, in part if Owrrcr determircs that termination is in Owne/s interest. Owner shall effect snch tcrmination by delivering to Job frer Contnctor a Notice of Termination specifying the extcnt of termination and the cffcctive date. 112. Noticc of Tcrnrinedoo. After receipt of a Noticc of Termination, and cxccpt as dirocted by Ovmer, Job Order Contractor shall immediately proceed with the following obligations, regardlcss of any delay in determining or adjusting any amounts due under this f //: 14.2.1. Stop work as specified in the notice; 14.22, Placc no further subcontracts or ordcrs (refcned to as subcontracts in this $ 14 for materials, seruices or facilities, except as nec€ssary to complete any Work not terminated; 1123. Assigr to Oyncr, if dircctcd by Owner, all right, title, and intercg of Job Order Contractor under the subconracts to the extent they relate to the Work termimted, in which case Omer shdl have the right to settle or to pay any termination senlement proposal arising out of thosc tcrminatiom, or with approval or ratification to the extcnt rcquired by Ovmcr, scttle all oustanding liabilities and termination scttlement proposals arising from the termination of subcontracts, the approval or ratificstion of which will be final for purposes of this$ I{; 14.2.4. As directed by Owner, transfer title and deliver to Owner: Rev(12/j013)CF -t9- 11.2,4.1. The fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progcs, complered Worlc supplies, and other material produced or acquired for the Work terminated; The completed or partially completed plans, dnwings, information, and other property that, if the Contract had been completed, would be required to be firnished to Owncr; 14.2.5. Complete performance of the Work not terminated; 142.6. Talce any action thal may be neccssa4/, or that Ovmer may direct for the protcction and pr€servation of the property related to this Confact that is in the possession of Job frer Contractor and in which Orner has or may acquirc an intcrest; and t4,2.7. Use its bes efforts to sell, as dirccted or authorized by Owner, any propcrty of the types refened to in $ 11.23 abovc; providod, however, that Job Order Contractor is not rcquircd to erend credit to any purchascr and may acquire the propcrty under the conditions prcscribed by, and at prices approved by, Orner. The procecds of any transfcr or disposition win be applied to trduce any payments to bc made by Owner under the Contract, crcditcd to thc price or cost of thc Wo& or paid in any other manner directed by Owner. 143. Finrl Tctninetion Settlcncrt PtopoErl After termination, Job Order Contractor shall submit a final terminaion settlement proposal to Owner in the form and with the certification prescribcd by Ovrrr. Job Order Conttactor shall submit thc proposal promptly, but no latcr than one year from the effective date of tmnination. 14.1. Qggglfly@$ Job @er Contractor and Opner may agrce upon the whole or any part of the amount to bc paid becamc of the tcrmination. The amount will include a reasonablc allowarrce for profit on work done. The Contnact shall be amended, and Job Oder Conuactor paid the agrccd amount. 11.1.1. lf Job Order Contractor and Ovmer fail to agree on the whole amount to be paid Job Onder Conuactor beca$e of the termination of work, Owncr shall pay Job Order Contractor the amounts detemaned as foflowq but withont duplication ofany amouns egeed upon under$ Il.l above: For Work performed before the eftctivc datc of termination, the toal (without duplication of any items) of: The cost of this Work; 14.4.1,1.2. The cost of settling and paying termination settlement proposals under terminated subcontracts that ar€ properly chargeable to the terminatcd portion of the Crntract if not irrcludcd in $ I(.aJ.I.L above; and A markup, including overhead and profit, on $ 11.1.L1.J. above as is determined for pricing changes. 14.4.1,2. The rcasonable cosg of settlement of the Work terminated, including: 14.4.12.t. Accounting lcgrl, clerical, and other expenseli reasonably neccssary for the preparation of termination settlement proposals and supporting data; 14.4.122. The termination and scttlcment of subcontracts (excluding the amounts of such setlements); and 14.4.123. Storagg transportation, and other costs incun€d, reasonably neccssa4/ for the pttseilation, protection, or disposition ofthe termination inventory. f4.5. DestrovcA LoEL Slolcn or lhmercd Propertv. Exccpt for normal spoilage, and except to the extent that Ownei expressly assumed the risk of los, Owrcr shall exclude from the amounts payable to Job Order Contractor under Subparagraph 14.4.1 above, the fair value, as determircd by orrrter, of property that is destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as to become undelivcrable to Owner ol to a buyer. |1.6,lnanivingattheamountdueJoborderContractorunderthis$Il, there shall bc deducted: Rcv(lYtrylj)CF -20. 14.6.1. All unliquidated advances or other payments to Job Order Contractor under the terminatcd portion of the Job Order; 11.6,2. Any claim which Owrcr has agains Job Order Contractor under the Contract; and f4.6J. The agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, materials, supplies, or othcr things acquired by Job Order Conractor or sold mdcr the provisions of this $ Ir' and not recovered by or credited to Own€r. 14.7. Prrtirl Tetulnrtlon If the termination is partial, Job Order Confractor may file a proposal with Owner for an cquitable adjrstment of the price(s) of the continud portion of any Job Order. Any proposal by Job Order Contractor for an equiable adjrctment under this $ I/ shall be rcquestod within ninety (90) calendar days from 0re cffcstive dae of termination unless extended in writing by Oyner. Ovmer may, underthe terms and conditiom it prcscribes, make partial payments and paymens against coss incun€d by Job Order Contnctor of tlre terminated portiolr of any Job Order, if Owner believes the total of thesc payments will not exceed the amount to which Job OrdcrGontractor will be entitlcd. 14.t. Erccrs Prvmcntg. lf thc total paymcnts exccsd the amount finally detcrmined to be due, Job Order Contrrtor shall rcpay the excess to Owner upon demand. l{.9. Job Ordcr Contnctor Rccordg Unless othenrise providcd in this Contract or by statute, Job Order Contrrctor shall maintain all records and documens relating to the terminated portion of this Conract for thse (3) years after final senlemcnt. This includcs all books and other evidencc bearing on Job Order Contractot's costs and expenses under this Contract. Job Order Contractor shall make these rccords and documents availablc to Owncr, at Job Order Conuactoy's office, a all reasomble times, without cost If approved by Owner, photognphs, microphotographs, or other authentic reproductions may be maintained instead of original records and documents. 14.10. $fggb lf Job Order Contractor refrscs or fails to prosecute the Worh or any separable pa4 with dre diligencc that will ensure is complction within the time specified in the Job Order including any cxtbnsioq or fails to complete the Work within this timc, Orner may terminate thc Job Order Contractor's right to procecd with the Work (or separable part of thc Work), upon thirty (30) days wrinen notice to the Job Onder Contractor. In this event, Oilner may take over the Work and complete it by Contract or othenyise and may trlce posscssion of and use any materials, applianccs, and plant on thc site necessary for completing the Work. l4.ll. Job Order Contrrctor's Rlsht to Procccd. Job Order Contrrtor's dght to proceed shatl not be terminated under this $ l/, if: l4ll.l. The delay in completing the Work arises from unforeseeable causes beyond the conrol and without the fault or negligence of Job Order Contactor. Examples of sush causcs include: acs of God or of thc public enemy, acts of Owner in is Contractual capacity, acts of another conbactor in the performance of a Contract with Owncr, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine rcstriction$ strikes, freight embargoes, unusurally severr weather (The basis usod to define normal weather will bc data showing high and low temperatrres, precipitation, and number of days of severt weather in thc city closest to the site for the previors tcn (10) years, as compiled by rlre United States Department of Commerce National Weather Service.), or delays of subcontracton or supplien at any tier arising.from unforesecable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of both Job Order contractor and thc subcontractors or supplicrs; and l4,ll2. Job Order Contmctor, within 30 calcndar days ftom the beginning of any such delay (unless extended by Omer), notifies Owner in writing of the carscs of delay. The Owner shalt ascertain the facts and the extent of delay. Ii in the judgment of Orner, thc findings of fact u/anant such actioq the time for completing the Work shall be extended. The finding of Owner shall be final and conclusive on the parties, but subject to appcal and rcview under $ I3. 14.12. Owner's Risht to Terminstc The rights and remedies of Owner in this $ I1 are inaddition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Contract. 14.13. Owner rnd Job Ordcr Contrrctor Riehts. tf, after termination of Job Order Contractor,s right to proceed, it is determincd that Job Order Contractor was not in default, or that the delay rvas excusable, the rights and obligations of the partics will be the same as if the termination had been issued for the convenience of Owner. Rev l lUiOl3)CF -21- f4.f4. IJqIldflgLDlD1gS. Liquidate.d Damages shall be assessed for each calendar of delay. Liquidated Damages shall be per MAG Specs, Section 10t.9. lf the contract is not terminated, the contractor shall continue pcrformance and be liable to the Orner for thc liquidatcd damages until thc products arc dclivered or services pcrformed. ln the event the City exercises is right of termination, the contractor shall be lioble to the Ovvncr for any excess costs, and in addition, for liquidated damages until such time the Owner may reasonably obtain delivery or performarrce of similar supplics or services. 14.15. Iqgi@giq1!g!. Contractor understands and acknowlcdges the applicability to Contractor of the Inrmigration Reform and Conrol Act of 1986 (IRCA). Contrzctor agrees to comply with the IRCA in performing under this contract and to pennit City inspection of personnel rpcords to verifr such compliance. 15. WARRANTY OF CONSTRUCTION 15.f. @ In addition to any other wananties in any Job Orders, Job Order Conuactor wanants, o(cept as provided in $ /J.IQ that work performcd conforms to the Job Ordcr requircm€nts and is free of any defect in equipment, material or design furnished, or workmanship performed by Job Order Contractor or any of its subcontftrctos or suppliers at any tier. lSJ. $bfrug-Dg4gg& This wananty shall continue for a period of one (l) year from the date of final acceptance of the Worlc lf Owner takes posscsion of any pan of the Work before final accepuncg this warranty shall continue for a period of one ( I ) year from the datc possession is takcn. 153. Job Ordcr Contnctor Corrcctlvc Worls Job Onder Contractor shall remedy at Job Order Contactor's expense any failure of the Work to conform to the plans and specifications, or any construction defect. In additiog thc Job Ordcr Contractor shall rcmedy c Job Order Contractor's ercpeme any damage to Owner's real or personal propef,I, when that damage is 0rc rcsult of: $3.f . Job Order Contractoy's failure to conform to rsquir€mcnts; or 153.2. Any defect of equipment, matedal, workmanship, or design fumished by the Job Order Concactor. 1S.4. Job Ordcr Conirrctor Rcstoredon. Job Order Confactor shall r6tor€ any work damaged in fulfilling the terms and conditiom of this $ 15. Job Ordcr Contracto/s warranty with respect to work repaired or replaced will run for one (l) year &om the datc of repair or replacement. 155. Owncr Notlfrcetlon. Owner shall notiS Job Onder Contractor, in writing within a reasonable time afrer thc discovery of ury failure, defect, or damage. 15.6. Frilurc to Corrcct \tork If Job Order Contractor fails to renedy any failure, defect, or damage within ten (10) days afier rcceipt of notice, Owner shall have the right to replace, neparr, or othenvise remedy the failure, dcfect or damage at Job Oder Contractorrs expense. 15.7. Subcontnctor rnd Suoolicr Warrentics. With respect to all wananties, exprrssed or implied, ftom subcontractors, manufacturer!, or suppliers for work performed and materials furnished for Job Orders issued urder this Contzct, Job Order Contractor shall: f5.?.1. Obtain att warranties rcquired by the Job Order; 15,7.2. Requirc all warranties to be executed, in writing for the benefit ofOwner; and 15.7J. Enforce all warrantics for the bcncfit of Owner. 15.8. Orvner Rcmedv. In the event Job Order Contracto/s waranty under$ /5.2 has expired, Owner may bring suit at irs erry€nse to enforce a subcontracto/s, manufactutry's, or supplier's warranty. f5.9. Owncr Furnishcd Mrterlel or Dcsien. Unlcss a defect is caused by the ncgligence of Job Order Contractor or subcontractor or supplier at any tier, Job Order Contractor shall not be liable for the rcpair of any defccts of material or design furnished by Owner or for the repair of any damage that resuls fmm any defect in Owner-furnished material or design. Rev (lllj0li) CF -7)- fs.f0. EE&3!n{WgIb Job Order Contractor is not responsible for and does not waranty pre-existing work or facilities thu may be assigned to Job Order Conractor exoepl as modified by the Job Onder. fs.tf. @ggt!![llg. This wananty shall not limit Owne/s rights under $E of this Contract with respect to latent deftcs, gtoss mistakes, or fraud. 16. STANDARDTEruUSANDCONIDITIONS 16.t. Contnct Ordcr of Prcgedcrcc. ln the cvcnt of an inconsistcncy bctrveen provisions of this Confact, the incomistency shall bc resolved by glving prccedcnce in the following order: f6.Ll. Contract Modifications, if any; 16.12. This Contract, ircluding Attachments; f6.lJ. Job Orden; 15.1.4. Drawings; and t6.lS. Specifications. 16.2. Ccrtllhedon. By signature in the Offcr section of the Offer and Contact Award page the Job Order Contrrtor certifies: f 52.1. The submission of the offer did not involve collrsion or other anti-competitive practices. l&zJ,. The Job Order Conraoor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment. l5:3. The Job Order Confiactor has not given, offered to give, nor inten-ds to givc at any time hereaftcr any economic opportuniin firure employmenq gift, loan, gaoiry, special discount, fip favor, or service to a public senrant in connection with the submined offcr. Failurc to sign the offer, or signing it with a false statement, shrl! void the submined offer or any resulting contracts, and the vendor rnay be debaned. 162.4. The Job Order Contractor is liccnscd to perform the Work punuant to Arizona Revised Statutcs Title 32, Chapter 10. f63. Bribcs rnd Klck-Becks. The Job Order Contractor shall not by any mcans: t63.1. lnduce any person or entity employed in the construction of the Project to give up any part of the comperuation to which that person or €ntity is entitled; f6J.2. Confer on any govemmental, public or quasi-public ofticial havingany authority or influence over thc hoject, any payment, loan subscriptioru advance, dcposit of monen scrviccs or anything of value, piesent or promiscd; 163J. Offer nor accept any bribes or kick-backs in connection with the Project from or to any individual or entity, ircluding any of its trade contractors, subconuactors, consultants, supplien or manufactwers of Project goods and materials; or, f6J.4 Without the express written permission of the Ovmer, call for or by exclrsion require or recommend the use of any subcontractor, consultant product, material, cquipment, systcm, proccs or procedure in wtrich thc Job Order Contractor has a direcl or indirect proprietary or other pecuniary intetpst 16.4. Aoolicrblc Law. In thc performance of ilris agr€ement, contractors shall abide by and confonn to any urd all laws of the United Stateq State of Arizona and City of Peoria including but not limited to fedenl and state executive orders providing for cqual employment and procurGment opportunities, thc Fedcral Occupational Safcty and Heahh Act and any other fueral or state laws applicable to this agreement. Contractor specifically understands and acknowledges thc applicability to it of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the lmmigration Reform and Conrol Act of 1986 and the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1989. In addilion, if this agreement pertains to construction, Contractor must also comply with A.R.S. $ 34-30l, as amended Rf\'{l:/i(ylJtCF -23. (Employmcnt of Aliens on Public Works Prohibited) and A.RS. $ 3.f-302, as amended (Residenoe Requirements for Employees). Under the provisions of A.R.S. $ 414401, C;ontractor hercby warants to thc City thal Contractor and each of is subconragors ("subcontractors) will comply with, and ar€ contractublly obligated to comply with, all Fedenl immigration laws and regulations that relate to their cmployces and A.RS. $ 23-214(A) (hereinafter, '€ontrastor Immigration Warrmty). A breach of the Contractor Immigntion Wananty shdl constitute a material brcach of this egreement and shall subject Contractor to penalties up to and including termination of this agrcement at the sole discretion of the City. The City man at its solc discetion, conduct random rarification of the employment rccords of C.ontractor and any Subcontractors to cnsu€ compliance with thc ConCIactor lmmigntion Waranty. Contractor agrces to assist thc City in rcgard to any random verifications performed. Neither Contractor nor any Subcontractor shall be deemed to have materially brcached the Conmctor lmmigntion Wananty if Contmctor or the Subconnagor establishes that it has complicd with the employmcnt vcrificdion provisions prcscribed by $$ 27aA and274B of the Federal lmmigration and Nationality Act and the F VeriS requiremens prescribed by A.R.S. 023-214(A). The provisions of this Pragraph must be included in any contnrct Contnctor enterc into with ury Subcontractors who provide services rmder this agreement or any subcontract. 'Scwices" is defined as furnishing labor, timc or efiort in thc State of Arizona by a contractor or subcon$actor. Services include construction or maintenance of any structur€, building or transportation facility or improvement to rcd property. Conractor wanants, for the term of this agreement and for six months thereaftcr, that is has fully complied with the requircmens of the lmmigration Reform and Control Act of l9t6 and all related or similar legal authorities. This conract shall be governed by the City and Contractor shall have all rcmedies affordcd each by the Uniform Comrncrcial Code, as adoped in the State of Arianq except as othcnrise provided in this conuact or in statutes pertaining sp€cifically to the City. This contract shall be govcmed by thc laws of the State of Arizona and suit pertaining to this contmct may be brought only in courts in the State of Arizona This contract is subject to the provisions of ARS $3E-51l; the City may cancel this contract without penalty or firrther obligations by the City or any of its departmens or agencies if any person significantly involved in initiating negotiatin& sccuring drafting or crcating thc contract on bchalf of the City or any of its departments or agencies, is a any time while the contract or any extension of the confact is in effect, an employee of any other party to the contrast in any capacity or a consultant to any other party of the contract Mth respect to the subject mattcr of the contr@t.. 16.4,1. Job Order Contractor wanants, for the term of tNs agreement and for six months thercafter, that is has fully complied with the requirements of the Immigntion Reform and Contnol Ast of l9t6 and all rclated or similar legal authorities. 16.42. This contrrt shdl bc governed by the Orner. City and Job Onder Contractor shall have all remcdies afiorded each by the Uniform Commercial Code, as adoped in the Sme of Arizong exccpt as otherwise provided in this contract or in statutcs pertaining spocifically to the Owncr. This confact shall be governed by the laws of the Sane of Arizona Any lawsuit pertaining to this contract may bc brought only in coultg in thc State of Arizona 16.43. This contract is subject to the prcvisions of ARS $ 38-51l; the Owner may cancel this contract without penalty or further obligations by the Owner or any of is departments or agcncies if any person significantly involved in initiating negotiating sccuring drafting or creating thc contract on behalf of the Owner or any of its depanments or agencies, is at any time while the contract or any extension of the contract is in effccg an cmployee ofany other party to the contract in any capacity or a consultant to any other party ofthe contract with rcpect to the subject matter of the contnct. Rev( lYi0lllCF -24- f6.5. IeggfBgq9d&!.: All claims and controvenies shall be subject to resolution accordingto the terms of the City of Pcoria hocurcment Code. 16.6. $CEf;1$i The contract between the Owner and the Job Order Contretor shall consist of (l) the Solicitation, including instructioru, all terms and conditions, specifications, scopes of worlq attachmentq price sheet(s) and any amendments thercto, and (2) thc offer submitted by the Job Order Contractor in responsc to thc soliciation. In the event of a conflict in language benyeen the Soliciafion and the Offer, the provisions and rcquiremcnts in the Soliciation shall govern. Howevcr, the Owncr neserves ttrc right to clarifr, in writing any contractud tetms with the concunence of the Job Order Conhactor, and such writen contnct shall govem in case of conflict with the applicable rcquircments stated in the Solicitation or the Vendor's offer. The Soliciafion shall govern in all other maners not affected by the written contract. 15.7. .Contnc{ Amcndments: This connact may be modified only by a witten Contract Amendment signed by persons duly authoriad to enter into contracts on behalf of the Owncr and the Job frer Contraaor. f6.& @ The Offeror shall substantially conform to the terms, conditions, specifications and othcr rcquirrmcnts found within the text of this Solicitation. All previors agneements, contracts, or other documents, ndrich have been exccuted between the Offeror and the Owner &€ not applicable to this Solicitation or uly resultantcontract. 16.9. Scvcnbllltv. The provisions of this contract are severable to 0re extent that any provision or application held to be invalid shall not affect any other provision or application of the contract which may rcmain in efrect withont the invalid provision or application. 16.10. Rclrtlonshlo to Prrtics. It is clearly understood that each party will act in its individual capacity and not as an aggnL anployee, prrtrcr, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or'construcd to bc the employce or agcnt of the other for any purpose whatsoever. The Job Order Contractor is advised that tores or Social Security paymens will not be withheld fiom any City payments issucd hereundcr and th,at the Job Order Contractor should makc anangements to directly pay such expenses, if anV-. 16.11. @ Contractor shall not delegate any duty under this Contract, and no right or intercst in this Contract shall bc rsigned by Contnctor to any successor entity or third party, including but not limited to an affiliaed sucoessor or purchaser of C;onractor or its asscts, withort prior written pcrmission of the City. The City, at its optioru may cancel this Contnct in the €vent Contractor undertalces a delegation or assignment without fint obtaining the City's written approval. Contractor agr€es and acknowledges that it would not be unreasonablc for the City to decline to approve a delegation or assignment that rcsults in a material change to the serviccs provided under this Contract or an increased cost to the City. f6.f2. Thc Job Order Cpntractor shall enter into written contrircts with its subcontracto(s) and supphe(s), if any, and ttrose written contracts shall be consistent wirh this Contract for Consrucion. lt is the intent of the Ovmer and the Job Order Contractor that the obligatiom of the Job Order Contractor's subcontracto(s) and supplie(s), if any, inure to the benefit of the Owner and the Job Order Contractor, and that the Owncr bc a third-pary beneficiary of the Job Order Contractor's agreemens with is subconuacto(s) and supplie(s). 16.12.1. The Job Order Contractor shall make available to each subconbactor and supplier, if any, prior to the execution of written contncts with any of them, a copy of the pertinent portions of this Connaq for Construction, including those ponions of the Constrwtion documents to which the subcontractor or supplier will be boun4 and shall require that each subcontractor and supplier shall sirnilarly make copies of applicable parts of such documents available to is respective subcontracto(s) and supplie(s). 16,12,2. The Job Order Contractor shall engage each of its subcontractor(s) and supplie(s) with wrinen contracts which preserve and prolect the rights of the Owner and include the acknowledgncnt and agreement of each subconttactor or supplier that thc Owner is a third-party beneficiary of thc contract. The Job Order Conlractor's agreements with its subconractor(s) and supplie(s) shall require that in the event of default undcr, or termination of, this Contract for Construction, and upon rcquest of the Orvner, the Job Order'Contractor's subcontracto(s) and supplie(s) will perform services for tlre Owner. Rrvtl]ttj0lS)CF -25- f6.f2J. The Job Order Contractor shall include in is agreements with its subcontracto(s) and supplie(s) a povision which contains the acknowledgment and agreement of the subcontractor or supplier that it has received'and reviewed thc applicable terms, conditions and requiriments of this Conbacl for Comtnrction tha are included by reference in its written contmct with the Job Order Conractor, and that it will abide'by those terms, conditions and requiremcns. f Cl3. BfiLE @.BCqgg!g$ No provision in this document or in the vendor's offer shall be construed, expressly or by implicationr as waiver by the Orner of any cxisting or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim of default or brcach of contract. The failure of the Ovner to imist upon the sfict performance of any t€rm or condition of the contract or to excrcise or delay the cxercise of any dght or rcmedy providcd in the contract, or by law, or thc Owner's acceptance of and payment for materials or scrvicos, shdl not release the Job Ordcr Contractor from any rcsponsibilities or obligatiors imposed by this contract or by law, and shall not be deemed a waivc of any right of the Owner to insist upon the sfict performance of the Contract. f6.f4. The Owner maintains that, in practice, orarcharges resulting fhom antirrst violatiom are borne by the purchaser. Thercfore, to the extenl permitted by law, the Job Order Contractor hercby assigls to the Owner any and all claims for such overcharges as to the goods and services used to fulfill the Consact. f6,f5. fg![flCUfg Except for payment for sums due, neither party shall be liable to fie other nor deemed in defautt rndcr this Contract if and to thc extent that such pafiy's performurce of this Contract is prevented by rrason of force Majeurc. 16.15.1. The term "force majewe" means an oecumenoe thu is beyond the control of the party aff$ted and occurs without is fault or negligence. Without limiting the foregoing force majeurc irclrdes asts of God: acts of the public enemy; war; riots; strikes; mobilization; labor disputes; civil disorden; firc; floods; lockorxs, injunctions-intewention-acts, or failurts or refirsals to act by governrncnt authority; and othcr similar oecurrences beyond the control of ttr party declaring force majeure which such party is unable to prcvcnt by exercising rcasonable diligence. Thc force mqieure shall be deemed to commence when thc party declaring force majcure notifies the other party of the existence of the force majeure and shall bc dcemed to continue as long as thc r€sults or effecs of the force majeure prevent the party fiom resuming performance in accordarce with this Contract. f6.Fr. Force majeure shall not include the followihg oocurrences: late delivery of equipment or materids caued by congestion at a manufrturcr's plant or elsewhere, an ovenold condition of the markct, inefticiencies, or similar occurences; l*e performance by a subcontractor unless the delay arises out of a force majcure oocurence in accordance with this Force Majeure term and Condition; or any delay or failure in performance by either party h€reto shall not constitute default hereunder or give rise to any claim for damages or loss of anticipated profits if, and to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by forcc majeure. If either party is dclayed at any timc in the progress of the work by forcc majeurg then the delayed party shall notifr the othcr party in writing of such delay within forty+ight (4t) houn commencemcnt thcrcof and shall specifr the carres of such defay.in such notice. Such notice shall be hand delivcrcd or mailed Certtfied-Retwt Receipt and shall make a specific tefercncc to this article, thereby invoking its provisions. The delayed party shall cause such delay to cease as sqrn as practicable and shall notiry thc other pafiy in writing Thc time of completion shall be cxtended by contnact modification for a period of time equal to the time that the results or effccts of such delay prevcnt thc delayed party frorn performing in accordarrce with this eontract. f6.16. EiglllgJ$1ggg$g Whencver one party to this contract in good faith has reason to question the other party's intcnt to perform he may demand that the other party give a wriuen assuranoe of this intent to pcrform. In the event that a demand is made and no wrinen assuranoe is given within live (5) days, thc demanding party may treat this failure as 8n anticipatory repudiation of the ContracL 16.l7.@TheCitymay,atreasonab|etimcsandplaces,auditthebooksandrecordsof any Contnctor as related to any contnct held with the City. This right to audit also empowers the Cily to inspect the papers of any Contractor or Subcontractor employee who works on this contract to ensure that the Contmctor or Subcontractor is comptying with the Contractor lmmigration Warranty made pursuant to Paragraph 16.4 above. Rer.(lY3Ul3)CF -26- 16.l& Sfgggg Job Ordo Contractor warants that all material, sewice or construction delivercd under ttris contrsct shall conform to the specifications of this contract. Unless otherwise sbted in Job Order Contmctor's response, the Orner is responsible for sclecting items, their use, and the results obtaincd from any othcr itcms tscd with the ircms furnished under this contract. Mere receip of shipment of the materiaUservice specificd and any inspection incidental thereto by the Ot'mer shall not alter or afrect the obligations of the Job Order Contractor or the rights of the Owner under the foregoing warranties. Additional uananty requirernents may be set forth in the soliciafion. 16.19. Ingpggig& All material and/or sewices are subject to inspection and acceptancc by the Owner. Materials and/or services failing to conform to the specifications of this Conract will b€ held al Job Order Conuactor's risk and may be retumed to the Job Order Conractor. lf so returne4 dl coss arp the rcsponsibility of the Job Order Contractor. The Owner may elect to do any or all of the following: 16.19.1. Waivc the non-confonnance. 