HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty #: 11050 - 8/9/2016WEEN RECORDED II{AIL TO: SALT RIVER, PROJECT Iand Dcpcmmt/PAB348 P.O.Bor( 52U25 Pho€oir(, Arizona 85Un-2025 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COI.JNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL ELECTRONIC RECORDING 20 | ffi22433,08 | 29 t20 | 6 M :20, IESRP65TI{67TIITBIRD.G I. t...N KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That CITY OF GIIIIIDALE, C'Crantor,), m Arizona municipal corycati@ FOR AI'ID IN CONSIDERATION OF TIIE SLIM of One Dollar, and other valuable considcrarion,rceipn of r+&ich is hcrcby adoonlcdgpq do€s hcreby ganr to the SALT RMR pROtE6'i AGRICI'LTT'RAL IMPROVEI}TENT AT{D FOU/DR, bISTRICT, CGrOt€C), go G*rMrimprcrtment distict orgEniad md erisftrg undcr the laq/s of tb State-of Arizona, ib "*ofu,; -daseigls' for itsclf od oa bchalf of fu Unitcd Stdes of Amcrica od as manager of thc fedcral SJrlU.,e,.RoslaEEtion Plojoct,ttc rigtrt, eas€mcd md pnvilcge to oonsfirrt, rpqns6ucq opclde md maintain anitridgnpipcline and inigniontunortsturtrctogcmcrwitlalltic oo.*r*y rft rymcomrftciliricsthougb, over, undcr and across the following acscriUcA progert;n IRRIGATTON EASEMET{T c-l1050 08t09t2016 RfirI #54 Agr DJKfw.@ MaricopaCormy ErfiiHt'An daded hc!€to and made by reftococe a pert hercof. Gramor shell a91 co,nvoy a!ry eascmcots or grmt ary permits nithin tbe cascmcot arcas in wtrichthc frcilities do not frytl with thc spositrcafons shorlm in B&ibit B dachod hercto ;A ur,U,rcfcrence madc a psil hcrcof. Gmtor shall not occt, construct orpermit to be €rcsbd or constru@d any buitding or otrcr T.$ry, plmt any rccsdrill my q,Elt instsl swinnftE eoolg or alter groqnd t;"el by *ffii "trLi'the linrits ofsaid dghfis ofway, cihid do not oomply wio iria adiult g. Ctruiloe shall baw trt tl$t, but not thc obligmion, to Gutct, maintain md use gptrcs in all fcnocs which Dow cnocs said dgbE of wuy and to tin, qil and clear arvay t€es or Unrsh uficocv€r iD is idgncot thc same sball bc rcsry for the oonrmicot and safe exemisc of tbc rigbs hcrcby grutod. The Grant€e shall d dl times have lhe rigbt of ftll and t€e ingr€ss and qress to said eamcnt for tlr prposc hemoforc ryooifiod. Granlor ed fuee thd ftom tinc to tinc fucG may fnd it neccssrl- to oonstuct, rcconstrrt, opcr& andnaiuain irignionfrcilitics ud rypurtmtaonvenicoces lirngwitbh tbe eascmcotarcag errutor $all pey Grant€c dl cos6 od orpenses of any rclocation of the furigation facilities rcqrstod by etrantor, ircluding hl not linied b, trc rplocaion of tbe frcilitics into ttre casement aea dcscdbed above. In thc svcnt thc righg pnvilge and eascmeot h€rcingnilsd shall bc abmdoncd and pcmmcody oeasc to bG usod for ec pupose ls€in grante4 dl ri$ns h€r€in gant€d $all cease anO furrm to fte Grantors, lhdr hcirs or assignr. Tbs oorcoantc and agrcc' cob berein sct fofih shall ccrEnd and inure in frvor aod to fte bcnefit of ard$all bc binding on fte bcirq nrcoessors in oumcoship and cstrE, assigs ud lcssccs oftbc respec.tircptticsh€Gto. Notwilhshnding any of tbc afqrsaid povisior, the erseocnt d$ts gariled h€nein shall befifiber subjoct to tlrc folon'ing oo\maffi, rcstistions and conditions: l. Grador tlservcs tbc d$t to ooosEuct, install" opcrale, naintaitt r€pair, rcplace ed rcinsall sureoe Psrking aneas, &ivcwayc,roadwryr, cidcnra&s, cruts and gufrcrs, tr"d*ryh& inignion 1fup3 and str€etlighting on the sreoe ofthe ea$m€otanras. 