HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #: 1855 - Date Adopted: 10/24/1995 ORDINANCE NO. 1855 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE GLENDALE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 28, BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE V, ESTABLISHING AN ADMINI- STRATIVE APPEALS PROCESS FOR DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR DEDICATIONS AND EXACTIONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Arizona Legislature passed H.B . 2229 (Chapter 166 , Sec . 1, Laws 1995) , which enacted a new section codified at A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 , requiring cities and towns to establish an administrative appeals process for property dedications and exactions required as part of an approval for the use, improvement or development of real property; and WHEREAS, the City Manager established an interim administrative appeal process by administrative directive, in compliance with H.B . 2229; and WHEREAS, this ordinance will permanently formalize the administrative appeals process required by H.B . 2229 for dedications and exactions required in the development process . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE as follows : SECTION 1 . That the Glendale City Code, Chapter 28, is hereby amended as follows : ARTICLE IV. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX SECS. 28-87 -- 28-99 . RESERVED. ARTICLE . V. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR DEDICATIONS AND EXACTIONS Sec . 28-100 . Definitions . As used in this article : "Conditional Approval" shall mean an approval by the City for the use, improvement or development of real property, which approval is conditioned upon a dedication or exaction as defined herein. It is intended that this definition of "conditional approval" shall apply only to those approvals which are subject to the administrative appeals process required by A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 and any reported Arizona or federal court decisions interpreting those requirements . This definition does not include any conditional approvals made by a legislative act of the City Council that does not give discretion to an administrative body or official to determine the nature or extent of the dedication or requirement, as provided by A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 (B) . "Dedication" shall mean the requirement of a dedication of title to property to the City as part of a conditional approval for the use, improvement or development of real property which are subject to A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 and any reported Arizona or federal court decisions interpreting that statute . "Exaction" shall mean those requirements for conditional approval referred to as exactions in A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 and any reported Arizona or federal court decisions interpreting that statute . Sec . 28-101 . Right to Administrative Appeal . A property owner, or the developer of the property in question if the developer is the applicant, may appeal the dedications or exactions required for a conditional approval to an administrative hearing officer to be designated pursuant to Sec . 28-103 . The property owner or developer shall not be requested to waive the right of administrative appeal or trial de novo in the Superior Court at any time during the consideration of the property owner' s or developer' s request . Sec . 28-102 . Notice of Appeal Right . The administrative official, whose decision to require a dedication or exaction is appealable under Sec . 28-101, shall give written notice of the final decision and of the right of the property owner or applicant to an administrative appeal of the requirement . The notice of appeal right required by this section may be given generally as part of the information provided to development applicants by the Community Development Group staff . In that event, the administrative official shall give notice to the property owner or other development applicant of the final decision of dedication or exaction required in connection with the development proposal . Sec . 28-103 , Appointment of Hearing Officer. The City Manager, or his designee, shall designate hearing officers to hear administrative appeals required by A.R. S . § 9- 500 . 12 (B) . The hearing officer shall not be employed in the same department or have direct supervisory responsibilities over the same department as the official whose decision is being appealed. The City Manager also may designate the Board of Adjustment as the body to hear the administrative appeals under this. article . Sec . 28-104 . Administrative Appeal Procedure . (a) Filing of the Appeal . The property owner or other development applicant, who intends to exercise the right to an administrative appeal of requirements for dedications or exactions, as provided in this article, shall file or mail a written request for administrative appeal to the designated hearing officer. The appeal request shall be mailed or filed within thirty (30) days after notice is given of the final determination of the development or exaction requirements under Sec . 28-102 . No fee shall be charged for filing the appeal . The request for appeal may be in the form of a letter or other written communication, but shall give fair notice that it requests an administrative appeal of a dedication or exaction requirement and of the particular dedication or exaction being appealed. (b) Time for hearing; notice. After receipt of an appeal under this section, the hearing officer shall schedule a time for the appeal to be heard not later than thirty (30) days after receipt . The property owner or other development applicant shall be given at least ten (10) days' notice of the time when the appeal will be heard unless the property owner or development applicant agrees to a shorter time period. (c) Conduct of hearing. In all appeals under this section, the administrative official, whose decision on a dedication or exaction is being appealed, has the burden to establish that there is an essential nexus between the dedication or exaction and a legitimate governmental interest and that the proposed dedication or exaction is roughly proportional to the impact of the proposed use, improvement or development . If more than a single parcel is involved, this requirement applies to the entire property that is subject to the approval . The hearing officer shall hear such testimony and consider such evidence as is relevant to the determination of such issues . The hearing officer shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence or procedure in conducting the hearing. (d) Decision of appeal . The hearing officer shall decide the appeal within five (5) working days after the appeal is heard. If the City' s administrative official does not meet its burden under subsection C above, the hearing officer shall modify or delete the requirement of the dedication or exaction. Sec . 28-105 . Appeal to Superior Court . If the hearing officer modifies or affirms the requirement of the dedication or exaction, a property owner or other development applicant aggrieved by the decision of the hearing officer may appeal the hearing officer' s decision to the Superior Court within thirty (30) days after the decision was rendered, by following the procedures required in A.R. S . § 9-500 . 12 (G) and (H) . SECTION 2 . Whereas the immediate operation of the provisions of this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety of the City of Glendale, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, adoption, and approval by the Mayor and Council of the City of Glendale, and it is hereby exempt from the referendum provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Glendale, Maricopa County, Arizona, this 24th day of October, 1995 . MAYOR :A./tAlr ATTEST: (::— City Clerk (SEAL) APP E AS F M: City Attorney RE IE ED BY: ' /[7ttt&) (011/ City Manager