HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Citizens Bicycle Advisory Committee - Meeting Date: 11/7/2016CITY OF GLENDALE
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2016 — 6:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Larry Flatau with the following Committee -
members present: Vice Chair Anthony Pratcher, Michael Scanlon, Michael Osborn, and Kolby Waters.
Also present was City Staff. Purab Adabala, Transportation Analyst; and Jack Lorbeer, Transportation
Planning Administrator.
Committee -members Absent: Chris Fundis (excused)
Committee -member Scanlon motioned to approve the October 3, 2016 meeting minutes as written.
Committee -member Waters made the second. The motion carried 4 — 0. [Vice Chair Pratcher was
not yet present.]
No comments.
[Vice Chair Anthony Pratcher entered the meeting.]
All Committee -members and staff introduced themselves.
Chair Flatau inquired if a replacement from the CTOC has been identified for the vacant CTOC seat on
the Committee. Mr. Adabala announced that CTOC Commissioner Marie Nesfield has volunteered for
the role and due to timing of receipt of the Committee packet and information, will be in attendance at the
next regular CBAC meeting.
Chair Flatau noted that there is now a standalone "Bicycle" link in the alphabetical search on the City
website and thanked Mr. Adabala for following up on this suggestion. Chair Flatau complimented the
other informational links included as well.
Chair Flatau inquired as to the recently changed role of HDR in the Glendale Transportation Plan. Mr.
Lorbeer explained that HDR has been in the process of putting together the Plan and some of its
foundation. Mr. Lorbeer commented that he has assumed much of the role as project manager of the Plan
Update as he has a lot of experience drafting this type of plan. Mr. Lorbeer noted that Mr. Adabala and
other staff are working on the Plan Update as well. Mr. Lorbeer explained that HDR will be utilized for
public involvement and other activities as needed.
Mr. Lorbeer gave a presentation on the Transportation Plan Update, which included the following:
Moving Glendale Ahead - 2040
• Chapters of the Plan
o Chapter 1 Introduction
o Chapter 2 Land Use, Population, and Employment
o Chapter 3 Goals, Objectives and Policies
o Chapter 4 Street and Highway Element
o Chapter 5 Public Transportation Element
o Chapter 6 Bicycle and Pedestrian Element
o Chapter 7 Aviation Element
o Chapter 8 ITS/Transportation Management Element
o Chapter 9 Financial & Programming Element
• The Plan is guided by the General Plan.
• The Plan must be fiscally balanced.
• Unfunded projects will be included as illustrative pending future revenues secured.
Draft Plan — Spring 2017
• City Council approval of the Plan — Summer 2017
• Bicycle/Pedestrian Goals
o Goal BP -1: Bicycle circulation system consists of a continuous network, enabling access
to all parts of the city.
o Goal BP -2: Bicycle facilities are separated from corridors with heavy vehicular traffic
when feasible.
o Goal BP -3: Glendale is ranked by the League of American Bicyclists as a silver -level
community for biking.
o Goal BP -4: Glendale is a pedestrian friendly city that encourages and promotes walking as
a regular means of transportation.
o Goal BP -5: Bicycle and pedestrian routes receive equal consideration as vehicular travel
in planning and design.
• Bicycle/Pedestrian Element
o General Plan provides framework for Bicycle/Pedestrian Element
o The Plan will add specific objectives and performance measures to assess the progress into
the future.
o The Bicycle/Pedestrian Element will merge recreational projects with the overall goal of
creating a comprehensive transportation system.
Areas of emphasis for the Bicycle/Pedestrian Element of the Plan include:
o Filling in gaps in the bicycle/pedestrian network
o Intermodal connectivity with major trip generators
o Updating the Glendale Bicycle Map/inventory from 2015
o Creating pedestrian facilities inventory
o Re -submitting for "Bicycle Friendly Community" rating
■ 2013 rating "Honorable Mention"
■ Update to see where the City stands
Glendale Transportation Plan Website
o Interactive map to provide comments
o Survey
o http://www.glendaleaztmp.com
Mr. Lorbeer commented that staff will need to research the exact requirements necessary to achieve the
League of American Bicyclists silver -level ranking. Chair Flatau commented that he understood HDR to
be in the process of working on the application and asked about the status of the application completion.
Mr. Lorbeer replied that staff will investigate where HDR is in the application process and based on the
amount of progress, will determine if HDR will finish the application or if it should be transition to staff
for completion. Chair Flatau noted the HDR met with the CBAC a while ago. Mr. Lorbeer stated that
Mr. Adabala will advise the CBAC as to the progress of the application process. Chair Flatau offered the
services of the CBAC to assist in the process.
Vice Chair Pratcher inquired if the Transportation Plan will include a description of how the City of
Glendale will look socially and technologically in the next 20-25 years. Vice Chair Pratcher inquired
about density projections. Mr. Lorbeer replied that the Plan does address density, which is broken into
three regions: the established region (currently most dense), the middle area (some development but
room for more), and the western municipal planning area (which is least dense and has opportunities for
different bicycle and pedestrian facilities). Vice Chair Pratcher wondered if Mr. Lorbeer was referring to
futuristic opportunities. Mr. Adabala commented that the Plan can only include technology that is
currently known; however, the plan will be updated again in five years, and will include any new
technology at that time. Mr. Lorbeer added that the Plan begins with existing conditions and future
projects are based on the technology available, however, as technology develops, the plan can change.
Committee -member Scanlon commented that the plan projects 260,000 Glendale residents and there are
220,000 currently. Committee -member Scanlon wondered if the City is nearly built out. Mr. Lorbeer
commented that as more land is built upon, the demographics and population projections will change.
