HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty #: 11053 - 8/9/2016WHEN RECORDED MAILTO: SALT RIT'BR PROJECT Land Department/PAB348 P. O. Box 52025 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2025 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COI.JNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL ELECTRONIC RECORDING 20 | 6M0242 5,08 | 22 / 20 | 6 04 :43, tENWC99TH-8-t-l--.N MaricopaCounty IRRIGATION EASEMENT c-l1053 08t09t20r6 R/w #4 Agt. PJH Job #U51858 wdll c c,5v KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That CITY OF GLENDALE, ("Grantoy''), an Arizona municipal corporation FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM of One Dollar, and other valuable consideration, receipt ofwhichisherebyacknowledged,doesherebygranttotheSALTRMRPROJBCTAGRICIILTURAL IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT, ("Grantee"), an agricultural impovement distict organizd and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona, its sucoesson and assigns, for itself and on behalf of the United States of America and as manager of the Heral Salt River Reclamation Project, the right, easement and privilege to constnrct, reconstuct, operate and maintain an irrigation pipeline and inigation turnout stmchre together with all the necessary and appurtenant frcilities through, over, under and across the following described property: Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made by reference a part hereof. Grantor shall not convey any easements or grant any pcrmits within the easement areas in which the facilities do not comply with the specifications shown in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference madeapart hcreof. Grantor shall not er€ct, construct or permit to be erected or constructed any building or other stuctur€, plant any firees, drill any well, install swimming pools, or alter ground level by cut or fill, within the limits of said rights ofway, which do not comply with said Exhibit B. Grantee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to erect, maintain and use gates in all fences which now cross said rights of way and to tim, cut and clear away fites or brush whe,lrever in its judgment the same shall be necessary for the convenient and safe exercise of the rights hereby granted. The Grantee shall at all times have the right of full and free ingress and egress to said easement for the purpose heretofore specified. Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that from time to time Grantee may find it necesmry to construct, reconstruc! operate and maintain inigation facilities and appurtenant conveniences lying wittrin the easement aneas. Grantor shall pay Grantee all costs and expenses of any relocation of the inigation facilities requested by Grantor, including but not limited to, the relocation of the facilities into the easement area described above. In the event the right, privilege and easement herein granted shall be abandoned and permanently cease to be used for the purpose herein gmnted, all rights herein granted shall cease and revert to the Grantom, their heirs or assigns. The covenants and agreements herein set forth shall extend and inure in favor and to tlrc benefit of and shall be binding on the heirs, successors in ownership and estate, assigns and lessees of the respective parties hereto. Notwithstanding any ofthe aforesaid provisions, the easement rights $anted herein shall be firrther subject to the following covenants, reshictions and conditions: l. Grantor r€serves ttre right to construct, install, operate, maintain, rcpair, replace and reinstall surface pa*iqg areas, driveways, roadways, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, landscaping inigation lines and stret lighting on the surface of fte @sement aleas. 2. Grantor reserves the right to construct and installpublic utilities, and to gant easements and permils for public utility purposes, in, upon, under, over and across the easement areas. subject to compliance with tbe specifications shown in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. In the event that any repair, maintenance, replacement or installation of the irigation facilities and appurtenant conveniences will cause a disturbance or a disnrption of any public street or paved rcadway, Grantee shall notify Grantor, pursuant to existing practices, before Grantee undertakes any such action. In the event of an emergency, Grantee shall have use of any public street or paved roadway as it reasonably deems necessary and appropriate to conect, rcpair, replace or reconstruct inigation facilities affected by the emetgency and notifi Grantor, purzuant to exi$ing practices, as sq)n as practical after responding to the emergency. Grantee shall provide for advance warning signs, banicades, flagmen, flares, and other devices when necessary to protect the roadway