16.19,2. Stop the work immediately. 16.t93. Bring material into compliance. 16.19.a. This shall be accomplished by a written detcrmination from the Ovner. 16.20. @ The title and risk of loss of material ard/or service shall not pass to the Ovmer until the Ormer actually rcceives the material or scrvice at the point of delivery, unles othenrise provided within this Contract f6.2f. Every tender of materials shall fully comply with dl provisions of the Contract. If a tender is made which does not fully conform, this shall conslitute a breach of the Conract as a whole. 16.22. Job Order Conractor is not authqized to ship materials undcr reservation and no tender of a bill of lading will operue as a tender of the muerials. f6.23. I&g!. All maeriats, service or construction shatl be frce of all lienq and if the Ovmer r€guests, a formal' release of all liens shall be delivered to the Owner. 16.24. !@gg-shall maintain in cunent status, all Fedcral, Satc and Local liccnscs and crcated under this contract arc the property of the Orner and shall not be used or released by the Job Order Contractor or any other person exccpt with the prior written permision of the ovrner. 16.25. Prtcnb rnd Convriqhb. All services, informatioq computer program elernents, r€ports and other deliverables, which may be patented or copyrighted and created undcr this contnact are the property of the Ovner and shall not be rsed or released by the Job Onder Contractor or any other pcrson except with the prior unittcn permision ofthe OYner. r626.Theownershallnotrcimbursethecostofdeve|opingPr€sentingo] providing any r€sponse to this solicia$on. Offen submitted for corsideration should be prepared simply and economically, providing adcquate information in a straightforward and concise manner. 16.27. Publlc Rccords. All offcn submitted in response to this solicitation shall become the property of the City and shall become a matter of public record availablc for review, subsequent to the award notification, in accordarrce with thc City's hocurement Code. Howener, subsequent to the award of the confiact any information and documents obtained by the City during the couse of an audit conducted in accordance with Pangraph 16.17 above for the purpose of determining compliance by Contractol or a Subcontractor with the Contractor Immigration Warranty mandated by Paragnph 16.4 above shall remain confidential and shall not bc made available for public review or produced in rcsponse to a public records r€quest, unless the City is ordered or otherwise directed to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction. 16.28. AglggCS$bg Job Order Contractor shall not advertise or publish information Concerning this Contract, without prior wrinen consent of the Oryner. Rev(llA(VlitCF -27- 16.29. &Eeqg.1Qf&g, The Owrrr shall issue a Purchasc Order for the material and/or services covercd by this contact. All such documents shall reference the contract number as indicated on the signanrc page ofthe contrrt f6J0. Itt11ling Any confiact entered into by the Owner of Pcoria is subject to funding araailability. Fiscal yean for ttre Owrrcr of Peoria are July I to Jurc 30. The Owner Council apprcves all budget requests. lf a specific funding requct is not approved, thc conract shall be terminatcd. ffif. Egblfggglg& lt is the resporuibility of the Contractor to determine on any single job order project if fueral wage rates will apply. It is also the responsibility of the Contactor to incorporafie any netcessary amounts in the bid to accommodate for roquired federal record keeping and necessary pay structur€s. The @ntractor should sontsct the City of Pcoria rqgarding any applicable Davis Bacon wage rates. l63f.f Dtvb.Brcon Act - (4ll U.S.C. t276e-276e-51. All contracts or subsequent subcontracts for construction, alteralion, renovatio,rL or rcpair, including parnting and decoratin& of a public building or public worlq or building or wod<, financed by ffieral funds which meee the S2,000 threshold are required to pay the federd prcvailing wage rate for each class of laborer or mechanic employed. Regulations applicable to gralrt- enabling strtutcs incorporating the Act can bc fonnd in 29 Code of Federal Rqgulations (CFR), Parts 1,3,5 and 7. Thce reguluions sipulate that gnnt funds appropriated under $uues imposing the Davis-Bacon Act requirements shall not bc pard to a gantee (the Department) until contractors or subcontractors performing work under the grant ccrtif that thcy will comply with the Act's requiremen8. Thc Act also applies to any contract or subconbact for similar wort on public grans from a Henl €enGy, or wherc ttp federal government acts ar guarantors of mortgages. The only exception is for the transportation of materials and supplies by persons who are not employed directly at thc work site, bu are employed solely to make deliveries to the work site. hovider Agencies must ensure that contracs or subcontracts for any construction/alterdion pojecs conain the wagc dcterminations issued and that the appropriatc claues required by the Davis-Bacon regulations (29 CFR, section 5.5) arc present. It should be made clear in any announoements of projccts or RFPs that fcderal gnnt funds are being used and that Davis-Bacon will apply cven if the fedcral govornment is not a pary to the sonract or subcontrrt. The prevailing w€e must be pard regardless of any contractual relationship that may exist between a oontactor or a subconfactor. Although the Elcpanment is not responsible to review sub-contracts for compliance- it has the right to requirc a prevailing wage. Sanctions for post-certification violations includc suspension of paymcnt, advances, or guarantees of gnnt fuirds, and the forced restitution of wages that should have been pard and the rcmoval of offending contractorc or subcontracton from active employment lists. Failurc to comply can bring penalties that can be severe. The contractor or subcontractor and their sureties are liable for ary cxcess costs for complaing the worlc; the Departmcnt may withhold accruals to ensuE payment of prevailing wages to the workers; the contrast or subcontract may be terminated andlor the contnactor or subconuactor may be debared for a period ofthree years. 1632, A.RS. Titlc34 ProJlsionr. 1632.f. The morimum dollar amount of an individual job order shall be Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) or such higher or lower arnount prescribed by the Ovmer in an rtion notice punu,ant to A.RS. tirle 3E, chapter 3, articlc 3.1 or a rulo adoptcd by the Orvncr as the maxirnum alnount of an individual job order. Requirements shall not be artificially divided or fiagmented in order to constitutc a job order that satisfies this requirement. 1632.2, If thc Job Order Conuactor subcontracts or intends to subcontract part or all of the wdrk under a job order and if this contftrt includes descriptions of standard individual tasks, slandard unit prices for sundard individul tasks and pricing ofjob orden based on the number of units of standard individual tasks in the job order, then: The Job Order Conractor has a duty to deliver promptly to each subcontactor invited to bid a coefficient to the Job Order Contractor to do all or part of the work under one or morc job orders: Rcv t l!/!Ul3)CF -28- 16322.1.1. A copy of the descriptions of all standard individual tasks on which the subcontractor is invitod to bid. 16322,1.2. A copy of the standard unit prices for the individu,al tasks on which the subcontractor is invited to bid. lf not previorsly delivered to the subcontractor, the Job Order C,ontractor has a.duty to dcliver promptly thc following to cach subconbactor invited to or that has agced to do my of the work included in any job order: 163222.1. A copy of thc description of each standard individual task that is irrcluded in the job order and that thc subconraqor is invited to perform. 16322.L2. The number of unig of erch standard individual task that is included in thc job order and that th€ subcontractor is invited to perform. 1632223. The standard unit price for each standard individual task that is irrcluded in the job order and that the subconracor is invitod to perform. f6323. The Owrrcr will include the full stret or physical address of cach scparatc location at which the oonstluction will be performed for eacb individual Job Order. The Job Onder Contractor (and on behalf of each subcontractor at any level) hercby agrces to include in cach of its subcontrscts thc same address information The Job Order C,onractor and each subcontractm d any level shall include in cach subcontract the full sfcet or physical address of each scparate locuion at which constnrction work will be performed. 1633 ProhiHtcd Lobbvtnq ActMtles. The Offeror, his/her €cnt or rpr€sentative shall not contact, onlly or in any writtcn form any City electcd ofticial or any City employce other than the Materials Management Divisioq the procuring departncnt, City Manager, Deputy City Manager or City Attorney's office (for legal issues only) regading the contents of ttris solicianion or the soliciation proces commcncing from receip of a copy of this rqlucst for proposals and ending upon submission of a staff report for placcment on a City Council agenda The Materials [,tanager shall disqruli$ an Offeror's proposal for violaion of this provision. This provision shall not prohibit an Offeror from petitioning.an electod official after submission of a staff report for placement on a City Council agenda or engaging in any other protected fint amendment activity aftcr submission of a staffreport for placcment on a City Council agenda 1634 PrchiHtcd Politicrl CootribuJlons. Consultant during the tem of this Agreement shall not make a coruibution reportable under Title 16, Chapter 6 Article l, Arizona Revised Statutes to a candidate or candidate committee for any city electivc office during the term of this Agreemcnr The City r€senes fte right to terminate the Agrecmcnt without pcnalty for any violation of this provision. 1635 1!!$1!.$gg-!g!g Use of American lron, Steet, and Manufacturpd Goods. (a) None of the funds appropriatcd or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for a project for the construction, altcratioq maintenance, or npair of a public building or public work unless all of the iron, sleel, and manufactured goods rscd in thc projcct are produced in thc United Statcs. (b) Subsoction (a) shc[ not apply in any casc or category of cases in which the head of tlre Federal department oragcncy involved finds that- applying subsection (a) world be inconsistent with thc public interest; o iro[ sccl, and the relcvant manufactured goods are not produced in the United Sates in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality; or o inclusion of iron, steel, and manufactured goods produccd in thc Unitcd Stateswill increasc the cost of the overall project by more than 25 percent. o lf the head of a Federal department or agency determines that it is necessary to waive the application of subsection (a) based on a finding under subsection (b), the head of the department or €ency shall publish in the Federal Registcr a detailed written justification as to why the provision is being waived. Rev I lYiUlJl CF -29- . This section shall bG applied in a manner consistent with Uniled Sates obligatiorc under international agrecments. f636 ARRA Sec. t6l)6. Ihvig-Brcon Act Notwitlutanding any ottrer provision of law and in a manrrr consistcnt with other provisions in this Act, all laboren and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on projecs funded directly by or assisted in whole or in part by and through the Fcderal Governmcnt pursuant to this Act shall be paid wages at ralcs not less than those prevailing on projecs of a character similar in ttre locality as determirrcd by the Secrctary of Labor in accordance with subchaptcr [V of clrapter 3l of title 4Q Unitcd States Code. With rtspect to the labor standards specified in this scction, the Secretary of Labor shall have the audrodty and functions set forth in Rcorganization Plan Numbered 14 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1267;5 U.S.C. App.) and section 3145 oftitlc 4O United Stues Codc. l6J7 Conollenoc wlth Drvig-Becon Act (40 U.S.C. 8276r-276e-51 Prcvrlllnq Wrce RGouiromeng (ARRA $g$gq-l6Qfl All laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on projects funded directly by or assistod in wholc or in part by and the through thc Federal Gorrcmmcnt pur$ant to the ARM shall be Bard wages al rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a chanctcr similar in the locality as determincd by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with subchaptcr lV of chaptcr 3l of Title 40, United Statcs Cdle. tn addition, all covercd contracts shall include the standard cont?ct clauscs regnrding prerailing wages and bercfits ircluded in the United States Deparment of Labor regulations found at 29 Code of Fedenl Regulations (qCFR") $ 5.5, which are incorporated by rcference in this contract. The conractor shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR Pan 3, which arc also incorporated by rcference in this Contract. The conuactor or subconbactors shall inscrt in any subcontracts thc clauses containcd in 29 CFR $ 5.5(a) (l) thtough (10) and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to inclrde these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The contractor slull be responsiblc for the compliarce by any subcontractor or lowcr ticr subcontractor with dl the contract clauses in 29 CFR $ 5.5. A brerch of thc contract clauses in 29 CFR $ 5.5 may be gounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as acontractorand a subcontractoras provided in 29 CFR S 5.12. All ruling and interprctations of the Davis-Bacon and Rclatcd Acts conained in 29 CFR Parts l, 3, and 5 are hcrein incorporated by reference in this contract. Diryutcs arising out of the labor strandards provisions of this contract shall not bc subjcct to the gencral dispues claue of this contrrt. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the prccedurcs of the United Starcs [hpartment of Labor set forth in 29 CFR Parts 5, 6, and 7. Disputes within the meaning of ttris clause include disputes benvoen the confiactor (or any of is subcontracton) and the City, the State of Arizona ('State"), the United Statcs Department of Labor, or their employees or their rcpr€sentativcs. By entering into this contract, the conbactor certifies that neither it (nor he or she) nor any penion or firm who has an intercst in the contractoy's firm is a peson or firm ineligible to be awarded govemment conuacts by virtue of Section 3(a) ofthe Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR $ 5.12(aXl). No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineiigiUle for award of a govemmenr contr"ct by virtue of Section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Actorzg CFR $ 5.12(aXl). l6Jt Use of Amcricon lron. Steel. rnd Menufrcturcd Goods - Bov Americen Rcouirpnotg (ARRA Sccdon 1605|: The contractor acknowledges to and for the benefit of the City ('Purchaser') and the Stae that it undcrstands tho goods and services under this contmct arc being funded with monies made available by the ARRA (or are bcing made available for a project being funded with monies made available by the ARRA) and such law contains provisions commonly known as "Buy American" that requirc all of the iron, steel, and manufactured goods tsed in the pnoject be produced in the Unitcd States ("Buy American Requirements') including iron, steel, and manufactured goods provided by the Contractor pursuant to this contnct. The Contractor hereby rcprcsents and wanants to and for the benefit ofthe Purchaser and the State that (a) the Contractor has reviewed and understands the Buy American Requirements, (b) all of the iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in the projecr will be Rct(lYlOlilCF -30- and/or have been produced in the United States in a manner that complies with the Buy American Requirements, unless a waiver of the rcquiremens is approvd and (c) the Contractor will provide any firrther verificd informaiiort ccrtificuion or assurance of comptiance with this paregnph, or information necessary to support a waiver of the Buy Amcrican Requirements, as may be requested by the Purchaser or the State. Notrritlsanding any othcr provision of this contracl, any failure to comply with this poragnph by the Contractor shall permit the Purchaser or State to rc@ver as damages against the Contractor any loss, expense or co$ (including without linituion attorney's fees) incuned by the Purchascr or State resulting from any such failurc (including without limitation uty impairment 6r loss of funding whetherin whole or in part, from the Sane or any damagcs owed to the Stralc by the Purchaser). While the Conuactor has no direct conractrnl privity with the State, as a lender to the Purchascr for the funding of its project, the Purchaser and the Conuactor agn€ that the Sutc is a third-party beneficiary and neitlrer this paragraph (nor any other provision oftllis contract necessary to give this paragraph forcc orcffect) shall be amended or waived without the prior rryrinen consent of the State. 1639. iVhirtlcbbwcr Protcctlone Under fhe ARRA: (a) Tlrc Contractor shall post a notice of employees' rights and remedies for whistleblower protections provided undcr Section 1553 of the ARRA @ub. L. I I l-5). (b) The Conuactor shall rcquire that this provision bc included in all subcontncts. 16.40. Reoortim Rcoulrqncnts undcr the ARRA: (a) This Contract requires thc Contractor to provide products and/or services that arc funded under the ARRA. Scction l5l2(c) of thc ARRA requircs each confiactor to rcport on is ue of Rccovery Act funds under this Contrct. These reports win be made available to the prblic. (b) Repora from contractors for all work funded, in whole or in part, by ttre ARM, and for which an invoice is submitted prior to June 30, 2009, are duc no later than July 10, 2009. Thercaftcr, rcports shalt be submined no latcr ftan thc l0th day after the end of cach calendar quarter. (c) The Contractor shall report thc following informatioq using the online reporting tool available ar www.Fedenl Rcportinggov: (l) The City ofPeoria contract and order number, as applicable. (2) The amount of ARRA funds invoiced by the Contractor for the reporring perid. (3) A list of all significant services performed or supplies delivcred, including comfuction, for which the Contractor invoiced in the calendar quarter. (a) Program or project title, if my. (5) A descdption of the overall purposc and expected oulcomes or results of the Contract, including significant deliverables and, if appropriate, associated units of measure. '(6) An assessment of the Conhactor's progr€ss towards the completion of the overall purpose and expected outcomes or results of the Contract (i.e., not startod, less than 50 percent complcted, completed 50 percent or rnore, or fully completed). This covers the Contract (or portion thcreof) tunded by the ARRA. (7) A mnative description of thc employment impact of work funded by the ARRA. This nanative should be cumulative for each calendar quarter and only address the impact on the Contractor's worldorte. At a minimum, the Contractor shall provid+ (D I bricf dcscription of the types ofjobs created and jobs rcuined in the Uniled Strates and outlying areas (see definition in Fedcral Acquisition Rcgulation (FAR) 2.101). This description may rely on job titles, broader labor categorics, or thc Conhactor's existing practice for describing jobs as long as the terms used are widely undentood and describe the general narure of the work; and (ii) An estimate of the number ofjobs created and jobs relained by the prime contractor, in the United Srates and outlying arcas. A job cannot be reported as both creatd and retaincd. Rev ( lzj(yli)CF -3 l- (8) Names and toal compensation of cach of the five most highly compensated officers of the.Contractor for the calendaryear in which the Contract is awarded if- (D tn the Contractor's preceding fiscal year, the Contractor received- (A) t0 percent or more ofits annual gross rcvenues fiom Federal contracts (and subcontracs), loan+ grants (and subgrants) and coopentive agreements; and (B) 325,000,000 or morc in annual gn ss rcvcnues from Fcderal contracts (and subcontracs), loanq grsns (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements; and (ii) The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the senior execdivcs through periodic r€ports filed undersection l3(a) or l5(d) of the Sccurities Exchange Acr of 1934 (15 U.S.C.7Em(a), 78o(d)) o section 6104 of thc Intemal Rcvcnue Code of 19E6. (9) For subcontrcts valued at less than $25,000 or any subcontracts awarded to an individual, or subcontracts awarded to a subcontractor that in the prcvious tax ycar had gross income under J300,000, the Contractor shall only report the aggrcgate number of such first tier subconracn awarded in the quaner and their aggregate toal dollaramount (10) For any fust-tiet subcontract funded in whole or in part under thc ARRA, that is over t25,000 and not subject to reporting under paragraph 9, tne C;ontractor shall requirc the subcontractor to provide the informarion described in (i), (ix), (x), and (xi) below to dle Conuactor for the purposes of the quartcrly report Thc Conbactor shall advise the subcontractor that the information will be made available to the public as rcquircd by Section l5l2 of tlre ARRA. The Contractor shall provide detailed information on thcsc first-tier subconiracts as follows: (i) Unique identifier (Dl.rNS Number) for the subcontraclor receiving the award and for the subcontractor's parant compsny, if the subconuactor has a par€nt company. (ii) Name ofthe subcontractor. (iii) Amount of the subcontaet award. (iv) Date of the subcontracr award. (v) The applicable North American lndusry Classification Systcm (NAICS) code. (vi) Funding agency. (vii) A dcscription of the products or scrviccs (including constnrction) being provided under the subcontracg irclding thc overall purposc and expcctcd outcomes or results ofthe subcontract (viii) Subconfact number (the contract number assigned by the prime contractor). (ix) Subconractor's physical address including str€et addr6s, city, state, and country. Also include the nine-digit zip code and congressional disrict if applicable. (x) Subcontract primary performance location inctuding srect address, city, state, and country. Also inclrde the ninedigit zip code and congressional district ifapplicable. (xi) Names and toul eompensation of each of thc subconfiactor's five most highly compensated ofiicen, for thc calendaryear in which the subcontract is awardcd if- (A) In the.subcontractor's preceding fiscd year, the subcontractor received- (l) E0 percent or more of its annual goss rsvenues in Federal contracts (and subcontracts), toans, grants (and subgrans), and cooperative agrecments; and (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gnrss revenues from Federal contracts (and subcontracs), loans, gnnts (and subgrants), and cooperative agrcements; and Rcv ( lyto/lr) cF -32- (B) The public docs not have acccss to information about the compensation of the senior executives through periodic r€ports filed under section l3(a) or l5(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. ?8m(a), 7to(d)) or section 6104 of thc lntcmal Revenue Code of 19E6. 15.41. (a) The Contractor is required to properly register and maintain an updated rqgisralion with the Cenual Contractor Registruion (CCR), which is ttrc primary Federal Governmcnt repository for contractor information required for the conduct of bnsiness with thc Fedenl Govemment. TIre requiremens for zuch registration are set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), including the establishmcnt of a *Data Univenal Numbcring System (Dl,rNS) number,' the 9-digit number assigrcd by Dun and Bradstroet, Inc. (D&B) to identi$ uniquc business cntitics. O)'Registered inihe CCR database" means thal- (t) The Contractor has entercd all mandatory informatioq including the Dt NS number or the DLrNS*4 number, into the CCR daubasc; and (2) The Federal Govemment has vdidated dl mandatory data fields, to include validation of the Torpayer Identification Numbcr (TlN) with the lntemal Revenrc Scrvice (lRS), and has marked the rccord *Active-. ihe Contractor will bc rcquired to provide consent for TIN validation to the Govemment as a part of the CCR regisuation prooess. (c) The DLrNS number will be uscd by the City to veri$ that the Contractor is registered in the CCR ddabsse. (d) lf the Contractor does not bccome registered in ttre CCR databasc in the timc prescribct by the City, thc City will proceed to award the Contract to the next otherwisc successful rcgistered rcsponding entity. (e) The Contractor is responsible for the accur"cy and completeness of the data within the CCR database, and for any liability resulting from the City's reliance on inaccurate or incomplete data To nmain rcgistered in the CCR database after the initial regisuation, the Conuactor is required to rcview and update on an annual basis from the date of initial rcgisration or subseqrcnt updaes is information in the CCR database to ensurc it is cunrnt, accurate artd completc. Updating information in the CCR docs not alter the terms and conditions of this Conhact and is not a substinrrc for a properly executed contractual document. 16.12 Contnct Work Hours rnd Srfety Standards Aci - Ovcralne Compen$tloa. (a) Overtime requlrenents. No Contractor or subcontractor employing laboren or mcchanics (see Federal Acquisirion Rcgulation 22.300) shall rcquire or permit them to work ovcr 40 hous in any workweek unless they are pard at least I and t2 times the basic rate of pay for each hour worked over 40 hours. (b) Ttolaion; Iiability fonovad wag6; liquidated danages. The rcsporsible Contractor and subcontractor are liable for unpaid wages if they violate the terms in paragnph (a) of this clausc. ln additioq the Contractor and subcontractor are liable for liquidated damages payable to thc Government. The Contracting Officcr will asscss liquidued damages at thc rate of$10 per affccted ernployee for each calendar day on which the employer rcquired or permitted the employec to work in excess of the standard worloyeek of 40 houn without payment of the orahimc wag6 requirod by the Contract Work Hours and Safcty Strndards Acr (Q mthlaldlng for unpaid wages ard ltqutdated datuges. The Conracting Oflicer will wittrhotd from paymcnts duc under thc contract_sufficient funds requirod to satis$ any Contractor or subcontractor liabilities for unpaid wages and liquidated dameges. lf amoung wittrheld under the contract are insullicient to satisf Contractoi or subcontmctor liabilities, the Contracting Ofticer will withhold payments from other Federal or Fedenlly assisted contracB held by the same Contractor that are subjcct to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. (d) Palrolls and basic records. (l) The Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain payrolls and basic payroll records for all laboren and mechanics working on the contract during thc contrad and shall make them available to the Govemment until 3years after contract completion. The records shall contain the name and address of each employee, social securiry RcrtlUi0lj)CF .JJ. numbcr, labor classifications, hourly rates of wages paid, daily and weekly nunber of hours worked, deductions madg and actual wagcs paid. The rccords need not duplicate those required for construction wort by Departnent of Labor regulations at 29 CFR 5.5(aX3) implementing the Davis-Bacon Act. (2) The Contrastor and is subcontractors shall allow authorizcd representatives of the Contracting Ofticer or the Departnent of Labor to inspect, copy, or tnanscribe records maintained under paragraph (d[l) of rhis clarse. The Contractor or subcontractor also shall dlow authoriad represcnadvcs of the Contracting Ofticer or Department of Labor to interview emj,loyees in the workplace during working houn. (e) Stbconlracts. The Conuactor shall insert the provisions set forth in paragraphs (a) througlr (d) of this clanse in subconracs may.require or involve the cmployment of laborers and mechanics and rcquir€ subcontractors to include thcse provisions in any such lower-tier subcontracts. Thc @ntractor shall be rcsponsible for compliancc by any subcontrrtor or tower-tier subcontractor with the provisions sct forth in paragpphs (a) ttuough (d) of this claue. 16.43 Comolience with Coocbnd Act Rcouircmcnts. Tlrc Contractor shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR Pan 3, which are hereby incorporated by rcfercnce in this conract. Rer,(ll60lj)Cf -34- Attachmcnt A Attachment B Anachmcnt C Attachment D ATTACHMENTS JOC General Scope of Services SIQ & Contractor's Response JOC Cost Proposal Forms (Pricing Matrix, Project Cost Sheet) Contractor's Contacts (Contact List & Authorized Signanrre Form) Rev ( ll/30rli) CF -35- ATTACHMEMA JOC General Scope of Senices r.O GENERALTNFORJ}TATION l.l This is a fixed price indefmite quantity type Contract for the performance of various Wct Utility Pipeline Projeca on an as-needed basis as nay be required by Orncr. The specific work requircments will be identified in Job Ordcrrto be issued by Owner. 1.2 Dcpending on what is requircd by the Individual Job Order Agrecmcnq thc type of Conuact will be cither*Lump Sum Fixcd hice'or "Guaranteed Mo<imum Price (with savings raurned to owrrcr)'. 2.0 DOCI'MENTS 2.1 The curently applicable pncing structue contains pricing information for the Work to be accomplished in thc pricing matrix specified. The Pricing matrix can only be updated at time of yearly conmct renewal by mutually agrceable change order. heviously issued Job Onders and changes will not be retroactivcly rc-priced although any changcs priced after rcceipt of an update will be priced by the updated version of tlre new pricing matrix. 2.2 The construction specifications in effect at Contract signing and provided to the Job Order Contractor, shall be the spccifications under this Consact. 3.0 WORKAUTHORIZATION Any Work reguired under this Contract shall be authorized by isuance of formal, wrincn Job @ers, as follows: 3.1 As the need exists (as determined by Owner) for performancc under the terms of this Conract, Owner will notify Job Order Contractor of an existing requircment. 3.2 Upon the receip of this notification, Job Order Contrstor shall respurd within wo (2) working days, or as otherwise agr€e( by: 3.2:l Visiting tlrc prcposed sitc in the company of Orner, or; 3.2.2 Establishing contact with Ovmer to firther define the scope of the rcquirement 3.3 After muturl agreement on the scope of the individual requiremenq Job Ondcr Conractor shall then prepare a ptoposal for rcomplishment of the task unless Job Order Contractor, in its sole discretion, elects not to undetrake,the Work. lf the Work is declined, Job Onder Contractor will so notify olvner in r timely manner. 3.4 The p{ce matrix shall serve as the basis for establishing the value of the Wo* to bc performed. 3.5 Job Onder Contractor's proposal shall bc submined within ten (10) working days unles otherwise agreed. 3.6 Upon rcceip of Job Order Contractor's proposal, Owner will review ttrc propcal for completerrss and will reach agreemcnt with Job Order Contractor on pricing schedulg and all other terms, prior to issuance of a Job Ordcr. 