HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Planning Commission - Meeting Date: 2/24/20224/29/22, 11:22 AM
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FEBRUARY 24, 2022
6:00 P.M.
Chairperson Crow called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Announcement: Chairperson Crow announced Vice -Chair Nyberg had been in an
accident and welcomed Interim Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch and Commissioner John Geurs
Present: Vern Crow, Chair
Gary Hirsch , Vice Chair
Tom Cole, Commissioner
John Crow, Commissioner
Martin Nowakowski, Commissioner
John Geurs, Commissioner
Also Present: Tabitha Perry, Interim Planning Director
James Gruber, City Attorney
Lisa D. Wilson, Recording Secretary
Christina Lavelle, Planner
Alex Lerma, Planner
Chairperson Crow called for citizen comments. There were none.
Chairperson Crow called for Questions or comments.
Commissioner Geurs requested that a discussion in reference to Luke Air Force Base be
added to the January 13th, 2022, Minutes.
There were no other comments
Chairperson Crow asked for a motion.
Commissioner Geurs made a motion to approve October 21 st and December 2nd, 2021,
minutes and amend January 13th to be voted on at a later meeting.
Commissioner Crow seconded the motion.
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
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a. Planning Commission Minutes of January 13, 2022, Regular Meeting.
b. Planning Commission Minutes of December 2, 2021, Special Workshop
c. Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 2021, Special Workshop
Chairperson Crow called for Withdrawals and Continuances, there were none
Chairperson Crow called for the public hearing items
Michael Prefling, of Prefling Engineering, on behalf of Steve Garday, for a CUP
(Conditional Use Permit) to permit a drive thru expansion (convenience use) and a
water/ice kiosk as required by Sec. 5.754J of the City of Glendale Zoning Ordinance. The
site is located at the northeast corner of Glendale Avenue and 55th Drive (5616 W.
Glendale Avenue) and is in the Ocotillo District. Staff Contact: Christina Lavelle, Planner,
Ms. Christine Lavelle provided Staff's presentation.
Chairperson Crow called for the applicant's presentation.
There were none
Chairperson Crow called for questions from the Commission.
There were none
Chairperson Crow called for speakers in the audience.
There were no speakers, so the public hearing was closed
Chairman Crow called for a motion.
Commissioner Crow made motion to approve CUP21-12 subject to the stipulation as
listed in the staff report.
Commissioner Cole 2nd the motion.
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
Mr.Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
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by Theresa J. Morse on behalf of Avant Garde Alcohol Training and Education,
representing Kazem Saleh Sheik, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience
store in the C-2 (General Commercial) zoning district as is required by Sec. 5.754 (J) of
the City of Glendale zoning ordinance. The site is located at 13804 N. 51st Avenue and is
in the Sahuaro District. Staff Contact: Christina LaVelle, Planner, 623-930-2553
Ms. Christine Lavelle provided Staff's presentation.
Chairperson Crow called for questions from the Commission.
There were none
Chairperson Crow called for the applicant's presentation.
There were none
Chairperson Crow called for speakers in the audience.
There were no speakers, so the public hearing was closed
Chairman Crow called for a motion.
Commissioner Cole made motion to approve CUP21-14 subject to the stipulation as listed
in the staff report.
Vice -Chair Hirsch 2nd the motion.
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
Mr. Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
3. TAKE 5 CAR WASH PAD_AMENDMENT ZON21-17 -A request by Jesse Macias on
behalf of M3 Design LLC, representing Driven Brands / Matthew Gilbert to amend an
existing PAD (Planned Area Development, case # ZON19-11) to include a car wash as a
permitted use on 11.3 acres. The site is located at the northwest corner of 83rd Avenue
and Camelback Road and is in the Yucca District. Staff Contact: Christina LaVelle,
Planner, 623-930-2553.
Ms. Christine Lavelle provided Staff's presentation.
Chairperson Crow asked to verify the feet in stipulation 4, it was verified at 54 feet.
Chairperson Crow called for questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Cole asked to verify the dates of al the stipulations.
Planner Lavelle verified all the dates to be January 12, 2022.
Commissioner Crow asked about the acoustic analysis that was done
Ms. Lavelle informed the commission the analysis was part of procedure for car wash not
a result of community complaints.
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Commissioner Crow asked about the citizen concern about water use
Ms. Lavelle said she would have the applicant follow up with that information.
Commissioner Geurs asked about the emails included in the packet, lack of address and
if the concerns of the people in the emails had been addressed by the applicant
Ms. Lavelle indicated all concerns and suggestions were addressed by the applicant and
appropriate changes made, a second meeting was held inviting all original community
members. There was only one attendee who has satisfied with the changes. No other
communications have been received.