user as set forth in the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and any amendments and/or rcvisions the,reto. 4. Grantor shall wanant and defend the rights, easements and privileges hereby granted and ttre priority of this easement against all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TIIE CITY OF GLENDALE, an Arizona mruricipal corporation, has caused its name to be executed by its duly authorized representative(s) this tl day of i$u1f ,, 2ptt THE CITY OF GLENDALE, an Arizona municipal corporation w, 4zn 4?Z Its: C ITV lvlc ^,t ge/ APPROVED AS TO FORM: STATE OF Ar2ona ) ss. COUNTy OF rlll.q'ricaocn ,l Onthis 7-day of 4n+ *" f . .2g I b ,before me, fte undersigned, personally appeared 'ot " , as Clv ttl4aaagel . of TIIBa OF GLDN an fuizona municipal ion, and such authorized representative acknowledged that this document was executed on behalf of the corporation for the purposes therein contained. My Commission Expires: 7')6-lq ourusqil$RrcarucAvAsqJa l&!rhffi.$abdArbdr ITARICOPACOT'NTY It oo|I|nb|bn EOff!. July 2C. 2fi4 Note: Thls instnrment ir exempt from the rerl estrte transfer fee and affidavit of legal valuo rcquired under A-R.S. Sections 1l-1132 and ll-1133 pursuant to the exemptions set forth in A.RS. Scctions I 1-l 134(AX2) and (A)(3). .. i I 20' SRP IRRIGATION EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT 'A' A PART OF THE SOIJ'IHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECIION 5 MONUMENTED BY AN MCDOT BRASS CAP FLUSH AT THE INTERSECTION OF GLENDALE AIENUE AND 99th A\ENUE; IHENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 AND THE CENTERLINE OF GLENDALE AVENUE, 1269.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH OO DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST, 35.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST, 62.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH OO DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST, 2O.OO FEET TO A POINT ON IHE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 55 FEET OF SAIO SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 62.00 FEET; TT{ENCE NORTH OO DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST, 13.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 68 FEET OF SAID SECTION 5; 1HENCE NOR1H 90 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH UNE, 2O.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST, 53.00 FEET; T}IENCE NORTH 90 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST, 2O.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Site Consultonts, Inc. 113 S. Rockford Drive, Tempe Arlzono 85281 Tele: 480-694-2820 Fox: 480-894-2847 SCI #2030 SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 5-26-2016 PAGE I OF 2EXPTRES 6-JO-2016 fnNJAV 1t166 1lsrII-7fi l*:H( $ I'a; sPtil ' g P;H finll,lsHgFI ii lBs*u|,h*ri if4 ) f'.- l., i/ : F UJo @\iWE sl(o sl 1 lr, Jct F lrJz J lrJ C)zFa 6 oo c,i @ oo o(\ oo c.i(o oo rt oo ci 6l oo rtrO bo ool 6 c) llJE o = too o Io O)z UJ Ioo o Poz lrJ bo o Poolz td bo o Poz lrJ bo o Ioolz td Ioo o Poa = Ioo o Io o!z lr,z 5 6l tcl t rt)rO z lrJ =lrJafiE 6=.,E> Z6s =Eu, H3 f;E: bb 8(F2==EEEPFg aHi EE n3 fra Hg JZ td lrJo Lrj o-Evl b(\I J'l If, I s?ff 3 Eii [" FlgE I ,ib I =' tal t$it'H #feR e€ o il-l, EXHIBIT B ( PA6E I OF 2) PIPELINE - UTILITY CROSSING ?'-o' MIN.TYPICAL EXCAVATION FOR sRP IRRIGATION PIPE .'--sEE Nol'E 3 AREA BELOW SRP lRRIGATION PIPE PARALLEL UTILITY SEE NOTE 3 ___ PIPELINE - PARALLEL UTILITY f,. (r> o<-t alz .J- N(J> 4'-O' CLEAR MINIMUM BEI-ExI-l.qL!. BAS I I.I PIPELINES . RETENTION BASIN EXHIBIT B ( PAGE 2 OF ?I DWG REFERENCED FROM OTI IG INAL WES-ROW6U I DE 4', -0' MII'IIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND ALL SRP IRRIGATlON STRUCTURES/ F ACI L I T I E5(TYPICAL) SRP IRRIGATION /-STRUCTURE/FACtLTTY IRRIGATION STRUCTURVF AC IL ITY CLEARANCE OUTS I DE iDIAMETER/ i IPERIMETER-.iior unruRg i TREE I tcANoPY ii EDGE OF EXCAVAT I ON FOR ROOT BALL PIPELINES . LANDSCAPING NOTES I. IHESE GUIDELINES ARE PROVIDED AS A GENERAL AID TO PLANNING. ACTUAL SRP REOUIREMENTS MAY VARY BASEO ON SITE-SPECIFIC C0N0lTlONS, OPER/ITl0NAL CONSIDERAT IONS. ETC. 2. AN SRP I".ICENSE IS REOI.IIRED FOR UTILITIES CROSSING/PARALLEL TO SRP IRRIGATION PIPE IN SRP RIGHT-OF-WAY. SRP REOUIRES ENGINEER DESIGNED UT I L I TY CROSS I NG/ LOCAT ION AND EXCAVAT I OI.I PLAN. 3. OTHER UT IL IT IE5 ARE NOT PERMI TTED IN THESE AI?EAS. 4. SRP MAY LICENSE LIMITED USES OF ITS RI6HT-OF-WAY SUCH AS PARKING. SIDEWALK, LAWN, ETC. POLES, SIRUC1URES AND TREES ARE TYPICALLY NOT PERMITTED IN SRP RIG}IT-OF-WAY. INCLLIDE DESIGN DRAWII.IGS FOR PROPOSED USE WHEN SI.JBMITTlNG REOUEST TO SRP FOR LICENSE. 5. REOUESTS FOR SRP LICENSES ARE HANDLED ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS. CONTACT SRP AT 602-236-5799 REGARDING LICENSES FOR SITES LOCATED NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE SALT RIVER.