HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty #: 11394 - 11/8/2016When recorded. mail to: City Clerk, City of Glendale 5850 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, lvizona 8530 I "^"'#iXFffiiiHi8io,* difi,4?,.f,tfrtri,,''!i AFF!At CONVEYAI\CE OF EASEMENT For Ten Dollars and other valuable consideratio& W€, Landmark Scnior LMng Lp, rn Arizone limited partnership, do hereby convey to the City of Glendale, an Arizona Municipal Corporation, aneasement to install, repair, opcrate, maintain and remove a waterline and appurtenances li.facilities')uporL over and under the surfacc ofthe following described property: See Attached Description, (Erhibit A' Together with the right of ingress and cgr€ss to, from, a$oss and along the Cnantot's Property, and with theright to use lands adjacent to said @sement during temporary periods of cons6ustio$ th; rignt to operate, rcP*, replace, maintain, and remove facilities and appurtenances from said premises; to add to or alter said facilities at any reasonable time as the City deems appropriate By accepting this easement, the City of Glcndale agrees to exercise reasonable care to avoid any damage to said real property above described. zrl\ I Dated tt i, 3t a"y of General Partrcr: tandma* Senior Living, LLC an Arizona limited liability company By: Native American Connections, lnc. Diana Yazzie-Devine President & CEO 8232 N. 596Avenue Erempt Pursuant to A.RS.gIt-lB4(AX2), f f-f I34(AX3) STATE OF ARIZONA ) county of Maricopa I tt' The foregoing instument was acknowledged before me this -l'^ a"t of No Ve^[er ,z1l1by Diana Yade-Devine, the President and CEO of Native American Connections, Inc., an Arizona non-profit corporation, the sole member of Landmark Senior Living, LLC, an Arizona limited tiability company, the general partn€r of l-andmark Senior Living, LP, an Arizona limited partnership, who acknowledged that he executed this instument for the purposes thergfn \ntained. ^ My commission expires, WnU Z eypt DAVINA t HASKINS NorAiY PUBIG AtrzoilA MARTCOPACOUTW Wcoiltt|r{onErylr.f2019 'r I ll*KnI^l/ SLIRVEYINC,,,, f,lrrch 31,20t6 AW|^s#r54t? P.O. Bor 2170, Clnnilr, AZ E524f [}rJef D. Amio, RLS (180) 2&7630 Brian 0. Slhrur, UilT(10) 21il47 Wulinc Earment A pcticr of drs nordrorst quarF of thc cotdrcast quarF of Ssction 3 | , Tormdrip 3 Nodtt Rnge 2 East, of dre Gilaod SattRivcBlsaod Meridian,Itdrioopa€ormty, Arimo, moreputioulrlydesoribed aefollo*:: Conremfrg rt the goibsast su of tbe norlhcast quuc of tto sorlhorst qrtartr of said Sctio 31, a City ofGlcndale Brass C+ in llaodholo, fiom c,hich tho ncthcact cqnc of the sou6 hslf ofthc northout qrrrtcr ofthc south€ast quaro of eeid soctioa. a City orf Glardale bnss ep f,udt bcos Nore 0(Pl2'13' Wc$ a dicmcc of 656.39 frcq fhrc aloog $c cast linc of lhc northoact qrstcr ofltc sornhcast qur6 of said Scodo, Norlh 0ffl?l2e lilcsf adishc of42J-65tcr4- fboncc lcrving said ct* lim, Sodt t9e474t" WGet, a dlclanoe of 65.00 &st, to tho Poht ofEcatrnlag; Itcoe So|ltr tt9484t'Wo3t. adim of200.CI lbct ItcroeNottt 6t94l'12'Wccf edirtmceof |325 frct Dcroc Sotilr 21'4022' Wcsq adimoe of U.4/-ftld,, fbae Norfi 6tot 93E" Wcc( a dictutcc of 20.00 fbct fhcoco Nortb 2|"1ofn" East, a dfutmpG of 2431 fr4 thdcaNorlh 6t"41'12'Wost, adituoc of4\2l f&, Tfcrcc Scrnb t894848' Wcst, a distrroc of 362t frct TtcocG Soffi 0l"l I'12" Edt, a dilnrnoo of 2t tt f€ct Tbacc Soft ttc1tr4t' Wcst, a dirtmoo of 6.00 frGq Thocc Norft 0lol I'12' W@ a disbce of 2t.lt ftd; Itcre Sodh 88c/0448i WccGe dirtoccof3l3.09ft* Tfcooc South 0lol l'12' E st, a dituco of 18.30 ft4, Tbc South tto484t" Wogt, a dishos of 6.(X) ftcq Itcna Nortr 0lol I'12" Srcst, a dimac of l t30 frct Th:ncc Souh 8804448' Wcsq a dictrncc of,f7.63 ftGG ItoGG Sodt 0lol I'l2n East, a dismco of 27.61 @ ThGtrcG Sodb tt94g4Ei Wceg a dirtmoc of 20.00 @ fbcne Norft 0l"l l'12" WoeL a disboe of 27.61 folq ThcccSouO EEP,I84E" Wost,adfumcaof t3.lB @ Tbcroc Soulb 0lol I'12' Eest a dighpo of 33.84 freq Itcrc Sofi tEe4g'lt" Wegt, a disboc of6.00 ftGt ItmcNoil 0lol I'12" Wcst, aditucoof33.t4 ftct TLae Sodt ttg,l8'lt" WG6t, a disboc of 19.5t ftct Tlcoco Sordr 65o184t" Srcst, a diatmcc of 6t.52 ftcG hgc2of3 TfGroe Sdfi t89r0t'48' Wost, e dimrao of 37053 foct, to ftc oastsly righ of wey line of 6F Avrnw; Tlcaoc dongsiid or$dy rigfrt ofway linc Norfi 00o01'49' Wcgt, a dsturcc of2O.ffi ft* Tbclcc lcning seid €asdy right ofwry linq No,rth tt94tr4t' Eacg a dighnc of 366.15 @ ThmNor& 66ot84t" East, adktmccof 6t 52 ftct Thcc lilordr tt94A4t. Eest, a diouroo of 545.42 fo* Tlcre Sorlh 68P41'l2n Drst, a diorcc of 55.45 frcq, Tfcnco l,forth tto4tr4t' Fagl a dimce of 199.53 fect Ttcrcs Nortb 0lol l'12' Wcst, a distanoe of 4.5? fteq lfdc Nost 89'04748" Erst, a dirtrnce of 5.9 ft.t, to lte c,Guly rigfit of uny linc of 59o AvcNruo; ftcroc eloag sri.l vpdcrly rigfit of way lina Sorilh 00ol?12" Erst, a dirtance 6A.47 ftct, to trc Polnt of ncglnirA Conlaining 26,36t.9 Squrc Foct c 0.605 Acrcs lttott c loss. Subject b ary and all rngnona and or righs of way of reoord afbabg tbo abovp dcsibod piopdty. Prtp2of3 Gc a o) ctz Efr qh il:rs ;o Ei@ f* ov 3() -oEPc{I 5Tto dad3; SF+ H6g iEH Eulz5 C) UJo ..- I> - {l E. ,rg E$ Nc\0g 5d $sdx gsq I I I f; 7eo