Commissioner Nowakowski stated he understood the 13 complaints that were emailed,
also with multifamily developments occurring there would be a need for a car wash. He
was please with the applicant listening to the community and making changes to be
Chairperson Crow called for the applicant's presentation.
Jesse Macias Phoenix AZ noted the original PAD didn't include the necessary language
for a CUP. He also talked about the changes made due to the citizens request, changing
the color palette, and removing the oil changing. The second public meeting included all
from the previous list and the 13 emails received. Mr. Macias stated Councilperson Clark
was very happy with the changes.
The commission had no questions or comments for the applicant
There were none
Chairperson Crow called for speakers in the audience.
There were no speakers, so the public hearing was closed
Chairperson Crow called for a motion.
Commissioner Geurs made motion to approve ZON21-17 subject to the stipulation as
listed in the staff report.
Commission Crow Second the motion.
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
Mr. Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
4. WOOLF CROSSING PAD AMENDMENT ZON21-29- A request by Cindy Paddock on
behalf of HilgartWilson, representing Woolf Family Enterprises Limited Partnership and
Huron LLC, to amend the existing Woolf Crossing PAD (Planned Area Development)
development standards for approximately 166.4 acres of the overall Woolf Crossing PAD
612 -acre project site. All other components of the existing PAD will remain as approved in
the 2006 Woolf Crossing PAD and the 2021 Woolf Crossing PAD Amendment. The site is
generally located east of the southeast corner of Olive Avenue and Loop 303 Freeway
and is in the Yucca District. Staff Contact: Alex Lerma, Planner, 623-930-2810.
Mr. Lerma made his presentation
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Commissioner Nowakowski asked if the setbacks requested in this request are similar to
what had been approved by the commission in the past. Commissioner also asked for
explanation about the maximum height of the building if 100 feet plus the additional feet.
Planner Lerma stated compatible land uses are going to be industrial in nature, so this
would place this request into the 15 feet range. There aren't any residential uses in that
area and PAD connected to the site have similar development standards
Planner Lerma explained there is an additional 5 feet given for any equipment or
architectural features, the height amendment was made to parcel C & J last year and the
amendment is keeping the same consistency across the board.
Chairperson Crow pointed out the maximum in the packet is 110 feet
Commissioner Cole pointed out the maximum in the Planner presentation is 110 feet the
maximum in the Applicants' packet is 120 feet, and he has concerns.
Commissioner Nowakowski noted the world wildlife zoo is across the street so if
construction entrances could be moved as far north as possible to make it less
burdensome for tourists, visitors, and animals.
Planner Lerma there was an error on the map it is next to the golf course not the zoo.
Commissioner Cole stated he is not aware of approving triple digit heights for buildings.
He stated that his concern is being able to effectively contain a fire and ascertain
structural damage and he would not recommend anything over 85 feet and questioned if
at this point an amendment to the stipulations could be done.
Chairperson Crow asked for comments from the commission and Planner Lerma
Planner Lerma stated other agencies besides city departments reviewing the plans. There
will be an FAA form filed and will make a recommendation
Chairperson Crow stated since the fireman could not safely battle a potential fire makes
him very concerned and asked City Atty Gruber if they could recommend approval based
on amended stipulations regarding the maximum height.
Ms. Perry requested the commission allow the applicant to make their presentation and
answer the questions of the committee prior to making any motions.
Chairperson Crow indicated they were not ready to make any motions.
Atty Gruber stated the commission could approve with amended stipulations and agreed
with having the applicant make their presentation prior to any recommendation.
Chairperson Crow called for the applicant to make their presentation
Applicant Cindy Paddock, Phoenix AZ made a presentation
Ms. Paddock indicated this submission was to clean up the standards and to make the
standards consistent with the rest of the Woolf PAD amendment approved last year and
the Woolf Logistics Park PAD adjacent to the east. Ms Paddock indicated they didn't know
what the building height would be as there wasn't a developer on the project. But asked
the commission that they approve the project as stipulated with no amendments.
Commissioner Cole asked if it could be researched to verify if 100 -foot building was ever
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Vice -Chair Hirsch asked would be a final building review by fire, building safety and traffic
Ms. Perry indicated there would be a review by those other departments and stated that
the amendment to the Woolf PAD was 100 feet. There would also be a design review and
formal application process which involves all city development teams review the
submission including fire and building safety.
Chairperson Crow for any audience comments there were none
Chairperson Crow asked if any further comments from Mr. Lerma, there were none
Chairperson Crow closed the public hearing
Chairperson Crow Called for a motion
Commissioner Crow made a motion to approve ZON21-29 with stipulations
Commission Geurs 2nd the motion
Chairperson Crow called for comments
Vice -Chair Hirsch indicated with the assurance from the staff that although the zoning
allows 110 that the building permits wouldn't necessarily be issued for that height.
