Minutes - Minutes - Boards of Adjustment - Meeting Date: 4/8/2004 MEETING MINUTES CITY OF GLENDALE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GLENDALE COUNCIL CHAMBERS BUILDING CONERENCE ROOM B-3 5850 WEST GLENDALE AVENUE GLENDALE,ARIZONA 85301 THURSDAY, APRIL 8,2004 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson Dietzman, with the following members and representatives present: BOARDMEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Dietzman, Vice-Chairperson Tommie Beck David Iwanski Carol Marx Michael Schroth BOARDMEMBERS ABSENT: Douglas Ward, Chairperson CITY STAFF: Ray Jacobs, Zoning Administrator Jim Flenner, City Attorney Eric Johnson, Associate Planner Sally Melling, Recording Secretary Vice-Chairperson Dietzman explained the Board's policies and hearing procedures. He pointed out an affirmative vote of all four members present will be required for a variance to be approved. He asked if any parties wanted to continue their case until next month's meeting. There was no response. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for approval of the February 12, 2004 minutes. Boardmember Schroth made a MOTION to APPROVE the minutes from the February 12, 2004 meeting. Boardmember Beck SECONDED the MOTION. The motion PASSED by a vote of 5-0. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for Business from the Floor. There was none. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman asked staff if there were any requests for withdrawals or continuances. There were none. April 8, 2004 Board of Adjustment Page 2 Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for public hearing items. APPLICATION NO.: VAR04-02 REQUEST: A request by Adib Mousallam for a variance to allow a seven (7) foot side yard setback where ten (10) feet is required in the R1-6 (Single Residence) zone district. The property is located at 5427 West Desert Cove Avenue. Staff Contact: Eric Johnson (Barrel District). Mr. Johnson presented the application, reviewing the site and request. Ernie Arce, applicant's representative, clarified seven property owners were verbally notified of the variance request and Lot 128 was the only non-response. Mr. Jacobs noted a number of subdivisions developed in this time period have seven-foot side yards. Vice Chairperson Dietzman opened the meeting up for public comment on this case. As no comments were made, he closed the public comment opportunity. Boardmember Marx made a MOTION to APPROVE VAR04-02 subject to the Site Plan dated December 12, 2003. Boardmember Iwanski SECONDED the MOTION. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman opened the floor to discussion. No further comments were made. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for a Roll Call Vote. The MOTION PASSED by a vote of 5 to 0. APPLICATION NO.: VAR04-04 REQUEST: A request by Ronald and Jil Grim for variances from the A-1 (Agricultural) zone district for a side yard setback of 25 feet where 50 feet is the minimum required and lot coverage of 22 percent where 10 percent is the maximum allowed. Staff Contact: Eric Johnson (Sahuaro District). Mr. Johnson presented the application, reviewing the site and request. Boardmember Beck asked why A-1 has 10 percent maximum lot coverage and R-1 has 40 percent. Mr. Jacobs explained the A-1 parcels in Sunburst Farms were established before the ordinance and were supposed to be rezoned to a more appropriate zoning district. He stated 40 percent is the standard lot coverage for smaller suburban lots. Jil Grim, applicant, offered to answer questions. April 8, 2004 Board of Adjustment Page 3 Boardmember Schroth asked if the garage depicted on the site plan already exists. Ms. Grim responded yes, noting they obtained a variance and started construction on the garage in September 2002. Ms. Grim confirmed for Boardmember Schroth that the proposed addition will match the existing house. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman opened the meeting up for public comment on this case. As no comments were made, he closed the opportunity for input. Boardmember Iwanski made a MOTION to APPROVE VAR04-04 subject to the site plan date stamped February 23,2004. Boardmember Schroth SECONDED the MOTION. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman opened the floor to discussion. Boardmember Marx stated she appreciates when older properties are improved, stating it increases property values throughout the neighborhood. No further comments were made. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for a Roll Call Vote. The MOTION PASSED by a vote of 5 to 0. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for Other Business. There was none. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for the Planning Staff Report. The status of past cases was reviewed. Vice-Chairperson Dietzman called for Board Comments and Suggestions. No further comments were made. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Sally 'filing, Recordi g Secretary