2. Gnmor ttscrve 6c dght to consfiust and insbll prblic rrilitics, ad to grot eascmcob ad pennic forpublic tlililytrrposes' rl, 5pq urdcr, otmnnd acrcss ths eoscmcot areas. s6;octto.orylift *it thc apocificatioos $ouninElchibitB dached hcnfio edbyftis rcfcrrmccmadc aiarttcrcoe 3. In thc el'Got thqt ry rcpoir, rcplaocoent or insbllcion of the inigation froilitics andapputud will cause a disttrttmce or a disnrytion of any prblic sttst-or porod roadway, fuoc stt4t no@ Grmtc' purnrmt to orisdng practices, b€forc Grantoe-qndertakcg anysrn6 rtior. intbe s\,€ot of an cmcrgency, Gramc $all havc us of uy prblic stcet or peved rcadway as it rcasurOfy d€elt|s Deoessny ad appropriatc b oorest, rcDair, rcplaoe or rpconstnrt-inigEtion AOitict trctod b;.thc cmceg€ocy ed notiry pqyfior, plryd to cristingpacioes, as soon aspmctical aftcrtlrp"d"t 6tbe cmergeocy. Grautoe shall prcvide for adranoe wadng sigps, bmicadei Aagneo, flagr'uO oftidcviccs utbco msuy b prrotoot thc roadury uscr as A foilh in tb \,Ia.*t on Uniform TrafficContot Dgvices" md any an€odneots and/or rwisions tt€Gto. 4. Cfiaffor shall nanant and deM ftc dghiB, camclra and privilegcs hcrcby graDtad a1d tbc prioritf,of this cascoent agnhs dl p€rrons ufromsoqrcr. IN WIINESS WIIEREO4 THE CITY Of GLENDALF{ ao Adzona municipal corpordioru has caused its name to bG orccurcd by its duly altodzed rcercseumv{s) mis I day of l-?, ,( .. 2otb TTIE CIIY OT GITNI'AI.EI m Arizom municipal oorporrion w, y'', 't w: C;11 4 q""f .cr APPROVEDAS TOFORM: ) ) ss. COLTNTYOF YV d ',. nf a I 9 +ir ,>t ^dpy,of A, gnr'l' . 1 t b . bcfqe mc, tbc unAcrslgroa personally apeercd E+";^ pL, lr, - .as c rt TIIE CITf OF GLENDALE, m Arizona nunioipal coryoration, a!TIIE CITY OF C itv, he*n-o,- .Of iliq aff srh arrt&izrd ryes€otdiveacknovlodged tbat this docuncd was Gx€surd o bebalf of tbc corporation for fte pnrposes thcrcfui oontainod" My ConnissimEtpfues: 7-)htq Note: Thir inrtrum-cnt fo crcmlt fton thc red crtrtc trurf,cr foe rnd ttrdnil of hgd rnluc rcquhed under A&S. Socdonr 11-1132 rnd ll-llit3 punurnt to |be crcnpdonr rot for{L in A"RS. Socdonr f f-f 84(AX2) rnd (AX3). ATTEST: STATE OF tlr7Lonr, oufl$qtrlEiloaffiA ltrthalc.$bdAlbor - xAflconcouilrY ry Anna*n-eroim ti,'Zc. aOrt EXHIBIT'A' 20'IRRIGATION EASEMENT BtrNG A PORnON OF THE SOUIH||EST QT ARTER OF SECIOfi Z TOVTNS{fP 3 NORIH,!4!9E ? F4!I, oF rHE G|LA AND sALr R[,ER BASE AriD uenbrAN,-'iiiHloopAcotNw. ARtzortA, BEtNc lfoRE pARncuLARt_v oescRBo A5 FoLfod,s:'-' COTIIEI{CIilC AT THE SOI.'THIIEST CORNER OF SAID SECNO{ 7, BEING A BRASS CAPfN HANDH0TE FROil Wxtctf lHE SOrrlH QIARTER COnNER. bgrb r rinds crpFtusH BEARS sot TH EgET'tE EAsr, FoR A DtsrAl{cE oF 2464.s2 FEET; THS{CE SOUrH Eq-5?',1d_E4ll_49ryC rHE SOUDT OF ilE SOUIH$EST QUARTER OFSAID SECIION Z FOR A DISTANCE OF 48O.IO