3.7 ln the cvent Owner does not issue a Job Order afier receipt of Job Order Contractor's proposal, Ovmer is not obligated to rcimburse Job Order Contmctor for any costs incuned in the preparation of tlp proposal, except as noted in$r'J. 4.0 SCHEDULING OF WORK 4.1 For each Job Order, Owner will issue a Notice to Proceed. The fint day of performance under a Job Order shall be the effective date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Any preliminary work started or material ordered or Rer(l3/j0lt)CF -36- purchased before receipt of the Notice to Proceed shall be at rhe risk and expense of Job Ordcr Conracbr. Job Order Conuactor shall diligently prosscute the Work to completion within the time set forth in the Job Oder. The period of performancc includes allowance for mobilization, holidays, weekend dayg normd inclcrnemt weather, and cleanup. Thercforg claims for delay based on these elements will not be allowed. When Job Orrder C-ontrrtor considers thc Work complete and ready for is intended use, Job Order Contractor shall request Ovmcr to inspect the Work to dctcrmine the statrs of completion. When Owner daermines the Work to be hrnch List hcpared as defincd in Article l, Oumer will providc Contrrtor with a list of items to be completed or conected prior to final paymeni for the Job Order. Job Ordcr Contractor sball prccecd promptly to complete and conect items on the list. 4.2 Job placement of materials and cquipment shatl be made with a minimum of interfercnce to Owner operations and pcrsonnel. 4.3 Fumiture and porable office equipment in the immediate work area will be moved by Job Order Contractor and rcplaced to its original location. lf the furniture and portable oflice equipment cannot be replaccd to is original location, Ovmer will desigrate new locations. If frmiture and portable office equipment (or othcr items) must bc moved and/or storcd outside the immediue area, Orvner will compensate Job Ordcr Contretor for any such ransportation and storage co6ts incur€d. 4.4 Job Onder Contractor shall take all precautions to ensu€ that no damage will rcsult from its operations to privatd or public propcrty. All damages shall be rcpaircd or rcplaced by Job Order C,ontractor at no cost to Ovmer. 4.5 Job @er Contractor shall be responsible for providing all necessary traffic control, such as street blockages, traffc cones, flagmen, etc., as rcquircd for each Job Order. Proposed'tnffic contol methods shall bc submited to Owner for approvd. s.0 QUALITYASSURANCD/QUALTTYCONTROLPROGRAM 5.1 Job der Conractor shatl submit, for Ovner approral, a Qualig Assunnce/Quatity Control Plan within fifteen (15) calendar days after issuance of the initial Job Order. This plan should address dl aspocs of quality control including rcsponsibility for surveillance of worlq documenafio& trend analysis, corrective action and interface with Oumer's inspecton. 6.0 DESIGN 6.1 In accordance with the provisions of ARS $ 34'602 & 603, the City may requirc the Job Order Contractor to contract with one ot morc Desigr hofessionals to provide architectural or engineering design of the hoject. 6.2 As an altemative to $ 61, and in accordancc with the provisions of ARS $ 34602 & 603, the City may elect to oontact separately with one or more D6ign hofesionals to providc architectural or enginoering desigr of the hoject. 6.3 Whether thc City or the Job Order contractor contncts with the Desigr Profesional, it is expected thar somc or all of the following services will be provided during the performance of the work: 6.3.1 The Dcign Pro'fessional will provide administration of thc work. The City and the Contractor will endeavor to communicate through the Design hofcssional. Communicatiors by and with the Desigr Profcssionals' consultants will be through the Design hofessional. 6.3.2 The Design Profcssional will visit the Site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the complaed work and to determine in general if the work is being performed in accordance with the contract documents. The Design h,ofessional will keep the City informed of progress of the work and will endeavor to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the work. 6.3.3 Upon the Job Order Contractor's subminals, the Design professional will review and approve or take other appropriate action on subminals as Shop Drawings, hodrrct Data, and Samples. Ra'112/3Olt)CF -37- 6.3.4 All drawings produced for projects under this contract arc th€ property of the City, and are owned in whole by the City for any and all future use and considerations. 7.0 PROJECTA$BI'ILTS 7.1 An individual Job Order's scalg complexity, and proximity to agsncy rightsof-way will dctermine the specific as-built rcquiremens for each individualjob order projcct. Unless othcrwise determined at the time of the job order award tha project as-builts will not be requircd the Job Order Contractor shall assume Orat they must satisfr the as$uilt requirements of both ttrc City of Peoria as the permitting agency and 0re City of Peoria as the project owner. For river trail and trailhead projec,s, additionat as-built requirements may by imposed by the Flood Contnol District of Maricopa County and the Arizona Department of Tnnsportaion. 7.2 To satis$ the requirements of the City of Peoria as the permining ag€ncy, the Job Order Contractor shall rctain the scrvices of an Arizona Registered Larul Surveyor to as-built the constructod condition of all gnding drainage, hardscape, and underground utility civil improvements. The Job Order Contractor will bc required to meet thc reguircments of Chapter 7 of the City of Peoria lnfrasructure Development Desiglr Guidelines and shall make the required submissions to thc permitting agency sufficiently in advance of Final Completion. 7.3 To satis$ the rcquiremens of the City of Peoria as the owner, the Job Ordcr Contractor shall prcpare indusfy srandard redlinc as-built drawing on a clean print of thc constnrction documcnts or relcvant shop drawing The Job Orddr Contractor shall rcatly mark and post to trcse dnwings any clarific*ion or scope changing documents issncd by the design professional and shall neatly mark the drawings to indicar variances from the desigrcd condition. The Job Order Conractor shall submit the as-built documents to the job ordcr projcct manager for revicq correction, and approval sufficiently in advance of Final Completion. &O UTILITY COMPANY COORIDINATION 8.1 Unlcss specifically excluded by the lndividu,al Job Order Agrcemcnt, the Job Order Conbactor will bc responsible for coordinating with utility design work for p€rmanent service to the project and wilt ensur€ that the wort takes place in a timely manner and docs nol impact the project schedule. Any utility design fees for permanent seryiccs to a project will be pard by the City. 9.0 TEMFORARYSANITATIONFACILITIES 9.1 Thc Contactor shall providc ample toilet facilities with proper enctosures for the tse of workmen employed on the work site. Toila facilities shall be installed and mrintaincd in conformity with alt applicablc statc and local laws, codes, rcgulatioru and ordinances. They shall be properly lit and ventilated, and kept clean at all times. 9.2 Adcquatc and satisfactory drinking water shall be provided at all times and under no circumstances and under no cottditions will the use of common cups bc permitted. The Contractor must supply suritary drinking cups forthe bencfit of all employees. IO.O DUST CONTROL.A,IID WATER l0.l The dus control meatur$ shall bc in accordance with the requirmens of thc "Molcop County Heahh Deprtment Air Polluion Control Regdaions, " namely Rqgulation Il, Rule 21, subpartgnph C and Rcgulation IlI, Rule 310 shall be rigidly observcd and cnforced. Water or other approved dusr palliative in sufficient qusntitics shall be applied during all phases of construction involving opcn earthwork to prcyent unneccssary discharge of drst and dirt into the air. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with these regulations. A Notice to Proc€ed will not be issrrcd until the City of Peoria has received a copy of the Contractor's Drst Control Permit and Plan. Rer'( l?30131CF -38- 10.2 The Contractor shall bc requircd to obtain the necessary permit and all pertinent information from the Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Burcau, 2406 S. 24th Sbeet #E-214, Phoenir Arizona, (602) 5066700 extension 372. 10.3 The Contractor shall keep suitablc cquipment on hand at the job site for mainuining dust conrol on the poject st€ets, and shall €mploy sufiicicnt labor, maerials and equipment for that purpose at all times during the project to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 10.4 Watering shall conform to the provisions of Section 225 of the MAG Standard Specifications. The oost of watering will be includod in the price bid for th€ constnrction operation to which such watering is incidental or apputcmnt. 10.5 Installation and rcmoval of fire hydrant meter should be scheduled at least forty-cight (48) hours in advance through the City of Peoria Utilities Division at(6231773-7160. A $1,000 deposit is requirod for each mcter. An additional $28.00 servicc fce is also requirrd. The cost of the water is at tre prevailing rrte. rI.O ELECTRICITY I t.l Except for remote locations or unless otherwise spocificd in a Job Order, Ovrncr shall'firrnish to Job Order Conbactor from existing Owncr facilities and without cost to Job Order Contactor, electricity ncccssary for the pcrformance of wo* undcr this Contract. It is dre responsibility of Job Order Contractor to determinc the-extent to which existing Owner electrical facilities are adequate for thc neods ofthis Contact. ll,2 Upon completion of dris Contract the removal of all taps, connoctions and acccssories will bc accomplished by and at the expense of Job Ordcr Contractor, and costs included in the Job Order Proposal, so 8s to lcave thc electrical power souncc and facility in its original condition. Such removal shall also be subject to thc approval of Ovmcr. I2,O WORK BY OWNER Owner nescrves the right to undertake or award Contracts for thc performancc of the same or similar tlpe work contcmplatcd hcrcin, and to do so will not breach orothcnrisc violate the Contract. Ro,tlUJ0/lirCF -39- ATTACHMENT B SIQ & Contnctor's Response (SeeAttached) Rev (li/lOlilCf -40- STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS ileterlab lhnagement.Procurement 9E75 N. E5h Ave.. 2d Fl. Peoda, fv.lona 85345€560 Phone: (423',773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Soficitation Number: P14Qo62 ' .':- ...' REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF INTEREST & QUALIFICATIONS JOB ORDER CONTRACTING for i'", .=',.lFry., T1-:-. . W-ffiffiEW.PtpEL[.EmO_JEqf' r_- ]:lW;l,:; : ",.', 1 ;. Due Date: April 2,2014;5','00fM Arizona Time City of Peoria Materials Management Division Contact Lisa Houg 9875 N. 85r'Ave., 2nd Fl. Peoria, Arizona 85345 (623) 773-7115 *'n"qr1'r' h SOLIC ITATION AMEN D]I'IENT tetcrlals fanagement Procumment 9E75 N. E5eAve.. 2d Fl. Peoria, &izona 8534ffi560 Tefephonc: (6231 77U7 115 Fax (623) 773-711E Soffcilation No: P14&2 Descdption: JOC brWet tlt|ity Pipclhe PrQccts Amendment No: Onc (1) Solicilalion Dtr Date: April2, 2014 qofidtaffonOueTime: 5:00 P.m.Buycn Llre Houg A rlgncd copy of thb Amendment chall be ncelved by the CIU of Pcorle, Xatedeb tmegemrnt no lrtrrthen the Sollcftr0on Due Detc end Tlme. Section 2.3, Sample Proiect, second paragraph is revised and replaced as indicated below. The samdc proiec{ idenffied by th€ Clty ls fie consfuction of a replacemenl $ wet€r tne alolu udth a replacement sewor on E5'Avenue from Mountain Vrew Road to Peoda Avcnuc. The samplc projecl scope lncludes preparilp plans and rpecifrcations (design phaec), aoquiring th€ neccssary dghtof-vuay and pennlte. taftc conbo[ pr$lic Involvement, relocalion of existing uliliths, cxcav€0on, inetallafion and testiry of ttrc oelaimed waler linc and sewer, fittings, valves and services, m€t€r boxeg, pavement and latrdscaping restoreuon. In addition, the following has been added to the CtVs FTP site: o Water and Sewer Quarter Section Maps for the Sample Proiect. No other information about lhe sample proiectwill be provided. o Pre-Submittalmeeling Slgn{n sheet. o Pre-Submittal meeting Presentration. All ottpr this remain in their Slgr€trg TyOCd i,brflc tnd filc Comprnyllatm sirb VanothrcDy adundedgcr trodpl f,d rgflctll€tltt rltt Ote rru|dncn[. 4City The aborc cbrenced Sollcitation Amendment is hereby Executed March 25, 2014 /dt{"t Lisa Hoqg, CPFB CeftCr 2G Crf dFEL. Alttr. ooP207Guorol.fK Pagc I ofl Matorlab tanagement Procuroment 9875 N. 85u Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria. Arizona 85345€560 Phone: (623)773-7115 Fax: (623) 773-7118 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Solicitation Number: Pl4{062 @ t.l lntlorluctlon The City of Peoda is cunen0y looking to egtrabl[sh a Job Ordcr Confact (JOC) for indefinlte quanUty and indefinite delivery for various wet utility pipeline projecb, utilizing the Job Order Contractins (JOC) Proiect delivery method. Interested contractors will have the.opportunlty to show related expedence and a proven track record in prQects of the same nature and magiitiude. The.selected confactors will be expec,ted to deliverturn key prdiects, including desQn and preconsfrrdilontdl.vlces, permitting and regulatory requirements, and as{uilts/cloeeout documents. . It is the intent of the City of Peoria to selec-t three (3) Gontractors for the awerd of a JOC. The conbact period will be for an initial term of one (1) year with no more than four (4) additional one'year extensions. During the term of the confact, work shall be conducted as a series of individualjob orders. 1.2 CoopentlvePurcharlng While this contract is for the City of Peoria, other public agencies and politlcal subdivbions have expressed interest in utilizing the contract. In additbn to the City of Peoria, and with approval of the conbactor, this ontract may be extended br use by other elQible public agencies (i.e. municipalities, school dbtricts, nonprolit educational institutons. public health instihrtlons, community facllities districls, and govemmenl agencies of the Strate). Elagibfe public agencies may elect to utilize the contract through cooperative purchasing (or ppgybacking) on thc contract and do so at their discretion. No volume is implicd or guaranteed, and the contracilor must be in agreement with the cooperative transaction. The Strategic Alliance for VolurnE Expenditures (SAVE), a group of school districts and other public agencies, have sQned an intergovemmental cooperative purchase agreement to obtain economies of scab. As a member of SAVE, the Clty of Peoria Mll act as the lead agency. Any suctr usage by other padicipating public agencies must be in accordance with the ordinanoe. charter and/or procurement rules and regulations of the respective public agency. School Disttict Procuremcnt Rules A.A.C. R7-2-1191 through R7-2-1195 authoizeg and governs intergovemmential procurementg. P_otentialpadicipating public agencies (i.e. municipalities, sbhool districts, nonprofit educational.iri,{$f[ong;ptlblb health institutions, community facilities districts. and government agencies of 0ie StaliJ,?€poSittFS potential equipment, logistical and capaciry limilations by the @ntrac,tor may limit the contracto/s ability to erilend use of this contract. Any orders plaoed to the oontractor will be placed by the specilic public agency padicipating in this purchase, and payment for purchases made under this agrcernentwill be the sole reeponsibility of each participating public agency. The City of Peoria shall not be rcsponsible br any disputes afising out of transactions made by others. 1.3 Prolect Budget The City of Peoria Capital lmprovement Program identifies funding for proiects in fiscal year 2014 and shoue planrcd proiects for the next ten yeac. A copy of the City's ten year CIP can be vieupd at htto:/lwww.oeoriaaz.oov/NewSecondarv.asox?id=54959. The approved 20't4 budget is available to fund various projects utilizing he awarded JOC oontract. Estimated cumulative values for indivi<lual projects total$2,000,000 to $3,(X)0,000 in the first year. Projects may extend into the next fiscal year and beyond but exceed $3.000.000. 'o;.,i$ii'ql; : i,(ei..rf;ufq. !j STATEMENT OF I QUALIFICATIONS tlatcilrls llanagcment Procunment 9875 N.85hAve.,2d Fl. Peoria. Arizona 85345€560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (623) 773-711ESoficitation Number: P1No62 1.. PrcfcctScheduh' The Cily of Peoria has elected to use the JOC delivery method for theee proiects as outlined under A.R.S. Titl€ 34. Cost efiective constnrtirn in the shortest possible time hame and within the City's tolerance of financial risk will be the guiding principles behind the various wet utillty pipeline projects. SECTION 2 - PROJECT DE9CRIPTION & 9COPE OF WORK 2,1 tlrcdptlon Thb JOC is for a broad range of maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and new consfuction on public right of way and real utility propedy in the CiU of Peoria. For projecG determined by the Clty to be appropriate for fiis JOC, the CiU will requcst that he Contractor prepare a scop€ of work. cost proposal and project scfiedule. lf aaceptable, the City will issue an individualjob order agreement and direct the Contsactor to proceed with the work. Although the City anfrcipates thA..t.a{arded Contactors will be issued work, the Conbactor is neither guaranteed a minlmum amount gifiqiffi$i*any iobs at all. The Clty reserues the right ard will issue iob orders besed on ability of tlp ConffitllFtb'ineH the City's work schedule and the avaihbility of trades and expertise in relatbn to each proiect. Inlerested contractors must havc experience in the bllowing areas: Profclrlonel Serylcee: The contracting of professionaf design services hom liensed Adzona professionals. When the professional services are not provkled by the Owner, the Con0actorwill act as D,asign Buikterand as sudr may be required to possess Probsslonal Liability Insurance. The single proiect limlt of $3,000,0fi) shall be inclusive of professional seMces fees when acquired under this JOC. Procomtruction Servlcee: The management of design consultants (wtren inctuded under he JOC). public engagemenl, constructbn cost estimating, congtruc€bility review, and value engineering as required to achieve the City's prolect budget. Permlt ilanagement The atbinment of permits ftom any and alljurisdictions which the groject may require, including but not limited to the City of Peoria and Maficopa County. Gonctrucllon: The physicalconstruction of the improvements, thtough oompetitive subcontractor bidding and/or self performance as dictated by the unique needs of each indivldual proj€ct. Where federal grants are utllzed, the scope shall include prevailing uege complhnce as per the Davis Bacon Act. Unless othenrise agreed upon all projecl prblng shallbE cost based wlth a guaranteed maximum pdce (GMP) and, all project finances shall be'open book'wtth all proiect savitrgg.r,9$gtg9,F-.tie Owner. Profect Glose0ut The preparatbn, maintenanqgl of he Ovne/s projectclosmut doctmentration including. bul not limited to: RLS certified survey as-builts, CAD updatee to as-built documents, operatbns and maintenanoe manuals, iryananty manuals, tumoier of certified payroll documentatbn, City, County. Stiate, or Federal agency specialclose-out requirements, and maintenan@ personnel trahing. 2.2 ScopeofWort A The soope of work Mll include work tasks as requested and desqibed below on wet utility pipeline consbuclion proieds including water, wastewat€r, reclaimed water and storm draimge. The work is required to support the City of Peoria Capital lmprovcment Program (ClP). B. Other related vuork such as public involvement, utility relocation, bafiic control. road repair, etc. as more STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materldr ilanagement Procurgment 9875 N. 85hAve..2d Ft. Peoria, Arizona E5345€560 Phone: p231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14{1062 .i | '.. .. .j ... . rf.'if.rll$,:4, "r fully descdbed below may also be required. C. DesQnservices andlor postdesignservicesmayberequestedforsomeof theprojects. Thescopeof work brdesign orpost deslgn seryicas, when applicable, will be defned by the City. Allas{uilts required to be completed as pad of the post desBn servlces shall be In accordance with Chapter 7 of the City of Peoda Inftastruc'ture Design Guidelines. D. The follodng work astivtti* may be included in indivifual projects. Not allactivities will be included in all proiects. Subconbactors and oonsultiants may be used to aooomplieh some tlasks. 1) Public Involvement- prepare and distribute public notices, attend public meetings, maintain a construclion hotline. 2l Permlfling -obtain all necessary permits required to complete the projecl, including but not limiled to; Engineering Off-site, haul route, stockpile. SWPPP, dust control, trafllc control plans, MCESD approval to construct approval of consbuction, etc. 3) Instalhtion of new water, redaimed water, wastewabr and storm drainage pipelines inclucling all rebted work. 4) Rehabililation of water, rgclaimed water, waste$,ater and storm dreinage pipelines and appurtenances irchding all related wort. 5) Phcing asphalt pavements includlng full depth sections, overlays, patches and repairs to Gstore areas damaged by constucilion. 6) Phcing concrete iavemenb irclurling culb and gutter, ddveways, sidennlks, to restore areas damaged bY constructiot. ' -,1-, 7', Insailition bt tanOscaplng to r€store areas daffi.ffiipJgonstruction. 8) Utility locating (po0roling) underground utilitieS bhd=db3frictions. 2.3 Sample Prclect The blloMng is a sample scope of uort for a typical proiect that may be done under this JOC. This sample projec{ b provided br contactors to use in completing their Project Assessment Plan so the City can see lrow your firm would approach this type of projec[ if awarded the conbact. This is a sample project, please do not contact lhe local business owners or resftJenb in lhe area. The sample project identifed by the Grty ls he onstrudion of a replacement 8'water line along with a replaccment seurer on 85'Avenue ftom Mountain View Road to Peoria Avenue. The sample project scope includes pepadng plans and specifications (despn phase), acguiring the neccssary dghtof-way and oermits-lraffq.conLol. ublic involvement, relocalion of existinE utilities, excavation, installatlon and testingpsrmittttrqffqrop@!..1ggpllc involvement, lelocation of existing utilities, excavation, installatlon and testing of th{reclaimed waterpfittings, valves and servbes, meter boxes, pavercnt and landscaping restoraEF-- The Confactorwill be required to prcvide a projecl scope plan and scfiedule showing the process to be followed lhrough the dghtof+vey acqubi$on, design, estimating, permitting, oonstructbn and close-out phases ofthe project. SECTION 3.- EVALUATION CRITERIA 3.1 Job Oder Cootrector gelection " '141q'!1'.,{.ll;'t The Job Order Contractors will be selected lhrough a qualificaUons based selection prooess - do not include pricing information wih the Stratement of Qualiftcations. A short llst of qualified and available ftrms will be devebped and contracts will be awaded b6ed on the City's needs. 3.2 Evrluetlon Procers STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS tlaterlale tanagement Procurement 9E75 N. E5h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria. Arizona E5345€560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (623)773:7118Solicitation Number: P14{,062 The CW e)eects to award mree (3) Job Order Contracts to the best valued contractors based on the evaluation requirernents ou[ined in thls solbitation. Thc contractors selected will be the contractors whose qualiftcation is responslve, responsiblc, and the moot advantrageous to City, as determined by City in its sole discreton. The Cig reserues the dghl to add, dclcte, or modfi any part of this solicitation at City's solc discretbn. The Gity will evaluate conhactors based on 0p overall valtr of each qualification. Contractors interested in provftling servloes must address tr nointl3;,oy$neO herein. . ..ij :-' .... 3.3 Key Pereonnel The City expects the interested flrms to ldentify per Attachment A, wi0rin their organizations, individual(s) assprad to specific key roles to provide the associated functions throughout the life of the contract. o Project Manager o Projec{ Leader o Projecl Supedntendent o Proiect Estimator 3.4 Crlterla and Welghtr The City willevaluate contractors based on the overallvalue of each qualiffcation. Evaluation cderia willbe weighted acoording to the following categoies: Cataoorv Wdoht Resmnsiveness & Rebrenoes Pass/Fail elerrant Poiect Exoedence 15o/o troiect Assessrnent (PA) Plan: Scooe Plan 15o/o Risk Assessment / Value Added 10o/o Proiect Schedule 5o/o Subcontractor Selection Plan 596 lnterview '- 5Oc/6 3.'0.1 Reepomlvener(Prec/Falll Contractors must prepare qualificatbns that follow the format and sequence specificd in this soliritration. Thb inc-ludes adherence to the format of any attachments. The following conditions/criteda must be met in order to be consid,ered responsive: . The Contractor will complete and provide all information in Attachment A (Propoeal Form & Refettnceef , The Contractorwill complete and provide allinformation in Attrchment B (Rebvtnt Erpedence) . The Contactor will complete and provitte all information in Attachment G (Profecl Aeleement Plan) . The Contractorwlllcomplete and provide all inbrmatlon in Attachment D (Prcfect Schedule end Subcontractor Selectlon Plen) 3,1,2 Attachment A - Propooal Form & Referpncec (Par/Fall) . The Contractorwifl complete Attachment A proviling all the infomation requested: o l-page Propoeal Form - projest team, bonding capacity. etc. o laage References - list five (5) references. ''rl'ir: ril'i":-r 5, 1-t-;.J -..: s.1. STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materlab Management Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peorh, Arizona E534ffi560 Phone: (623)773-7115 Fax: (623')773-7118Soficitation Number: P1+0062 3.4.3 Attrchment B - Relevrnt Prcfect Experlence (Welghted at l5c6) . The Contractorwillcomplete Attachment B provirting all the information requested: o The Relevant Proiect Expedence section must be $pages (1-page for each relevant project). o The Relevant Project Experience section must NOT oontiain any names or information lhat can be used to Hentify the Contractor and must be projects completed within the last fwe (5) years. o The Contractor mugt use the template as povided in Attachment B. Contractorc may not re- create or modify this attrachment (no color, black ink only, no font dranges, no pictures, no diagrams. etQ. o The Relevant Project Experience must not contain proiects where the City of Peoda wes a client. o Any Relevant Project Experience provded that doEs not comply wih the above requirements may be marked as unresponsive and ellminateC.Fot1. tlhe evaluaUon prooess. Attachment C - Prorect A$o8.ment Plan; Scopd Plrifioaghtod et 18ohl &Rbt Ac$cament / Vrlue Addod (Wcbhbd at 10',61 . The Contractor will compbte Attschment G povlling all the information requested: o The PA Plan must be 4 pages or less (2-pages for Scope Plan and 2 pages for dsk assessment and value addcd items). o The PA Plan shall NOT contrain eny namcs or information that can be used to illentify he Conhactor. o The Contractor must use he template as prcvided in Attrchment C. Contractors may not r+ create or modify this attrachment (no color, black ink only, no font changes, no picfirres, no diagrams, etc). o Any phn that does not follow these requiremenls, or contiains name3 or information that can be used to identiff who the contractor is, may be marked as unresponsive and eliminated from the evaluation process. Attachment D - Profect Schedule (Wefghled at 5o,6f t Subcontractor Sebction Plan (Welghted et ''hl . The Contractor willcomplete Attachmcnt D providing allthe information requesbd: o Projec't Duration Schedule - Provide a 1 page Gantt style schedule for the sample project hat oonveys major milestones, including Ci$ appoval processeg, and ftnal submittal to the City. o Subcontractor Selection Plan - PovUe a detailed 1 page subconbactor selection plan hat uses qualiftcation and price in the selection cdtedC) f!-ebcintsactor should descdbe how they will pr+ quali0 and seled their subconhactor'as requ.ltp.Cl0eFABs 34€03. o The ProJect Duration Schedule and Subconhactor S6lection Plan must NOT contraln any names or inbrmation that can be uscd to ilentrfi the Contractor. Interulewr (Welghted et 6O16) . The City wlllshortlistcontrac'tors based on the criteria ou0ined in this section. . The City may interview g!! of the cdticel team cornponents proposed. ' The City may rcquest to interviewadditioulpusonrel. . Th€ City may interview individuals separately and/or as a group. r Th€ CiU may request a list of similar past proiects from each team member. . For this proiect, Contractors may bring up to two additional team members at their discretion to the interview These additional team members will not be intervieuted or scored. The puryose of thls is to allow Conhaotors to bdng in up to two additional leam membeo whom they feel are imporlant to this projects su@e$r. 3.4.4 3J.6 3.'f.5 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS llaterlalc tanagement Procunment 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Adzona 853456560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax G231773-7118Sof icitation Number: P14dlo62: i,: i..1. ' J;iirt:i,::rr,.:; .':. | . tmputant Note: All poposed team members must bc available for interview on the date specified in I this solicitation. No substitutes or proxies u,ill be albuved. Individuals who fail to attend the interview I will not be given a scorc which may jeopardize the contradofs compeliliveness. I I sEcTlOtrl a - SELECTIOI{ PROCESS I lrr Intervlewand Selection Procecs I I Contractors will be ranked and sefected through a qualificauons based sel€ction Prosess based on the I criteria in Section 3. A selectbn committee will evahate and score each submittal. The City will use a I t-inear Relationship Model (LRM) as outllncd in Appendix 1 to assist the City in ranking he contracfors. I I n sebction committee will evaluate and soore each SOQ and intervien the top 4 to 6 conFactors based on I Ure soores from the Relevant Proiect Expedence, PrciectAssessrnent Plan, Schedule and Subcontractor I Sebclion Plan. After conducting the interviews, investQafrons of the @ntractofs rmy be performed by lhe I Ctty. I for this proiect the Final List will conslst of the top 4 to 6 scodng conbaclots (based on Relevant Proiect I gxperien@, PA Plan soonsg, Schedule, Subconfractor Selecton Plan, Interview sootres, Pass/Fail I ReferenoEs, and Pass/FailResponsivemss). | 'rs.r- !'t.. :..'- 11.2 lrlentitlcetlon of PobntLl Bect-Value , 1il:._i i.. ;;....;1 I I Scores hom the interview Mll be used to determine the final ranking order of thc shorilisted conbactors. I The top sehcted contractor(s) on the final list will then enter into negotiatbns wilh the Gity lo reach agreement on ftnal contract form, content and tse shrture. lf the City is salisfied with the potenthl best-value contracto(s), they will proceed to issue an auard. lf the City is not satbfied wtth the negotiations, the City may consider breaking off negotiafpns and sefec{ing lhe neril oonbactor on the final list for potcntial arvard. SECTION 5 - POST AWARD ACTMTIES 5.1 Weelly Reportlng SPtem Once a Notice to Proceed has been issued, the awarded Contractor will be required to submit weekly reports documenting [rogress, dsks and schedule updates on the project The weekly repotG are due every Friday, untilthe project ls closed out or prc{ect has been accepted and ftnal payment is received. For pojects with a duration of less than 6 monhs, the u,€ekly report will be at the discretiod of the City's prcject manag€r. 5.2 Poct Profect Evaluatlon For contracts that span over multiple years, th€ Citf.dvillipefbrm annual projec{ evatuations pdor to oontract renewal. The City will evaluate the overallpi!