HomeMy WebLinkAboutCandidate Records - Elected - Petitions - Committee to Elect Jamie Aldama 2022 - 4/1/202222' APRj r, ,: �;t_ITi C ERV; Nonpartisan Nomination Petition 00000i I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of I Marico a state of Arizona, and of I Ocotillo District hereby nominate I Jamie Aldama who resides at 16541 N 67th Ave #125, Glendale, Ave 85301 in the county of I Maricopa for the office of Glendale City Council, Ocotillo District to be voted at the Primary election to be held August 2nd, '2022 and I hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed name Actual residence address, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of signing 1 1 r S LAI 4C-6,lr�v,ce k cal z3z 712 ca� 2 t? I"ccc e-21,4a, . h • , " 3�;25- ku)!^eOCf- �V 85jal Z�2 l -7c-7 r�- / 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 Z M Revised 7127/2021, Secretary of State Petitioner/circulator remains solely responsible for ensuring this form complies with Arizona law. ,mel euozuy ql!m saildwoo wao; siq; 6uimsue jol algisuodsai Alelos suiewai ao;eponopauogilad OMS;o AJe19J39S '4ZOZILZIL Pasinad apoo diZ pue unnol ao Al!o (uoi}i}ad eqj uo papnioui aq 11egs uoi;eool eouepisaj }o uoi;duosap a 'ssaappe hails ou;1) ssauppy eouepisaa len}oy s,jolelnojio jo;elnoaio jo auaeN paIuiad ao padAi aojejnoaio.yq aan;eubiS 'pajeoipui a1ep aga uo aouapisaJ J1041 se uani6 ssaippe eqj }e sapisaa oqm ao}oala popenb a seM jaubis pea;ailaq Aw w jegj pue p91eoipui alep eqj uo eouesaid Aw ui peubis seen uoggad aq} uo saweu agl10 goea;egl 1411aA Agajaq `euozuy jo alels aq} ui jo Alunoo aqj ui a}on of ja;sibei of paggenb asinnjaq}o si oqm Inq alels siq} jo juapisai a aq of pannbaa aou si oqm uosiad e -uoi}ijad aqj uo papnjoui aq llegs uoi}eool aouapisaj ;o uoildiaosep a `ssaappe leads ou p 'jo ssaappe aouapisaa lenjoe s,io;elnoaio .t, .9jnleu6is s,aolelnomo aqj aapun palupd jo pedal eq llegs eweu s,aolejnoaio T -alels jo /Gelajoes eqj glinn aolelnoaio a se aalsi6aa pegs 'alels sigl ;o luapisaJ a lou;! 'pue alels siq; ui 910A of J9;si69j of paililenb aq lsnw asirouaglo lnq alels sigl }o luepisai a aq of paimbaa lou si aolelnojio .Z -jolelnojio Aq pau6is eq pegs suoililad IIV 6 saolsino.no aol suoi}onalsul APR 1 Nib �t �=1� }= � � �( �=j E��� Nonpartisan Nomination Petition �.���C 002 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of I Maricopa state of Arizona, and of I Ocotillo District hereby nominate IJamie Aldama who resides at 16541 N 67th Ave #125, Glendale, Ave 85301 in the county of Maricopa for the office of Glendale City Council, Ocotillo District to be voted at the Primary election to be held August 2nd, 2022 and I hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed name Actual residence address, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of signing 10.12;b)C )Iv 2 a55 R r vE)kA 3-3 a � ��� J S I (��s� AL Y� S" A c6. c, L A 6 7 8 9 10 Revised 7/27/2021, Secretary of State Petitioner/circulator remains solely responsible for ensuring this form complies with Arizona law. -noel euozuy q}inn sagdwoo wao; sigl 6uiinsue jo; algisuodsai Halos swewai joleinoiiopeuoipgad a}e;S10tieIaJoaS `IZOZILZIL pasinaa apoo diZ pue unnol ao Aj!o us—q )4,:o^ptl,A (uoililad ay; uo papnloul aq llegs uol;eool aouepisau }o uoildijosep a 'ssaippe jeeils ou dl) ssaappy eoueplse�j lenjoy s,iolelnoulo lPl �- -td v W ", uo}elnoul:D jo OWEN p94ulad ao padA_L aolelnoalo jo ainieu6lg 'pa}eolpul alep aqa uo aouaplsaJ nagj se u8nl6 ssaippe aqj le soplsaa oqm ao;oole popenb a sem jau6is goea pilaq Aw ul jeq; pue pa;eolpul alep eqa uo aouesaid Aw uw pau6ls seen uollgad aq) uo saweu aqj 