FET; THENCE NORIH OW?',!?' F S! IOR 4 DTSTANCE OF 34.00 FEET, TO A PONT ON AUNE 34 FEETNoRIH 0F AND pARAlr.EL wrn nE-SourH UNE cF rHi'sourxurrsr-QTJARTER oF sAtD sEcnol z AND tHE ponrorogsnrdg - THENCE CO{TtNUtNc NORTH 001C2'42: FllTr- F_OR { DTSTANCE OF 2O.OO FEET, TO APoINT o{ A UNE _54 FEET NORIH 0F Al{D FffiAreL nrnr nre-bottn-ulrFrir lnl'SOUfiWEST OUARIER OF SAID SECTIO{ 7; I|{B{CE SOI'IH 8957'18' EAST. AIO.IO SAID PARAIr$ UNE. FOR A DISTAI{CE OF}S9.60 FEET; THENqE SOt rH OOu2'12'-!ES! IOR 4 D|STAI{CE OF 2O.OO FEEI ro A poNT Or.t AUNE 34 FEET NoRIH qF AND prRaLr n urx nft Sotrtr une-# THE'doijrxrnsr"QIJARIER OF SAID SECIION 7; THENCIE NORIH E9F]7'1E:. !qEST, ALO{G SAID PARAUEL UNE FOR A DISTANCE OF349.60 FEET TO THE pol|T oFBEo0tMNq. SAfD 20 FOOT lRRfGAlfO{ EASEIIE},fT CoNTAlt{S 0.161 ACRES (6,992 S.F.) MORE ORtEss oF2 NTLE IBBAL OEEC. SCALE: 1'-60' DATE: 3/2s/10 DESC IRRIGATION EqSt[IENT rcto r. t{ftf 8t- tnE totrtD{L Aa .tAS t.tO lot S?aorr 5 6l ILo(\| IU(!, o. tsa F:3 .|!f;3 EA qE FO u;E s3 s#t#eF .99 143fa lEl3 lo lF ulE, H 6i FH lo=lzrJ 2rF F$ lig.I I iilf; ) 6l 3nN3AV Hrgg .N .r N. YTJ !9 8*z _,60'0Z9Z _ 3.Ol.zoloN 3nN3AV Hrzg .N o!toc, Jt\ * N -o. z Ol.tr2< ltJo==U=o=< buJ(\f d, r3 8o'+E8?N6 ;F'g o t\ 1. l\. I lr b .6 fiE$E EHHE EXHIBIT B ( PA6E I Ot' ?! ?'-o' MIN. 0lYi3 REr-['ltEtjCE!' Fn(t[: Oft | 6l ]jAL ItEf--FnWrrU lOt: TYP lrAl. EYr.'AVAT l0;{ F0R sFP | f,R ; (,AT tor.t P tiE-tir E r.lilTE 3 i :-,,; tT PIPELINE - UTILITY CROSSING a' -0' M ';t tMUM-J- Irrfih- -- -r '=uft' !rEti". I'i.,g, I li'3Ei BELOW 3Rn 'rr|l+ .4T tOif P I PE I SEE NOIE 3-.--F- AREA IRRIG.i PIPELINE . PARALLEL UTILITY s=. ft::o<- r tr.t.l- CJ.J -I-.f.- --l- -l' -0' c-EAR I r:rNrMUrl .l \ .REJFgl$oN /i;F "ru;,1*ry='/ PIPELINES - RETENTION BASIN 4', -O. MililM|Jlli fLeAP+iC[ .ARC,UNI) ALt. SRP lFlP l(:eT lfrl.l STRUCTURIS| F {. t L I T I [3( T:PlrAl ).+- EXHIBIT B ( PA6E 2 0r ?',, sir 1RR IGAT I O:{ / I.TRUCTUiE' FAC I l. I TY [rlJ(; riEF t RENijr'_tt FR(IV OF I rj f dAL WU5-kullrrurl,E coi.llit T i..ttr iiRib;;;oN-----'' STRUCTURVFACILIIY CLEARANCE rU r'S l0E iiIAMiifr.tl' PLk lr{ET E3-- OF l,ft I ljtrE TRI:E CANOP'i * scTP'{01'rtrl- i K \- eoge or E:/CAVAT;01.1 FOR ROO'; BALL PIPELINES . LANDSCAPING NOTES t. 4. JilEsE- gul DEL I NErr ARE PROV IDED A j 4_GETERAL A r D To PLANN tN6. i.r.TuAL St{pREculREVE:lTi trfAY_vrR: BAsEO olt trtE:SplciFrf Eoin,ritiii,ii;, "0i'Eiiiiic,rrar- cor.t:;tuER.lT toNs. Erc. A}I-SQP_LICN.N'.E IS REqUIEED FOR UT!!ITI15 C,FC.!IN(iZ PARALTEL TIJ SRPrRqrBATro:'r pf pi ilr sap R!6Hr-0F-!rft: _sgF RhnuiiCi- LrdTirEF oE;iii,rso.uT rL I Ty cso5:: tN6/f-ocAT toil Affn :;ic^vAr rou FLan."-- 0 tHEti Ul lL I I I E3 ,.RE N0 i PERMT II:lD I lr TH,:S- ARE 15. :Rf-f{4r L lcENsE Ll{tIqD USES 0F !It_B,tiHT-ot -rTA',' sucH AS pARK ri,tr;.j.f o.Et|ALi. LAw;'f, F.rc.- P(,LES- srRucrnngg-a1:o-inE'Ei rine. r.;FrL"ili."irb;elEM.!.IIFD- f 4 5EE Rr0Hr'-oF-irAy. 