&tmapqe of the proiect team (including, but not limited to: orcrall quality, on-time @mpletion. change orders, compliance to budget, no complaints, ability to rvork wiUr the CiU straff, and submlssion of acc0rate weekly reports). The final rating will be used in consklarafron of award of futurc City of Peoria prolccG. SECTION 6 - CRITICAL DATES 6.1 Pre-Submlttal Conference 7 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materbls illanegement Procurement 9875 N. E5h Ave.. 2d Fl. Peoria. Adzona 8534ffi560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-0062 A pre-submittal conference willbe hekl on llarch 24,2011at 2:00 p.m. Arizona Time. The meeting location b the Cityof Peoria, Development and Community Servftrs Building. Point of View Conference Room, 9875 N. 85h Avenue, Peoria Az, 8sgn5. Staff may not be available to respond to individual the project soope outside of this pre submittal conbrence. All interested parties are thas meeting. 6.2 Gdtlcel Datec: The following are the crilical dates for this proiect. Please be advised that hese dates arc subject to change as deemed necessary by the City. March 24,2014 Nn12.2014 April 10.2014 Nrta24,2014 April30,2014 Pre-Submittal Conferenoe Submittals Due Notifcation of Intervieuc Interviews (shortlisted oontractors only) Best-Value Contractor Notilication 7.1 Submittal Formet r The SOQ must be submitted to the conbct listed in Section 7.2. The copies should be stapled (and not bound) to facilitate easy handling, photocopying, and reading by the evaluation committee. r No hxed or emaibd SOQs will be oonsidered. o The SOQ must be recelved by the date lbted in Section 7.2. o use tre fottorins soQ submittal formauctrecffiiffilrjii'i{i'1. tr Attadrment A: Proposal Form & Referenges - One (1) original must be submitted. O 2-pages max (l-page ProposalForm & l-page Rebrences) tr Attradrment B: Relevanl Proiect Expedence - One (1) originaland five (5) copies. O 5-pages max (l-page per proiect lbted). tr Attachment C: ProjectAssessment Plan - One (1) odginal and live (5) copies. O 4-pages max (2-page scope plan, 2-page dsk asseasmenWalue added). tr Attachment D: One (1) originaland five (5) copies. O 2-pages max (l-page Poject Schedule and l-page Subcontractor Selection Plan). tr Collate & Stapletheoiginalstogether in orderof AttachmentsAlhru D. tr Collate & Staple the copies together in orderof Attachments B thru D. Submlttal Due Date and Gontact fnformatfon . Propos€lResponses must be receivecl by 5:00 p.m. (AZ time) on Aprll2, 2014. r Contact Information 7.2 " ,,i3;ii,ii.''u* ' STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materielg llanagement Procurement 9875 N. E5b Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Adzona 85345€560 Phone: (623177V7115 Fax (623) 773-71lESolicitation Number: P1/o-0062 Attention: Lisa Houg, Contract Offcer SOQ #: P14-0C6i2-JOC brWet Utility Pipelinc Proiects City of Peoda Materials Management 9si5 N. 85m Avenue. 2d Floor Peoria. Adzona 85345 7.3 Dbquelificatlon Please be advised that failure to comply wlh the following crtteda may be grounds for disqualilication and will be stsiily enforced: o Receipt of SOQ at the proper locafton by the specified date and time o Tha number of opies of the submittal requested . Adherence to maximum page requiremenb .ii.- . . ';.. - o Not submltting allrequired documentation r .;i j.:.;t+ .-. o Adherence to having no ldentifying informatftrn (exceiit for Attachment A) SECTION 8 - GENERAL INFORTIATION 8.1 Queetlonc o All questions regarding Oris SOCI muet be submitted in writing by emailing: Lisa.Houo@PeoriaAz.Gov r Inquides wlthin 48 houa preoeding th€ due date & time will not be addressed. E.2 General Informatlon . Uglglgllgry The City of Peoda shall not be held responsible for any oral instructions. Any changes to this SOO shall be in thefom of a published addendum. . Con!&: Contact with City of Peoria staff, elected or appointed officials, or selection committee members oonceming this SOQ, at any time, in any venue. is strictly prohibited, except as descdbed ln Section 8.1 above, and may be grounds for disqualification. . @fg The City of Peoie will not be responsibh for any costs incun€d by any oonfador submitling an SOQ or responding to thls notice. The City reserves lhe right to waive any inegularities in any submitlal and to rejecl all submltlals and readvertise or cancel the proieci in lts entirety, at its sole discretpn. The Caty rcserves the right to rcquc.$,c]adfi.cation or additional information. . M1!ilgft Allmaterials submitted in responsetgth-nisO,ti-cibtion will become the prop€rty of the City, and may become a part of any reeulting con0act. Award or rejectbn of a proposal does nol affect this right. . 9;dnp!ig!Eg; The selected onhactor will be required to comply with the Legal Arizota Woilers Ad. o Fedenl Funds: The seleded contractor will be required to oomply with ell associated Federal Compliance Regulations for any federally funded projects that may be done under this JOC contsacl. E.3 Proteet Pollcy and Procedurec o The Clty of Peoria Protest Policy and Procedures are available online at . . The policy ls contained wtthin the City of Peoria Procurement Code, Chapter 2- Adminishation, Section 2-321. Procurement Code Protests: Informal and Formal. 9 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS ilelerlrls Management Procurement 9875 N. Esh Ave.,2d Ft. Peoria, Arizona 8534ffi560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (62q773.7116Solicitation Number: P14{0.,F3. o The specific protest procedures are oontained in the Materials Management'Administrative Guidelines'and can be accessed at htto://www.oeoriaaz.o the'DOWNLOADS' box on the tQht skle of the web page. under 8.4 Attrchments (All murf bc conplcted rnd ntumcd to bs congldeisd recpondvc) AttachmentA: Proposal Form & References Attachment B: Relevant Projecl Experienoe Attrachment C: Proiest Assessment Plan (Scope Plan & Risk AssessrnenWalue Added) Attachment D: Proiect Schedule and Subconhaclor Selec'tbn Plan 8.5 Appendlcer Appendix 1: Scofng and Ranking Submittals fnformation Templates for Attachmenfs A, B, C, aN D can bo acc€{tsed on the CWB FTP website. FfPSbAccegs Dlrocfrons: Using yourWeb Brwrgen enterthe foilonriry adclrect: .'.,'r ' ' '.: '; ; !:r''':lit'::lr 'j. htto s lrt;iffios. oeoriaaz. oov Yw will M pronpted for a Usrir lD and Password. Usar lD: frpsdicitation Passiord: AEC9l&!v (passnord is case sensitrye, You should fhea see the available folder. The fol&r nanp for this project is P14-062 - JOC for Wet Utillty Plpeline Proj*ts. Yw can qy or da mlud the ftrles antained in this folder to your amputer or &/ver. Download speecl wlll cleped on the intemet onnection qpeeds on both sicbs. lf you have touble moving beyond the prwtpt for u*r id and pessvwrd, tt is ltkely your network or N's tirewall and/or anti-virus sollware is blocHng aooass. Tempondly tuming off yourfircwall andlor anti-virus wlflwarc should allow yan to continue wttf aooess. .' 1'..'ilgt1, '-. - l0 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS taterlals llanagement Procurement 9E75 N. 65h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria. Arizona 8534ffi560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-0062 ATTACHMENT A PROPOSAL FORM ProtectTam: Name of Job Order Contractor (Firm): Name of Project Manager (lndivitlual): Name of Pojec{ Leader (lndividual): Name of Prolect Superintendent (lndividual): Name of Project Estimator (lndividual): B&F Contracling Inc. Tom Foley John Norton Mike Elkins Jenv Hine Bondlng: Individual Ptcied bonding capacity: Tolal bonding capacity: Amount of bonded oonlracis cunently in prooess: $10 Million $30 Million $6.1 Million The Relevant Project Experience, Proiect Assessment Plan, Prcrject Schedule and Subcontractor Selection Plan must @[ contrain any information that may Uentifi the Contractor or cdtbal team members. BEF Contacting Inc. of Conpany Thomas F. Foley PresHent 11011 N 23'd Ave Adare- 623-5E2-1170 Phoenix, AZ Clty, State 62$5E2-3761 Zip Code 4t2ti2014 phone Fax Date tomf@bftontracf ing. com ROC{89744 Gen Englneedng "A' Contractor License Number STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materials lflanagement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Anzona 85345€560 Phone: (623)773-7115 Far (62317717118Solicitation Number: P144062 ATTACHMENT A REFERENCES 1. The references vou orovHe shall be for the oroiects listed in Attiachment B. l. Client Name: City of Mesa Projec{ Name: Countv Lane Pump Stataon #2 - 24 lnch Water Transmission Main Proiecl #C10577 Contact Name: Curtis Krausman - Proiect Manager Phone: Offce : 480AU-UqB FN(:4E0-644-3392 E-mail address: Curtis.Krausman@mesaaz.gov 2. Client Name: Cityof Mesa Project Name:Hibbert Street Sewer Slohon Air Jumoer Reolacemenl Contact Name: Kurt Krause - Proiect Manager Phone: Ofiice: 4ffi€/,4-5528 Fax a80€ll-3392 ' E-mail address: kurt.kause@mesaaz.oov 3. Client Name: Pima Countv ReoionalWasteuater Reclamation Department Prolecl Name: SEI Rehabilitation at Congress Street- Phase 1 Contact Name: John Wamer- Deputy Director Phone: Office:520-443€500 Fax:520-325-2832 E-mail address: John.Wamer@-pima.oov 4. Client Name: Pima Countv RegaonalWastewater Reclamation Departmenl Proieci Name: Wlmot Road Manhole Rehatrilitation Proiect Contact Narre: Glen Peterson Phone: Offtce:520-724€,il9 E-mail address: Glen.Peterson@pima.gov 5. Client Narne: Citv of Mesa Project Name: Water Llnes and Asphalt Replacement - 87h Wav Contacl Name: Kurt Krause - Proiect Manaqer Phone: Office: 480&4-5528 Fax:480€44-3392 E-mail address: kurt.krause@mesaaz.gov 2 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Materials ilanagement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Araona 85345.6560 Phone: (6231773-7'll5 Fax: (623) 773-7118Solicitation Number: Pl4{062 1. Proiect Type: t),escriptim ol Work: ATTACHiIENT B RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Large Diameter Waler Transtnitsaon Main Installalion- 24' DIP This proiec-t installed a 24'water line from a new pump stalion to 8',16' and 24'existing mains. The proiec{ required 4 separate tie-ins, 3 at the existing mains and lea at the Pump Stration. The proiect ctnsisted of 4130 LF of 24 lnch DIP and 200 LF of 16' DlP, 1 ea 24', 1 ea 16' E 1 ea 8'valve. This prclied involved working in the City, ADOT and Countv Flood Control Right of Wav wttich required acquiring the proper pemits for Constructiorn and Traffc Control. The contractor also provided the Countv Dust Contrd permit and the SWPP Plan. The proiect work scope included Pressure testing, chlorinating and BAC-T testing of the newwatermain along with coordination wilh the Pump Station operations, asphalt paving, concrete sidewalk and hvdro seeding restoratim ilems. Engineedng was oontracted bv the owner who povided 100% plans. As-Builts were proWed lo the owner in our close out package. 95% of the work was Self-Performed. There was an Owner Initiated Change Order to Remove & Replaoe an existing inline 24'Valve and abandon lhe vahe vault at a separate locatbn which added to the odginal contract total. Job Order Contract (JOGI $898.575.32 ]923,724.35 u17no14 Delivery Method: Original Contract Amount: Final Contract Amount: Date Comphted: sraiemENT oF TNTEREsT AND QUALIFICATIONS ATTACHMENT B RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERT ENCE (CONTINUED) Project Type: Description of Work: Delivery Method: Orpinal Contracl Amount: Finaf Contract Amount: Date Completed: Sewer Siphon Air Jumper Replacement This proiect scope was to open cut a maior arterialstreet in order to replace an existing 1 S"concrete prpe sewer slphon air iumper with an 18' PVC pipe due the deterioration of the corrcrete pipe from the H2S gas. Also included was the rehabilitation of the inlet and outlet siohon structure manholes along with traffic control and polbe officers since this was at a signalized intersection. This proiect had to be comple_td before he reconstrrctbn of the arteraal road ufiich was undet contract and approachino the siphon. We offered a value engineedng allernatlve to clean the plugged 15' pipe and CIPP line the air iumper. Since the CIPP liner was done first the manhole coating was applied to the manhole and transitioned into the CIPP lining making the rehabilitation of lhe structure complete. Priorto the manhole rehabilitation, the existins T-Lock lining was removed and the manhole surface arca was prepped prior to coating. The manhole coatino Svstem was spark and adhesion bond tested prbr lo acceptiance. The value enoineerino alternative was accepted bv the owner which eliminated the open cut and pavement expense saving $29,189.98. The proiectwas constructed using the Job Order Documents and the Sewer Quarter Seclion Maps. Subcontractors performed 6@rt of the uort. Job Order Contract (JOCI $94.230.34 $65.040.36 Materials llrnrgement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria. tuizona 853456560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P1.l-0062 1t142.014 STATE]UIENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS lJlaterials ilanagement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Arizona 85345€560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P1'0.0062 3. Project Type: Description of Work: ATTACH]IIENT B RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE (CONTTNUED) Phase I - Laroe Diameter Interceotor Rehabilitration - 60'CIPP LininE The soope of uork irrcluded the rehabilitation of 1?0 feet of existing 60-inch, ._270 dggree T-Locked lined RCP and associated bvpass pumping and diversion of wastewater fbua. The repair/rehabililation of lhis seuer line was crilical due to its lgcalion under a maiorr artedal street and close oroximitv to the l-10 Freeway. both located in the busv downtown area. This proiect requhed close coordination with the City, Prctiect Ofiier. downtown businesses. Public Transportration and one of the biooest yearly economic events to take plaoe in the dorvntown area. Our team was able to plan and coordinate this constructbn proiect wilhout any maior cornplaint from Downtortn Stakeholders. the Citv and the Owners representiatives, We urcre abb to llentifu and caoitalize on Value Enolneerino Opportunitiee that included the use of an upstream iunction structure where we installed a sewer plug to divert and reduce floua. This resulted in a siEnifrcant cost savinqs to this proiect by reducins the overall dsk and scooe of work for the sewer bvoass. We rvere also able to wolk with our CIPP Contractor to desion this proiect for one (1) CIPP Inversion instead of 5 shots. This.reduced the overall schedule and amount of GIPP inversion aooess ooints needed. resullino in reduced costs and minimizino our imoac.t. The odsinalcontract amounl increased due to additional odor control measures required and a second mob due to oumer schedule chanqes. Delivery Method: Odginal Contract Amounl: Final Confact Amount: Date Cornpleted: Job Order Contract (JOC) s6ar.120.00 $706.889.93 2t28nm4 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Itlaterlals ilanagement Procuremenl 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2il Fl. Peoria. Arizona 85345-6560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-0062 Proiect Type: Descdption of Work: ATTACHMENT B RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERTENCE (CONTINUED) RemovaUReplacement of Existing MH's wilh Corrosion Resistant Polymer Manholes & Comoosite lnseds This oroiect was awarded throuoh a comoetitive biddinc process on (rur Job Order Contract. This proiect called for the removaland Reolaoement of ten (10) exlstino detedorated manholes. rated NASSCO Level4 & 5. Manholes specifted for replacemenl were located over exislim 8-inch. l5{rch and 3&inch sanitary sewer lines whbh required desion. instiallation and operation of separate flow management systems wltidt was done in.house. The manholes installed on this proiect are part of a'pilot program'_to tesJ otl the conosion resistance properties of the polymer manholes whbh are made with a polyestet resin, sand and aooreoate (without anv cement). We abo installed two (2) composite structural manhole inserts in lieu of the Dolymer product to directly test lheir effectiveness. This Droiect required coordination with the City, Owner. ADOT. Local Businesses and Private Prooertv owners in orderto cqnplete the soope of nork. Other scopes of work included Survey and Layout. Seruer Pipe Repairs, MH Base Rehabilitation and Goncrete Collars. We self-oerformed over 9006 of this proiect. Additional costs incurred on this oroiect were due to the owner's Gquest for enra investioative Dre-surv€v work. alono wilh a request to chanEe the MH materbl from the Polvmer to the Comoosite Inserts on two (2) manholes. Delivery Melhod: O(/nd Contract Amount: FinalConlract Amount: Date Completed: Job Order Contract (JOCI $198,610.00 s225.478.18 6 Auoust 2013 Poject Type: Desoiption of Work: Delivery Method: Oilginal Contract Amount: FinalContract Amounl: Date Completed: STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS ATTACHMENT B RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE (CONTfNUED) Replacement of 6'& 8'Watermain crisscrossing a residential intersec{ion. The water main had prior breaks requirino continuous repairs to the pipe and the intersection. This pniect replaoed all existing problematic ACP water main and restored the pavement. Being located within a CounW ROI/\I required coordination with the Countv to obtain permits and schedule the reouired inspecfions. The uprk was sequenced to reduce the overall impact to the resHents. This inclrded not onlv limlting the tinre !tte[ @_worrU be_ shut down (4 hours or lessl. but also maintainino continuous aocess totheir homes. A mabr cornponent was keeping residents informed of the work scope and scfiedule. We handed out notifications 24 hours in advance and aoain on the momino of the work so that resllents could Dlan around uater outages. The proiect consisted of replacing existing ACP and Gate Valves with 270 LF of 8'&6' DIP and Gate Valves. plus a Fire Hydrant for fire pre tection. Restoration included reolacinq concrete crrb and outter. landscaoe. removalof AC pavementwithin the entire intersection and reoavinq to County requiremenls. An additionalchalhnge to the prciect coordination was comoletino the initblwater main work shorfly before Thanksoivino. orovilino temporary trench patchino .and returninq to reoave the street after lhe Holiday Season. The contracl ircreased because of additional materials needed due to the lack of existing valves needed fol the water shut down. Jg!_grd-elcontragllJogl t73.278.22 $80,296.54 Ulateriab Management Procurement 9875 N. 85rhAve.,2d Fl. Peoria, Arizona 8534S6560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Far (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: Plro-0062 r$nu4 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT ASSESSMENT PIAN TEMPIATE SEcllOtU t - SCOPE PLAN (Page I ot 2) Deslon Phlle & Pru€onetructl6n Servltes for E" Watedlne & New Seweillne ln E56 Ave.: . Review 85'" Arre Water & Seuar Job Order documents for des[n criteda and scope of rvork. . Coordinate and scfiedule a site visit with the CiU of Peoria and Prcfect Stakeholders to address site specific safeg oonoetns, new pipeline al(1nments, pot€nlial utility conflids, p€ffilittir€, traflic oonbol and various oonstructability issues induding verifying the required size of the neu, aewer line based on future usage. . Perbrm blue strake verification of all existing utillties within the site limits. Utili$ conflkXs will be further investigated and pot-holed. Contact and coordinate with utility stakeholders in conflft;t with the new 8' waterline and replacement sai,er. ' Coordinate and assess trafftc control minimum and maximum requirements for pedestrians and vehicles wtth the Peoria Traffic Engineedng Division. . 24 hour acess to the Peoria Public Library, Community & Utilities Service Departnent, City Hall and neaby neighborhoods will be criticalto a sucoessfultraffic contol plan. . Assess all Rpht of Way (ROW) boundaries and limits for proanrement of necessary pemits ftom Peoria and Project Stakeholders. ldentify il there are any Temporary Construclion Easements required for construc*ion. . Coordlnate with an experienced civil engineerlng flm to provide proJect design documents for revlew. . Upon receipt of 30% documents, we will begin our constrrctability review and value engineering opporlunilies revieu . Submisskrn of project design drawings to Peoria after linal revbw and comments are incorporated. . Perform peliminary quantity takeoffs and cost estimates bes€d on City of Peoda and Projec't Stakeholder recommendations, performance rcquirements and 90% Despn Documents. Budgetary conoems are always factored Into our cpet estimates and we will work with Peoria to meet budget constnaints throryh value- engineering, scope reduciion and modification. . ldenti0 long lead materblprocurement items. . @nerate Quality Control Management Plan (QCMP). This plan will be utilized throughout the project as a baseline br our proiect superintendent, field crews and suboontractors to follow for QA/CIC refated issues. . We will develop a Schedule of Values (SOV) to breakdown each scope item into key measurable proiecl elements for review by Peoria. . Select and qualify subcontractors, suppliec and vendors using our qualification based subcontractor selection process. Prequalified subcontractors and suppliers will be needed for the Water & Sewer Materials Supplier, Backfilf Materials, SWPPP, Survey, Traffrc Control Servi:es, Landscape Replacement, Micro-Seal Restoration and Pavement Mafiings. We eslimate our self-perfonnance rate to be at least 85- 95% ofthe soope ofwork. . Preparation and distribution of 'Subconbactor Bid Packets'inchlde: special bidder instructions, plans, specifications, subcontractor scope items, bid sche<fuh, pre-bld hrformation. projec{ schedule and the bid date. Subcontractor bid review and award. The award prooess will include Gity of Peoria input. . We will sequence the construclion to minimize any cuatomer's limited use of their water or scwer servftp. . Preparation and submit&al of ftnalized Guaranteed Maximum Prioe (GMP) Proposal to the City of Peorla for revierv and approval. r Obtain all ROW, special use, construction and water meter pemits from the Gity of Peoria. . Submlt traffic control plans for approval, afler incorporation of review comments from the CiU of Peoria Traffic Engineering Department and Prctject Stakeholders. . Locate and rent staging yard for equi,pment and matedals. . Scheclule preonstruction meetlng wtth Peorla, Suboontraclors and Proiect Strakeholders. . Coordination of Public Outreach/Notification utilizing ACS Conaij. We will notify nearby residenb, Afta Loma Elementrary, Peoria Public Library, Peoria City Halland the Community/Utilily Servioes Department of the impending road resldctions and associated dates. STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS llaterials ila nagement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Artsona 85345€560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Soficitation Number: Pl4-0062 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS fflaterials illanagemenl Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Arizona 853456560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (623't773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-m62 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT ASSESSiIENT PLAN TEilIPLATE Conrtruction Phare Services for 8" Weterllne & New Sewerllne in 85s Ave.: . Notice to Proceed reoeived from the City of Peoda. . Instrallatinn of Variable Message Boardifor notification of conslruction work on 85h Avenue. . lrfobifizalion of company owned equipment and proiect related tools. . Instrallalion of Dust Control measures and track-out prevention at lemporary project yard. . Pipeline and backfill materials delivery. . Installatirn of traflb control banicades, anow boards, delinealion ald lane closure devices per the approved trafftc control plans. . Instalbtion of required projecil s(lnage (Dust Confol & City of Peoria). . lnstralhtkrn of Storm Water PolMion Prevention Plan (SWPPP) measures as required by the approved permit. . Perform suncy work by regbtered professirnal land sunreyor In Arizona. Installation of horizontial and vertical ebvation straking, benchmarks and control potnts. , Layoul and perform asphalt and concrcte saw-cutting for utility relocations and instiallation of the 8'waterline and new sewer line. Remove saw-cut asphalt. . Coordination and relocatirn of existing utilities fourd to be in conflic't t^,ith the new utilities installation. We willprovide advanced notice to allutility stakeholders during the preoonstruc'tion phase. . Perform utility excavation uprk forthe seur€r line starting at Mountrain View including mainline and lateral. The water piiing, valves, ftre hydrant and meter boxes on 85h Avenue will follow the s*er installation. . Instiallation of 8-inch waterline and sewer line per the desQn elevations. Our team propose to sequenoe the uork from Mountain Vrew Road to Peoda. We plan on perfoming the installatbn in separate streel sections to minimize impac't (Mountain View to Cinnabar, Cinnabar to Monroe, fulonroe to Jefierson & Jefferson to Peorb). The seupr willgo in lirst followed by the water in each sedion. . Backfill and compaclion of trencfi up to sub grade per the City of Peoria design specifications. Compaction will be completed in 12' lifts. We will provide compac{ion testing as required throughout the backfilUcompactim phase. Alltrench backfillwill be done per Detail PE-401 or the project SpecialConditions orJOG documenB. . Our crews will perform all flushing, chlodnation and pressure testing of lhe ualerline and CCTV and pressure testing of the sewer line as required by the Gity of Peoria and ilAG speciftcations. . Perfom flne grade work on backfilled trerrches prior to pavement rephcement. . Plaoe pavement and compact asphalt wilhin 0p reclaimed waterline trenches. Existing pavement grade elevations will be matchecl within the trench. Special care will be given lo maintain a clean slraightedge when matchlng the existing pavement. . Replace concrlte sidewal[ secti'ons at 85h and Peoria Ave., Mountain Mew Rd. and concrete swafe on CinnabarAvenue due to any required fire hydrant, lateral main piping, meter box or sewer tiap. . Provkle compaction testing on asphaltic pavemenl as required by the design specifications. . Utihty adjustments perforned on valves, manholes and clean-outrs. Concrete collars will be poured around aff roadway valves and manholes per Detrail PE-270 &PE-27'1. . Perform Mlcro-Seal pavernent restoration. . Installatbn of new pavement markings and restoration of old markings c required. . Landscaperestoration. Proiect Cloeeout & As€ullt Documentetlon . Our team will coordinate and provile a proiecl review and purrch list walk wift the City of Peoda and design engineer for adherence to the desQn documents. . Furnish all lest results ftom backfilUasphalt compaclion testing, waterline, valves and hydrant testing plus the sa^rer line CCTV videos and pressure testing to the Cily of Peoria. . Provide oertified as-built drawings to the City of Peoria. . Coordinate and schedule post construction meeling witr Gaty of Peoila, Design Engineer and Proiect Stakeholders to discuss our Team, Subcontrac{or and Supplie/s performance throughout the construction. STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Itateilab Management Procurement 9875 N. 85rh Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Arizona 85345-6560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-0062 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT ASSESSMENT PLAN TEMPLATE This template must be used. SECT/ION 2 - R Sr( ASSESST|E Vf (tr-qe 1 ot 2) Rbt r:Shorlng & Tnnch Sefety Solution: Ouroonpany has a comprehensive safety lraining program managed by a third party Safety Management Firm that performs weekly jobsite safe$ visits and assessments. Fleld management and pipeline crews are alltrained in shoring, lrench, PPE, confned space and excavation safety. Superintendents and Foreman ale all competent person, confined spaoe trained. We foresee the use of mulli-shores and aluminum trench shields throughout the waterline and sewer line instrallation with confined spaoe for manhole entry. Risk 2:Dlsruotlon to Peoria Clty Hall. Public Lfbrarv. Local Reeidentg & Btlliness Solutlon: Our company will ooordinate with the Clty of Peoria Traffic Engineering Division lo develop traffic control and public aooess plans in order to minimize faffic restrictions and disruptins along 85'Ave. We will trake into consideration City Hall. Public Library, local business, residents anC local events @n lclrcduling and sequencing the yrcik. Rlak 3:Restriclion of Traffic on E5m Avenue Durlnq Gonstructlon Solutlon: Our team will yvork dosely with the Gity of Peoda an<l their Public Infomation Services Company to provUe advanced notificatirn along with continual updates of lhe construc'tion work. Local resfilents, businesses, sclrools and the City of Peoria wifl be oontacted during the pre-consbuction fiase to discuss the proiect schedule, restrictions and uork hours. On similar proiects we have sucoessfully used newsletters, door hangers, puUic meetlngs and variable message boa_rds to promote public outreach and awareness. Nighl work close to the intersection of 85"'Ave. and Peolb will reouire a oolice offrcer durino construclion. Risk 4:Pedestriane & Bike Lane Srfety Solrtlon: Afler our site visit, we anticipate resticilions for pedestrians at the intersections where mainline and lateral utility installations willconfllc{ with existing crossrvalks. We pbn on r+ routing pedestrians to the opposile side of the road during these occunences. Bike lanes will need to be cloaed and alternate routes established awav ftom the constnrclion zone. Rlsk 5:Exbtlnq t tllltv Gonflicts & Utllltv Separation lssues Solutlon: Dufing the design phase constructability review, our team willdosely analyze the drawings along with exis0ng utillty maps provided by the CW of Peoria to identify any potential conflicts. We wtll hen Blue Strake lhe Foject to klentiff all existing utilities in both plpeline alignments. All located utilities will be pot-holed for verifrcation. We will use this informalion to obtain the required clearanoes ftom all potable water mains per ADEQ standards for the seurer line instrallation and verify the viabilitv of the runnino line for both water and sewer. Risk 6:Poeslble SRP lrrloatlon Croesinq (85h Ave. & Peorla Intecectionl Solutbn:We will idenlifu anv SRP oemit reouirements in the desion ohase. Rbk 7:Lraffic Safety ilan@slqq!!n9, Pq[gq !,]F!re Departmenb Gtc: Solulfon: We willconduct a traffc safe$ management meeting with afhcled stiakehoHers to coordinale our project with the Alta Loma School Transportation group, Peoria Police and Fire Departments, Public Transportiation and Sanilatbn. This meeting willoutline our projecl, idenW the nork limits and oive the invitees a chane to voice any concems thev may have. t0 STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Solicitation Number: P14-0062 Materiab Management Procurement 9875 N. 85m Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, fuizona E5345€560 Phone: (6231773-7115 Fax (623) 773-7118 ATTACHMENT C PROJECT ASSESSMENT PLAN TEMPLATE This template must be used. 2. VALUE ADDED OPT'OTS 2 Item l:Sequence Sewer Work to limit potentiel bypa:s coats: We willwork wtth the design firm to determine if a new sewer alignment is possible $fiich will limit any potential bypass pumping to the tie-ins only. At the tie-ins we will see if up can use flow thru plugs at low flow insteatf of pumping. We willwork closely wilh Peoria to obtrain the ADEQ Request for Discharge Authorizatbn as soon as possible, supplylng oiginal conslruction plans, as-builts, mandrel testing and CCTV reports. lmpact:Cost ($)Cost Savings Approximately $20.000 Schedule (Days)Decreased by6days Item 2:Gompetitlve biddlng of Delgn Sarices between Quallfled Firms: We will prepare and distribute a Proiect Desion Pac*et to selec{ed firms in order to oet comoetitive blds. lmpact:Cost ($)Cost Savings on design ($15,ooo.oo)Schedule (Days)No lmpact llem 3:Subeudtce Utlllty Inveetlgetlon . Location of exbting utilities by Blue Stake and Pot-Holing dudng the pre-construction phase of this project will help to identify and minimize utility conflicts, eliminating potential oostly delays dudng the constnrclion of the new vvater and sewer line. Coordination with the appropiate utilily entities during pre+onstruction will be incorporated into deshn documents further minimizino delavs or additionalcosts. lmpact:Cost ($)Increased produc'tion during constructirn ohase. Schedule (Days)Decreased by 8 days Item4:85- Ave. Trafflc Closure During Constructlon - A polential option wouH be to close 85- Avenue wilh 'Local Traffa OnM signs due to the safety and scftedule benefirts of a larger work zone dudng excavalion, waterline installation and pavement restoration activities. This will increase pipe-laying and pavement daily production with the intent to reduce the overall sctedule and impac't on local reskl,ents, business and City of Peoria Municipal Co_mplex employees. Trafftc ecoess will be restricted from the easl neighborhood exits onto 854, block by block as the job progresses. Access will be immediately re{pened as our restoration activities are oompbted for eaofi blocfi. lmpact:Cost ($)$12,000.00 Cost Savings Scfieclule (Days)Decreased by 12 days Item 5:Selfferformance Capabllltbs - Our company has the ability to self-perform 950,6 of the oonstruction work needed to installboth the water and sewer lines. We operate a large corporate fleet of equipment which allows us a competitlve advanlage when perfoming Wet tftility Pipeline projects. lf sewer bypass is required we willdesQn the bypass system and use our ourn foroes to construct and ooerate the svstem wilh the oroDersized eouioment. lmpact:Cost ($)$6500.00 Cost Savings Schedule (Days)Decreased duration TBD il I l[l sliir ...1r II --- tttIrt lt i M l' tI iIta iI i a It: I I it It II I I I I a I TII tIt !TI iI ia Io I a ! i iI !rI tI !o ! iIII 5 tiiiE!iiiF liiiil[lii'"i li' i g i t ! JI irr i' -F !l aa taII fI i It. iI .l g i ! xilI I t I I dd Ii .9t!to E(,o to'g o. I o coE3(.to I 6 II ff il Ei Ir ;f ; :. tol tI!i$F I l .. I :i it IE $ ;i iririlltiriii ! tif tit i . t=':EF , gEn ! SFii ! i;li EErl lit .5rr! DEEEEE AO'='F;:'i'Ffi'-l'l;F--r--', --- -i '!' j':'f'ff:--F. i'ii I!s i iiirl' 'titit,t,[ttt .19lt.g.