10 goea }eq; 141JaA Agajaq 'euozuy;o aaels eqj ul ' jo Ajunoo aqj ui a}on o} aaasl6aj of paggenb asiAueglo sl oqm Inq alels slq} jo juaplsaa a eq of paalnbaa jou sl oqm uosied e uol�l�ad aq; uo papnloul eq llegs uol}eool eoueplsaj }o uol;dljosep a 'ssauppe;aauls ou 3l 'uo ssaippe eoueplsaj lenjoe s,io;elnoilo .t, -ain;eu6ls s,aolelnono aql aapun papid ao pads eq pegs sweu s,iolelnonO T -ale}s jo tie}auoes eqj gllnn ao}elnoalo a se aalsl6aa llegs 'eje;s slgl jo juaplsej a }ou jl 'pue ales slq; ul a;on 01 J91sl69i o} paldllenb aq;snw aslNuaglo;nq ales sigl jo;ueplsej a aq of paalnbaa;ou sl aolelnoalo -Z ao;elnono Aq pau6ls eq llegs suol}ljad ll`d - l sao}einomo aol suoilonalsul H. Nonpartisan Nomination Petition I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of I Maricopa state of Arizona, and of I Ocotillo District hereby nominate I Jamie Aldama who resides at 16541 N 67th Ave #125, Glendale, Ave 85301 in the county of IMaricopa for the office of Glendale city council, Ocotillo District to be voted at the Primary election to be held August 2nd, 2022 and I hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed name Actual residence address, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of signing 1 �� SEA s�,►�C�z i5� Gc,k� k A2 C� �r �S3U1 A! 2 "CS ,® � �_-7iJ 9Vj3cl 3�6/Z2 3 ' , C—�o h r t"'t L'��g �G o 01Vo—Cle Gs 1 1 � 3u1 61 �-� cwl05P�Y-r� �L 14z ��f � �� �.tre �� �� -3/o?o12Z 7 _ c,t,j,Le A z 8 9 10 Revised 7/27/2021, Secretary of State Petitioner/circulator remains solely responsible for ensuring this form complies with Arizona law. -noel euozuy q;inn saildwoo wo; siq} 6uunsuo ao; apsuodsaj ,jabs swewei jo;einono/jauoi;gad a;e;S 10 tie}WoaS ' 6ZOZ/LZ/L pasina�j apo:D diZ pue unnol ao Alio co�� (uoggad aqj uo papnjoui aq jjegs uoi;eool aouappaj jo uoilduosep a 'ssaippe jaaa;s ou 11) ssaippy aouapisaU jenjoy s,io;elnojio jo}einouio }o aweN paIuUd ao padA_L joleinmio jo ain}eubis p9}e01pu1 aaep aq; uo aouapisaJ J194; se u9n16 ssaippe eqj le sapisaa ognn aoaoala papenb a seM jau5is goee;ailaq Aw ui legl pue pa;eoipui aaep aql uo aouasaid Aw ui paubis seen uogi}ad aq} uo saweu aqj jo goea leq; Ipm Agejeq 'euozuy jo a;eis aq} ui ' ., -i jo Alunoo aq; ui 810n o; aaaspej of paggenb asinruaglo si ognn Inq qe}s siq};o;uapisaj a eq o} pajmbaa jou si ognn uosaad e -uoi;gad eq} uo papnioui aq Ilegs uoileool eouepisau }o uoi}dijosep a 'ssaippe 199ils ou j! 'jo ssaippe eouapisej jen}oe s,io}elnoaio .t, .9an}eu6is s,jo;epoip aqj aapun paluud ao padlq aq 11egs aweu s,ao;ejnojio .£ -ajels jo /(aelaaoes eq; glinn jo;einojio a se jalsi6ai 11egs 'ejels siq; jo }uapisaJ e;ou d! 'pue GIBIS sigj ui a}on 01 a91sibaj of papenb aq }snw asiNuaglo Inq ales siq} jo;uapisaj a aq of paiinbei }ou si ao;elnoaio -Z -jolelnoaio Aq pau6is aq pegs suoi;gad 11V l saole1nomo iol suoi4onilsul 'i PPR ` M =° ' ' :IT`r CLMr,' Nonpartisan Nomination Petition 0-0-000 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of I Maricopa state of Arizona, and of Ocotillo District hereby nominate I Jamie Aldama who resides at 16541 N 67th Ave #125, Glendale, Ave 85301 in the county of I Maricopa j for the office of Glendale City Council, Ocotillo District to be voted at the Primary election to be held August 2nd, 2022 and I hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Actual residence address, description of place of residence or Date of Signature Printed name Arizona post office box address, city or town signing 6'? o.s Al s 3 r!2 I24 -a t 'mac ale z 3 3 (0709 Nf 9�5911 4 6 Alb 4- -L _ S/ f' 71 �I 8 _ _ $s�� 3 r 0, �� � �� �. .3 -3 d —z 9 ,re 10 _ 6 oaf"� 1 Vl�r ► q �z� Is �yl N J I� - � o, Revised 