'ryrruDi oe5r6;j-dFAw,rJ6e Foi'FFopc'ieotISE YIHEN SUEMITTING SECIIE3T TO SRP-FoN IICEII5E. '' REO|JE5Ti FOR sRP_LlcENsEs ARE HA]'DLEO oN A cAsE-B',-cesE BAsts.!!p_AT q03-236-5139 REeARor rlG L i cENsEs-Fon i'iiEs-r_ecriEo-LtoAii,SOTJIH OF THE SALI RtvER. McGracken, Darcie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gruber, James Wednesday, September t4,2OL6 3:25 PM McCracken, Darcie Bower, Julie; Bailey, Michael RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) ls there only one original version of the document? Assuming there is only one original version, and push has come to shove with respect to that sole original, I think we can provide SRP with the original and retain a copy for our records, along with a document for our files that indicates that SRP is in possession of the original. Thanks, Jim James A. Gruber Deputy City Attorney City of Glendale {1623l- 930-2932 CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION: This message is for the intended recipient. lt is confidential and possibly privileged information exempt from disclosure. lf you are not the intended recipient, any copying, use or distribution of this e-mail is prohibited. lf you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify me by return e-mail or by tefephone call at (6231%A-2930. Thank you. From: McCracken, Darcie Sent Wednesday, September t4,20t610:25 AM To: Gruber, James Cc Bower, Julie; Bailey, Mlchael Subject FW: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) Good MorningJim, SRP is requesting that we send them the original documents for this irrigation easement. Exhibit B was rejected by the recorder as not being legible so we attached our page to say that it is on file in our office. SRP is requesting that we send them the full original document and keep a copy for ourselves. What is your opinion? ls there any reason that we would need the original? ls it Ok to give the original to SRP? Thank you, Darcie McCracken, MMC., M.Ed. Deputy City Clerk, City of Glendale 5850 W. Glendale Ave, Ste 455 Glendale, AZ 85301 623-930-3261 From: Mitchell, Kathy Sent Wednesday, September t4,2OtG 9:05 AM To: McCracken, Darcie <DMcCracken@GLENDA Subiec$ FW: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (l-egacy Traditional Schools) Can you help me with this? Pam Raffield is saying she needs the original docs to re-record this item to include exhibit b as part of the recording. She's asking me to get the originals from your office and send them to her to be re-recorded. I told her I didn't think l'd be able to get the originals back though. What should I do? Ko&lV/ Fron : Raffield Pamela A ( Pam) fmailto : Pam. Raffield@srpnet.com J SenB Wednesday, September 14,20tG 9:02 AM To: Mitchell, Kathy Subject RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) No worries, it is not necessary to have it signed again for this type of re-recording. I appreciate you sending me the original document as I know you are swamped. Thank you, Pam From: M itchell, Kathy lmailto:KM itchell@GLEN DALEAZ.coml Sent Wednesday, September t4,20t6 8:58 AM To: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) <@ Subiect RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) Sorry for the confusion. The document says in the upper left corner to return to SRP after recording so that's what I was doing. So I need