Commissioner Crow
Vice -Chair Hirsch
Commissioner Nowakowski stated he trusts staff, also does not remember 100 -foot
building approval, thought a stipulation for 80 feet would be put in, so Council could deal
with the matter, but it wasn't, and he wouldn't make it
Commissioner Geurs
Chairperson Crow stated he trusts staff and does not remember approving 100 feet
building and is very concerned about it
Commissioner Cole stated he does trust the staff but due to the fact Glendale Fire
department would not be the closest and the other departments do not have a say in the
design review process
Mr. Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
GPA21-08 & ZON21-23 - A request by Derick Cayton on behalf of The Wolff Enterprises
III, LLC, representing The Sam Robin and Blanche Robin Family Trust, for a Minor
General Plan Amendment from MDR -5 (Medium Density Residential 3.5 -5.0 du/ac) to
HDR -30 (High Density Residential 20-30 du/ac) land use designation and a zone change
for a 19.15 -acre site from A-1 (Agricultural) to PAD (Planned Area Development) zoning
district to allow for a residential mixed-use project development. The site is located at
the northeast corner of 91st Avenue and Ocotillo Road in the YUCCA District. Staff
Contact: Alex Lerma, Planner, (623) 930-2810.
Planner Lerma made his presentation
Commissioner Nowakowski asked for an explanation as to there being two dog parks.
Planner Lerma stated there is a dog park for the residents of the development and a dog
park for the neighborhood
Commissioner Nowakowski asked if the turning lane will be expanding Ocotillo
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Planner Lerma the stipulation for Ocotillo is requiring 30 feet of right of way the turn lane
will be on 91st Avenue Northbound.
Commissioner Nowakowski asked about the staggering of the height written into the
Planner Lerma indicated it was in the proposed plan and staff would be expecting the
heights as outlined in the report.
Chairperson Crow called for any other questions for staff, there were none
Chairperson Crow called for the applicant's presentation
John Berry Stated that although it is presented as conceptual this is the plan the
applicants intend to follow. The applicant indicate they did extensive outreach to ensure
the neighborhood was approving of the plans.
Applicant made presentations
Chairperson Crow asked if any questions for the applicant, there were none
Chairperson Crow asked if there were any questions from the commission there were
Chairperson Crow closed the public hearing
Chairperson Crow called for a motion for GPA21-08
Commissioner Nowakowski made a motion to approve GPA21-08 as written
Commissioner Cole 2nd the motion
Commissioner Crow indicated he appreciated the steps taken to make it a great project
Commissioner Nowakowski indicated the work with the neighbors was recognized and
appreciated and should be the new standard
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
Mr. Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
Chairperson Crow called for a motion for ZON21-23
Commissioner Nowakowski motion to approve with stipulations
Vice -Chair Hirsch 2nd the motion
Commissioner Cole asked if the stipulations as written or as amended
Atty Gruber stated to make sure the motion is for the stipulations as presented in the
Commissioner Nowakowski motioned to approve with the amended stipulations as in the
staff report
Commissioner Cole 2nd the motion
Chair Vern Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
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Commissioner Tom Cole
Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
Mr. Gruber, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated these recommendations would be
forwarded to the City Council for final action.
Chairperson Crow calls for other business
Ms. Perry introduced the goal setting to be approved on by the commission to keep the
same goal, add more or change completely
Chairperson Crow called for Comments
Vice -Chair Hirsch indicated having training on various topics for commissioners through
the workshops would be helpful.
Chairperson Crow Stated the commission would give Planning a list of topics and Vice -
Chair Hirsch could put that together
There was none
Commissioner Cole Indicated he verified that 100 feet was approved in June and
reiterated his respect for staff and passion for the safety of those in service.
Chairperson Crow Stated his appreciation for Commissioner Cole expertise
Vice -Chair. Hirsch Stated it took him time to get the hang of being a commissioner
Chairman Crow thanked Recording Secretary Lisa Wilson for her assistance
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for March 24th
2022 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located at 5850 W. Glendale Ave, Glendale,
Arizona, 85301.
Chairperson Crow called for a motion to adjourn
Chairman Crow called for a motion to adjourn
Vice -Chair Hirsch made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Cole 2nd
Chair Vem Crow
Vice -Chair Gary Hirsch
Commissioner Tom Cole
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Commissioner John Crow
Commissioner Martin Nowakowski
Commissioner John Geurs
The Planning Commission meeting minutes of February 24th, 2022 were submitted and approved
this 28th day of April 2022.
Lisa Wilson
Recording Secretary
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