7/27/2021, Secretary of State Petitioner/circulator remains solely responsible for ensuring this form complies with Arizona law. anel euozuy ql!m saildwoo wo; siyl 6uunsue aol algisuodsai Alalos swewai jolepoaio/aauogged alels;o tielajoas ' 6ZOZ/LZ/L pasinaa apoo dlZ pue unnol ao Al!o (uollllad ay} uo papnloul aq llegs uoljeool aouaplsaj jo uoildijosep a 'ssaippe jaaals ou g) ssajppy aouaplse�j len;oy s,io;elnojlo lnntll. -rdp -0 /-1 ()CS-b jolelnono jo aweN p94ulJd Jo padAi S s9A-ivn r",nI uo}elnoalo jo ainjeubiS 'paIeolpul aaep ay; uo aouaplsaJ nayj se uan16 ssaippe ayj le seplsaj oqm joloale paljilenb a seen jau6ls yoeaplaq Aw uw }eyj pue pajeolpul alep ay) uo eouesaid Aw ul paubls seen uol1gad ayj uo saweu ayl10 yoea jegj Tan Agajay 'euozljyto alels aql ul ' L�„� jo,4uno3 ayj ul alon o} ja}sl6ai o) pagllenb aslNuayao sl oqm ;nq ales slyl jo jueplsaj a aq of paiinbaa jou sl oqm uosaad e sy uollged eqj uo papnloul aq llegs uoljeool eouepisaj jo uolldljosep a 'ssaippe 199a}s ou jI 'jo ssaippe eouoplsaj len;oe s,iolelnojlo .t, -ainleu6ls s,iolelnoalo au; aapun papid jo padl4 eq llegs aweu s,iolelnoalO T -ale}s jo tiejajoas ay} gllnn uolelnoalo a se aalsl6aa llegs 'a;els slyl }o JuaplsaJ a }ou JI 'pue aje}s slut ul a;on 01 J91sl6ai of pagilenb aq }snw aslNuaglo Inq ales s14l jo }ueplsaj a eq of pailnbai IOU sl aolelnomo -Z -aolelnoalo Aq pau6ls eq llegs suol;gad II'd 6 sao}sino.no aol suoijona;sul Nonpartisan Nomination Petition 000005 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of I Maricopa j state of Arizona, and of I Ocotillo District hereby nominate liamie Aldama who resides at 16541 N 67th Ave #125, Glendale, Ave 85301 in the county of IlMaricopa for the office of Glendale City Council, Ocotillo District to be voted at the Primary election to be held August 2nd, 2022 and I hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature - Printed name Actual residence address, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of si ning 01 3 -1.1 M fi A s3oi (a1W b� � � � d ��61�"le 42- 41 SI�U?d (�"'nkaoo' �1' 01 C C^- 3 �-�19)F 5-3cI 57 /►/ 5 AN-r ` , o %AWL G! �e!/`C� I �`� 'L '� '/ !/ l% ! (O' l.c� •fi 7 J � `;,atY W 1f.''1.4 lr'''K.!l ',,3... Z `✓ ��I(r'vw�.' 9 a 1�0 '� 21 /� U 05,301 10�1 ti S Revised 7/27/2021, Secretary of State Petitioner/circulator remains solely responsible for ensuring this form complies with Arizona law. -mel euozuy gjinn sagdwoo wao; sigl 6uunsue jo; algisuodsai Alelos swewai jo;elnoaio/aau0pled a;ejS;o AGejaaoeS ' 6ZOZ/LZ/L PasinaU apoo diZ pue umol ao Al!o 7'- �/ r-1 (uoi;ilad ay; uo papnioui aq IIegs uoileool aouapisaa jo uoi}dijosap a 'ssaippe jaaaas ou 11) ssaippy aouepise�j len;oy s,iolelnojio jolelno.no jo aweN pa;uud jo padAi 0 jo ainleubiS -pa}eoipui alep ayj uo-aouapisaa aiayl se Uan16 ssaippe ay} }e sapisaj oynn aoloala payilenb a sears aaubis yoea;ailaq Aua ui jeyj pue paaeoipui aaep ay; uo aouasaid Aw w pau6is seen uoilgad aye uo sauaeu aye;o yoea }eye lquan lCgajay `euoziayjo alels aye w ;o Ajunoo ayj ui a;on of ialsibai o; pagilenb esiNuaylo si oqm }nq aae}s siy} jo auapisai a aq of pannbaa jou si oynn uosiad e 'uoi;ijad ayj uo papnioui aq lleys uoi;eool aouapisaj }o uoildijosep a 'ssaappe;aaa;s ou j! 'jo ssaippe eouepisaj lenjoe s,io;elnoaio .17 •ajnleubis s,io}elnojio ayj japun papid ao padr4 aq peys aweu s,jo;ejnono .£ -a}els jo tiepioes ayj y}inn joleinono a se jalsi6aa IIegs 'ajels siy; Jo Juapisaa e;ou J! 'pue ajejs sly} ui a;on 01 J91si69i o; paijilenb aq Isnw asinruay}o jnq ajejs siy} jo luepisaj a eq of paimbai;ou si aolelnono -Z ao;elnoaio Aq pau6is eq peys suopled py sao;einono .iol suoi4ona}sul