to have it signed again and sent to you for recording? KafiV Frcm: RafFeld Pamela A (Pam) Sent Wednesday, September t4,20t6 8:43 AM To: Mitchell, Kathy Subject RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy TradiUonal Schools) Typically the original is sent to the grantee in a real estate transaction. I will need to re-record the easement to add the Exhibit B for public notice. It is referred to in the actual document. I appreciate your time with this. Thank you, Pam From: Mitchell, Kathy lmailto: KMitchell @G[E NDALEAZ.coml Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 4:14 PM To: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) <@ Subject RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) I believe our Clerk's office will want to keep the original. Willthe copy not suffice? Kalbt From: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) Sent: Tuesdan September 13, 2016 3:24 PM To: Mitchell, Kathy Subjec$ RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) Kathy, Can you please send me the original recorded document and not the copy. Thank you, Pam From: Mitchell, Kathy lmailto:KMitchell@GLENDAtEM.coml Sent: Tuesday, September 13,2016 3:11 PM To: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) <Pam.Raffield@srone > SubiecB RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (tegacy Traditional Schools) Hi Pam, I didn't realize the Clerk's office had sent me a copy without the recording number. Sorry about that. lt is now attached with exhibit B. I also didn't realize you prefer to record yourself (the paperwork indicated that it could be recorded), but l'll make a note for the future. Kafhtl Frcm: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) SenE Monday, September L2,201612:25 PM To: Mitchell, Kathy SubJecB RE: Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy TradiUonal Schools) Hi Kathy, I hope your weekend went well. Do you happen to have the recording number? Typically SRP records the easement in house and retains the original in case of a re-recording. A copy is then sent to the City. I will need an original copy of the full recording showing the exhibit B as well. Please feel free to call me with any questions. Thank you, Pam Pam Raffield Sr. Land Management Agent, MBA, SRAffA SRP Land Department P.O. Box 52025 MailStation PAB 348 Phoenix, M 85072-2025 Phone - 602-236-8183 Fax - 602-236-8193 oam. raffield@sronet.com From: Mitchell, Kathy lmailto:KMitchell@GLENDALEAZ.comI Sent: Monday, September L2,20t612:04 PM To: Raffield Pamela A (Pam) <Pam.Raffield@srone > Cc Kaczmarowski, Tom <TKaczmarowski@G[E > Subie* Recorded Easement at 67th & thunderbird (Legacy Traditional Schools) ***SRP EXTERNAL EMAIL WARNING: WERE YOU EXPECTING THIS? IS IT CREDIBLE? IF NOT- REPORT ITI *** Good afternoon Pam. Attached is a copy of the recorded easement for your records. Please let me know if you need anything further. Kafr\y M1blvilt f4mqemontAwi,rfunt en4ann*,rtn4,Dqat4tnont 623 -e]o -J661(D 623 -ets -286r(0 lc'mi,tchBlf ,@glp,nnd,enercoyw rirt w J t*tt whe'w &e' cdturP illax tlwtalt ho worW w a', oyu, it bwne w bufurf, - ? rovert