-ED. t' I nHiligiilr ! titoE I--t -. ! I ilr g l I I T II 6 ! E'r-- -l-'-r- hh STATEMENT OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS Matedals llanagement Procurement 9875 N. 85h Ave., 2d Fl. Peoria, Arizona 85345€560 Phone: (623)773-7115 Fax: (6231773-7118Solicitation Number: P14-0062 I ATTACHMENT D I SUBCoNTRACTOR SELECTTON PLA}I I I We recognizc the importance of selecting gualified and cost competilive subcontnctots and facror this into our qualification I based splcction proccss. Relcvant project expcriencg ability to m€et pmjecl schcdules, safety and r€souroe availability, r€spons€ I time and Arizona Revised Statutes Tilles 34 and 4 | are all facton associated wilh lhe sclection proocss for cach Job Order. Our I selectior pnroess will follow a standardize set of criteria that ensures the pricing for fie work will be provided through a fair, I competitive process, obtaining lhe "Best Value" for the City of Peoria. I I Using our qualification bascd subcontraclor s€ledion plan, we anticipated selecting 2-3 gualified bidders for each scope of wo*. I Thc City of Pcoria will bc intcgnl compon€nt during thc qualification bascd scloction prooass, collabonting as a tcam cffort I with our management team as selections are made. We will prequalifr suhontnctors based on the following criteria: I Oualmca$on Based Selectlon Crlterla I Comorrrbb Proiocts & Eroeriencc; I fully completed comparablo projects and similar scopes of work in thc past? I Suhontractor to provide our t€am with fivc (5) comparable projects in oomplcxity and scope for review. I Subcontractor to provide our team with fivc (5) comparable projects for their Projed Manager and Superintadcnt and I f"y pcrsonncl of similar complcxity and scopc. I Our tcam will request tlnee (3) refersnce forms be filled out for past similar projects. I Crmcitv lo Perform thc WorI |ffivcthGnccGssaryGr€wandcquipmenrrcsourc$avai|ab|etocomp|etethewo*asrcquircdby I the proposed schedulc? I Do their qualifications/materials mecl the projcct pcrformancc and/or propriaary specifications? I ls the subcontractor able to ohain the necessary bonding and insunnce requirements for the Job Ordefl I Does this subcontractor m€et any SBE/MBUDBE requirements, if required? I Does the subcontraclor undcrstand tlrc project spocific challenges and/or issues with the Job Order? - Subcontraqor to provide company and personnel spccific licenses, raining certifications and company safety program. Job Order Price Proposel l'cchnicel Prooo$l Plckegc: I Our managcmcnt team will gcneratc the 'lnstnrctions to Biddcrs' for each of thc rcquired scopcs of work for distribution to the qualified subcontractors. - The bid pactages will dctail their rcspcaive soopes of work, special instruclions, bid documents requirements, bid due date, location and time. Bid Packages will be availablc one (l ) week prior lo thc mandatory pre-bid confercncc. - A mandatory prc-bid conforcnce will be held by our company prior to the bid to address project spocific related issues for discussion. All questions raised during the pe-bid will be addressed by our lcam and the City of Peoria one (l) week prior to the bid date. Ouallficd Subcontractor Bid Submfifel & Revlew Bid Oocninq: - All bids will be opened publicly with a City of Pcorh r€pr€scntativss pr€sent. Our company will confirm that all l addenda and special instructions and/or requirancnts w€r€ acknowledgcd by each subconlractor. - Bid results will bc read aloud during the opening. Bid tabulations will be calculated and sent out lo all bidding subcontractors within one (l) day. - low bid subcontraaon will be notified within onc (l) woek regarding the acceptance of lheir bid atler a final bid ] review complaed by our tcam ond the Cily of Peoria I Bid Eveluelion/Revicw rnd Scloction: I- We will verify that each subcontracton bid package is in compliance whh the 'lns0uctions to Bidden' document I providcd during the pre-bid conference and will evaluate each bid against thc sclcacd scoring critcria. I- MBEISBE/DBE percentages and amounts will be verified for each subcoilractor, if applicable. I - Determination of lowcst, gualifiod and responsiblc bidder will be decided with input from the City of Peoria I- lnwest, qualificd subcontractors will be notified after review pcriod. I- Our leam will prepare the subcontract agreemcnts in order to entcr into contracl with the selcaed subcontractors. I l3 SOLICITATION AMENDMENT tlaterfals tanagement Procuroment 9875 N. E5h Ave.. 2d Fl. Peoila. Adzona 8534ffi560 Tefephone: (623' 77 U7 1 15 Fax: (623) 773-711E Solicitation No: P14-0062 Descdptbn: JOC forWet Utility Pipeline Prcrieds Amendment No: One (1) Soficitation Due Date: Fgril2,2014 Solicitation Due Time: 5:00 P.m. A rlgncd copy of thb Amcndment chell be rccclved by thc Clty of Peorle, Xleterleb tenagement no lrterthrn the Sollcltatlon Due Date and Tlme. Section 2.3, Sample Project, second paragraph is revised and replaoed as indicated below. The sample prqeci identifed by the City is the ooostruciion of a replacement g weter line along with a replacenrent sailer on E5'Avenue ftorn Mountain Vierv Road to Peoda Avenue. The sample projecf scope indudes prepariry plans and specifrcations (design phase), acquinng lhe necessary dght-of-uaay and permlb, traffc control, public hVolvement, relocafon of exisling utilities, excanstion, installation end testang of the reelaimed water llne and sewer, fiflingo, valves and services, meter boxes. parement and landscaplng restoratbn. In addition, the following has been added to the Ctty's FTP site: o Water and Se$,er Quarter Section Maps forthe Sample Project. No other information abutt the sample proiect will be provided. . Pre-Submittral meeting Sign-ln sheet. . Pre-Submittal meeting Presentalion. All other shall remain in their b-a Vandor he'3by ednorlcdgc |lcsld eod le'lq||cnl wih thc amlrdment. CotnP|nyl{tlttc - [ort J Gl\AAdte ? C.s,Sr*fir h^-.^i* A- 85ofq Clty coct'lltt2o6 crt c p.on r Abcr coP2ot(@otolf{Ft(lofl The above rcferenced Sollcltation Amendment is herebyEltecuted ' March 25,2014 at Peoria, Arizona ffi ROC{89744 City of Peoria Job Order Cost Proposal B&F LABOR RATES FOR P14-0062A (ilO14CONTRACT) CONTRACTOR NAME: conhactryps: fiV5G0tffiffi6:FhftilFE$i'flF::lFij City Prcieci No.: CSmFS.-'F-il JobOrderNo. lFEffifT'-'--- --Jf- -1.. Cmtraclo/sJobllo.: ;S,;K-. --n CityPrciecllrlgr: -'i-l Prcpandbp ffi1.11$ FeeTypa -.i;i Date: lffi Locatbn: Revision: ;:-ilFTl-:rTFl Job Tllle: Dcrcdpdon of Worhto bc Fufomcd (etrpporfitg inlbrmaf on at&adred): i.. E3 SECnON & uigOR (lnclu$vc of buden) Page 1 of 1 Pocllon Unl Ouentltv fd ll|tiDCrFt' i' ;i';.:L.'i ii;f.Ebt;,. -"i1,',. r..i . : r'{'+({ r" 'Houl 1.0 uEinifbi*f.r :iiiCi"fl ir*i.*l:1gi,"i- r,-"!$e. :,. ;,=:*iijsi HoUr!'t.0 iuoc*iditiht " ',.ilf$;i3,1::,ii'i .'il'-'' l;i' ';..g;'' t -t Flotrt t.0 iohin$i'+-,,., .1fff fdliil8lst#':.-;*rrjjr *-i:.{&*' r::FF.i{iiH Hour!1.0 Sindetty Oomftt fnqlibafdildn{o.dciFcbd i,;E HoU1!1.0 iu'rririiit Oiienrta r: B56lifidii.-*',' rElF; i ; :,.i .,i&ii elr.:llourr t.0 ilillcd.Itiitiidnn{&iftrindfPlpibrbr ;'is..' i;ili.: -'-'i Itourt 1.0 ftaflcd wodcr litiorinffibiodift 'I.*:i$ iitr:',' .,,':As0*l Hourr 1.0 tini Smel Wbft r - igi/;{i. ..ill,::'r ;i*'- { r'.:..:'.i::'',i..{it "l' ?i Hourt 1.0 Liibtiiirr.'i''..,' ::dL: j'f,:l :i.;$j$l:,J: .1l; 1*.:.64 i; -:.:..;tlo|r!t.0 bborCcl Poclion Esctl To0.l To0.l fi..,r , ..;l .. 167.@ I 67.@ E 67.60 S-:...i' JEI-i :'lea:rOE 0:1.E0E 62.60 8', : ,..1:l'. .di.60 | 6a.@ T 04.@ 3eil i';$i.a'.;,, 6;136 E 51.603 51.60'j.'i .. ':-1,.i :,i6.iO E 30.10I 30.r0 ,Eei,d'I', ,":1t0,00t 30.00 t 30.00 3 3r.00E 3r.00 3li,:.: "5*... :A2O E 29.20 t 29.20 i3-:*' j ' .5-r.:. \ilIE';:'3 3 ,&ll,- .i.:'ri:, :'24.00 3 '24.00 t 2..00 ATTACIIMENT C JOC Coct Proposal Forms @ricing Matrix & Project Cost Sheet) (See Attached) Rcv( l3Yi()/l3)CF -4 t- City of Peoria Job Order Cost Proposal fi!& uririv pncnrie ftoitdr ..."{Ff . FilA65Z{ -:€'qEl':-inqx':'i ls-'r F.-;:A - :' ':i;--E '?'. , :Soal}@$tiFfi ea'ffi !6ACnADF:rtl FlFil- ?fi'.-:r*F,irgF -'.*: I Docdpdon of Wod( b b. F.dbmrd (crDport[ng htunnelion gtt dl€d]: SECTOI{ A: LAEOR (|nclurlve of burdcn} Poldon Unil Clr.nlib tctl|flrc.r Hourt t.o tolt Enohcc.Houl t.0 luoarinlxrabil l{our i.0 3oagnan Hour!i.0 iorddtvOocnlor l{ottl r.0 iotomli Oornrbr llou|l t.0 Sldbd Tndonrn (Jom.ynm)l{out l.o Sl(|.rtUbrl('nmilillof)llou|t r.0 t.|niSH|LdUb.L.t Houra l.o trDo.t.Ho|'r 1.0 SECflOil B: EQUIPilEIIT (ruppordng Informa0on rttlchld, l.c. EqulpnrntWrbh.com) lbm Unit Otrdrfty Eoral Hou|!1.0 EorJoil Hou!t.o Ec$0 Hourt r.0 Eodoa tlou!t.0 EorJoS llo|'r r.0 :qdD6 Hqrr r.0 :qdo7 Hdr,r 1.0 :odot HOUft t.o 3orJo0 Hourr 1.0 :odrl0 Ho|'!1.0 SECnOil C: IIATERIALS -1i-'x;- . ; '* ' "ll.l-;,-"zF-' ':"' ! :.ff'',[[.;'wfE. -Y€,' -il : .. '- -s.a:- - --'"' -l CONTRACTOR NAME: @rfactType: Jobfr.ri|o. CUProiod lrgt: FecType: Loc.tbn: JobTillr: City Ptqicd t{o.: Contrrciofs Job No.: R,epmdby: tbb: Rrrtlskn: L.bof C6l Poa5ott Edl Td.l Tot!l 3 I t t t E I t 3 I I t t 3 t 3 I I I 3 I t t t t 3 t I t :..ii?'- "dltrboaGd .Er'..4f!F3!Yi''..r1'' Equlg|ncnt lbrl E&h Totd Tdd 3 I 3 t t 3 3 3 3 t t t t t 3 3 3 t t t 3 I t t t 3 3 3 3 3 irul;-; lootEoriomot Coafljglli8lk.' i*it.,,- tlrhbl llm Edl Tml Tdl t E t I I t 3 3 t 3 t t I s I 3 E E 3 t t 3 3 3 3 t 0 s s 3 Tobl l,Ltcrirl Corl E Page 1 of2 Prioted: 5fi9/2014 City of Peoria Job Order Cost Proposal $ilEi,Wi;ifib$ii5, Hffi:trtisi€Si*il F.gffii.ffit:ffi'R[ fu8ffire06 b bc blron rronr rnrth) ff bbct l(grtomm.lrh) City Proicct No.: Contircb/s Job No.: Pnpandby: Drb: Rcvisim: CONTRACTOR l.lAttlE: ConfaciType: JOOOcrlrto. CiUPCFclltlg': Frc Typc: Locathn: Job llle: OVERHEAD: PROFlT: ;tl, Ei*ih:JffiSr$Xffi ffiiIEffi ffi ffiffi St oblrl Ge.Fd Conttrcbr Cd (A+B+C): OOP(*olA+Cl: Tot l Grt.rtl Cdrbrclor Coeb lduditp OtP: sulohl sr6contsr6r c6tr (o, subconrrcbffiil (5t6 oto) To0rl S$contirdor C6f hcludlne Prcfit TOTAL GC Coan Odudhe OEPI tnd Suoconhrclor Codr (hcfdip Subcoobrcu Ptofitl: lnruroccCdO r.0093 Eo.|(rcorie r.so* o r.otttg Sdcc Tlx (6595 el E.1%) Tu Ercmplioo Cfldit gubloblJoOCaC Co.{in9.ndar Submittrd by il..nc. fi0c rcv ifle2Oil LH 30.00 to.00 t0.00 8r0.00 10.50 3t0.50 f0.00 |(t.00 10.00 t0.00 to.00 t0.00 t0.00 SECTIOI{ D: SUBCOT{TRACTORS & CONSULTAIiITS Oacrlrion ot fitr( b 0e P€rtm€d Page2ol2 TOIAIJOA COSI:f0I0 Drto Printed; 5r191201'l Itg L oE. oFE 9Fa5?5 3 rr- s{g@ tsjg sEAiE GO ATTACHMENT I) Contnctor's Contac8 (ConactList & Authorized Signeture Fomr) (Sce Attached) Rev ( l!/3011) CF -42- &,F CONTRACflNO, INC, Contact List Pt+0062A - JOC for Wet Utility Pipeline Proiects Phone 623-764-7585 623-7il-7586 623-217-7763 623-76/,-7622 480620-1208 602-36r-2378 602-350-5578 623-582-rr70 623-s82-1r70 lvtay 13,2014 Bill Soper CFO LeticiaRodarte AR bsoper@bfcontractine.com lrodarte@bfcontractinq. com Name Ilde Email Bruce Balls Principal bruceb@bfconfiactine.com Tom Foley Project Director tomf@bfcontactinc.com JohnNorton hoject Manager j$orton@bfcontractine.com Paul Morgan Project Man4ger pmorgan@bfcontacting.com Dan Foley hoject Manager dfoley@bfcgntacting.com Mike Elkins Superintendent melkins@bfcontracting.com Jayson VanVolkinburg Super. jvanvolkinbure@b onttactine.com ldain OfficeAddress: ll0ll N.23dAvenue Phoenix, A285029 P:623-582-1170 F:623-582-3761 *,F cONTRAcflNG, tNc. I ROYOE9711 t tlttttl.BFcONTRAcTlNO.cOil ffiF A@NffiAATIN@, [Ne" CERTIFICATION BY THE CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZING EMPLOYEES TO SIGN BINDING AGREEMBNTS City of Peoria utility Joc The following employees are duly authorizdto sign binding agrc€rnents for and on behalf of the Corporation. Name Contncts: Thomas F. Foley Bruce W. Balls Bill Soper Notice to Proceed: Thomas F. Foley Bruce W. Balls Chrnge Ordcns: Thomas F. Foley Bruce W. Balls Bill Soper John Norton Paut Morgan Dan Foley B&F Cqntracting Inc. Signed g Thomas F. Foley President Date: S- 7.aol\ Signature BtkF coNTRncTtNG, tNc. I RocO69711 | UUU.BFCONTRACT\N6.COn LINKING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GLENDALE, ARIZONA AI\D B & F CONTRACTING,INC. EXHIBIT B Scope ofl7ork PROJECT The McRae Watedine Proiect will include, but is not limited to the following Approximate\ 1,3461f. of 8" DIP Watedine, and approximately T2lf of 6" Watedine replacement. 8" and 6" Gate valves with covers and boxes will be rcplaced. Three 6re hydrants will be replaced and the old hydrants will be salvaged. Concrete encasement, tie-in selices, and connections are included. Watedines will be cut and plugged duting the constnrction process. Vertical rcalignment, commissioning and sutface replacement is included. Potholing SWPP, Tnffrc and Dust Concol, QA/QC, Engineering Survey, As-builts and Testing are included. For a complete list of inclusions and specific constnrction services, please see Section 2 of the attached McRae Way Watedine Replacement Booklet submitted by B&F Contncting Inc. 8/ro/16 LINKNGAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF GLENDALE, ARIZONA AI{D B & F CONTRACTING,INC. EXHIBIT C METHOD AI{D AII{OI,'NT OF COMPENSATION ByJOC Linking Agreemeng including all senrices, matedals and costs. NOTTO EXCEED AI\{OT'NT The toal amount of compensation paid to Contractor for full completion of dl work required by the Project must not exceed 1382,844.63 for the entire temr of the Agreemenr DETATLED PROJECT COMPENSATTON See attached Pdcing Matrix, Project Cost Sheet and Concactor's Labor Rates. 8/t0/16 rltlrr GLEI{D4I-E y'' Table of Contents 1) Contact List 2l Project Scope 3) GMP 4l Schedule 5) Original Project As-Builts 6) Sample Peoria JOC Documents 7l Quotes Section L: Contact List B&F Contractlng Corporate Office 11011 North 2?rdAvenue, Phoenlx, AZ 85029 Phone: 623-fi2-tl70 Fax: 623'582-37 6t Profect Dlrector: Profect Manager: Prof ect Superlntendent: Proiect Estimator: Bruce Balls Ceff: 623-764-7585 Ema il : bruceb@ bfcontracti ng.com John Norton Celf: 623-2L7-7763 Ema il : jnorton @ bfcontracting. com Mike Elkins Cef l: 602-361-2378 Email : melki ns@ bfcontracti ng. com Jerry Hine Celf :480-459-7099 Email : j h ine @ bfcontracti ng.com Section 2: Project Scope PROJECT SCOPE corparte tQ: t1011 N.23d Arc. Ptroarh, AzEq!9 Tucson Ofrca t$+ W. Prltn Rd. Tusr, AZ8t05 0lier dl3-SE2-tlD I Fu: 6i13,582-:l6li AZUGIGTnlc{9}laAGr| nlffi..f| noc-tr2la lol Garrj ffi.dlre I 2 3 I 5 6 7 I gtmltbdb: Otydcl€n(blc 5850lV. GlmdalcAw. Glcndah, AZ Atuilo||: ldyilrFdn horcct D*a:9/19/2016 Gladde JOC- lrlcRa liFy $btstlne tr|ooacUf.yif|cD|w Glenldc, AZ Etut tfirrgutrrQglcndalu.on I!Ill*f..*..tr*tll.gli#tggl..***rrr'r*rr*.r.*,r..'lr*.a.trf'.rf'*r.ra'.r'n rr.*r*.***.*o.*.11$$!*Fo9l!!*,S**S$' Gonshrcilon Scrvier- A - ttlcRre Wry Wrlcrllno UUL oNP PG50 8! ltffilrE UvL DtP FCl50 6' ttt!br*! W[GeV.hlc8'Wlor&Cotcr YULG*VCrG6'Wb&Gof,r Wtftllw't-Glcnddc WLTFInbEGUrgSttffim li,[ Cmcr€E h@ncnt l{AG {04 W& i Salr wL ltt tsrsgl,lc conncc[on l'( t|llnTo ilctsr ) $oil slde tltcoppc' t'W&rsalrlc U|l ti,l- lyatrrsql,le @tGtrq| l'( lialnTo Bdsthg crpgcr ) tmg stdc mUhErtlcE Eq&Ovlrifr.2 U,tltrticdRa*g|lrcil8! DlP ll,L V€|ucd Rdlgrrort 6' DIP rU-C|tAPb9EGthgf WlnrLhc m Of & Pfrg EChg 6' W.Er thc wLoilnlsnhg lvt Sdr/.gc flt Hfdrant0 DdhrerTo Cty cotEbvcrocl orb&eftr GcrsrbStlardr Rcrp|t EGthg l,UrG Eo( t Cqrcr, And Rcsb|" grrh Patcr:ntRdsmil 9uryScal FohdcAdshgtJU|Ucs stpP hrstffidEmlt TrdllcGonbol O Da,lc PrqFd aArac - ilatsdab Tcsury Brgh.lrlrg Aonstuc[on 9ncy I Actrrtts B -Tc.t DIPW&tilncotrttt[c Drlu. 30 T€st Sthg e DIP t Cng ilon olstrucilrr Blcfs|ltg.t dc/ Aordc Dcbctbn ilc0nd To ldentfi ncm*ttrg Ue EOcCeq 3l e566afQl - T€t ibur,C Sol Fa Cordvlty r.(D |.js 1.@ ts 1"34600 ]F 7e00 u 2.()0 E|ICH 3.00 EAO{ 3.(l() EA|CH 5.00 EAol 2{0.o r.F lO00 EICH 5(I(n rf ro00 alol 10.00 alo{ 2.00 EA/OI 3.0 Etol 5.0(l E|IOI 3.(xl E|lcl 1.(x, r.s 3.00 EA/OI 3(t(x) tF 120.00 sF 5.(I) E^CH 630.00 sr r,8m.00 sv 10.(l() ArOl LM E|CH r.0() E|lcH LM|s 1.00 |s 1.00 EAol L00 E|lol 9 t0 t1 t2 t3 tt t5 16 17 1E t9 m 2t 2, a x 25 26 n a E Section 3: GMP City of Glendale Job Order Cost Proposal ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE CONTRACTOR }.IAME:B & F CONTRACTTNG, tNC. ROC{89744 Confrrcl TtDc: Job o'dsr ilo. CUPeFdr|gr FoT'?o: Loc.lbn: Job Tilr: fvrtt EvPiitrfrPflf.cf ToBrDrFmhrd 'W'WT IcRr Wry W-firo Prq..f . l0l7@ D..cdl0oootWortbDrFrrlornrd WrbtlncadSondceRcelqrnf (Softi.Gl86e.1 (rppodne ffimr0olochdf: SECTlOllA: LABOR (lncltrlrrdDudenl Pcltbo Unlt Oflrilr troLallhs l{orr {0.0 turfifrra,t l{out s.0 Fo'ut|fr Hcrt 6t.0 )oarer l{our 210.0 frd(Hod.dogrebr llq|t 24.6 :squ l{otrr 1,7.6 tlDalrF llqn 3tts.6 frud Dnlt l{c|l 26E 0 SEgIlOt B: BOtflPf,EllT (rupport0 ffionnrtlon r!rch.d, lr. EqulFrntW$ch.coml lhtl t trft qrrrtt tt€i.df/h0.d. Ttud(l{crr rO.O tuocdilnddrTndr t{on s.0 brqrtrtllrudt llqrr 4r7.0 CrwTnd(ilcft l?''.6 (otn&rFCl!0 llc'l 680 ilibcrTbrBdrr{ltrO llorr 3S-0 foocrt lli,t l{our ?0.0 ft.mDJd(CqtDdrO360r&v l{our 25'.t CdIf:lOOl-a(r llor,t r20.0 ltffiTrucfr llqrr 88.0 r0whd.r l{cutl t€0.0 SATOC-!f.3.5?qr Rolcr l{crl 36.0 fit,||Dort l{ar!r0.0 ' CryPqicciNo.: Corilrraor'r &b llo.: Papcrdby: To BcDtmhd Btuo3* Drb: Ranllon: L-dCat Fo.fildr Edl TilI Td I 87.60 3 270i00 3 zma.m I 6a.60 3 A2fi.GO 3 C20r.@ 3 5r.@ t r3.2ar.203 r32Er.20 I 30.@ | 6.iln.@ | 6.300.s I 36.r0 3 t&t46 t C.8a6..15 I a.u 3 lo.tm.O | 't0.7a0.o 8 3r.00E ro.Eltro 3 r0.3c.50 3 n.n a t 6rF.60t 7.5tt3.flt ToUL$o?Cd 3 CAS.$ Eflao0rd.hm Edl Tdl Totsl I 16.t0 t 61200 I 612.00 I t5.30 I r..6aE0 I r..68.C0 I n.Ta I 7.134.32I 7.13,-92 3 27.rA t 3.tE7.t6 t 3.5C7.rC t 71.76 t a.t6r.of t 4.tEr.il 3 40.@ t r3..70.G03 13.470.60 I t6tl 3 2"667.103 266t.t0 I 6.73 3 r.71i'r9t! r.?:les 3 5ra t 6.ia8.s | 0,1.c.@ 3 30.75 3 2.970.@I 2070.00 E EE.56 3 ta.a35.2E| 1a,.|i,6.8 I 2to t 06E t6 I $0.r5 t 7to E 730.00 3 7:n00 ?dhhrr&a 3 O.e.rr Peec I of3 Prlnbd g,6r:Dl6 CONTRACTOR MME: City of Glendale Job Order Cost Proposal ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE B & F CONTRACTINGlNc.ROC!089744 ContrctTypc: Jobotdorlib. CiUPrqrdiler: FrTno: Locellon: ftrUnrPb.ltrPiC.cb ToBrOfrnlrd ldylffit Jo0Tlc lcRrtlrryll,lbdflPtCF.f-f6fTB SECTIOIIG: IATEFIAI.S CUFnFd!lo.: Con0|ldrf Jobl{o.: Rrp.r€dbf ToBr Hmfiod Drb: Rrfbn:tatnra fm tllr A|rilU Tll t.@.0 looa*Ir{zo ldr2r n{Ir0.0 r.cto[t8 t.0 m LF 120.0 tqs*CY t16.6 bEt ls r.0 ionq$rf,s.0 Irb r8 r.0 I rd(sfJ.rt CY r0.0 lib,Uffith.Ft!|rf ts t.0 rhlilfrral EA t0 t/bcthbrln Tilhlhbfib EA 6.0 l'C6aPba r.F 30.0 ro|P tF to.o roP t"F r.30.0 l/2S(ABCg|f|Y CY 3.0 f GlbvJtlr EA 30 f G-VdF EA z0 lftc. OtV*FlU0[EA 5.0 l'utrbrl.aESglio EA E'.0 llcdrl It|tl Edl tdl ldd I fi.00 5 fi.qtE.oo I ll.0g0.o t t5.o 3 30.O I t0.00 I 70.@ t r0.5o.00 $ 10.6@.@ 3 50.o 3 to.o 3 60.o I 5.@ t co.o 3 60.00 3 s.75 t a.266.dt | .t56.Gg I m.o 3 3@.O t t@.@ t t5.tp r 40.00 3 .tO.00 3 /|00.00 3 ,IO.OO | .to.o I c6.00 t c60.o t @.00 3 6.06.00 3 4C6.00 | 6.0c6.@ I r.t00.003 .1.tO.00 t 4.50.00 I It0.00 t 7t0.00 3 7m.m 3 3.O 3 0@.o 8 eo.o I 10.25 I t,q6.o t t.02t.m a 12;d'3 r7.t6t00 t 17.386.0 I 65.O t t96.(p t 195.00 3 450.00 3 r.t60.00 3 r.@.@ I @.@ 3 l.s.dl t r.30.0o 3 m.00 3 l.m.o t r.om.o t r0g.gl 3 5.,1S.90 | 6.,fS.S Tol|tn|AOor I Gil.os.t3 SEgtIOtr D: SUBGIOIITRACf,ORS t COIISULTAI|TB O!.cF0il oati,o.t b b. Frt|rt|d tf,n TdlCmrnr SoulhfihdilEG/Bob.r trtiolbFrJlccml $.m.O 3 5.m.o0 nSRat nnd r||b t3.50.m I 3.6m.(n ISRathrtd ncho $m.00 I t@.00 hd DorhrdoYrdirdJ m.O I C0.00 fholrftHilrt )|ranrttlmr ftoo 3 50.00 l4qtrnv Pro'b.rdul3 8145.0 3 m.m UIhFr|O IwFrp Itl.O t 30.00 lfUofda|(|b lorrfidartilrb $.m.m t t.00.00 rRGUE IWFPP tLg@.@ I a900.00 ilrrrd l|frE ||o 35:l.lo-00 3 52.rO.O ilrrr(,lantucdosffin |3.m.00 | 3.0@.@ fuilrf r||bddrTdno 3t'16.00 3 3.'L5.00 bd rwcd lg.{rrr.m I | 3.qu.o lmrlcnAlilePlrh ll|rlvs.l tlo.225.00 |t 10.225.00 rdElodcr lsidiadEruimPbcTc$rt $6.t60.O t | 16.660.00 :|IjrE altsDabtatTadtlo E1.555.q, I t t.565.00 Tot|qlEtjlrCat trqt Pegc 2 of3 Rhbd:0fil6lil0'16 City of Glendale Job Order Cost Proposal Contrbdr&bllo.: {S{01 Pcg|'cdbS Drb: Rarldon: ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE CONTRACTOR }.IAITE:B&FCONTRACTf-NG,INC. ROC{@7f4 $r.rurvPb.ftrP'lFcb Cryro.dNo.:ToErDrtnhrdConbrclTypc: Job(Xhrf,lo. CityPrql.dfrl[c Fcc Tlp.: Locdon: Job T0c: ToBrDrlmff lfiy.|ffir 9nnB|r_ lffir $rry Urtnr ?ltFct - rol ?B cf2t?olc imr:plc A+c I tEl.86l.EE OVERf{EAD: C.m* PROFfT: a@f s|fi!| Grud Cqtncbr Ooo @Eg: ocP(r2lofAgE;r2.00@ta Tol Gssd Cofrrbr Co tnrctrd|teltE: &ffigrbdrrrbcdlDUlrOlA $roonfrbrPt'dit a@f Tdl &iDconfrtbrOorb hduding S: TOTAL oc cat (lnoftd|f OAP) rd &,aorilncbr Cod (Fufig &lbcoourchr ftoft): InrrroCsO l.O!3 Badco.f e l.tott SdoIs€lcndCcTu9.Sti Tu Gcdlt b Cty fr ltl/L l{filrl f + &aboJ&bcod: Cdrtn3lttdo TOTAJOTOOST: (!.blcd(lnlbommfh) (!Sbbcbl(ln liqn nshl tloa.56a.00 tt6.6il.t|3 slt0.617.a3 $6,40.@ f6,t64.60 fr6.a5a.50 $ro.o1.gt 19.190.72 t.7s.6 9.20t4 g,.cn.g7 9.tltt6 (9,031.76) $llql..lE 150.00.00 tttzta4at (rbDsll(g|fiutlll$t0 (!abbebfmtun lt$hl CmilrbrLla'+ tct,zg.03 $10.7dl.m PlbtulhorEdon nun Cltv oa Glcttolc b Rtqdld. torE l0r0r Page 3 d3 Prlnbd: tOE20l6 Section 4: Schedule II I II IIE ..1 Igg. ill !I iili li.I Ifl' !!!t tnll 3B t I fl'I tl- . 1- I'i! l-l*[ f 3' I' I.'' l' s t l*' l-i-i'i ,,il li ti"i i!''1,alltl s E !l ,i l| ,i f;u itltl !lrl l!r ri,lliitlllltiliii n !' l" i" i i"' I' l= I' I' F ; F i' l= I' it ! J tt tbg = *-l FE o a ! Co I o Do f:3 iii I cri 15l t;t t--o lqt9 lii l3h: FN l'! aq aJ 3 ri:'.H ?r !|rt 3 !3 d rc !ac|\t GI or tFiiE!E!Eili:FFFFiii;ii;i;iEEEtEiEiirE rtitg!!ttttltfrttts Section 5: Original Project As-Builts iii !iii {{ tl tl il ll d{ t! g ; 0 c U I I 'l i ,{ I' rl !l !i itlii;llrt ii Irj I Ilr i ddari i i i ;.ii J ,h$ $ i I I II ll lt iii\ ? ta I I :l ri ii tl li ;l ilst fir:llt \:F .?. b "df".1ilh o J l-J l-a)- Uztr9o=tr,-HEo-3 OooR @ 'fiil ! It iliir rilt{ti $il1'I I i{1i +lti l::;r ,iii! {IiIi t-.t: \ t. iiIiii Itith iil firliii Ht I I It I I i I :l , I Ii :lT; ii ,l t! il :!;til iii llt Irl l|! iii tV, \, \{i I t t [,iF a- "+"iril HL t. iti :l\ $i:i! r\ :tT{i t ltJrr,g ag1r.v (\la1t l:tt'F''-"- .d3ff l'*a'I#, ..rLira*'' ' '-; 3 .! I ll : \ a \s|\ \ \ :i 9rl eil ,ll 3i t-i+ -rr: 'ti iltat ;" ,i-,';;'t'-'- - i:, - rr i. ai , ;tbo fr.' agl rll.I& *{i doi cE. I I i*f;,L -1 !- ,;. L' o sl'< Zqw i l' X-iE-.-- !l' -€9r o LatB. rlil.ol; - o.:t.- ..-.1.rtne i i aEi *?cq! *.ar I .lli& ai r .i ;l-l "E. i tli$# l{-=o il;d* - I RT o;'*? ll R a ,]ry#,,, -tlt -#i Br Ii- HL@ lli.)1..J.. \... 1...x. ., 1'q' l\ ']'* \l I\r "ii'-. f; "*.irt I 3 F .r.. ,ft O1 tgrfs sl lll' 3i 3-i \.'.o \; \t \\\ i \\ ,\ I I I Fa<vdP FHsb (J Section 6: Sample Peoria JOC Documents t $r ! Fs lri I==E!5 qE =.F flJ 5|rL€go EEjr. gi JEACI City of Peoria Job Order Cost Proposal CONTRACTOR MME:BEFGqrtacliqglnc. frrl|}tb-r-Gtr',Clty Pqlccl No.: ConhNcbds Job tto.: Pr.pndby: Srl!'rDtf,rffiAlrllfll? Drc'lilonotttoilbn Pf,lbrnr.d ($portng htsmdon ettrd:d) : SECTIOII A: LABOR (hclurlvr o0budcnl htloo tm oln0U |ctUrlffi l{dlr t.o trolctEndnG llouf t.0 3lgffiert l{out t.0 squt:l Horrs 1.0 od$roilSr ]lortr 1.0 ictndOol$r l{orrr 1.0 tl&dTrfimrr(Jdrl!{filrl Hour t-0 lil.rtYlUlGrGloruilo)l*rn l^0 ilJSfhdfffi..tlorn 1.0 l-$ff llqr!1.0 SEgnOil B: EQU|PfEtT(ruppodtrg tfrn$on frch.d,1o. Eeubtn ntWrtclLconl lEn thn Ardtr il.51 Hout!t-0 :o52 lh|!t-0 :o$o tlortt t.0 haa lbutl r.0 idaS llqr|1.0 3qa6 Hou'l t.o ha7 lhrt r.o Eddoa l$ur 1.0 iotl50 l{drr 1.0 -3oiot0 l{ou!t.0 SECTIOII G: IATERIAIS ConhrciTypc: Job OdcrNo. CryP|qedirlet: FrrTypr: Locdon: JobTTE: Dcb: Rcvidon: lrDo.C€t Fod0on Al Tdd Tohl 5 I I I 3 I I T I I I 3 I t 3 I t I I T T t t 3 3 3 t I 3 t n Ea.ffi lHrt Ecfi Totr|Tdl 3 t 3 3 I T I t I I t I I T s I I I 3 3 t 3 3 I I I I I 3 3 E d T lbm lrnt Arfiv ihLlhl Edl t.0 Mrrrfh2 Bo.t.0 lffih3 Roll t.0 tlrbfihtl Tqr 1.0 tldr*5 Yd t.0 ttbraho Edr 1.0 t|bfi|7 Ech t.0 lrblr8 Edl 1.0 thr$o Erh 1.0 ilrffil0 Edr t.o il.utl bol Erch lcfrl totsl s I 3 t I I I 3 I I I 3 I I I I 3 T I I 3 3 I t I 3 I I I TfrI|lr||Gd I PaWl sl2 Prirtd: E/ll/2016 City of Peoria Job Order Cost Proposal B&FGonbec0nofrc.CONTRACTOR MME: Conirct llpc: &bordrrNo. CryPAirctlubn FcTypc: Locdoo: &bTlte: nrFltEDrt+ro F|.,m OI/ER}CAD . Ot PROFII: 0t s|/ba.l Gt|d Comrbr Ca! (*+B+C): O&P(IofA€l: Tdl Gcrgd CmreobrCcr hdurilrp OtF: grtrbhl Ssbaont|cbr Oo.f (O) s.rDcontseo! Pmllt (6S ot O) Td, gDcdrOr Cca hdudq OeP: TOTAL gC Cod (mrd|! OEP| std Subqtrbr CoS (hdqhE &bon0rbr hit): lruacC6C0.76tl Eo'doodlo0.90*b 1.20L S|h3TutESf6of 8.lti) afiOlJobCcc Corfhet|ldr TOTALJOBOOST: Suurftrdbf llrtt Tl0o tw(lnflCF Clty F ql.ct l,lo.: Conbr@/rJob llo.: Pr!9s3d by: tlab: Ranbion: ('3 bD.brmtcnmnbo (96bbcEtclltonn e|x| t0.@ f0.@ 40.00 $.qt t0.@ f0.o t0.00 f0.@ f0.@ t0.o to.o t0.00 SBeflOt D: SUBGOXTRACTORS t COXgUtTAlfiE IbtqlCmdUHrbbhrftnncd (SurotD orfi t irbmsn dredl |bnt TdlCmmy t a I I 3 T I t 3 t IdtaqtEcil Page2ol2 OeF Pttnbd: 8/llf20l6 Section 7: Quotes B&FContracting, lnc PnrJ€ct Location: Gfrv: Bid Date: DocumentName: Bld lbm qacrlpdon McCnae Way Water Une Replacement McCrae Way'Glendab JOC 4325-m1 Qm. HD .?-- Unlt PdG. Edcmlon fc$rec,0f AvcrfilAvc 8'ftbdlne 8'P}3sOTJ DIP 8'Flillnor Potyvrap For 8" DIP PdyTape 8'xE" MJ Tee 8" MJ 90 B€nd 8" MJ Sofil Sbare 8'Megalug For DIP 8" MJ AE Sd Les GlanG 6'DlP FH Run 6'PC-35OTJ DIP Flrc llvdnntArrombllec 85Cr ruX flgTee 3Et'Bury Fire llydnnt 6" ttL, 90 Bend (For Low Ppfpe) 6r Melalug For DlP 6-MJA@SetLesBGlands E'Megalug For DIP f MJ Accset Less GlanG 6'FH Valve 6'Flg X }lJ Vahrc \ts Monument Drcp In LH 8" C9o0 ryC 1346 LF 1360 LF 10 Roll 3EA 2EA 3EA 19 EA 19 EA 72 EA 3EA 3EA 6EA 15 EA 6EA 6EA 6EA 3EA 3EA 3EA 15 LF Page 1 of4 12.59 16.946.14 Total 16,9a0.t4 0.26 35i1.60 3.10 3r.00 116.27 348.81 n.u 155.62 wr.14 237.42 32.63 619.97 17.31 328.89 Totrf 2,076A1 9.69 Totel 107.E7 1391.83 53.49 21.38 15.86 32.63 17.31 Total 697.68 697.08 323.61 4,475.49 3Pjo.g4 320.70 95.16 195.78 103.86 6,83554 403.06 1,2(8.18 34.30 1@.90 12.46 37.38 5.01 84.15 ConcValve Base 6" Flg EoltSet 6" Flg Gasket 6" Megalq ForDlP 6' MJ Acc Set tess Gland 8'FHVelvc 8'X MJValve \ts Monument &op ln Lid 8'.C900 ryC ConcVahe Base 8'Megalug FoTDNP 8'MJ AocSetLess Ghnd {' Wabr Scnrlce Lono Sldc Tle Etdgdno Plpo lnto NeuW.tedlne 8"X 1'Saddle 1'Servkr Corp l' Waler Servlce Short Slde Inctall Nery Ploe FrmWrterlneTo Exhilno Xetrr trX 1'Saddle 1" Service Corp 1" MebrStop 1" K€oft Copper Add Albmatc Juflc Drlvc 8'Weterllne r PG3SOTJ DIP 8'Fltflnm Pofyvnap Forff DIP Poly Tape 6" DfP FH Run 6" PG3SOTJ DIP 13.73 7.39 2.13 21.38 15.86 Total 634.(xt 34.30 12.6 5.61 13.73 32.63 17.31 Tot l 41.19 2..17 6.39 u.14 47.58 1,615.08 1,269.00 68.60 24.92. 56.10 27.8 130.52 69.24 I,Ga48t3 2EA 2EA 2EA 10 t-F 2EA 4EA 4EA 14 EA 14 EA 10 EA 10 EA 10 EA 250 LF 724 LF 1020 LF 3 Roll 24 EA Page2 of4 3EA 3EA 3EA 3EA 3EA 94.51 45./rc Total 94.51 45.40 84.01 L97 Tot l 12.59 Total 1,323.11 . 635.60 t,958.74 945.10 454.00 840.10 742.50 2,08r.70 9,115.16 9,115.10 20520 27.90 293.10 232.ft 0.26 9.30 Total 9.69 Flro llvdrrnt Arscmbllco 8.5<6"MJ X FlgTee 3'6'Bury Fire Hydrant 6" ru 90 Bend (For Low Ppipe) fl Megalug ForDlP 6" MJ A6 Set Less Glands 8.'Megalug ForDlP 8" ruAccSetLessGlands 6'FHVelve 6" FhX Mf Valve VB ifonument Drcp In Li'd 8'C900 A/C ConcVahrc Base 6'Flg BoftSet 6'Flg Gasket 6" Mcgalug ForDlP 6" ruAocSctLcseGtand 8'Velve 8" X ru Vahre VB Monument Drop In Lld r c900 ryc @ncVabe Base 8" ttlegalug For DIP 8' MJ Acc Set Less Gland l' IUrter Servlce Lono Slde Tle Exb0no Ploe lnto NewWrterllrc 8" X 1'Saddle l" Serulce Corp I'Wrtcr Sctvlcc tholt 9ldc Instrll Ncw Ploe Frm Weterlne To Enlsffno tetar 8" X 1'Saddle l" Seruioe Gorp Total 1 EA 107.87 1 EA 1,491.93 2 EA 53.49 5 EA 21.fi 5 EA 15.86 2 EA 32.63 2 EA 17.31 Totel I EA 4tXl.O6 1 EA 34.30 1 EA 12.6 5 LF 5.61 I EA 13.73 I EA 7.39 1 EA 2.13 1 EA 2'.1.39 1 EA 15.E6 Total 634.00 34.30 12.8 5.61 13.73 32.63 17.31 Totrl 8EA 8EA 2EA 2EA 2EA 10 LF 2EA 4EA 4EA 2F,2ffi 107.87 1,491.83 106.98 106.90 79.30 65.26 u.62 1"992.76 403.06 34.30 12.46 26.05 13.73 7.39 2.13 21.38 15.86 sin36 1,269.00 68.60 24.92 56.10 27.6 130.52 69.24 t'411il 9EA 9EA 94.51 45.40 Total 94.51 45.40 756.0E 363.20 1,179.8 850.59 408.60 Page 3 of4 1" Meter Sbp 1'K€oftCopper 9EA 3OO LF 84.01 756.09 2.97 891.00 Total 2,90628 GrTotal 51,507.37 Page4 of4 s272423L.L ORDER TO: FU'C BRANCH 9 4863 E. IttlcRAftl ST. lilEsA, AZ 85205 QIJOTE TO; B&F COITMCTING INC 11011 il. 23RD AVEI|UE PHOEND(, AZ 85029 ** QUOTATToN ** Quote #z s272423t P/O lt : irccRAE t|AYprinted: 08/22/tG eage#:1of9 SHIP TO: E: B&F C()l{T - GEI{ERAL 110X1 N. 23RD AVENUE PHOET{rX, AZ 85029 Quoted for JERRY Quote Date Expr Date o8/22/L6 LO/06/L6 ship via OT1 - TODAY warehouse- shp 9 Prc 9 rrght NO wrrtercorina rinmo salesperson corina nimo Release #Terns C.NET 25TH (uote qty Part #* ilCCRAE 1346ft L35647E 1346ft L476572 10ea 5216 3ea 1356939 Zea 1356789 3ea L357322 19ea 1356535 Product oescriptlon WAY TATER LINE REPLACETIIENT GLENDALE AZ JOC 4325-001*********************************** * * ** * ** * ***i *rl** **t**** * * * *** *** *** ilccRAE, 615T AVE , 62'AV ****!t!r**tt***i***t**t************** *t*************t**********t******** 8.' WATERLIilE tl***l*,**t********** *************rl** ****t*********t*il******!t*********** DrrJ8350 8.. Pc35O TYToN JoINT DUcTILE IRoI{ PIPE *********l************rl****tt******* 8" FrrENGs ********t*t**********tt******rt***** * ****tt**************i************ m6,/88LK-340 20' BLACK POLYARAP FOR 6" OR 8' DrP PERFORATED 20 F(x)T (34OTT ROLL) Ta7-LO2/PW52-R/T2LO0 FOLY TAPE 2" 1OIIIL ilrro808 E' TEE : f|] x ilJ 18-cRT 1.1J89008 8" BEND : lD X titJ 90 (l/4> IE=GRT MJSLOS 8'' UJ LOiIG SLEEVE 27dRTruFGRrP-o8 / tL?836 / a.acr TYLER 8" IiIPORI SERTES 1OOO ITIEC}IqilICAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRAINT FOR DIrcTILE IRo}{ PIPE (COIOR BLACK) illBGoS / 6630.08ttP 8" uJ BOLT PACK SET W / MJ GASKET, T-HEAD BOLT & I{t'T ** LESS GUruUO ** c?/4" x 4" T-HEAD BOLTS) ilet Prc Ext Prc L?.974 18809.00 1EE09.00 0.375 505.15 5.804 L22.733 82.133 83. 533 28.636 58.04 368.20 t64.27 250.60 544.08 19ea L357447 rage 1 ul.200 2L2.80 s272423t.L subtotal * *** * ******* ** ********* * ******** *t* ********* ********* ****** ********** * 6'. DIP FII RUN * ********t******trl *!t* *** *********** *rt********tl*****t**************t*** 2103.14 10.711 77t.2t 77L.21 72ft 1356476 3ea 1357025 3ea 1381762 6ea 1356788 15ea 1356534 15ea L357446 6ea 1356535 6ea L357447 3ea 148510s 3ea 1358127 3ea 1358128 lsft 1356705 DITJ6350 6" PC35O TYTOI{ JOINT DUCTILE IRO{ PIPE subtotal ------- ********************t!ttt***rt******* ********************************t** EIRE HTDRANT ASSEITIBLTES********************** * * *** * *t* *** rl ***** * ***!r * * t *t **tl} * ** r{1Fr0806 E"X6' TEE : IIJ X FI.AilGE 18-cRT FH36GLilD-n / 423-535098 3'6' BURY ii'ELLER 5-U4 SUPER CEiTTURIO{ OL 3-WAY }M'RANT, L - l-3/4' P]0( Prx{PER NOZZLE, 2 - 2-L/2" NST |{OSE NOZZLES, L-L/z" PENT, OL, 6" t|] S|{OE L/ACC, COLOR YELLfl, STENCIL-GLET{DALE, AZ t,|t89fi)6 6" BEilD : trtt x tt|J 90 (L/4) 36.cRT TUFGRIP-06 / LL3E29 / BI.ACK TYLER 6.. ilPoRT SERIES 1OOO IIEO{ANICAL JOTNT TEDGE TYPE RESTRAIiT FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE (coron BLACK) r:4c06 ,/ 6630.061,rp 6' ilJ @LT PACK sET l{ / trD GASKET, T-I{EAD BOLT & NI'T ** LESS GLAND T* TUFGRIP-o8 / LL3836 / ELACT TYLER E" DIPORT SERIES 1q)O }|ECHAI{ICAL JOIlrlT WEDGE TYPE RESTMIiT FOR DUCTILE IRO{ PIPE (coloR Br-AcK) rioBGOS / 6630.08itp E" I.O EOLT PACK SET W / iIJ GASKET, T.I{EAD BOI.T & NUT ** LESS GLAI{D ** (3/4" x 4' T-HEAD BOLTS) 113.867 L572.743 56.467 19.111 L0.267 28.636 341.60 47L8.23 338.80 2E6.67 ls/l.oo 171.81 **********!t**tl****tl* 6' FI{ VALVE *****t*t*i***********************t* ************************t****i***** Gv6Flt-us-9306- 3 50 /060AspU9LN-9306 us PrPE 6" FL X MJ Rh'GV, OL, W/ OP ItlUT, EPttl UEDGE' 304 SS TRIl.l Y/ EVERDUR STElr, L/ACC, 350 PSI DESIGD{ 060AUSP119L}|-9306198ro 19E }|oI{IJ}IET{T BODY ONLY 198rL 198 l.lOMilENT LID ONLY MARKED WATER 8c90ooR18-20 8" CI-ASS 235 DR-18 GASKETED PVC WATER PTPE 20' eage 2 I1.200 67.20 6078.31 515.175 1545.52 36.427 14.160 109.28 42,49 7.566 113.49 3ea 1359743 3ea L358794 3ea 1358802 3ea 1356534 s272423t.L vBcB / 0102110 CO|TICRETE BASE 6FFG18 6., NEoPRENE FULL FACE GASKETS V8" 6FBNS / SrsUS ,/ 0608GNBH 6" & 8' FLG BOLT & NUT CAD SETS(8) 3/4" x 3 l/2" BoLTs & Nurs TUFGRTP-06 / LL3829 / B|-ACK TYLER 5" T.IPORT SERTES l(XD iIECHANICAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRAINT FOR DUCTILE TRo}{ PIPE(coLoR Br-AcK) MJBG06 / 6630.06i4P 6.' ]rIJ BoLT PACK sET Tf / iIJ GASKET, T.HEAD BOLT & NI'T ** LESS GLAND *T L4.zLL 2.573 10.309 19,111 42.63 7.72 30.93 57.33 3ea L35744G 2ea ********r******************.:IfI9*t **************************t******** 8', FH vALvE *****!r***************************** **** t ****** ** ** * * * ** * ** * ** * ** *** * ** 1485093 G16M-us-9306-350 /080AuSp123LN-9306 us PrPE 8" ilJ X itJ RWGV, OL, vt/ oP NUT, EPDtrt h'EDGE, 304 SS TRIH, v EVERDUR STEM, LIACC, 350 PSr DESIGN 0E0AUSP123LN-9306 1358127 1981.|0 19E ]or{rt{ENT 80I)Y oNLY x358Il8 198uL 198 HOiIt'i|EiIT LID O{LY MARKED WATER 1356705 8c9mDR16-20 8" CLASS 235 DR-18 GASKETED ryC UATER PTPE 20' 1359743 vBcB / 0102110 COIIICRETE BASE 1356535 TUFGRTP-o8 / 113836 / Bt-AcK TYLER 8'' II.IPORT SERIES 1OOO ITIECHANICAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRAINT FOR DUCTILE IROO{ PIPE(colon BLAcK) t357447 MJBGOS / 6630.08r'rp 8" itJ BoLT PACK SET If / nl eesrer, T.HEAD BOLT & ]IIUT ** LESS GLAND ** (3/4" x 4" T-HEAD BOLTS) *********r****************-:IPI9Ilt L0.267 30.80 1980.18 820.507 1641.01 2ea lea 1oft 2ea 4ea 4ea 36.427 14.160 7.566 L4.zLL 28.636 72.85 14.16 75.66 28.42 1X4.54 14ea L362702 14ea 1439288 **********************t************ 1', WATER SERVICE LoNG SIDE ***:l**:*******t*****t*ttl********t*** ************t*********t************ 8R280899rPl 8x1 tP n,ELLER SAI,DLE DBL STRAP BROT|ZE AC/O'P 8.99-9.67 P-25028-1{-1 WELLER 1'' BALL CORP ]IIIP THREAD X PACK JOTilT FOR CTS OR PE PLASTIC TUBING CTS "LO{ LEAD,' 11.200 44.80 1991.,14 100.669 L409.37 46.815 655.41 subtotal *********************************t* eage 3 2064.78 10ea L362702 10ea 1439288 10ea L447760 * * * * * * * * * ** ** * ** 13 l1I11I iI -* * ***** r 1'' hIATER sERvIcE sHoRT srDE********* ************************** **r********************************* BR2BO899IP1 8X1 TP TN'ELLER SAI'OLE DBL STRAP BRONZE AC/DLP 8.99-9.67 P-25028-N-1 I'I'ELLER 1.. BALL CORP ilTP THREAD X PACK JOTNT FOR CTS OR PE PI-ASTIC TUBING CTS "LolT LEAD.' P-24258-N-1 In ELLER 1" BALL AlttGLE STOP CTS PACK JOTNT X iIETER SWTVEL ilUT "LOU' LEA['" 1K60 1 X 60' K SOFT COPPER 1K100 1 X 1OOI K SOFT COPPER 100.669 1006.69 46.815 468.15 90.064 900.64 3.287 L97.20 3.287 657.34 3230.02 L3.974 10117.18 10117.18 60ft 200ft 6893 6891 subtotal *******t*************************t* **********t!trt**a********:liti****t*** ADD ALTERNATE *****************t***********t***** * * * *** * ****** * ** * ** ****** ** ** * *** * * JULIE DRTVE *!l* *tt* ** ** * * ** * ** ** * ****t *!t ** **** * * **r*************************!t*tl***** 8'' WATERLINE rt!t!t***** ******rt*********t***!r****** ********************************** 724?t 1356478 DrTJ8350 8' PC35O TYTOITI JOII{T ilrcTTLE IROI{ PIPE subtotal ***i******************i**t****:l**!t* ** * * *!** * *** * * ** *** * * ** *** *:l* t *t ** ** 8" FTTTIilGS *******rt**********t**************** *******i******ttt***r*i***********t 724f1 L476572 PU6I8BLK-340 3ea 2O'' BI.ACK POLYTURAP FOR 6'' OR 8'' DIP PERFORATED 20 FOOT (34OFT ROLL) 5216 TL7-LO? / P9O52-R / TaLOO POLY TAPE 2" lOi/EL subtotal ** ***rl*** * * *** ** t ** * ** *t * *****t * * ** ** ***** ****t * ****t***************** 6., DIP FH RUI.I ***1* ****!t***!t*rl**i********tl***rt**** ***************t*****t****t!t******* 36ft L356476 Drrl6350 6" Pc35O TYToN JoIT{T DUCTTLE rRoOI PIPE subtotal -i----- *********************************!t* *r********************t*********t*i FIRE HYDRAT{T ASSET{BLTES*********************************** *********************************** eage 4 0.375 5.804 27t.72 L7.4L 289.13 10.478 377.22 377.22 lea L3t7O25 1ea L38L762 2ea 1356768 5ea 1356534 5ea L357446 2ea 1356535 2ea L?57447 1ea 1485105 1ea 135E127 lea 1358128 1ea Lr5974l sft 1356705 lea 1358794 1ea 1358802 1ea 1356534 s272423L.L MJFTOSO6 8.'X5" TEE : IIIJ X FLANGE 18=CRT FH36GLND-[ / 423-535098 3'6" BURY I,R ELLER S-t/4 SUPER CENTURIOT.I OL 3-WAY HYDRANT, L - 3-3/4" Pt{)( PurtPER NOZZLE, 2 - 2-l/2" NST ]tosE NozzLEs, L-L/z" PENT, OL, 6" t{' SHOE L/ACC, COLOR YELLOil, STENCIL-GLEIiIDALE, AZ rJ89006 6" BEND : Mf, x ilJ 90 (L/4) 36=CRT TUFGRIP-06 / LL3829 / BLACK TYLER 6" U.IPORT SERIES 1OOO IECHAilTCAL ]OIttlT WEDGE TYPE RESTRAINT FOR UrcTTLE IRol{ PTPE (coLoR Br-AcK) [JBG06 / 6630.06ilP 6'' I.IJ BOLT PACK SET U / T' GASKET, T.HEAD EOLT & NUT ** LESS GLAilD ** TUFGRIP-o8 / 113836 / BLACK TYLER 8" IilPORT SERIES 1OOO HECHANICAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRATNT FOR DtrcTILE IRol{ PIPE (couon BLAcK) trJBGo8 / 6630.08t1P 8.' IIIJ BOLT PACK SET U / TJ GASKET, T-HEAD BOLT & Nt'T ** LESS GL,.AI{D ** (3/4" x 4" T-HEAD BoLTs) 113.867 L572.743 s6.467 19.tl1 t0.267 28.636 36.427 14.160 14.2I1 7.566 2.573 10.309 19.111 113.87 L572.74 112.93 95.56 51.33 57.27 *i*t*************t**i************** 6,. FH VALVE ********t************f************* ****t* *** ** * ********* *t* * * *tt * * ** * * Gv6Fil-us-9306-350 /060Asp119LN-9306 US PIPE 6' TT X UJ RUGV, OL, V/ OP NUT, EPDff WEDGE, 304 SS TRrtrt w/ EVERDUR STEM, L/ACC, 350 PSI DESTGN 050AUSP119LN-9306 198r|o 19E IJnNU.IENT BODY OI{LY 198wL 19E TDNUTiIEiIT LID O{LY TIARKED WATER vBcB / 0102110 CONCRETE EASE 8c9o0DR18-20 8" clAss 235 DR-18 GASKETED Pl/c WATER PIPE 20' 6FFG18 6.' NEoPRENE FULL FAGE GASKETS V8" 6FBNS ./ SrerS ,/ O6O8GilBH 6" & 8" FLG BOLT & NUT CAD SETS (8) 3/4" x 3 L/2" BOLTS & NUTS TUFGRIP.OG / LL3829 / BLACK TYLER 6'' IITIPORT SERIES 1OOO IECHANTCAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRATTT FOR DUCIIILE IRON PIPE (colon BLAcK) rrJBG06 / 6630.06ilP 6" l,tJ BoLT PACK SET W / rO ensrer, T-HEAD BOLT & NUT ** LESS GLAND ** 11.200 22.40 2026.10 515.175 515.17 36.43 14.16 L4.2L 37.83 2.57 10.31 19.11 1ea L357446 rage 5 L0.267 L0.27 2ea 1485093 s272423t.1 subtotal* ******* *********** ***** ***** ** ** ** ******* ***** **** * * *t*** *t*****tl***** 8" vALvE *:l****t**********tt********rl*****rl* *rltt*******************************!t Gv8il-us-9306- 3 50 /080AUSP123LN-9306 us PrPE 8" itJ x t{J Rrcv, oL, W/ @ NUT, EPDiI X'EDGE, 304 SS TRIII, h'/ EVERDUR srEM, Ll\cc, 350 Psr. DESIGN 080AusP123LN-9306 198f,O 19E TOi{WENT EOOY ONLY 198vL 198 iOIII"ENT LID ONLY IIARKED NATER 8c90oDR18-20 8" CLASS 235 DR-18 GASKETEO ryC WATER PIPE 20' vBcE / 0102110 C()rtrcRETE BASE TUFGRTP-o8 / 113836 / BLACK TYLER 8' IITIPORT SERIES 1OOO IiIECI{ANICAL JOINT WEDGE TYPE RESTRAIITIT FOR UJCTILE TROil PIPE (coLoR BLAGK) t{lBco8 / 6630.081.tP 8" I,IJ BOLT PACK SET W / IIJ GASKET, T-I{EAD BoLT & Nt'T *I LESS GLAND ** c3/4" x 4" T-|{EAD BOLTS) 660.06 820.507 1641.01 2ea 2ea 10ft 2ea 4ea t358L27 1358128 1356705 1359743 1356535 36.427 14.160 7.566 t4.zLL 2E.636 100.669 46.815 72.8t 28.32 75.66 28.42 I14.54 4ea L357447 Eea L362702 8ea 1439288 9ea L3627O2 9ea 1439288 9ea L447760 LI.200 44.80 2005.60SubtOtal ------- ***********f *****************tf t*!tit ****t* ***** ** ***t * ***** t* *l} *****!r* * 1" IATER SERWCE Lo}{G **************t******************** ********t***i**tt**** BR2BO899IP1 EX1 IP 'IIT,ELLER SADDLE DBL STRAP BROfifZE AC/D';P 8.99-9.67 P-25026-it-1 }IUELLER 1' BALL CORP I'IIP TT{READ X PACK JOIiIT FOR CTS OR PE PT-AISTIC TUBrt{G.CrS "L(lU LEAD' **********!t******* 1'' hIATER SERVICE SI{ORT **********************tlt********** *****f **t*****tl****tt************** BR2BO899IP1 EXl IP N'ELLER SADDLE DBL STRAP BRor{zE AC/DLP 8.99-9.67 P-2502E-N-1 MUELLER 1'' BALL CORP itrP THREAD X PACK ]OTNT FOR CTS OR PE PI-ASTIC TUBIiIG CTS .'L(il LEAI'.. P-24258-N-1 IIUELLER 1'' BALL AilGLE STOP CTS PACK JOINT X ITIETER SWTVEL Nt'T ''LOU' LEAD'' 1K100 1 X 1OO' K SOFT COPPER eage 6 805.36 374.52 6891 100.569 46.815 86.657 ,.287 1179.88 906.02 421.33 779.9L 657.34200ft s272423'L.L 1K60 1 X 60' K SOFT COPPER subtotal TA)(ES NOT INCLUDED 3.287 L97.20 2961.80 subtotal 56.l{ CHGS 5664s.05 0.00 Anount Due 56645.05 eage 7 Bld Date: MCCRAE WAY WATER LINE REPLACEMENT WATER ProtectLocatfon: GIENDALE your request- with anyquestiolts- txrs' Rcno Quote: RF082216A Customer: B E FCONTRACTING, INC. PHX TakeOff Name: B&F USf Sales Rep: Bitl Reno Phone: 692.750.9399 eltelk breno@danakepner.com Phocnlx 2401 South lfth Avenue Phoenil, AZ 85mo Standard Horrs: 6:@a to 4:00p llondry through Frlday Phorc:64.255.02U Or Catk 6o2,.75,7.79'91 Prgc I ofl Quotc Prfntcd: WtOnaAry, ll,Etn, 21, 2016 Gtendale specifications will prarail in this proposat. Ductite pipe must be ordered by 912312016 and strip comptetc on or before 1012312016. Due to the extreme votatltlty of raw materfat, energy, and transportatlon costs, the prlces shown in this quotafion are only vatid for 30 days, with the exception of PVC Pipe prices. PVC prices witt be subJect to the ttlanrrfactures price in effect at the time of shipment. Order releases and shipments detivered 60 dap beyond the order date, or as stiputated, wilt be subject to the pdce In effect at the time of shipmot. Totals are for estimating putposes onty. Unit prices prevait. Dana Kepner Company, Inc. is not responsible for manufacturen abitity to ship materlat or hotd prices. Due to votatltity in the copper commodig market, copper tubing pricing witl be determined at tlme of shipment. Quoted totals do not inctude taxes. PVC and HDPE pipe must be ordered by 912312016 and shlp comptete on or before 1012312016. PVC and HDPE priclng is based on manufacture/s abitity to direct ship to the joNte. This qrcte is for the suppty of materiat only. The materiats speclflcations, sizes, and guantities tisted are the interpretations of Dana Kepner Company, frrc. and are believed to be correct, but are not guaranteed. Connectlng hardware for Non-DK supptied materlat ls not inctuded ln bid, unless otherwise noted. PVC Serrer Pipe may come in 13', 14,20, & 2Z tengths, based on avaltabitlty. Regardless of prodwt description in this proposat. Clay Plpe and Fltting are ],lon-Returnabte. PVC and HDPE material are considered Freight-On-Board from the manufacturer. Tenns are net 30, and Quote ls based on award of comptete proJect. Thank you for the opportunity to bid this project. Pqc 2 of I qrotc ffi.d: Wcdrcrday, fu$8t 2,1,2Ot6 Thank you for the opportunity to bld thls prorect. llccRAE, 6l AVE, 62 AVE 8'WATERI.JNE 517,498.00 r HTTINGS si,996.56 6- DIP FTI RUN 5720.00 RRE IIYDMNT ASSEIT{BUES 55,790.00 6'Ftl VALITE s1,70/.y r FH VALVE sl,742.52 1'WATER SERVICE LONG SIT'E 51,963.08 I' WATER SERVICE SHORT SIDE 52,714.80 ADD ALTENRATE JUUE DRIVE 8'WATERIJNE s9,412.00 r RTNNGS s21E.59 6'DIP FTI RUN s2.lo.(l0 FIRE lm,RA{T ASSEITIBUES $t,961.29 6- FH VAtvE s56e.1E E VAtlrE s1,742.52 1- WA1ERSERVICE Lo}{G SIDE s1,121.76 1'WATER SERVICE SOIORT SIDE s2,139.79 Prj: ! of9 qdc Pfiitcc Wcdlc'dry, eryl* 21, ml6 8" WATERLINE 1,346.0 FT 81(l8',r.1/r Pcl50 U Pl PETYTON JOINT, Ct{l{T UN Dt cTtt"E tRo{ P|PE-AN$ A21.51 5r3.00 $t7,198.0 sf7,a9s.00 Totat Units: 1,W.0 Average C6t pcr FT: 513.00 8" FITTINGS I3.5 HNDRO 201(4OO'ELACK POLYTUEE PERFORATED EVERY ZO 528.r2 5378.50 10.0 EA 21(Iq'' POLYTAPE, PRINTED CORROSION PROTECTION TAPE 55.00 5$.m 3.0 EA r ru TEE CL, SSB, Dl, IESS ACCS s120.o s360.21 I 2.0 EA 5 3.0 EA rmJ 90 8EN4 CL SSB, Dl, TESSACCS rtFru souoiuirn, ssB, Di, lislccs s8n.3s s160.70'-srir.il- ' si,ii.rc 19.0 EA r [l| PPE ilECHANICAL RESTRAINT FOR il'CNtE NON PIPE(cotoRc9DD BrrcK)530.91 55E7.29 7 19.0 EA 8'l,u EOLT & GASI(EI PAI(,W16-311X4.0'COR-TEN T.HEAD BOTTS/NI'T5 Eru GA5IGT sl1.30 5211.70 91,996.56 Totat uniB:1.0 AvcrageCostperLS: 51,996.56 6" DIP FH RUN 72.0 FT 6x191-1tt PC350 Dl P TYTO{ JOINT, CrutT UNED Dt CTI|."E IRON PIPE.ANSI A2I.51 5720.(p $720.00 Ptf1elolI Totat Untts:72.0 Avcrage Coet per FT: 510.00 Qrrtc F"htcd: Wcdlc'dry, fufc 21, m$ FIRE HYDMNT ASSEMBLIES EX6-A,lJ(ll"tXTTEE, CL, SSB, Dl, LfSS ACCS 5111.39 $34.17 3.0 EA WATEROI'S GI..ENDA.E STD 3'6'PACER 250 HIDRANT6'ru EPOXY SHOE, I.ESS ACCS. 3-WAY 51,5m.00 S4,5oo.0o2 3 I 5 6 6.0 EA r5.0 EA 0.6 el 6.0 EA 6- ru 90 BEND, CL, SSB, Dl, LESS ACSS c;or'iipilr,redndirc[ REsTitAr']rr ron oUlnr.e noN ptpE (coroR -c o-DED Br-Acr() 6- ru BOLT & GASKET PIOTWI6.tIlX4.(r COR-TEN T.HEAD BOLTS/NUTs fr IIJ GASKEI 8" DI PIPEAIECHAI.IICALRESTMINT FOR DUCNIE IRON PIPE (cotoR coDED EtAcK) ss5.24' Szb.:z -" jrb.ii'- Siti.ir 5331.44'5me.i3 'ioz.sa " srss.id 6.0 EA 8" lf., BOLT E GASKET Pt.l/\Wt6'311X4.(l. COR-TEN T'llEAD BOLT5/NUT5 E T*J GASKET slr.30 567.E0 $5,790.00 Totat Units:3.0 Average Cost pcr Eadr: 51,930.q, 6" FH VALVE 3.0 EA 6- rA^' X FLG RW Dl OLVAtvE, IESS ACCS 5110.00 sf,320.00 2 3 3.0 EA 3.0 EA fi 98 tt'loNurtiB{T oNLY 8' DROP IN UD AAARIGD'YVATER' s32.22 sraoo se6.66'iro.oo 15.0 FT flco ct-Ass 235 PIPE, C900 PVC DR t8 56.1.r sez.10 3.0 EA CONCRETE BASE FORVAVE 8O)GS 513.92 s{t.76 3.0 EA 6"8" EOLT PACK CONSFNNG OF 8 PI.ATED BOLTS & NUTS 3t1\l-1t2' s7.rs s23.55 3ro.rf 3.0 EA 3.0 EA i.o' ea' 7 t ; 6'CIFF 1/8- GASKET 125# 6' D,l PIPE ft{EC}lANfCAt RESIMINT FOR DUCnLE IRON PIPE ,. (go!qc_99!9999|J1 6'fl.' 80LT & GASKgt PANW|6-314X4.O COR-TEN T-HEAD BOLTS/NUTs E IA' GASIGT 53.49 sCo.sz- 510.47. jir.zr iii.zi s1,707.51 Totat Unlts:3.0 ArrcrageCost pcr Each: 5569.18 Pegc 5 of9 Qrot Prlrrtcd: Wcdnsday, Ar$rrt 24, 2016 8" FH VALVE 8'ru RW Dl OL VAL\,E, LESS ACCS 5700.00 51,'100.00 2 3 2.0 EA 2.0 EA #198IiONU'IIENT ONLY g- on6p fu uo mnreD'wATEr s32.22 srci.m 5u.14 5io.m r0.0 FT E'X20'C|-AS5 235 PIPE, C9@ PVC DR 18 56.1.0 561..f0 2.0 EA CONCREIE BASE FOR VAL\G BOXES 5t3.92 sn.u 7 4.0 EA ,[.0 EA 8" Dl PIPE l,lECllANlCAL RESTMINT (cotoR c00ED BtAcK) 6'r EOLT GASKET PAKWI6.3I4X4.TCOR.TB{ T.HEAD EOITS/NUTs & A{J GASKET FORN'CNLERON PIPE 53o.gl 5123.64 s11.30 s45.20 s1,712.32 Totat Units:2.0 Averagc Cost per Eadr: #71.26 1" WATER SERVICE LONG SIDE 14.0 EA 2028.962XI'IP FORD BRASS SADDIE DOUBlf, STMP TO RT 9.05 TO 9.62 0D P|PE sl0r.t7 s|,.t16.3E 2 14.0 EA NL I'Fl1OO FORD CORP STOP IAAI.E IRON PIPE THREAD INI."ET 539.05 5546.70 BYPACK JONTOUTT"ET FOR COPPER OR PI.ASNCTUBINC (fis) $1,963.0E Totat units: 14.0 Average Cost pcrEach: 5110.22 1" WATER SERVICE SHORT SIDE 10,0 EA NNB.96ui11P FORD BRASS SAT'DTE DOUBIf STM,PTO RT 9.(E TO 9.62 00 PIPE NL l'Fll@ FORD CORP STOP l,lALE |RON PIPE T}IREAD INIET BY PACI( JONTOUTT"ET FOR COPPER ON PUASIK TUBTNG(cTs) 510t.17 5t,0tr.zu 10.0 EA s39.05 s39o.xt r0.0 EA NL 1' 1ff43-t44w FORD AI{G[.E IGY l,lEIER VALVT s43.01 s430.10 250.0 FT 1'X IfiI TYPE K SOFT COPPER TUBING s3.53 s882.50 Total Unlts: 10.0 S2,71.r.m h0G6 of 9 AverageCostperEadr: 5271.48 qrota Prlnted: Wethcqhy, Arrurt 2/t,2Of 6 8" WATERLINE TZ4.OFT 8'r(f8't-1/2" PC35o Dt Pt PE TYTON Jo|NT, c^|NT UN Dt cTtt"E tRoN PtPE-At{St 421.51 sr3.00 $9,412.00 9l,ltz.oo Tdat Unlts:724.0 Average Cost perFT: $13.m 8" FITTINGS 7.2 HNDRD 2O:X,rdI BLACK POLY TUBE PERIFORATED EVERY 2(I $28.12 5203.59 3.0 EA 21(1OO' POLYTAPE, PRINTED CORROSIO.I PROTECNO{ TAPE $5.00 sls.00 sz1s.59 Totat Units: 1.0 Avcnge Cct per 15: 5218.59 6" DIP FH RUN 6118',1-112'FC350 Dt P TyTON'JONr, Olt{T UNED DUCnt"E IRON PIPE.ANSI A21.5I S2,|(l.00 32,10.00 Totat Units: 24.0 AvcrageCostperFT: 510.00 r!'g-7c'9 Qtrotc Prlmcd: Wc&crdaL Aau:t 21,m16 FIRE HYDMNT ASSEMBLIES EA EX6'mJXilJGTEE, CL, 5SB, Dl, LfSS ACCS s111.39 S1tl.39- sr ,xdfo- - Tl ,5oo"oo1.0 EA WATEROUS GTENDAI."E STD 3'6- PACER 250 HYDMNT 6- ru EFollY sHoE, LESS ACCS. 3-WAY 3 I 5 2.0 EA 5.0 EA 5.0 EA i.o el 6"tlJ 90 BEND, Ct, 5SB, Dt, tE55 Ac55 o'ot ppe iEdumcll nmhlrr.ir 'FoR Drrcnr-E tiox pipe . -(colgR gg?!D Slql . _ . 6"ru BOLT & GASKET PAI( W/6.3/4X4.O COR.TEN T.HEAD BOLTS/NifIS & rrlJ GASfGT E- U PIPEIIECI{ANICAI RESTMIhIT FOR u|CTILE IRON PIPE (coLoRCoDED B|ACK) s5s.24 520.57 sr6.rr sd.ir s110.48-5roz.as - isz.is ' sot.si 7 2.0 EA 8'ru BOLT & GASKET PAK W/6-3/4X4.O COR-TEN T.HEAD BOLTS/NI'TS E flJ GASKET $11.30 s72.@ sl,961.29 Tdal Untts: 1.0 Arerage Cost per Ea6: 51,961.29 6" FH VALVE 1.0 EA 6' ru X FtG RtY DI OL VALVE, LSS ACCS 5110.00 s410.0(l 2 3 1.O EA I.O EA #l9E ltOt{Ul,lENT ONLY 8'DROP IN UD I{ARIGD'WATER' s32.22 510.00 s32.22 sro.m 5.0 FT 81eO CIASS 235 P|PE, C900 PVC DR 1E 56.1.f sxr.70 i.O EA CONCREIE BASE FOR VATVE BOXES 513.92 $13.92 1.0 EA 618'BOTT PACK CONSENNG OF 8 PTATED BOLTS U. NUTS 3t4re.1t?. s7.15 57.Es 53..f97 I 9 1.0 EA 6. CIFF 1/8'GAS|GT 125# 6. DI PIPEA{EC}IANICAL RESTMINT FOR DUCTILE IRON PFT (coLoR CoDED B|ACK) 6'f,lJ BOLT & GASIGT PrtlWl6-ll4x,l.0'COR-TEN T-HEAD EOLTS/NITTS & fYlJ GASIGT 53.49 1.0 EA r.o ei 520.57 5to.lr s20.57 -'sro.li $569.1S Total Units: 1.0 AvcrageCoctpcrEadr: $569.1E P4ctof9 q|otc Prhtcd: lVcdrc'day, lelurt 21,2016 VALVE8" E- ru RW DI OL VALVE, I.ESS ACCS s700.00 51,4(n.00 2 t I 2.0 EA 2.0 EA f19E AIONUAIENT ONLY 8'DROP IN UD MRKED WATET s32.r2 510.00 56/..4 520.00 10.0 rT EIQO'CLASS 235 PIPE, C9OO PVC DR lE 56.14 s61.40 2.0 EA CONCRETE BASE FOR VALI/E EO)GS s13.92 s27.84 4.0 EA r DN PIPE AIECHANICAL RESTRAINT FOR U'CN["E IRON PIPE (coLoR cooED 8t-AcK) sx,.e1 s123.64 7 4.0 EA €rt{J 80LT & GASrcT PAKWI6-3|4X4.O COR-TEN T-HEAL BOLTS/NUTS Eru GASKET sl1.30 s4s.20 s1,712.52 Totat t nits: 2.0 AverageCost perEadr: 5871.26 1" WATER SERVICE LONG SIDE 8.0 EA 2@8.%Z\11P FORD BRASS SA)DIf, DU'BTE STRAP TO RT 9.05 TO 9.62 0D P|PE 5101.17 sEolr.36 2 8.0 EA NL 1- FllOO FORD CORP STOP iIAI"E IRON PIPE THREAD INI,.EI BY PACK JONTOUTLET FOR COPPER OR PLASTIC TUBING(cTsl s3e.o5 s312.40 sl,121.76 Tdat tlnits: 8.0 AverageCoetperEadr: 5140.22 1' WATER SERVICE SHORT SIDE 9.0 2O?9.962X11P FORD BRASS SADDI.E DO{'BI.E SIRAP TO FIT 9.0!t TO 9.62 0D P|PE 5104.f7 s910.53 2 9.0 FA NL I- FllOO FORD CORP STOP itAI.E IRON PIPE THREAD INI"ET BY PACK JOINTOUTLET FOR COPPER OR PI.ASIIC TUBING (cR) 539.05 s351.45 9.0 EA NL 1- lO43-144W FORD ANGLE l€V r,lElER VATVE 543.01 s387.09 I 224.0 FT I'X tOO WPE K SOFT COPPER TUBING 53.53 s790.72 52,139,79 Pajc 9 of 9 Totat lfirlts: 9.0 Average Cct pcr Eadr: 5271.U, Qrte Prlntcd: Wcdrcsday, Autrnt 24, 20t6 SLT STRAND AS S OC IATES, Strand Associates, Inci 4602 East Elwoocl Stre€t. Strle 16 Phcsnix. AZ 85040 rP) .3n2.437.3733 fFl aag-656.9290 Sc$il$€r 1,2016 BAFCornactiqg Inc. tl0ll N.23rdAvcnue Phoqrbr, trzE5029 Attrnlion: Mr. Ttpmas Folcy, hcsidcrt Re:Agranrent for DcsiE Serviccs McRas lVay Waierlfurc Rcphccrnent This is an Aglem€nt betrrccn B&F oqlracting Inc., lratinfrcr tdcn€d to as CONTMCTOR, ud Stand nssociatcs, tnc.o, trrcinafta refcrrcd to as EI.lGtllEER, to providc coginoctng dcaign scrvir€s (Scrvices) fu the McRae Way Walcline Replace,ment project This Agrecmed shnll be in aocadancc with thc following elementr. SopcofScrvlocr EI.IGINEER will prcvi& fu follordng Scrvics b @NTRACTOR fc the nphowrt of nmlirc on IvlsRae Way fr,0'm 62nd Ddrc to 6ls Ar€ilE, m 62nd Ddw frost lfisRac Way b Julie Dhtc, and m 6lst Avcntp fiom lvtcRac Way oJulit Drirc fa atotal lenglh of qproximcely 1,220 lira ftct of&bh dsib irur pipe. ENIGINEER will pnpac eailvtgF ad EI.IGINEER's opinim of pobable ooot accodirg to thg ryroved ad adoptd City of Gladale (City) Desrgn sd Corrhdim $anda&/Deoils ad frc lvlrioopa Associdim d Govenmcms t nibrm hdrd SpecificalcrOcails fa h$li: Wcls Codrgion Etr\NGINEERwitl pcfmntbcscrrricc inmordarcewithallqplicabhodirecs adtqulation Gcocral Administratim Serviccs t. Participate ln r.p to ttrce moetingp at 60 and 90 pcrccril $bmfittal ad 100 pcrccnt fitrEl dcsigr 2. Prticipde in onesitcvisit &ring dcsiEr. 3. Submit a draft writcn momtrly p0ogr6s rcport with projct invoiccs prior to funl. Watcline Replacements ard Relcdim Serviccs l. t adSuveyhg Prepa,,e atopognphic suiley d a le20 draringscalc irlrding l-footcoatours. Rcftrcncc horiamal and vertical datmto CiU's sunrcy coffiol E cond survcy d l€ast 25 fe bcyond the limils ofltc dcigndod warr main. Suwcy lfi)-foot oocs scctioc of sitc eleuatiotB five fct past the ornrtirg riglil-oGway. Jlff:dr:nro\R.tPHotDonarrt^f'!|tru\$8eP Cocrtrt\McR..Wryy*rlir:iy'o.20l6^lt.{t9.|I)l.rbor a b. c. d. 'lvww.strand.com Strand Associates, Inc., B&F Comncting, Inc. Prgc2 Scptcrnbcr l,2016 2. Watcrline Phrs a Prcpare fual plars at I't920 scale. b. Prcprc a pclinrinry csthate of probable colstnrcion Gosb. c. Pr?€rc plm submittal and cstimac of pobablc cosq submit to dtc City for rwiew,colnm€nt, adapprc\al atcacb of frc60,90, and 100 pccertcornptaionloirts. d. Prcpare itcmiad bidsbcct fc inchsion within the finat bid packaga e. Pncpare addcnda ad ansrrcr qqcstions dning bid phase. Costnrtim'Relatsd Scrrrice l. Co&rct np to €igb site visib to obsewe costruction progt€ss at a reE of $450 fa eh visif htttttishitg;obscndimscviocs, EMIINEER'ScA-Urtswittodhacdtounarddonrnringfor CONIRACT!0d ficornp^lacd projc* wifi in gerlnl cortrorm to the appovod d;igtdoctmettsrbuEMiINEER wittmgiDcrvisg dilc4cbawcqrtotovcrthecdriractorrsumt and will not bc rtsponiblc F th" conuactor's consrustim ncalls, mcthods, telniqucs,sequ€nc€c, ProOoduc$ (f, brfrh and s8ftty pE carfiions a plqgram$ or fu the aoffiacaff'sfrilue b pcrfcm thc corhrtion wck in accordance with thc approvcd design doorments. 2. Rcryod to tp to fon corilraottr's Requcsts for ldqnation Gns). 3- Pr,ovide rcqrd drtwla$ in mopy and cbctroriic faoG fim idatrdion ooloilcd fiomoodractor's rcor&. ENGTNEER @ only fureord &$rh8' hscdon b rcor& prrscrod to EDGINEER by COI.,ITRACTB- EX\rc!NEER wiu rd Oe tEUJmtb eurrcy ofth rccmd dnnthg idomidion provided by CONTRACTOR- 4- Provide onc iterdion of comructiqr staldng scniccs and set offi€t stakca at sofoot int€nralsfu location ofaeproxinatety 1220 H,of ncrv $abrlim. ProfGctSubnittrb l. 60 Percnt Plans a Pnelinrintry phns wi0r planviery. b. Pdiminarydcail tu c. Four sets of&awingp on bond papcr. d. One comprt $k (CD) comainingthe drawings in elecfionis portable documeotforunt(PDF) fila 90 Pcrcent Plans a City commertB fiorn prwius submittal b. Pneliminary plans with plan alrd profiles. c. helininary consbrdion not€s ard quailitics. IHT:{r|r,o\R:l'HoDoc-narr\A!,!!nGt|!\E\Bor coEEhauanrwry%utirRy'o.ll[dAgrt{D.0ol.door www.strtnd.com Strand Aeeociates, Inc.' Bl9F ConfractirU" tnc. Pagp 3 S@eNrbcr l,2016 Prclimimrydaail shoa Prclimirnry specificaions and toshnioal provisiurs hcliminary estimate of probable constnrtion cosL Porn scts of&awings on bord pap€r. OncCDcomainhgttre &awiry in eloctnonic PDF fila Final Bid Docrmcnts City oonmcnts tom ttr previons srbmittal. Final plans with phn and pofiles. Final consfinction notc and quaff1i6. Fftul daail shecr. Final spocifications and technisal provbiors. Fiml cstimate of probable constructian cct Itemiadbidsheet Four sas ofdawings and estinates on bond prya. i. OneCDcontainhgclectmicCADD, PDF,amMicrosoft Wordprojetfiles. Scnric Elcrelir Not hchdod Tlrc followittg serviccs arp not includod in this Agrcemcnt If srrh services are requiro4 thEy will be prwidd as oded. t. Additional and Exteodod Scniccs during cmstnrtion nade neessary by: a. Work damaged by fre cotba cause &ring cdttructiqr b. A significail amount of ddcctive c neglected wo,rt ofany cffiactor. c. hobryrtion ofthe time ofthe cmstruction corfiacL d" Defultt by contnctor unda the corsnrustbn conbrcL Any seivices ofthis tlpc wiil bc provided through an amen&ncnt to tris Agreemer[ 2. Archaooloaical or Bdanical lnvcstiqmior: ENGINEER will rsist CONTMCTOR in cnggirtg thc services of ao archaootogist or bffirist, if rcquirod, to perfcrn the field iwestigations ncccssary fot agcrry rwicwthnough a scparar€agrem€nt withCOMRACTOR d. e. f. g h. E. b. G. d. a f. 9 tt BiddinFRel@ Scryiccs: Biddlng-rehbd sarioes frr lte pmjcet will rq1rfu! agr€cmsnt with CONTRACTOR a scparste 4. Flood Sttdics: Any serviccs involvcd in perfo'rming flood and foodray strdies, if re+rirc4 will bc pnovided tlnouglr an ancndncflt to this Agrecment or thurgh a scporate qgreemaf with CONTRACTOR. Jlltdr:@r @ ldrtr..09.|0laq wrirwstrand.corn 7. 8. 9. 10. 5. 6. I l. 12. Strand Associatea, Inc.' B&F Cctncting tnc. Pags 4 S@embcr 1,2016 Godeclmical Engineaing: Gootcchnical cryinecring informdion wilf bc requiroAurd pnwidcd 0nough CONTRACTOR and CONTMCTOR's gpotshnical cmsuhant ENGINEER will assist CONTMCTOR with dctrniry ini,tial scope of gedochnical information ttut is rcquircd to allow CONTMC'TOR to procnrt gpdochnical cngircering scrviccs. Lafll and Easemeflt Surveys/Proqrcm€ofi Any scrviccs ofthis typc including brn rn limitcd tq arecdscoch, ficldwck, prepantirxroftqrldescripion+ orassistancetoCONTRACTOR ftr sccrtring land dglts nooEsary frr siting sanitary scrr,cr, tank$ aod appurt€nf,rcs will be psvviddthorglr a scparat agterEntwith CONIRACTOR. Lcol.Dcscriptions end Exhibits fcAdditkmrl RnCrof-Wav rnil Ersmcnts: Any scnriccs of this t!"c by ENCINEER, wiU bc provided tlrcrgh E s€pratc agr€€mcrn with CONTRACTOR Petmit and Phn Rwiew Fees: All pcrmit ard plan rwiery fees palable to regulabry egcocies shall be paid fc by CONTRACTOR hcnrnglo 4 ad,er Annemire in Litidio" on BGhFdC{)I\ITRACTOR: This type of service by ENGTNEER will be providd fuough t septratc rgr€emcnt with CONTRACTOR TIF tslns of lhe cas[uctim Cffiast (€C ad GC 6.05E) call fc trc ooffirrtim cmtrtato rcinbrnse @NTRACTOR fc ENGINEER's ooct for c\ahdittg srbdiuc troduct$ mrs, meilho4 tcchrique s€qucrrcc, or pnoco&ne of oonsftctiott EMiINEER's cd for stch araludims b not imludod inthc scope ofthis Agrccmeirt Servirs ofthis tlpe by ENGINEER win bc provided thorgfi m amco&ncd b tris Agrmen Rcvisinq DBiSns. Dfawrngr. SPcclficdidr. and Docum€m: fuiy scrvices req'irod aftcr thcse itcNns hat/e bccn prwiosly appno,ed by state or fcdsal rftulalory agenci€s, becausc of a clunge in projct scope c where such rwigiom ar nscsafy to coryly with slnnged std€ and f€d6d regutatiors tbat are put in fcce aftcr Scrvicc havc bccn putially corylcto4 will be providcd tlrough an amcndment to $is Agrearcnt. Scnticcs Furnbhcd Duing Rcedvcni*mcrt fc Bide if Ordrod bv GOIfIRACTOR: lf a Confract is mt aumdod pursuail to ttc original bids, my scrviccs of this t]?e will bo providcd tlrough an airendnart to tlds Agrce,srert. 13. ScwiccsRclatcdtoBuiodWastcardCoilamindion: Slruldburidsoli{liqui{orpotentially tnzador $tastcs or subsufrcc c soil.contamindion be urrovcrod at frs site, follow-up inve*igtionsmy bcrequiredoidcrti$herurrcand crctrotofsuch wEtet orsubsurfrccsoil or groundunter coffimirution and to daeminc appoprialc metho& fc nunagiry of srch wastes or contamination md fa follov-up monitcing; Invctiguion, desigtt c corrfructiorrelated services relard b hdod soli4 liqui4 or pdqtridly hazardous wastet c soil or goundwdcr codamination wiU bc provided fuongh I s€frdc agrccrncot urith CONTRACTOR Conlrurdon CONTRACTOR stull cornpcnsatc ENGINEER fc Scrvir:cs a lunp sunr of$55,100 dlocatod as follonr: IHT:rjr:ro\R:\PHODoom!\AgecnotB\EOF Cortrcd4lMcR,wryWsdiDR0kn*20td{if4{nool.doct wwwstrand.c|om Strand Associatue, Inc.' B&F Comacdng lnc. Page5 Scptcmbcr l,2016 Scnrice Plojoct Adminisbarion Waterlinc Replacc,mcnt Scrvices Sunrcy Scrviccs Construction Staking Scrviccs Corrtrustion Cdilract Adninisffiion Scrviccs Pcrtrrit thor€h l{rioopa Couty DArtncrt of Environtncntal Qulfty (Atlorvarrc) Rcinbusabb E4oe (Allowrre for piril cnft, mileage, ard postagp) TcalLrrySum $55,100 otily sales nxcs ordhcr to(€s oIr Scrvices that are h sffGst at tlptinr this,lglccmcot is crcrted are ircludod in t[c @mpcmation If the tax laws ate subsequcntly clungod by legislalim &ning tbe lifc of this AgrcErnerA tbb Aglsrst will be adjtrt€d to rcflect tbc net chmge The lury sum fc thc Scwiccs is basod m rmge scale/hourly bi[ing tucq adjustcd arnnlty on Juty l, ttot assumes dp Scrviccs wi[ be complacd as indicuod" Should thc corylctim tinc bc octsndc4 it mayb causefcana{ushcot inthc lunp sum thatrcfl€sts any wagescaleadiusErcnB nrde" $ 4,700 $28,700 $ 6,000 $ 3,000 $ 9,700 $ 4000 T|r lgry sum will nd beoceeded without prior ditrto ad agoamt by CONTRACTOR buturay be adjcted fa tine &hyt, time €rd€osiots, amco&ncnB, or cbonges in drc Scopc of Sonlca. Alry aqirrstmcot will bc nqgotiated based on ENGINEER's incrcase in ccts caused by delal's, g1dmiom, am€ndmcffi, onclugc. Sch€drlc Scrvices will bqin qoncrccution orftbis Agrccrnent, ufrich is aticipced on Ostobc 15,2016. S€rvice ue sohedulod fc complcio,n on April lE,2Ol7 , in accodarce with ths following nilestones: MlcstoncDme Primipsl Etrginc€r Prqisttr,fingcr hqistE rdnscr R€futercdLanl Sunreya Dcsign Tchnicians Tre'MurSunrcy Crcrrr Ono-illan Suncy Crctv Officchodnctiqt . UDdrtd rtnrtlly on July I Nciceto Pnoccod f 60Peltd l)csign Submithl 60 Frc€ntCity R.rvicn'(thce w?ds) 90 Pcrccnt Dcsign Snhrinal 90 Perocrtt City Reviar, (thrcc u/cds) FiEl (100 pcrccrt) Bidding Documcnt submittal ttorly BilliryRacs* gm $145 $ll0 3n0 st05str0 3t35 $85 Novemba 1,2016 laol.tary2"frl7 tutluny23,?.017 Fcbnnry 2t,nn lv{arch 21,mfl April l&2017 JHTrjr:colR:\PHoDormra^ltgntr\8\Bl' Coord4wcRrw.yvrdh.fdor2ol6wi'r{D.0|'t.docr wn w.straod.clrn Str€nd Associates, lnc.' B&F Cmtracting trc. Pap6 Scptcmber 1,2016 Strldrrd ofCerc The Standard ofCsc fu all Scrviccs perfannod or furnished by ENGINEER under thils Agrecmcnt will be thc catp and skill o'rdinarily ttscd by membcs of ENGINEER's profession prasticing under similar cfuctmurpes at the same timc ad in thc samc loc.lrty. ENGINEER rmlces no wanantics, otpr€ss tr irylisd, unda this Agrecmcfit c othenrbe in oomcction with ENGINEER's Servicc. CONTRACTORT nspordUtttlcr l. Assist EINGINEER by placing at ENGINBER's dsposd all avzilable Lfammion pcrtincm to Otis projcst including pnwious r€ports, prcvias dnwings ad spocifications, ard any ottrcr data rclstivc to the soope of &is trqiect- 2. Furnish to ENGINEE& as requircd by ENGINEER for pcrformancc of Scrrriccs as port of this Agrccmcng daa pAued by a services of ctrrs ohaimd or prepered by CONTRACTOR rcldivttothc scopc of this Fojcct, srrch as soil bqings, Fobings and subsurfac. oplcatioru ard labcuy t9s ad irpGstiorts of sarylca, all of wtrioh ENGIIIIFER may rely rpur in pcrforning Senrices mdcr this Agremem. 3. Providc acocss to thc aitc as rcquircd for ENCINEER to pcrform Serviccs undcr tbil Agrecmern 4. Guanntee acccss_to lnd qake all p,rwisions fu ENGINEER to entcr ryo public and privrtc hn& as r€qut€d fc ENGINEER to pcrfrrrn Scrviccs undcrt& Agr€cmern. 5. Examine all Fport* slc#hes, cstinatcs, spccial p'mvtior+ &awhgs, urd dt€r documcffi prcscflred by ENGINEER and turdcr, in writin& dccisions pctaining thaeto within a reasonablc tirns so as nd to dclay the perfornarcc of EI,NGINEER. 6. hoddc all l€El sewices as may be requircd fa thc dwclopmcil ofthis plqioct 7. Rctain the senrices of a soils csrsultant to Forride my ne€$raD/ gotechnical aaluaion and recomrrodstions. L Nane ENGIMER as an additional imured on CONTMCTOR's Geireral Liability and Artomobile Litbiltty insurarpc policics and idemnify ENOINEER to tlrc same ortent t[a Ure CONTMCTOR insur€s and fudemnifies OWI.IER. Opinlon ofhoblblcCoct Arry opiniom of pr,obable cct preparod by ENGINEER are srrpplied for gencral guidance of CONTRACTOR only. ENGIMER bas no oonbol ovcr compstitive bidding or narkd conditions rnd cannot guafiadee tho aocuracy of such opiniors as oompred to coffiast bids q Ectual costs to CONTRACTOR Obacnedon Scntlcc F_@pltpg_obsenation swises, ENGINEER's ftls win be dh6td towud daennining frr CONTRACTOR tltat tF complctcd projcct wiU in gen€ral, oonforn to the Conhact lhournens; bgt EI.IOINEER will not supervfue direct, c have cornrrol orrcr thc CONTMCTOR's work and will nd be rcsporsible fc$c CIDNTMCTOR's costruction msEns, mctho&, cchniques, scxtuctre, proccdtrnoq c beafth Ed saf€ty precanions or prqgramsr or for the CONTRACTOR's hilurc b porft,rm tlre corstruction wck in accadamc with ftc Contrast Docume,rns. JHT:dr:DolR:\PHOOoq,|r$AirErE|r\B\ElF OoGrcdrgtMoRrw.!&.rli!Rdd.20l6lArt{09,00l.docr wunp.etrand,com Strand Aseociates, Inc.' B&F Cqtracting;lrc. PapT Scptembcr l,20t6 Fryncnt Rcqlcrb EX{GINEER's rcryicw of Paprcnt Rcqn€sts ftocr CONTMCIOR(s) will nc furpce rcsponsibilirty o daamfur ttg ffh to oy ofthc wck has paesd b @I{TRACTOR frce and clear of any liq clainrs, c chcr cmmbrarpcE fury ctdt scwice by EI.IGINEER wi[ bc Aiovidd trorglt m mrendment b lhis Agoemcil. Chrngcs l. CONTRACTOR may matc changes u,ihin th6 gcneml scope of this Agreerncnt in ths Scrviccs to be performod If $ch changps crusG ao incrcase or dercaso in ENGIIIEER's cost a time required fc pcrfcnance of any S€n'ic€s und.r Oris Agrccmcnt, an equitable adju*mem will be madcand6is Agreancmwill be modified in rtrithgaocordiryly. 2. No senrioes for whi'ch additional couryssdon will be chargpd by ENGINEER will bc furnished wi$oil thc writtcn arthaidion of COIITRACTOR. Tbc fcc cstablbhad hcrein will not be cxccedod withou agrcanent by CONTRAC1IOR hn may bG a4iustcd for time delalr, timc accnsidrg, amcndmeds, c clungcs in fie Scopo o'f Senriccs. tf ther€ is a modification of Agency rcqrftcnatG rclning to the Servkles to be p€rfaned und€r this Agr€crnctrt subs€qu€nt to the ddc ofocqttiom ofthb Agrccmcrt, tre irs€asd a decmsed cost of pcrfstrromc of thc Services p,rwidd for in this Ageanent will be reflccted in an mropriate modificaion of tbb Age€mcd. ErhcbrofScrvlccs This Agreemcrr nEy be odqd€d fo additional Scrviccs upon CONTMCTOR's arrborizatirm. E:aecion of Scrvft:es wi[ be prutidod for a lunp sum (r an hourly rale plus opaues. Eryucli CONTRACTOR shall malce rnonftly payrrnils to EI.IGINEER for Senrices pcrfonrcd in tb peoeding mdh based ryon nonthly invoiccs Noryoyaut 30days afrcr 6c date of reoeipt of invoicc my, at EMiINEER's optim, resuh in asscssrmrf of a I percad per mornh crrying chrge m thc uryaid bslanca Nolpaymcnt 45 days after the datr of meip of invoicc may, d ENGINEER's option, mult in suspension of Scrrriccs rpon ffve calendr days' ndice to CONTRACTOR ENGINEER. will bvc no liability to CONTMCTO& and @NTRACTOR agrx to makc no chim for any delay or damage as a rcsult of nrch srspereion causcd by any brcach of &is Agrcm€ot by CONTMCTOR" Qon reccipt of paymcnt in full of all ulstadfug sums dre fiun CONTRACTO& c curing of srrh ottra breoch which camod EI.IGINEER!o suspend Scrviccs, EMIINEER will rcsume Scrvices and thcre will bc an cquibblea{iusunGnt to thercmainingprojcotschc&rlc adcomparaim as arcsuftofthcsuspcrim. Ihtr Pnordcd by0tbcrt ED.IGINEER is rnt resporsible for the quahty or aocuracy of dtta rr fa tbc mcftods rsod in the acquisitionor dcvelopmmt ofany suchdaaufteresudl data b povklod by orttroughCONTMCTO& @rfiactor, or odrcrs to ENGINBER ard whcre ENCINBER's Sefirioc re to be boscd upon srdr drta Such data ircludcq brtr is nd limited tq soil borings, groundur&r dala, chanical analyses, goooclurical testing rcpats, calouhrtions, d€siglte, drawingg, spocificatiotq rccorddrawhgX onbacta's marke&rry diawir€F, and topogpphical survcys. IllTdr:r[o\&l'HoDoamd Fos\B\EfFcouilatlld-WryW..diFRdd.20l6Afira00.0ol.docr www-gtrand.com Strand Associateg, Inc.' B&F Cortraoting tnc. PqFt S?t mbcr l,2016 Tqulnr6or This Agroemcnt may bc tcrrnhaled with cause in wbole c in part inwridng by eithc prty subjcct toa two'rveck ncicc and thc righ of thc party being t rmimted to mcet and discuss thc gmination befoe the termirutio ukcs phce. ENGINEER will b€ poid fa dl complcted c obligrnd Sarriccs rp to 0re datc oftermtntion TbbePrty EcrGfidrrica Nottringcontained in this Agrcrnenil caees a oontsachral rclationship with or a cawc ofaction in hrry of a third porty aglinst either CONTRACTOR c ENGINEER EI{GINEER's Seryiccs undcr this Agrecmcd are bcing perfrmee sobly for CONTRACTOR's bcocfit and no otber party tr erniay shll luvc any claim agahst ENGINEER b€usc of ttb Agrmcd c thc perfcuurrce a mrpcrformare of S€rviccs hcrqmd€r. CONTRACTOR ad ENGINEER agre to rcquir€ a similar prrwisio in all @nfasb wift cqnactas, $rboodractorB snbccrsultafis, vcndon, and otlrcr catftics involvod in fib projcctto carry outthc fofit ofthis prwbion DtpubR:rohbr Exc€pt as may bc othenrisc provided in ftis Agrocmot, all chims, oournerclaims, disputcs, ard ottro maltels in que$ion behroar CONTRACTOR od ENGINEER rising c.t of or relctrg to this Agreemcm a tbs brcach thereof will bc dcddd frst by modiatio,rt ifthe parties mrtually ag€e, c witl a bch bial in a cout of compctcrt jrtrdlction within the Sarc orf Arizona Tcrur md Condidonr The t€rms ard e,uditions ofthis Agrcmem wi[ app$ to thc Services &finod in the Scopc of Scrvls. CONTRACTOR+rryplied purchase order is fc processing payment only; Enns srd conditiss m trc purchase odcr shrll nd apply to ftese Scrviccs. IN WIINESS WHBREOF theprties hcrdo havc madcmdorecuodthis Agreernern ENGINEER: STRAI{D ASSOCIATES, TNC.O lvtat0pl S. Richrds ccporate socGary Dde JHT:{*mdR:\PHOD0oDrLtAtrErurb\B\B&F CotaiagMc8-WryVolinRplor.2olafulll|{n o0l.dooc vww.gtrand.com ATntEffine D.p.tfirnt EEegsEa4eq lw.lElE€,lqll SWPPPetoirl Oodeb JOC. Iccrr Wry f,blr|r PROFIOSALNO.: DATE: P@vffiuil: v' rt ilPPPbt|rdlPb|||l) Pmvld! ttc SwPPP MrndrPmgrm h eccdgro, rlht{PDEST ZD€S@P l) hdulec a SVIfPPF ilrrC, lhrilur rnt Pb. - (l @ptt l) hcfd€s hrud lufiw nd leulclqr lf mcca:ary I LS $1.000.00 &.m0.00 2N StfPPttrFcdottr t) Pronldc SIwPPP d: hrpccdmctrem pcrtn'.d Oy et{fiedpenomL l) AI SVI/FPP hryffii Reprtl nlfleed Omr{h I slolrr,rb Dd rdtrrs. CLrt Es awlhfle 21/7 fil eded$.clficlofr. ll lilffr and {p(* tl sop.c8 otslrllPPP l!|ndar||lSIIPPPbl l) lbffii bcd tp cqldd doomelr nd S/IFPP llnCfr.3ylrs t) Comm rCffi rih Enflnrrrend 8|vPhcblilon@nt*br I p.rvLl frso.q,TBD tl PQr.cthludS.t?l) Adnfnfidu! dD ard PAld Coor0rdorl 2) H0d f,fit mrfie flt !|b vbfr 3) Prtrpqo NO rtd ilOTApplca0ql 1 LS !150.00 8i1t0.00 0 ADEOP.ile l) NOlFcrrffFc' Oily Silcallc tAtlitr CS paF ftr iltc pofmlt ie t LS $xro.00 q50.00 'All of tte rborr quobd lbou wlll bccomplrbd In eccordencrwl0t pr{cctrpecncilom ild 2013 IIPDESIAZPOES CGF GotlD|trOilS:f ) Aorc b AOhrc/r rNrctronNc llo. (DruttryPDF@ 4 XoRrfolbobLhdd 3) Attilodf,bil*31m.@EA 4) |nrp.cilon foqcnct orcry l,l dryr rd nh 6,slr tf ltrUPPP hn|gm|ot or SPFP l||D.adoo bm J|5ut IED rpoo prql.ctdnrdon md uy ddnoill nh.{lfi O ELcbordc o0lc. dSIwFPP nol $nlh$ t) SWPPP llrd rtd Pbr (lror I' t ltld,Ot!]l! 1) Pomilr. Firu, Fmtrca.fll ery utocLbd Ftcf 2) SdttTurnBo||l 3) Analytcd ilo|$sftg p|oCnn bldne EXCLT'SIOTE: ,6, iftruNrfl|! Prft4.l Argurcffinc[ottSgl,lc* AdFnouqnre llrm: a) Sr IPPPBMPor9rlb, 5) SP@Phn g S\n PPPt0onrfuc[on :orredule and c.qffche pbn b be pronided ad rylrhd byo0r's. 7l R€u|tlfFc€s Tl!a: Dch: 3E20 W. llappy Vey Rd. Sb. l.l Glcnt|b. AZ E5310 Goa 3aea390 =fertcq^ American Acphalt Pavlng & Sealcoating, fnc. v' \' 642 N. lTth Avcnue . Pboenlr,, AZ tSCaT-2215--.-: E\I.1p Phonc (6021 236-7t76 . Fer (601) 2s6-7312 <l V r!- i&'AhoD-;"luLt-- BID # EltOZO & Contract C. Berger 11011 N.23rdAw., Phocnlx, NZgW2g B&FGonhacdng. Pago { oflProposal Namc Addrtss Bgchoss tlcrAOS f09rtt9Comm. tlcrAE l5573tbmm. LicrOl3 105759 R.|. irvrlr,rr[phaltrorn Dlb 8fiXl20l6 Ad&tsa obergsr(Dbftontracfing.con JobAddFec Cftyof Gihnrhb-McRaewry&Julle Dr., Gladah, AZ Crll Phone &,''Phom pso) 9ar€016 n.)( The underslcned agoe to furnM and prwlde necessary labor, materlab, tools, lnplenrenb and appliances, to perbrm and completc In a good prcfesslonal manncr tho follolll€: 1.) Stuny Seal -Appmx 4S0O eq. yd. of esphe$ eea to be s,vspt by cuebner. Apply a grye 2 ca0orilc asphalt sLuty ged d a ralE of 1&18 bs. per sq. yd., 1$16% oll onbnt Ro[ and coopaot ushg a sbel utlpd roler. 2.) Job to be cornpleted h 2 nrtp{ns tuo da6/s vrorlc Total S10,214.00 * Exduabns: PrhG.Plans, P€ttnig Bonds, T€sE€, Mh tb$n, Trafrlc Conbof, Bardcades, Suoephg, Exha frbtr€-lns, Wealcends,l{ofHqTq NlghtWork, Compmd Ope lneuranoe, Da/iB Baoon Wagres-' Silardard Teme md Condl0ons olt rever€e slda'Alf schGduttg go.ftg"ntupon mutwl agrcalentof Amerhan Asphan Parhg & S€d ooeffng, Inc. end Generd Conhador.' Propoeal b valld br 30 drys.r Due b uncerbln petrchwn market al matelbl pric&g b good as nobd and mfl 10|312016, a[ conUacb we enter hb, hdudtg fifs ptopoml, wl[ rcqdrc a daroe to oover lncrcaeee ln cphil and seat o[ nds]hf.'AmerlcanAsphatfs ndrcspmsble br no0frca0on orhmmovd of vehldee sd prqortyfrom ruoftarea . " Exclttgloner Botdsi Pernb, Engfneedng, Suwy, As{dlf Testhg, Inspecilonr TlaficQontrd, Wd€ase Stablfiza0on, E)@va0on, U0fty Remoal or Reloca$on, @rcrreb or Plpe Worfr SIwMP Ercslon Conlrcl, Dryrel, Ceilfled Psyrol, anlany Speclal lnommeRequbEmsntBft Spccbl l{otc: Duc to Arlara coll ordltlons .rd c.rth mortmnt arlrpe cr*l€ may occur ln your rephalf l,ihtr ls no nllsc0on on 0r $nll$ d vorkmanehlp byfmeban A:phalt A[ d ti. lbor uort b b. corpldrd for 0t rrn of: Ten Tlrousand TrcHmdrcd Fourben Ddbrg Oollarc$10211.OA Terms of payment shafl be as bllows: -Upon Oomplethn _ Other Arrangernenb __-Pnogrsss _ Inltfats bspsctftrlly Thls Propoml WbcWdsd lf NotAcopted Wthin Days 30 You arc horoby authorlad to turnbh dl matlrla|s and labor ttqu|lcd to comphtc the rork nrntbncd ln the cboo propoeal for whldt, I Wc (clrcb ona) agruc b pay thc amumt mentloned In sald propocal ard In accordanoa wlth the tsrnr th€not, Accepted & Authorlzed By zO-Slgned X Phmo s.. t finl & cordlllctr cr badr. AIEE teotrchnfcal t, MEtrrlalr. lnc- Sepbmber 1,2016 Alplu Propooal Numben 16€R€E15 B & FConbacting, lrr. 11011 North 23d Avenue Ptro€nirq Artsona E5029 Offios phone numben @S5E2-1170 . Csll phone numben 62$764-758tt AibrUon: Enall: Regudlng: Brue Balls brueb@btfconhading.oorn Matilials Sampliltg and Tesiling Seruioes McRe€WryWabrlirc McRaeWayand 62nd Dthle Glendale Adzona Alpha Geo0echnlcal & tabdab, llr. (AlFfiel, b pleased to pcsent our estirmate br samfling and bsting sewirps for thie project Thb proposal F bes€d on corespondence ftom Bruoe Balls on August 19, 2010. lrlo plans werc made arailable at the time of popoeal. I.O PROJECT UT{DERSIAI{DI1{G The prcject consisils of approximatety 12i20 irlcgir feet of ff rvater line repair in Glcndale, Arizona. Materiab sampling and befing services will be required to determine corpliancc u,ifi $e applicabb specrtficafrons and City regulatbns during onshrcilion. 2,O ESNNATED FEES Alpha esffmatee (see last pagerbagee) the fee to compl& fie above scope of seMces to be:si1,925.00 povided Ole €€timetad tipe are ndocoeeded as ouUirncd in ths ataclpd esffmab. Whil€ he etimateto omplete the project is based on the rabs ild quantitiEs li$ed, the amount fnvoled wlll be bttod on actnf qunttles. Hbtory lras slrown thd$e managoment of thb budpt b beddone"$tough llmHng the number of 0fpc (rerlce cel|trl, b Ote allocrbd tlpo In our edtnrto. The quded nates indutb the vehicle and alf equipment neesary to perform field tests. Charges uulll be made at tre unit rates estaHished h this proposal fur afl Foiect-relabd tme, irduding bavel (polt-tcpoil). Oertime (owr E hourg p€r day or Safurday / Sunday ruork) will be inwled at an hourly rate tmes 1.5. Copi€e qf concrete cyf,nder compressive strengrth data can be prodded to the ooncrfr suppler if instructed. An addi[md c{Trrge of f/5 wilt be bllled br seMces scheduled the same day. All oUrer tsporb of bsts and inspedionE wrll be rftfiliubd to trose desbn#d by the client The earviee for this ptoi€ct will be perbrned on an hourly and unit rdg begb ft,oni portal- tGportal. 259W. SonthemAv€nuc Tcmpc, ArbrpE5282 o (e02) 45$3203 F(002) 1593267 McRaeWry W*Erfine McRaeWayand62nd Drtue Glendale, Artzona 9nno16 16€R-5815 Page 2 Afpha Prcposal Numbec Laboratory unit pdoes are all indusive. The unit pdoee for laboratory tests Indude all hbor, cqulpment and secretar'lal time necessary to oomplete the test prooedure in the fabordory and pr€pete $e teport 3.0 scoPE oF SERMCES Alpna will provide gualified ard eperienetf pettonnd to perform the scopes ldentfied in our pdce e€ilimab dached. f.0 AsSLmPnoilS - The number of tips aseumed for wh scope b hduded in our esfrmate - The number of fips estimated for eech scope is based on meedng or oceeding mlnimum teeG pEr tlp reguirements. Th€ minlmum test perfip requirement ie defined as the minimum number of tests a3 detemin€d by the applicable judedic{ion, divftled by the estimated number of tips per soope. The minimum bets per fb for each scope wrll be communlcated to the Conhactor prior to wodc start (at precon). Not meeting the minlmum bsts per tip requiremcnt will most lik€fy lead to an increase in number of tips and ooat. -We assumehatheABC used asbedding will also be t.tsed undemeafi theroathay. - Engineer of Recod Seruices (rvater) indudes: a. A representative frorn Alpha will frend the peoonsfudion nt€eting. b. Clicnt to provide Alpha $rih $'ribn tegt results (or Letbr of Acedance fiom the City) on a[ requircd EOR testing. The water bsting will indude pcssure tesfing and bacterla tesfrry. c. Alpha will review and submit the blfoudlB: Water(Prqssure T€st, High and LowChlorine Tests, and BacfictiologlcalTeot) d. lt b assumed that the uabrAs-Builts wi[ be preparcd and rwleupd by otfprs. e. Prepare MCESDs Approval of Comtnrc'lion documentation for watEr improverrnG and submit to MCESD br approval. - lt is thc conbactor's responsibility b coordinfr testrtg efforte such that the minimum testing Fequency of the applicable jurisdlstion b met 6.0 CUENT RESPO]{S|B|UnES - Sign our attacherl Consulting SeM€s Agreement or provide a Cornulffng Scntitrs Conbact br our signature prior to rvofi start - Schedule seM€s at least 24hrs In aduanoe (48h4 for niglt rcd<) by calling 60245S3265 Ed. 4. Alphal offie hours are from E:filam to 5:00pm - Pnovide Alpha wiUr updated plans each time there are cfianges or updabs b the eisdng plang. - Ensure that the confractor enables Alpha to meet or exceed the rt'nimum test per trb rcqulrernnt. - Sign our attrcfied AlphaWeb Cllent lrrer Authorlzilon form eo that you will have acoeee to bcil resulb and inspedion reports on a ngar realtime basb (wihin 24 houts) on our secure web slte fuuw.dohanielotr;lt.cpitnl. - Srgn our attacfied AhheWeb Thlrd Pa(t tlrcr AuhorLedon brm if you want a Thlrd Prrty tfrer b have access to test rcsults and inspection reports on a near rcal tme ba*s (uvithin 24 hours) on our seoure rueb slte @\ 6.0 ALP}I.A DELN'ERABLES - Te€f r€su]ts are avallable on our securc upb site at no charge. - Final Reporte are available on our secure web sib at rto cfiarye. - Final Reports assembled on elecfionic media and/or bound onglnals are at S50 per rcport. 2504W. SoutrcmAvenue Tempe, Arbna E5282 o (602) 45$3i165 F (@2r45e32s7 ' McRae Way Waterlirc McRaeWay end 62nd Ddve Glendale, futzona Ahha Propoeal Number: Addltional areas of consfruo{ion may rcquire materiale t€sfing or inspec0ons to eatsry dr€r code or judadc0onal raquiremenb. Theee seflices will be potided at the dienfs request Flonever, they'arc not furduded in our ocf cstimate and will be lm,oio€d according b our Standard Unit Fee Schedule. The Clbnt adcnortledg€s ac€ptane of thb ssffme by Cgning one oopy and retrming it to Alpha Geobdrnbaf & Materials, Inc. We looft brruard to urorldng wUr you onthis prolect and are commltbd to enhandng the +nliU and tfierEfore, value of tfie grcjsdb the onnen. ShouH qu€frons arise con@rnftE thb estim#, plece do not hcsitate b contactfie underigmd at (602) 45& 3265 cmnsion 132, q emailquestions to: aruold@alolraoedec|r.com. Respectftdly submltbd. Alphe Gcobcfinlel & Xaterlrb, fnc.Raderud by, [\s$- Alf Wd4 P.A Vle Preddent Phone: (6021453€235 x t32 Xoblb: (6021370{20r Lo/,,,- Patdck OLcolte, E l.T. Stelt Englme Phone: (6021 rCg-geOS Altached: - @nsdtitB Seryices Agreanent - AlphaWeb Clent Uaer Authortsaton Form to get te* results on the rcb for Clieil - AlphaWeb Thltd Party Uscr Authodzation Form to get test resulb on the web for Third Party User -Edime 9nno16 16€R-5815 Page 3 25o4-W. SouthcmAwruc Tanpe, ArLona 852&l O (602)'693265 F (602)45$32€7 ' McRae WayWatedlne McRae Way and 62rd Drive GlendalE, Artsona gnno16 1&CR-5E15 Page4 Alpha Propooal Number: @lrlSulnilG SERVICES AOREIffNT This CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT b made by and bdrileen: -BeFContractlrp,fnc. hsrelnsftcr lcfifi€d to as CUENT, and Alpha GcoGdtni,cal & Materiab, Inc., hsdnafier called Alpha. The CONSULTIiIG SERVICES AGREEMENT befipen fie per0€s oonsFb dfi6e tsmNs and conditions, the afracfied PROPOSAL ldentfied as Alpha Ploposal Numbec - t6€R€Et6 drlod: 9/llm76 and any e$ibite or fracfimants n@d h fie PROPOSAL. Togeher, ttese dem€nB will corpfrhtb the clfire AGREEMENT supepeding any and all pr'ror negdalions, oomrspondcrroe, or agrscments elhervrritbn or oral. Atty dranges to thb @NSULTll,lG SERVICES AGREEMENT must be mutrally agned b in writing. Alpha shall perfom pwsuant to the brrns and condlUons of this CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT fie servioes as set forth in the accompany{ng PROPOSAL. sEcnoil 2 - PEtiln'ls & tmunEs 1. Unlees ofierutre Sat€d in the PROPOSAL CUENT shall apptyfor and ottain all requlred pennlb and licenses. CLIENT shall make all neoessary arrangements for dght of entry to povide Apha aooess to the gle br all equlgnent and personnel at no chaqe to Alpha. 2. While Alptta will take all reasonabfg precautiom to minimize any darnage b the prcperty, CLIENT agrces to hold Alphe harmless br any damagcs to structur€s or any darnagp nquired fu dght of €ntry, in the abocnca of willful and gross miscondrd by Alphe. sECnOil 3 . SATPLES Samphs collected dwing thiswork wi[ be r€talnedforapproldmately30 days frerthe sample is colleciled andtlten disposed. @ Alpha will srbmit monhly progress invoie to CLlENT..Pryrnent b due upor pesentation of itwoioe and b past &e fifty (30) drys ftort invoice date. CLIENT agrces to pay a finane cfiarge of one and one-half p€roeflt ( 1f,&ol pr month on past due fudes. Alpha may rcqule a rcfrainer prior to start of nork Alpha wil apply the r$incr, if applicabfe, to the final lrryoioe. sEcnoil 5 - oyul{ERsHrP oF DocuxrENTS 1. All reports, field data, field notes, calculdons, estirnebs and other docurnenb preparcd by Alpha, c Insfrwren0s qf serylce, shall lemain the prcperty of Alphe. 2. Alphs will Ftain all peflimnt €cods lelating to fie seMes perforrted br a period qf fwB years b[oring submlseion of the aport dudng $fiicfi pedod the rccode will bs made available b CUENT at resonable tmes. 2504 W. Souhem Avcnue T€mpe, ArEona E52E2 o (60:l)45$ffr65 F (602) 453-3267 lv|cRae WayWaterllne lricRae Way and 62nd Ddve Glendale, Artsona Alpha PoposalNumber: sEcnoil 8. usPuTEs In an efiort to rcsohp any conllicts that afte dudng the design or consfudion of the Proiec{ orfollowiry the compl€tion of the Poiect, fie CLIENT and Alpha agne that all disputes arbing bdlile.n them out of or rdating to thb Agr€ement or the Proiect shall be submitted to non-bonding mediation unlese the partiee mutually agrue othenrise. gECTION 7 . STA'UARD OF CARE & ilONFICANO}I 1. SeMoes perbrmaO by Alpha under this CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT rdl be conducted in a manner condstilt wih fiet level of care and slcill odlnarily exercbed by mer$sg of the foeggion cunenty practking under similarcondi0ons. No wananty b eprcosed or implicd. 2. Alpha agrees to no@ GLIENT when unanticipded hazadous mabrials or 3usp€cilBd lrazardous materiab ar€ encounbred. CLIENT agre€s to make any dMosurcs rcquircd by lar to the appropdate goremfiq agendes. 3. Alpha will be reeponsibb fur data, interprctations, and rccomrnendatione, htt shall not be responsitle ftr fie interpretation by others of the inbrmation Oev€bpeO. SECTION 8-UMANON OF LIABIUTy 1. CLIENT ag]€ee to limit Alpha's liabllity to CLIENT and a[ thlnl partles arlsilq trom Alpha's neg@ent acts, enws or omlsslons, such that the total aggrcgate fability of Alpha to all thce named shell not exceed ourbes ftr the projest or $50,(X10, whicfiet/er is less. Neffi€r CLIENT nor any lhid padies seume any liability for damagee to otrerr, wtrich may arise solelv on aeount of Alpnat negligent acts, erors or omi$ions. 2. As palt of the consideration Alpha rcquircs for pmvision of Ue Servie indicated herein, CLIENT agrees that any cbim for damages filed agalnst Alpha by CUENT of any conbactor or suboontractor hf€d dlrccily or ind[rccdy by CUENT wilf be filed 3oldy against Alpha or lts successors or csigne and that no indiyitfual pemon ehall bc made personally liaUe or lbble fior damages, ln whdc or in part sBcnoil9-r]lgJR ilcE Alpha lepruscntr and wanants fiat it and its agente, sffiand consulartE emdoyed by it are proted€d W ruofteds cornpensation lnurance and that Alpha has sucfi conerage under publlc lhbilty and poperty damage insurance polides wlrlctt Alpha deems to be ad€guate. Cerfficates for all sucfi policies of i'neurance will be provided to CLIENT, if rcqueciled. Wihin the llmits and conditions of srdr lruranoe, Alpha egr€ee b indemnifr and hold CLIENT harmlees fiom and against any loos, damage, or lbbilily adsing fiom any negligent acb by Apha, lt agents, stfr, and oneultants €rnploy€d by it. Alpha shall not be Faponsible for any losa, damagc or liability arising fiom any acils ry CLIENT, lts agcnts, glaff, and ofrer consultants enrploy€d bV lt. SEGTK)I{'O . TERMN.ANOil 1. Thb COl.fSULTll,lG SERVICES AGREEMENT mry be Hminated by eithcr pafiy upon seven (7) drye wrifien nodce in the sustt of subetanthl fiallure by tte other party to perfom in accordance vvifi the tems heroof, or In the enent of fie parlies'failure to agree upon an adjusfrnentto thls CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT in accordance wlth Secfron 6. Sudr terniruton shall not be trctive if that subetantialfailup has been rcm€di€rd before ere0ration of the period specifred in the written notioe. In the event of termlnation, Alpha ehall be paH for servioes perfumed to the brminaton notice date plus reasonabb termination €Dpens€s. u1no16 16€R-58r5 Page 5 2504W. SouthemAvcnue T€mpe, lvEqa85282 o (oo2) 45&3265 F (602)45$3267 McRae Way Watafine McRacWayand 62nd Dtive G|enchle, Artsona Alpha Propoeal Numberl 2. In the anent of ternhation or suspension br rmla tran three (3) monhs prior to complsdon of ell lcpott; oontemd&d bythb CONSULING SERI/ICES AGREEMENT, Alpha may comdctc sucfi analysco and rucords as arr neoe$ary to oomplete Al-Pl-lA's PmFctflsg and may also corp|ete a report on the sen i€s perfrmeO to the date of notice of brmiution or supension. The €xpsnss of terminaton or suspenslon drall lndude all dlrect cocc of ALPHA in completilp such analytes, reootds and t€pone. SECTPI{ II . EIITIREAGREEMIT 1. This CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT alorB wih th€ e$ibils ad/or propoeab appended hsrdo constiUte the elffn @tlSuLTlNG SER\ICES AGREEITENT of the peilies utlth respecl to the subjoct mder her€of. 2. The Pailiee have nad the furcgoilB, undergtand oomplddythe Hns and condi0ons, and willngly enter into $b COl.lSULTlilG SERVICES AGREEMENT whidr wlll becomc cfrclive on thc deb eign€d by tte CLIENT below. Alph. Ge&chnlcal & kbrleb, Inc.BeFGontncfing,lnc. By (s(fnfire): Name (pleese prht) TiUe Date By 9/1no16 1&CR-5815 Page 6 James E. Weasr P.E.l{ame TiUe m Preekfent 2504W. SouthemAwnue Tcmpe.&tzona E5282 o (602) 45$3265 F (602)45&3267 AlpheWoD Cllrnt tfrcrAudrolErtfon Fonn Alphl Plof.ct l{enr:McRac WeyW#rllne Alphe Profectllumboc 164R-5E15 The blodng iftilttldtlcc ars adtoftcd lbr Olcttt uc.r aooess b Apheweb br src peFd :pccillcd. I undct$*nl Ohnt cer acce$ elqtr us€rs to view pqcd dgbnt. ftcftldlng thencH Inlbrmaflon and tcd rcalts tor tlr acCgrcd prqi.ci(r). I can Imit the Cledrera@ros toft.rdd ffirma0on byphdngan t{ In the borl/hrFhandal lrilocurtlon'. rrsER nFoilAnoil T'|SER I FFst ]{ame: lagtName: Tiilc: Emat: OfioePlrom: Ce[ Phone: Vrew Fhandal Inbnne0on: (YT USER3 Flctl,lamc: Lastl{ane: Ti[c: Ema[: Ofie Phme: Ccl Phone: Vbrn Flmrxiel Infumdim: (Y@l gsBt Fhrt Nanre: ladl{ane: Tiilc: Emdl: Oficg Phone: Cet Ptrone: \rlor Flnmtial lrilomdon: (YlN): Ar[rothl by Sigrtatu" TlUe, Calpeny USER2 Firrf ilamc: LaCl,lsne: OffioePhom: Cdf Phone: vtewFhand.tffi usEE{ FlatNamc: Lstllsne: Tilc: Email: Oficc Phonc: Cdl Phonc: \Xar Finmdal Inbmation: (YN): UgERS Flri lfeme: r trstlfame: TiUe: Emait OfficePhone: CdlPhme: Usw Fherdd Inbrmdoo: ff/il): ul2'016r TIUo: Emeil: OOIP ilY lllFOilATlOt{ (ohrrc onlr mrr.t.cc... to oeronnrl Indde tlrc omndoo |bbd DCill ConperyNenc: Adthc*: City/$rtc/Zp: Phone: Fm gzv''tiz-3161 25(XW. SouUrcmAvenue Tcmpc, Artsona 85242 o (002)45$3265 F (602) 45$3267 AlpheWe0 Thlnl Pury |Jrcr Asdprlzilon Form AhhPrqtcctllamc McRacWayWatcrline Alph. PrqlcctllumDer:1&CR-5E15. Tnc fofoftig hdfuldttdc atrr atdtorhql br Thlrd Party Agcril r.Ecr tcoss b Alphettllcb for tha sp*ncd proi€eL I mdentanrl Tfrhd Padyurer.oo!s3llmib ttctiowbgomrd prol€ct ffimdonand bstrsulb. Fhendal inbmraton b onlyviewablcb a Ihlrd P.rtyAg€ril il | hil! pbcod a Y In the box .\lleuv Fhandrl fnfumatim'. COIPAilY nFOilAllOll lpLrr. Dtlnt md tubmlt onc rh.d br..ch corrrlrlryl CompenyName: Adtlreer: Clty/State/Zp: Phonc: Ffi uSER tXFORnAnOil USER 1 Flcil l,lame: l-astNamc: Tt0c: Emall: OfiePtrcne: Cell Phone: Vrew Financbl Inbrmatin: @l USER 3 Firrt Nanre: leetNilrc: Tlte: Emd: Ofice Phone: Ccll Ptpne: Vla, Finandal InGnndon: (YN): USER 5 FitrtNsnc: LastNene: Tt[e: Emdl: Offie Phmc: @l Phone: Vrary Finmciel hbrnaton: (YrTg tuthorbal by Slgnet rr TlUe. Compony USER2 FlntlGms: Laetl{sne: Tl0e: Email: Ofice Phone: CCI Pbnc: USER4 FidNamc: L*tNamc: OfFci Plronc: Gdl Phonc: VlwFhanddtm USER6 FirSlGme: Last Name: Tifc: Bnail: Oficc Phonc: Cc[PtFn: VlcuvFhandetffi gnno1€ rr TIUo: Emdl: 2504W SouthemArenue Tempe, Arizona 852U1 o (602) 45$3265 F(002) 163-32€il McRee WayWatcdlne LllcRee Way.nd 02nd Drlvc Glendab,&iana 9n1201€, Alpha Proposal Nunbec t6€R-5815 th,a IN McRae Way Waterline Englmer of Rcood (Sewer, Wabrl Wet€r (ADECUIICESD) Enginecr d Recod S€rvio€E, per bd of prpc Sbrtr & S0'e€t Rebtod Worl (ABC, Arphaltl Technicbn Hourg TrFChargp Cotitp (PcrCorc) Coiltg EstiFncttt (Pcr Day) lfaximun Thcoclical Specific Grat'ity, Rioe (ASTU Ul(Jtll lgnl0on & Gradadon of BiLmlnous Mbdut€s (A,Snl ffiXl7) t nltWdght, Percore Tlildtttcgs, Percore lUater (llelnllno Servlcec) Trdrdden Hours TripChatgp Mobtun-Denelty Relatims (P!o6ts), Standatd (Asf,ll D69E A) Itbtsttrc-D€rclty ReASong (Prociora), Sbndsrd (ASfil D698 C) Fdl SleveAnalFb, (ASTM C136 &C117) Plastclty Index (ASIU Dl31E), (Wct ftlp) Pla!fidty lrdex (l$f11 tX31E). (Dry Prep) PH & ResbtlvU (dzzsa, Prolcct Ianegpment Proficccional Endtneer llours roca Marugcr Horrs ftUectCoodhabr Horrs orr's',2 3 I t I 1 I I Unrls l6 a 2 7 t I 7 3 Rrte(ttfrSE .t ?12 f01 $0 3lt8 $504.00 0163.00 $20.00 torB.00 rrotD-uD@ar-ffiFj srm &m0.00 t120.00 026.00 0672.00 sLiL00 $r30.00 $180.00 $150.00 s50.00 t95.00 01l().qt 8EE.00 wb t 2 2 L&sttblourl--Ti]EJo-] Rote(Elllr,gEA, Lr0orSuDtbtdl.Tfim] tl4(l $1,10.qt $120 t20 sl8 tute(Elllr,$an) u2 861 sl3tt $60 0150 s50 Frdc(gllr,gEA,t te5 $70 141 6295lfortham Drlve, Unlt I tlcsbrauga, ON Cenade LaV lWt T: 905€72-ccho (32tl61 F:905€12-0201 Toll Fme: | {66ocholog (324.65641 EsoWave d\ !ePULSt Eclnshore rN $EPEC PROPOSAL FOR EPULSE SERVTCES Pr€pacd ftr Tqn BnateliEn Prcpatedbf @rcyKeefer Ectrologics LLC Pnopoqal nrmbec 42216199 he: Scptgnber 02,2016 'l ,t ^-. fT L--J I'|-- - aclrolobcs rEfunqott'l.J Executive Summary PR@OSAL 12,16195 I PROPOSAL FOR CONO|I|ON ASSESSMENT SERVICES OPNilEE CAPITAT SPENDIiIG BY USING RETAUiIG PIPE II'ALL rilFo'RilAltoil Pioj€ct Efincedng Consulbtr (PEC) csr erpport Glcn&be cffotu b r€du€ pitpc rcplaomcntoltl by dcftrlng replaccmail of mtrr pipcr thet am strudurally cound. Furth.r monlbdng ild Gh.btlb0on action can bc df€ded et thc pffi u,ith ths Hgtrrst rist of bccornfp lttrct rally dcfrclcnt Edtologlcs and PEC arc comml[cd b e.ppordng Glcndah as il uptbtcc itr webr Inftrffuciure in a cct dbcilnc manner. A rtlcccecfr, condton *reearent prognm : l. Pnofiec a dong rat m on lmc!fificnt and accurale r€8ulb, and 2. beesytolmplemcri Frovides a Strong Returr" on In,.,esiment PEC (Cltyof Otertdalc) can urc accurde plpc oonditon ass€ssrncnt lnfo.m.0on to opdmizc tpcndlng. Phcn can bc d |hc cncl d0tcir d6lgn lirb and rffll be peftcdy hcalthy. You can conUm your €xlsmg dctl<bp plpe heffi stud€! wlfl ePulaat rrrCl thblmcsr m€esunm€ntr b cnrup you aroid rcpladng or r€hebilitdn g hcalthy plpe. Flgur I Lr Vognr Seurr ffonr: Lrl Vcgnr iffillcd rlnct t10.3 mllion rcil of plr.$.t ltbclbycd had luadrcrlthccnd of llr rnlilllb. Edtologlcr'AcoudlcCondlilm Al|crmcnt rhmird mlt$c mrlxity of hc pbelhc !fi|hed at l.!d S5% dhc orighd wall thtloccr runahlng $rich rllond trr Vcgr b drbr thc bulh of fic 110.3 milbn rcalromcntorb. wrry.cchobolcr.com @holol\cs' r-f c.rnu''ri{ PROPOSAL: 4216't S IPROPOSAL FOR CONDITtOtt ASSESSMENT SERI/ICES Accuiaie Results Cmdldon arsercmcnt needs b bc tcurdc to be urcful. ePubf ie dcdgncd to pronide PEC (Clty of Glcndrlc) u,lth m€athgfi,i deta 0tat frdmlte infurmcd dcciclon m*hg. .Pdldo b dccigncd b provldc he sy€ng€ mhimtnr trtdl thicNoees wfih apgodmately l0% aocurrcy. Thb lc oftm tho right .mount of ecamcy b lbcilltrb round dxnrbn makl€. AC Proot Maplc Ridgc, B.C. rcqulrul thc rumalntp m[ !trsngth d fie] Arbabr Cem€nt Plpe b md<c inbllgelil plpe rspbsn€nt dcdtlmc. t/hde Ridge lnvitod Ecfiologfca b 3urrcyrdcdrd rccilongdmdnu,ih cPubc ardu!6d a tHrd party b hdepcndcdy coflm fic .!sltr. lmgeaaad *lth fic aocuracy of lhc lcsultr, ilaplc RHge now u8€r ePubc b gd& tha? rrplasneril p@gram. Ietrlllc Proof Colunbug, oliloe water ffiasftrctun w qdcldy ooming b it! srd of li{b and ngubrcl acoretc plpc ondlUon hbrnafpn b mCcc Inblligpnt cplacuncnt deciriono. Edrologica pcrftrmed ePultc mcaeurcmenb m rde6d &12 Indr Ducfle lrcn and Cd lon w$rnCru thrughout thr dty. Ec'lrologicr'trarits w€rc compand agdrrt€rfiumcd eamplee arc wenr ud0r 10% lo 20% d ths crdrurncd dpc contron. Thb inbrmdlon was cxacily wtrdthc dty n€€d€d io mrke mamgcnt pipc ruptaoattctt dcdCmc. Easy to lmplernent PEC (Cily of Gl€ndalc) can rane tlmc and mory by choooirp a bdrndogy that can uod( ofr of odc0ng fiilingr.cR$dr rrvcp 300 bdto 600 bctof dpe d e imc, typically udng oddiq fiUnge. A qDical cPube srlvty goes from valvc b vahp. gdobgica lcqir€s that hc fiCIngg arr acceeelblc and clean bebrc ths eR.$r runoy and e dllty anployac ir mcib. cPtrbe doae not r!$rin erry lnrertone a cxbnghtc cxcavaliono b pcrbrm conditon e88€8gfurl. Many of ardlcnb valrc liom fic non-decfircilrle, mnJnraCvc approac|r of aooudic plpe condftion argosmail ard hk ddacfron. The E$do$cr approadt b dc{gned to dclhrer anrage rahing gffucfi.tral ual thijttbcr along hc l€ngh of the maln and rbo klatllcr any odstlng lcekr on hc mdn. You can avoH maior dvil mdc operdom and dter dirrupdffir assodetcd uith hwdv! eppmadrcs by tdrU r nooinbuliuc ooruil0on rric$mcnt tedndogy llc ePuds. Thc ftilowirp do.r'rnett hdudee or propocrd pridru, loope d rcdq and our thdsd lcrmt ld ondltom. Pleasc rlgn thc bcthc lalt pagc dthc prcpocal and rutum ltbrour rcordg. GorcyS. iGebr, Client Mamger ckeefer@€cholooics. com 760.e07.2333 EPULSF SURVEYS CAN BE CO1IPLETED QUICKTY USING EXTSTD|G RTnilGS. www.cclroloolcr.com @hofofocs' rEFrooterminJ PROPOSAL: 42216195 | PROPOSAL FOR CONOIT|ON ASSESSMENT SERVICES Scope, Price and Prciect D'etails www.cchobolcc.com echololrcs rEEfroroffiJ PROPOSAL .2216196 | PROPOSAL FOR CONDTT|ON ASSESSMENT SERVICES Scope and Dellverables Acourdc leak dcbction end conftlon.tt.!!mgrtwlll bc pqfom€d along tD b 7ES bctof dlg[ihr0orl mdnr mCm, ar rpcoificd by PEC. Thcrc mdnc ato comfudcd of drrctl€ hm mabdal, E hdrr h drm$r. At fic complclion d fr,c prclcct Edrologfcr wil pnpeo and dsilvcr t Gpott odlnhg thc mcrurqd wal qrdl[on dthc $r.yrd plpc rlong with d€0alb abod aty loc.bd lcdca wllhin 6 wctks olthc cqnCdon dfrckl work PEC (Cfry of Glfidele) wlll plotrldc Edrologlcs uith thc locg[m dlhc rndlr b bc lultcyed alorp w|0t eny locatlom ld lililn$ .c€lrbL lbr brilng. Edrololgicr wil rotk u,lth PEC (ClU ot Glcnddr) b lcbct apprcghtc ptpcllnc mgs dbs. PEC (City dclciltaL) wi[ n€.d b ulrdcrhrkc any nquhsd preperdonc of thc accrer pohbb allowthe artryb ptoo.od. Prlclng Pridng brhb flcct b pnscntql bCow. Al qtnntfrlea atc ecfrmetsd belcd on inlbrmdon Forridcd by PEC (City of Glcn&lc). lt b .!ffindd |hd db wort ulll talee I day b cornpletc br 2 Edrohglca' Fltld Sp€clilbb. 'lf Edrofogicr' rtEfi are m$le b wod( due b ery carlc rruihh thc perqublc oorfiol d PEC (City of GfcndCc), e drdbyrrte otn3n pcrdaywll b. Ullcd. Edrologlcr inrobo monthly for oomplctcd urort. Fh|d t€st3 and analyrla wll be conddcnd 80% complcb upon tho conduCm of th. frcld bcb, and 10096 oomfldc upon thc elbmbsion otth. drefr Gport. Edl pelmcnt b dnc wihh 30 dayr. Prymeril brms alc st5J€ct to apponl by the Edrolog0ca Ctodt D4afficnt Al prlcet atu in Unbd Stbs Dolbrs, and tb nd hdr.rdc Splic.bL bcc. Rlrt'ng L biled on lhc rtandanl tcms etd cond0om prot ldcd h tltb ptopoeal and b valid br60 thya. stbvbn 35,050 PcTTfi I Incldcd Fbld Tc6 & An.ry8b Fr mdno (rm.lLr ld dbmdr) r Uptoommla 830.9E4 lumpSum 0 f0 r Anymroutboyond 1 mtas $1.55 F.rft 0 gl Fi.ld T.rb & Analyrb br melnr -l€f dbmcbr g.u2 Pcrll 0 30 Dlrcounbd Ptot Prlc lbr PEC Conalt nb si0.500 Lmp t $10,500 lrlhrfrr, Flol.ctTolrl lrc'to rYwY.echobolcl.com eclrcloLrcs r0i-,fidrdrclrnJ PROPOSAL 42216195 IPROPOSAL FOR CONDITION ASSESS|IIENT SERVICES Prcfect Schedufe Project Planning PBC (Clty of Glcrxlr|c) will provide Ecfrologics u,lh th. loca0m of thc mahc b bc ltlllcytd along u,l0l any locrtbrr md fithgo aoccblc brtcefrng. Ecftolol$cr willwott u,lth PEC (Cily of Glendrle) b rlcd apgtopdab pts€llnc acocr dlcr. PEC (Clty dclen&Nc) wll nccd b underblce eny rcquirud ptrprdonl of thc eecs pgintr to dorr tr lrrcy b procood. Dwllrg tf; unny. PEC (ClU of Glcn&lc) ulll nsd b provlde an gxpt ienold dtwto opcrde any of thc PEC (Clty of Glcnddc) dflncd cquigmcil arcfi a fr0n$. Oncc e urilcy plln hs bccn aglad to, lnd a confect or pt rcftala ord€r ftr fie mrt b h pbct, dfrc br firpecfron may be boolod. lf dsb. arc booked at lst 3 rreelts prior b the 6rt d thc Inrpccfotr, fis lhod{td€ mobilzefron f€ wil ba waivcd. PEC (Cfry of Glcndde) will undttrkc any trgutqf pnp*a0ong of tlre accclc poinb to allon thc auGys b pl@ocd, indrdilp any cxceva0on wqt t€qdFd. Mobilization Edtologlcs will mobillzc the rcquire<l crew and cqulpmeil b thc fob rite to commcncs wofi m the agrccd booldng detc plwirlcd thc aoce poh0r arc pruFarld. lf tha Inrpccilmr are canccllcd, or tfu drtcc an movu, 16l than 3 wsekg from tht boolted stad dab, a r+0ooldng fcc wli apply. Field Testing Edtloglc. will drch vtration !€rlron b apgroprieb fiilft$ (vdvee, hyCen0r or the curftot d0r main). and wlll r€cord lnd .n€lyzc.@rlrfrc aigneb using Edrologbc' poprlcbry rofrrep. PEC (Clty of Glenhle) wlll prorrldc s.b aaoess b the maln at fic l€qdrqf aootss poitrb. lnct*llng frdfc confol, rcorrity, and rundedng confincd lpecaa.trftr€nfy, c lrquiled. For eedr cPrirCbet inlcrual, aoou!ilc weycs of lhc rcqdted lheqrrcncy mrrt bc indu€d h thc maiq from a locadon offilde dthatars6sncnt htcrird. Accepbblc louross of lound lndudc o Eldsdng sotlrd from pumpo or pnlcsur€ reduohg valvcg o Flowing a hydnnt or ofier vnho otfiidc of thc bl0ng hbrvd o Gcn0c tapping qr any.ppuilrn me or the mdn oubi& of thc bdng lni.nte[ o Tceiln! wlll bc pffmmcd h r€el0mc, allowlng moC leak locations b bc lcport€d on cle st the limcof lhe lleld bstltg. Analysis and Reporting Upon omplcdm of thr f,cNd b€ithg, $e noded date lles wl[ bc auqcd b motc dsbllcd analyrlr b hcp rcllnc thc on-rits firdingc, rnd b rcvcal any lcake het mey bc maCrcd by amblail nobe. A r€poil of findinp wlil be prcpercd, Indlodng tha locationr of my lcekr ldqillllcd, along wl0t an crilmrb of thc .ulllgp rcm.{dng rfircfunl wrl thldcness (f0] mdilc rnd ae0€do. cqnant maim), or the avcngc hoq rtifficr (br dnbrccd oorcreb), oor cadr bC lnhriral. lf PEC (City of Glcn&lc) ir eblc b a4ply the olginal dcslgn paramdm of 0rc phlng, lhc pcrenbge locg wlll abo bc rcpotictl, doq wlth a qudiHv. drldgtion of |hc [tcly condlion of thc pping bercd on gchotoglca ped epedrre. A dreft r€pond bc &Srgredrihin rixrvcd€ of complcton of thcllcldbrtrng. t pon rc€lgt of |hc drdt r€port, PEC (Clty of Gl€n&le) wll haw tno w€d(s to tarbw tle cport, and prrsnt Ecfiologbs with any nqucrtr lbr corecfron or modllcalion. Any commcntr r€c.lved by EcfiologFc &rirp Oil! rluisw p€tiod will bc consldeod whcn prcp.rittg tha finel rcpoil. Any lcqueetg made aftcr thc lwiew period €xphcs ato excluded fiom hlg lcop€ dwqk, and www.echoloolc3.com echoloLrcs- rrlllnonocrsarrlrlJ PROPOSAL: 42216.|95 I PROPOSAL FOR CONOITION ASSESSMENT SERVICES can be eccommodltcd d an hourly reporting rate. The finalFpott will bc igsucd wtthh tro rccltc of the cnd of the nvicntpcfud. Thc gole dclircnblc prc<luocd ag a result of nort performed on Oie proi€ct will b€ a r€gott indicating leak locatione alrd/or dpe condtion Indicationt, wtidr will be thc propefiV of PEC (City d Gle'nddc). All proqesrer, bdrnology, docunsn€, end htcmediery data uc.d b prodrce thb lepott, indu<littg Echdogicc'edr0ng lP. ara and wlll cottinue to be own€d by Ecfiologi:s. During the coum of perftnning the conbacl Ecfiologice may oonduct tegts m e$cltos oancnt ppc. Aryhformatiin proddedto PEC (Cityof Glcndrl€) byEdtologicgregardirpthccottdtimcrentioceblllty of $rh pipe relabs only to its capacity to hold and tampoft watcr. Ar behrecn 0re pailnc, PEC (Clty ot Gbnfab) is aolely ncponslble for complylng rrrlh all lawe and Ggula0ons r€l€bd b asbcstos and sbcclc qncnt pipc. Edtologics spccificaly dirdaims my ard all labifty br any daims ordamages rdated to asb€stoo or asbesilos csnent pipc anC ite perfrmrnoe of thc ordract. wrw.echobolcs.com echolobcs- r5tnmunJ PROPOSAL 1U,t61% TPROPOSAL FOR CONOITION ASSeSSUENT SEFMCES 1 Detalled Prolect tlethods 1.i Leak Oer.e'.:tic'1 L6t Dcbcdon lcuurmontr: Lcak debcilon willbc p€tbfln€d by br*kding s rccfron of Phe$d0l two magncdc a11lfec mourtcd 3amols, or hldrophonca and rscoding e noirc frlc tsltg. tlc Uamin&rSf sy3tm. Ihe !.cilon d plpc mult be filcd nlilt unter and undcr opcrdng pllsrc. tsek nolgc &b wllt Oi otlc6C h cadl lrcibn d prpc and rcorded b a ompuh br anatyrb. Andylb uill bc donc bo,fi orCtc end ln Edtologlcr' ffiec blorlng thc msuqncnb. Ecnror Sprcfng: For Laak Deiecfon, ma$ntm t€oommcnded sotsor spedng _b 2,000 ft br tryCmptnnis, orSQQftfbrgrrfrumonrfrdrcnroo. PEC (Cityotclcndelc)u,illptot ldc l2.lncfidamcficr cb4fomg b thc cronn of ttrc plpc wtreir &css ls nccdcd hrt tp maln vdvec or hydnnb at€ accsEsldc. Drh rndyrb: Filc melyrir and digltel frltqing wi[ bc lpplicd to nconled filca coflcc0sd to fr]br out irfrrdhg n<Jso from rafnc anO o0pr aourccc. Thls wlll bo dottt both on slb, .ttd h our ficec. Lck Plnpolnthg: Vlltrcrc led<c ar€ det€6d, theywifi be plnpoffid, mdt€d, rnO u,ncrc pocslblc vcdf,cd uslng ground $unOing and /ordlfbrcntooffgurdmr of thc rsuorr lturtdthe anpedd lcak a the ecoeosdlosS. Ft E R.port A ficld cport rltl b€ 3ubmtud m-dtc if any lcalcc aru pctlivoly tbntficd. f-olryqg completidn ot the onrltc wod(. e fiml Gpott ntl be rr.bmltbd detaifing thc mdtodc urcd and hc l€d( debcilon rseults. 1.2 ePulse@ Acoustic Pipe Wall Testing tcrurrmontr: Followlng the leek Dctccdqr of a recfion of pps, a third &ocr. poht uil bc urcd b crtdg an 'outd-braclccf mrise, ei0rer by udry cxirilng sottnd, froritrg wder fhottt a hylnnt or gofiy tapplng m a Yahc. Semor Spclng: For condl0on asc$s[nfit, lhe recommended rcnror specitlg is 300 n. !0|e otd!fing coffguratlon of a6.ss ftffngg (lraly€s, hydent! etc) doee nd allow br lcnsor epadng ol thb dbtato, adrlfional6. pohobstothe surfacc otthe plp€ mayneedto b.addcd. Vcbcfry: Thls m{re will b€ rsconlcd and usod to mcmn the acouCic velocity of round wlthin cdt !.cdon ofpipe. Ddr Anrpb: A[ of the rsco]d€d frles will tndcgo en iFhotls. ene@ and wlll rcault in au€fr.go ranCnfp wallthlckrec of eacfi l€cffon of pipe anrycd. Fln l R.gort Tt€ls r€lulE will ba $bmitt€d h afinal report along $ilh any oordlrmcd or eusg€cted lsalo dircovercd hthcanrcy. wrw.cchobohr.com echdoLrcs rllItnoil.ErmtJ PROPOSAL .2|:116195 | PROPOSAL FOR COND|TION ASSESSMENT SEFn4CES 2 Technfcaf Requircments, Specificationr, and Gonstralnts THr s.dion outllnee ccrtaln llmllaUom of the tccfrnology I wlllas reqdrsmcntr of PEC and The City d Glcnde|c. 2.1 Operational Requirernents 2.1.1. Orncrwlll stpplygt exporbno€d oewlbroperadon of el Onpr omcd appardn. Thc rbc of the clcw d.pcn& on thc detailo of 0tc rob. Edtotogicc b nd rraponclble br any op€raton or modllcalion of Omprowned appcatr. 2.12. Al filingn must be dcamd. €retd$d and ln rtr ruldry condlt{on prlor to $rvsy. Closed valvcc or othcr appurton$co mud nd bc pacshg trrdsr. Hydre$ mrd nd b€ ltakhg. lf deantp cannd bc pcrbrmcd prior b db*or( on rib deaning mud bc arnngpd by PEC (City of Glcn&lc) on loqucC. 2.1.3. PEC (ClV of Gl€ndale) wlll pmvidc ffic managcmant (incldlng men poi€r ad .quipm€ril) as end ntrn rcquhotl. Echologlcs b nd neponglble branyhitllc oortol ftqulrcmenn, unbsE ogliclty Indudcd in thb propocal. lt ig crgect€d thet PEC (Clty of Glcndale) wlll b€ profrdcit In a! fmlhmandngda0iona. 2.1.1. f indlcatcdesareguinmatdlingthc PrqpdPlannhgphse, Ecfiologlcswlll euppfyoncotru mcmbcr baincd ar a onfincd lpeo cfffi. Al o6crnpccir of oonffncd 3p@ .n0y ntl bc of |hc terporubility d PEC (Cfy ol Ghn&h), unleeo opfdily lnduled In thls proposrl. 2.1.5. Fall protcdiott, hdudittg ctfdy d fr[ prcvc'tttion equhmcnt erd h*ncsret, will be of thc rcrpotrCHllUof PEC (City of Glcmlailc). 2.1.6. Edtologicr will bllow any Lodc out T€ and Teg out proocdusc lpedllcd by PEC (Clty of efnOale). PEC (City d Glcndrlc) L raponJblc br ffclning Edrologlca of rny eudr prcceducs In cfbct d thc sork dtea appficabh br Ob ptQcct 2.1.7. Al nWlsl inbrmCion rcgerding thc plpo b bc t€sd muct b. epvi&d in adnencc bgAtobg[cs. Thc ffinnaton muat be up b dds ard h a bm lhd crn bc ceCly lnlclplgcrl. Thb ittdudcr er-built drrnltrgc, npeir hbtory, nqnfial plpe hfuma0on, GIS lnlbmtdon, prussure and llow informaton, locetom of PRVg, punps, nlaarvoll!, crolc.cofficcilons, rcdtgcre, tl€-lns, yelv€o, gcnlotc, Daddow pren€nterl. hydratil8, @rp vtlvca, and any drcrpossiblc nobc prodr:ing epp.tatr3. 2.1.8. lf Dedilodnaton / Chlorindion and/or bscNcfrol prqtrntcta ac rugufr<!, 0rc!r wlll bc fic recpon lbflity of PEC (Clty ot Gl€nd$]. 2.2 General Technica! Specifications anc Constraints 22.1. FUd bmFr.tun muet be bdrcon 33p aill lOe F (0.5o and 3A C) 2.2.2. Llqull llow rclodlice abore 5 ft/g (1.5 mrr) may ncdt in trbulence ln thr linc, ilrodnfig nobc nfifi$ cen lcdue the renelt{vlty of lcak dsbcilon, rrd pu€nt @llecilon d pipe intcslty t !trp &fte Echologics rcccnnmcndg fid PEC Gfy d Glcndab) tsk€ Sps b enrur vclodlfca ac bolowth€ss lerrclg, butwll condudtrldng noncfidcls lf PEC (Cityof Glcilhlc) cbdato leaw thcn dhleher Lveb. 2.2.3. Opcrdng prcceure murt bc bdrccn 15.nd f 50prl (100 to fOm kps).ftrecrurur orfiide of tf$ rrrgte wfll rrryItr rg€dC anCdcnthn. 2.2.4. trrgc Cr pockctr ennot bc prsccnt In the phc. Purglttg of dl dr may bc nqdrud. 2.2.5. Slgtifrclttt emouilr of dlgpct!.d at (mlky urltor) cm rkcw ttilil!. Rnghg of dbpencr, Cr meybe rcquhed. 2.2.6. Albnnrdnon-dclfurcfrvrb.mginrclrrcenlnluotilendmrvoidablclcvrlof unoatrlnty.Thc ruEulb prcvkled by Edohglcs a]! nd guar.rGcd. Thc mdrdr u.ed ftr lcak dgbcilon ard condtion acsarmcnt aru tighly dcA€rdcnton lrput p*am$n horelbrc lt b nd pcrlblc to ertff lhc letulb. Edtolo$cr lr not tcrponCblc rny ecilonc blcn or ncommenda$onr made by PEC (C[y of Glendab) baaql m the tosult! of the leport wrw.echoloolcs.com echohfocrs rtrfmmffiJ PROPOSAL 12216161 PROPOSAT FOR CONOTTTON ASSESSTTENT SEFnnCES ?.'i l-eak Detectron Technical Specifications ancl Corrsrra.ints 2.3.1. A@pttbb plpc mrilcriab er: Plt Crrt lron, Spun Cst lrolt, Strlcl, Dncfrle lron, Arbcctos Cqnent Rchbrad or Bar-wnppcd Gonqulc, ruC, PE and drr Pladcs. 2.3.2. EJrfaoc mounbd !.ruotr c.n br mrgndcelly.fiactted b .pputunanoec rudr ar [nc vahnE, hydnnt s€ondery vehr$ orbilrc top d0rc ptpc at e madorrm rneor-bganrcrrpdng of 10mft (gxlm), a lrommsrdsd merfnrm of 500ft (15On), or drorH tlbtancc lf anllrblc. 2.3.3. tongeracnmr-tomrorlprdrp wll ruquhc lhctnc of hyrltoptomc 2.3.1. &Jtebl€ .oo!r. b reqdrd b etlch or adept a l.f NPT Gm* fimng to a whrd fiUing ertt !r r oorp vtlvcr. alr blol ofb, firs hlm.nta orteppcd U[ndlLngrs. 2.9.6. The mulmm rmoo-loacnror rpadng br tlldrophonc $nrolt b 400Ot (1200m), thc rcommcnded maxtnum b 2,000ft (600m) 23.4. Vrrlical acosls b trqufiud b lowcr t|rc rcncor dortn fom fic trlboc. fuglcd or brolcn valw cfiembsrarc ndru[nblc. 2.3.7. Thc onnection point mud bclile of drt and dcbrlr.nd h gpod rod<|ry ordcr 2.3.8. Performanceepedllcatlona t! basdl on a ceneorepadng dgnn(1@m) 2.3.9. Pqbrmancsspcd0ca[omr$unclhdacqfic lnbma0onhacbeen p'ovldcd ngadlngand ppc tocaUon indudq locltloru d bcnde and dqla0m clrangcs. 2.3.10. Pcrbmancorpecificatonccsrnethetaacu$inbrndon teganllngppctype(m$dal)Jtd dbmctcr ln3 b.m providcd. 2.3.1 1 . Dlern€0lf! may rangB fiom I ' b I 2d (25mm to 3050mm) h dHnetcr. Laqcr mainr re poorlble but cpcdril conrHcrdon muctbcbkcn. 2,3.12. Leake locdon rccuadce dcpGnd on ldrcff !p*irtg. pipc mrbrlal oofubbncy, and dt€r lbdotr, but err gcn nlly wlthh 10 fl (3 m) of ts actnl poll0on firot accur$ inbmdon br pipc typo and dhmcicr ie povfitcd. 2.3.13. ScnemUty b snal lealc ttrlct dcpcndlng on plpe dmrdgr and metarlrl. lo wdl a3 r.nlor lpadng end thc pruccncc of nobc InCdc thc pbe. Lcdcc s mdl *2.5 GPm €.5 l,tn) can @nd!0ett0y bc locabd, and leelc as enCl ar 0.5 GPil (2 ltn) csr bc locat d undcr geod condi0om. 2.4 Condition Assessment Technical Specifications and Constraints 2.1.1. Aooptable pipc malc/nls alc: Pit Crrt lron. Spun Crd lrcn, Sb€|, Dw0b lmn. Arbedoo Cantent and Reinbr€al or Banrappcrl Cmcrcb. 2,12. Sutfacc mounlcd rcnsorc can be magnctcally afradrcrl b apprbnilca eudt as lnc vahnc, hytlnntracondaryvahlcs orb|hctop of ttte pipc d r rmnrmcndrd s.r[or-tocnror ryadngof 3{r0fr (l film). b 60Ot (200m). 2.4.3. Lcrgpr renror.torenraepachgull requiaelhc ur of fifrophmee. 2.4.4. Sult|ble e@!ss ls t€qulrcd b iladr or adapt a 1.5'ilPT ftmde frUinE to a vdvsrl frUftg 3rrdl as a corp valv!8, alr Uow offr, file $frants or tappcd Ulnd lbngec. 2.4.5. Thc modmtnr !€nror-bscruff rpcttq br Hfrcphonc sorr8oc lbr codtlon arressneil h 150011(450m). 2.1.6. Vcrtcal eoorli ie nqied b low.r th€ 8€nsc dowr liofii th. lurlb€. Anglcd or brokqr vdw dumber aru ndailable. 2.11. Fc ancry locaton tmlc muC bc a loc.l frffig rrrtrctt tquld bmpffirc and prcuun can bc mealrcd. Fitdngr hclude fra hylnnta. plbt bpc, cenfig dr0lons and ofier clmiler rppurtor!!nols. 2.1.8. The connccton polnt mtd bc l?lc d dm and &brL and h gpod mdfig ordcr. 2.1.9. Di.mdlr mry nqc lhom I'b 0f (25mm b l525mm) h dlmctr. Laqcr mdna n poorblc hrt 3pechl oilkhfdon mud bc hkcn. 2.1.10. Concflb, Moriar end El[Jmcn lhlngg ar€ scOpttblc f th! |hlctnctf b +ccmcd. 2.1.11. ryC, PE and o0s datc mdm an not guibbb br acourilc ccrdtfon ageelncnt 2.1.12. Ferbmanoe rpcclfrcdonr sc bscd on a rmor ryecirg ot 330ft (f qtm). 2.1.13. Pcfionnance ep€dficationg aecrme that actltrd€ infoflndon hs bccn plovebd rugnntlry and plpc location lndudlrU locs0mc of bcn& .nd clsrr.tm dflqn. wrw.echqloolcs.com 10 ccholohcs' rfflrumrclrlrC' PROPOSAL: 42216195 | PROPOSAL FOR CONDITION ASSESSMENT SERVICES 2.4.14. Perfocnance spccifrcabng a*umc that accuratc inbrmation ngnrding pipc type (matadaf) and dhmctcr har becn provitlcd. 2.1.15. Accuracy of averagc plpe wall thiokncss calculationg veriee depending m mlny fedore, frcluding thc conrtstency otfie pp€ mfrrlab. aocuracy of thc dcign Inbmatm protided, accurlcy of Urc pipe alignmcnt inbrmafion pprrid€d, consiCarrcy of the f,dd's hrk modulw, and consistency of the wate/e bmperattJr€. In most ca!€!, accurecics will fiell wr'Sfn the ftlbuing rangpl: For mdallic mains, arrffagc minlmum pipc wall hickmes will bc provided yvlfrJn '15% of lts nqnlnal thhlnrccs. For metalllc mainr wi[r lining, lhb will be provided as an cquhnlent cffuctnal hicknccs. For agb€sioE octnent melru, thc avcrago mhlmum !fildural rvall thiclcncss wlll bc provid€d nihh 15% of ftg nomlnal. For Reinbrced and Bar-wrgped concrdc mdm, the evcrege minimun sffucfural gfffrrees wlll be provided wffih 7200 kpai or 50Gpa. For [qulds dr€r than potable or rew nd€r, a bulk modulug calibratlon mugt be pcrbrmed wfrcn needed. Nomdly et thc oubct of tafrtp and any offier timca dudng the tecting n'ficn the bulk rnodufus may dunge (durhg a raln eyent fur eetr€r 6rce maim). *ruur.ccholoolcs.com 11 ccholoLrcs r{fi tcrrnoomlttJ pR@osAL 12216195 | PROPOSAL FOR CONOITION ASSESSMENT S€RVICES 3 Standard Terms and Condltions The tufiowhg bnng and oondluone of sals (hese T€rmr1 gowm all 3el€8 of lcrk <lcbc0ott atd 9i9q watt conCnon *c€!.mcnt sd\ric.s and drer rorylcc, ag ddiled in this proposal ('S€rvices') by Ecfiologicr CECHO'). Thos. Tcnng JJpcrlc& any prior urilen or orsl lg|lcmeot, !@ndh_g, rcp6ccnteUon or prcnrtrc, and any pefinted or Aandard tenne end cmdltiom lncld€d ln Buy#a rquest br quob, putfise odcr, Involcc, ordcr aacnodcOgtncnt or $nihr doarmctt Thc!. Tcnng mey not be amqrded or modflcd. oc.d by cofgrtlnt or cuboequgrt wlltbtl egltonent rlgncd.by an agthorizeO lcgreggrb0v€ of ECHO rnd 8uyrr. ECHO'g ed<norlcdggnent of Buyc/r purcha.e orderuil not oonrfftutc eoeptsrcc of eny tcrmg md ocfilltiong conbinGd thdlin, rcgerdcls of hil sudl bms and condlffom maybc pr€tsold ordeoqlbed. 3.,! PURCHASE AfuD SALE ECHO hcrcby agrucs to dolhpr Scrvis md Buycr egn€8 b purdracc Scrviccl on trc brmr rct brdt In the prcposll and ertrcd to thcre Tannr. Subrccil to th. proposal, Buyor may bar ECHO grfiae odcrg-brfio prrcfiase of S€n bs from ECHO. Al purcfiaoe orfifl are et$c{ to acccptane by ECHO lnd wtl rgfi6nc. this propoad end agcanail and will dctctibc et a midmun Scniccr bcittg pllrchalctl, the pnrctraec ficc std rcqueatcd pctlbnn*t€ &b. 3,2 PURCHASE PRICE AND TAXES (e) Pricq Th. pric. b bc paE by Buyor br Seruicee is s€t 6rth in thb propoeal or, if q'c p.ilca Inbnd b cdntract uslng purcfiasc ordon. wlll bG s.t forth ln one or moru pul€fiasc ot&rs. The pufthe$ pdcc cxdudcr any applic$le taxcs. (b) Taxea ECHO'3 prioc, unlesa ofrr.ruir. agocd, will bc ftcd end docr rpt inchlde, and ECHO b nd rcepomlble fbr, peyment of any to( larbd br cahe, u!9, o(cbe, valtpadded. goods and teryi€t, hrine* (trsncfib€ or privilegp) or any duthg, dt$get or o0tcr sudl tocs. (c) Paymcnt Term:: Payment is du€ wihan 30 &yt fiom the lnt oios delivery datc. (d) Inbr€st m Late Paymenb: lf Buycr faib to pay ECHO amounb dta_mder thb agueemeG ECHO mey, in addilion b eny dther dghb or remedec available b lt, drarge, and Buyer will pey, hterct on rudt orerdue amount atlhc madmurn raidsnoud pemlttcd by appft$b law. (e) Addfronal S€wlceo. The proposed oet d Sen i€s, s s€t brfi in thb propoeal, lc ptovldcd bsql 6n Scrubot ou0lncd in thb prcpoeel. Any wort equeciled by Buycr murt nflect lhc Scniel and ofiqnire bll wihin the terms and th6 condltm of the prcpoeal. Any r€qucltr br additlonal ceniooa wlll be involced s.plrately. 0 Sa Of. fl emor.ntc that Buy€r owls ECIIO mdcr rn Orthr will be due and p.yable .ccordhg b lhe terms of the Otdsf. Buycr may nd s€t df edr amounb orany portlon fioteof, lfiGdieror nd lfiuidabd, agninrt cumc thd Buyur asecrb ala drn lt or any of lts sillHcr undcr o0tc beltaecfronc wf$t ECHO or eny of ib afiIalcs. 3.3 TIMING OF DELIVERY ECHO will ugo oommcrdally reaoonable dhrb b compl6 the Seiviea utithh the dmefrare, if eny, Indbatsd in thlr popoeal. Acftral delluery Smc may vary. end EGHO w|n bc [.bL fur a ddly in d€liv€ry onty b the erG|t t|at ECHO lbib to exerc-ise commercially |lasonable ellorb In pcrforming the Senitre. Fallu;g to dclhlqr Scrvlccs by any mufrnlly {r€ed datc wlll not b. a affrde'il cauc.lbr catplation of $b a0rccm.nt. ECHO wifl not bc fiebfc br dcley h detrcry dttc b ca$cs bcyond ib r€asoneble conbol, www.echoloolca.com 12 eclrololrcls- .fElEorBcrxJ PROPOSAU 1?216196 I PROPOSAL FOR CONO|TION ASSESSMENT SERVTCES imlulittg,.butndllmibdto, actrof God, rdof govommilt, ad!dBuyar, fina,labor@ubr, boyooltl, floolh, cAklanlcs, quannUm nrfrlctioru. uer, lnsunrc0on, terrorilm, rbt, civil c mihary a.drorlty, ii€bht embargoo, fenrpottaflion rhoftgcr or dchys, untnually rclrlrt utehcr a tnOtttty O-omtn nccceeary labor, mdorielg or mmufrctfing hdllt{cl due to utdr €tros. In thc cycnt d any adr dclry, x1c data of dcfivcrywlll be etbndedfora lcngilh of 0me €$Ctoficpdiod dtlr rhley. 3.4 LIMiTATION OF LIABILITY (a) Comequnthl Demagsa: lN NO E\/ENTWILL ECHO BE IIABLE FOR At{Y LOST RB/ENUE LOST PROFITS, IOST SAVINGS OR CONSEOUENTIAf,, II{CIDENTAL, EXEIIPIARY OR PUNITIVE I'AMAGES EVEN IF ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBIUTY OF SI'CH DATIAGES. (b) Umlh0on ot Dfrlci Damegcc: lN RESPECT OF A1$r CIAIM, DEmAND OR ACTTON By BtmRAGAINST ECHO OR AttlY OF ITS EilPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFIGERS. AFFILIATES OR AcEltTS F!|E :qR9IECTED PARnE$) t rllErHER BASED rN COI{TRACT, rORT (|]{CLUD|NG NEGLJGEilCq, OR OTHERI ,ISE, INCLUDING A EREACH BY ECHO OF Ar.ty OF tTS OducATtol{S(WHEI}IER OR l,lOT A Fttr{DAilENTA[ BREACH), Ettl'ER'S D(CLUSI/E REilEDY WII"| BE TO RECETVE FROT' ECHO PAYilENT FOR ACTI'AT ANO DIRECT DAMAGES TO A IIA(nItnI AGGREGATE AI'OUNT EQUAL TO THE PURC}IASE PRICE PAID BY BI'YER TO EC}P FOR THE SERVICES IN QUESTION. (c) Arbeaba: Duhg thc ooultc of tblhlcring Scillosl. ECHO mey oondud bs0l on 6bcsb. orn€nt dpq. eny hfbrmdon prcvtlcd 1o Bgfcr by ECIIO naedry thc condlUon or rcrvlcceutty of am phe tde0ce onlyto llrcapacityto hold endbanrpodmtr. Ar behrpenthc pedbc, Aryorb rolcfyuponabb fa.coqg{ttg {fi all.tgryf gO Ggtdatotts nbtcd b arbcctos and e$oec ccrncril pF. eiryar wltprfi4 indemnfi end hold hamlcs thc Ptobcbd Peilica fionr and agaM any and atl bdiona, c.tncE of acfion, prooccdings, loESct, damagol, judgmcnb, plnaltel end opcnror U,l mry bc lnpoccd m,hert€d by or arreted or thrclbncd egalnst fie Prutecbcl Per0cg that ar€ r€bba to Eb€.ilo8 o; tsbcttos cdncnt pipc and EC}|OI pcrbmane of tris colilrrct (O Btrycr agng€s b look exdushnlyb Buyc/s irurnrb rrorrurbr hiudcs or denage h thc orcrt of any loar.or iniury and Buyer tclcarcr and waiwe ell ri$t of recovary egdmt ECI|o i"tsetg by way of3ubrcgation. 3.5 INDEMNIW Buycr egreee b.hdemnify. hold hsmlcca and debrd ECHO, lb direclort, ofilcclt, anrplrycr, egpnb, 1rcqt{o{t, a8$n3, culbmor8, usec sd fioo3 b rfiom lt ac0| as agdrt (b$|hcr, tre'lndsnrniltcd P^a0ce)agalnltaqyang-ll,t dgmsrE,lo8!cr, drmagoe,vioblirxr, penafrce, ogcnlec, coda,lndudng deEnae @q and ltgnl lb€s, arbittg [toflt any and all lawaullc. demandl, or dalrm lbr pcrrmd lnlury] dcdl, propcrty denagc, or o0r* li$[ity atbirp or drlmcd b adsc lironr lny act or ombrlon dtre Bifi; ib ag€rrb or its fiUoycca thetls lrlabd btha peftrnan€of thLAgr€m€nt 3.6 DISCLAIMER Alf formc of nondecfucfirc bdng lruohn il lnhs€ril rnd uneno|deblc lcyel of tnc€rbanty. The rusdtsprorlded by EC}IO are nd guenntecd. Thc methodr rn€d br leak &tccffon srd plpc orxl1on qlqqncnt €'l hbhly dopcttd€nt on lnFt permrfrft; lhcrdo|l, lt Ir not pcrble b ocrUry me rcrdb. ECHO b not rccporuiUe any acfone hkqn or trcomnrcfitatiqrs mdo by Euyer bescd cir fre rsrulbpnsent€d Inthe npoil ECHO us.l. commcrdal eatonatJc ard b.finology{a$d bcctelbrtmeilrodologydcvdopcdtrrough cxpcricno and ogcrtrc in aousdc-bsoc<l lcalc dcbcton and pfpc wal condltion a$ccrmcnt T[€ wuw.echobolcs.com r3 eclrcfoLrcs rf,llornffiJ PROPOSAL 1?,216196 I PROPOSAT FOR CONDTTTON ASSESSTTENT SERVICES llndings aru ctmmartscd in a npod fomat ard rsprcs.nt in€y level lcsrtts. Thc accuracy of acsossmctrtr la ailfectb, anone oficrhcilotr: a. interlbrenoc lhorn bacftgrotnd rtbc, u,hhh, h spcclic caseg, may meltc |hc datr unrulbble for analyob;and b. the accurrl d ccriain inbrma0on protridcd lo ECHO by Buycr, includfiU, htt nd llmfisd to, plpc infragfudrr d€scriptlom and layoub, ri€br tlmpera0r€ and tht dlgbne and llza ol dpes. Rcrulb mey vary rignlfican0y if Otce€ or ofier lbdm inbdbrc wfth Ore esrcccm€nt 3.7 inteilectuai ?roperty Rights (a) ECIIO ornr all dgfrt, 00€ and intgrcst h ad to the Seryioel, indu<llrp ai componcnb thcrrd, and ell dcrlveliur rcd<q modlllcdorn and all Intdlccfilel Ploprty Rlgtttr r€let d $er6o or dafiod thcrefiom. Inbfleotnl Proecrty Rlghts mear all Inveirtionr. pioolalelr buainc$ ,nodcbi mcdpth of <bing bu!&rcgr, know-how, mrts dautlprshlp, copy, stmrlq dcdgnq tofhrarB, @dg, and dFrmatcrbl, and dl pabnb, fr*l€mJkr, !.rvtoc mllkE, copyrightc. hxb rtq€0s, mof8l rigl|b, and oth€r Intdl€cilJal propefiy and proptctary rblils thrr€in. (b) Eedr patty hccto ulll kccp and onn itg Int illcct al Prcpdty Rightr cldefrng pdor b he Ellbciluc Date of tift Agreem€nt Exc.pt as ogreedy act bdr hercln, none of the cxccrrtion, ddivcry nor pcftnnancc of thb A$eenrcnt wiil be conffued .s gfrntng or conbring b ciUtcr paty lrcuto, or any oth€r fihd psrty, any htenst, rigm or f€nlc of eny klnd or nafutu In or b the oth€r p.rty3 Int€ll€ctual Prcp€rty Rightl. (c) All Inbrination, tedmobgy, m$dab and o0rruork, indulttg thc Intdlcctnl Progetiy Rldrb ;datcd tlctdo, oonoelwd, dlgoowrcd. dcvclopad a crudcd punuant to thla Ag:ccment, dom or In conjuncilon ntih a thlnl patty fPtqiccil Worf), ig md will bc ou,nod exclrlwly by ECHO. Buyrr hccby unondltimally and ircvocebly bantiar! and ardgnr end qpon thc fuhrrc cnrrton thcGof b.mfrrs and a$lgm to ECHO rll right, t0e and htq€€t in or b my Prqfcct Wdlc ECHO henby gnnb &ryor a wqlduridc, non€xduCnc, nor0angbnb|e, nm{ub.liotntlblc, pcrpdral dght to uts, oopy or modf any rcport or o$cr dellverable provfttcd by ECHO In tho coune of pcfuming thc Seruls. Ail rightu nd clgrcccly gnnt€d b Buyrr undcr this agrcarant alc erercrely Frcrv€d by ECHO. 3.8 MISCELLANEOUS (a)TheceTsmgsill beblndlry upott md will inuptothcbcncfitof ECHOand Buyrrandthdrccpccilv! ruooerroc and pennitled ssignt. Buycr will mt aeCAn fib egrecmcnt or ib rlghb or obllgdone he nndcrufrroutthe pdorwtrom conrentof ECHO.. (b) Gov€mhg Larl; Time Umit b &hg Clalnr: Tfrce Tennr wlll bc gol,Grn€d by, .nd omtucd md cnhrcad in redancs si0r, ln thc care ol Edrdogbr opcretom h Canade, |hc las! h fuca in the Prcvhce d Onbrio erd. an thc care of Edrologfct opcntont outritc Can&, thc laur h broe in thc Statc of Dclawafl (ln cacfi casc. sxdudhg sry @nlllct of hm rule or prlr€pL shich mlglrt ,€br rudr consfiudiott b thc lam of andcridtdction). The prrtloc egme to submftbthc julrdc0on of th€ courb of thc Prwhcc of Onhrlo end O€ ftdcrrl oorft of |hc Stltr of Dclararc. ruspcdirrly, end in cccfr caee weiw eny oQecfon nlr0rp b impope wue or bnrn mn conwnlqr b thc qtdud of any proocdlng in any cudr oout lt b agrced thet m *tit or ceurc d acfon or other pro€€dng m bc btoqtrt .gaind eithcrpartymoreUun 1 ycarafierauual dthecauseof ac0oror I yeardarthccbim erbas,whi$ertcr is lhoftr, udtc0pr known or unknotn rr,fFn fic deim arbes or uvhethcr beccd m tott confract or any o0|cr l€gd troory. www.cchobolcr.com 14 eclpfotc-rs' rSrronnrffiJ PROPOSAL, 42216195 I PROPOSAT FOR CONDITION ASSESSMENT SERVICES (c) Sevsabilifs f ety portion of tlreoc Tcmg b dctcmlncd to bc illegel, ilCid or msrbrocablc for ary rlason. then such povblm wlll br deemed strlckcn for pwpo8aE of the dbpute In ques0m rnd all oficr provbions wit tetndn In full brcc and cfbct (O Walven Falun by ECHO to arscrt all or any of ats rights Lpon any br€adr of thle agruem€nt will nct bc dcemed a walver d sudr rbhts sither with lesp€c{ b Eucfi brcech or Eny lubsaqrnt lcach, nor wl[ any waircr be implicd fiom thG lo€pten€ of any psymcnt of rcrvio. No wdvcr of any dgfil wiil extcnd to or rftA any othcr rlght ECFIO may poss€ss, nor will elclr wavcr cxbrd b eny subscqunt Cmlbr or tlirsimlar brcadt. (e) Pmag Releases: ECHO may drcloac thc cxigtcncc of thesc Tcm3, thc rgncmcnt with Buyr or the refatrmrhb beii€rn tho padea. wtu.echofoolc3.com 15 ?cholottc..s' rEDncntrecuffiJ PROPOSAL: 42216195 I PROPOSAL FOR CONDITION ASSESSMENT SERVICES 4 Acceptance and Agroement By sfgnine belou PEC (CiU of Glcndale) aoc.pb thb proposal le pr the toms and oonditlonr intf,crte<l hersin. Onco sigrud by botr PEC (City of Glmdel.) ard Echohgica thi3 proposal will oongtlMc an agrccmcnt for Echdogica to protfib |hc caMcca indicat€d hersin for thc consllers0on hdlcatgd h€teln. Aco$ed on behdf of PEC (City of Glcndrle): t{ameandTi[e: nmapbO on behalf of Ecfrologlcs: NamcandTlUe: Date: Date: www.echoboics.com