Mr. Lorbeer added that Glendale may not grow as fast as other valley cities. Committee -member Osborn
inquired if the City is landlocked. Mr. Lorbeer replied that there are development opportunities to the
west. Mr. Adabala commented that if the west is fully built out, the City would eventually be landlocked.
Mr. Lorbeer noted that the City must weigh the issues and costs of annexation.
Chair Flatau inquired if Vice Chair Pratcher had other future transportation ideas to share. Vice Chair
Pratcher suggested the possibility of bicycle and pedestrian use only for the streets in downtown Glendale
and looking at the changes in density to re -define the changes in transportation pathways.
Vice Chair Pratcher inquired as to the policy regarding grade separated crossings. Mr. Lorbeer
commented that the policy states that the city is to plan appropriately. Mr. Lorbeer explained that an over
pass or underpass is a multi-million dollar project and may not be feasible in all areas, or may be feasible
in one or two locations. Mr. Lorbeer explained that the bridge over the 101 near 67th Avenue is a
separation of modes which is very successful. Mr. Lorbeer added. that there are various factors to review
when looking at creating a complete street for only bicycle and pedestrian use. Chair Flatau commented
that getting across the railroad is challenging and wondered if staff envisioned resolutions in the near
future. Mr. Lorbeer commented that the railroad is a barrier to both cars and bikes in various ways and
an overpass or underpass is a multi-million dollar project which requires much review and planning.
Committee -member Scanlon commented that the Transportation Plan includes approximately 80% of the
League of American Bicyclists requirements. Committee -member Scanlon noted that if the plan includes
measurements as well, the measurements could be used for the Bicycle Friendly Community application.
Mr. Lorbeer explained the types of measurements that can be readily compiled and those that are more
Mr. Lorbeer encouraged the Committee -members to access the Transportation Plan Update to make
additional comments on the Plan.
Committee -member Waters inquired if there is much coverage on bicycles in the General Plan. Mr.
Lorbeer replied that the information on Bicycle/Pedestrian is by far the most detailed in the Plan. Mr.
Lorbeer stated that staff will provide a more detailed presentation to the CBAC regarding statistics and in
depth levels once the Plan Update is completed.
Chair Flatau wondered if the Transportation Plan Update should be a standing agenda item. Mr. Adabala
commented that it could be placed on the February agenda because there is a special event which will be
proposed in place of the December meeting and the January 2, 2017 meeting will be vacated since it is a
holiday. Chair Flatau commented that the CBAC is available as a partner to take the Plan to Council.
Mr. Lorbeer commented that staff certainly wants CBAC involvement as part of the process. Mr.
Adabala demonstrated how the Committee -members can make comments on the Transportation Plan
Update website and how to attach comments to a map location.
Chair Flatau stated that he recently attended a meeting in the park held by Councilmember Turner and the
plan for the street improvement projects was addressed. Mr. Lorbeer replied that the Transportation Plan
will include a list of all the transportation projects, including the streets improvement project.
Chair Flatau thanked Mr. Lorbeer and Mr. Adabala for the information.
Chair Flatau facilitated a discussion on the Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee charter/mission
statement. A review of Committee -member Scanlon's initial draft submission was held. A suggestion
was made to add the term "connectivity" to the proposed mission statement. Vice Chair Pratcher
suggested including ways to measure goals. Chair Flatau suggested that the goal to achieve the Bike
Friendly Community Silver Award should be included in the CBAC goals.
Mr. Lorbeer offered that staff could utilize Committee -member Scanlon's initial draft and compile a
variety of proposals for the mission statement and goals for the Committee -members to review and take
action on at the next Committee meeting. Chair Flatau noted that the CBAC wants to make sure it is a
productive group and thanked staff for it assistance in drafting a proposed mission statement and goals.
Chair Flatau suggested continuing briefings from Mr. Lorbeer regarding the Transportation Plan Update.
Committee -member Scanlon announced the a resident from Glendale, Mr. Brandon McNulty, recently
won the Junior Men Time Trial in the UCI World Championships and wondered if the CBAC could
recognize Mr. McNulty in some manner. Committee -member Waters suggested the possibility of
inviting Mr. McNulty to lead the Glendale Family Bike Ride. Committee -member Scanlon added that
Council should be advised of the win by Mr. McNulty. Mr. Adabala stated that Mr. McNulty could be
invited to an upcoming CBAC meeting. Vice Chair Pratcher stated that there is a value to recognizing
Glendale residents who give great value to bicycling in the City and suggested the possibility of an
annual recognition process. Vice Chair Pratcher commented that a recognition process should be
discussed at an upcoming CBAC meeting. Mr. Adabala will follow up on the suggestion to contact Mr.
McNulty. "
Chair Flatau asked Mr. Adabala to update the Committee on a transition plan for Ms. Sandy Adams'
position and responsibilities, most notably in regards to the Glendale Family Bike Ride. Mr. Adabala
announced that Ms. Adams' former position has been advertised and applications are being received.
Mr. Adabala explained that the goal is to fill the position by December 5th. Mr. Adabala commented that
the Glendale Family Bike Ride is scheduled for April 2, 2017 and a temporary staff member is filling in
on some Ms. Adams' former duties on the Bike Ride plans at a high level currently. Mr. Adabala
commented that the new staff member who will be on board in early December will work on the finer
details. Chair Flatau asked if the Committee -members could meet the new staff member when hired.
Mr. Adabala replied in the positive and will put this on the February agenda. Chair Flatau commented
that Ms. Adams managed the Glendale Family Bike Ride very well however stated that outside of those
who participate, the event is not well publicized. Chair Flatau commented on other bicycle events in
valley cities, such as the Tour de Scottsdale and the Tour de Mesa.
Mr. Adabala invited the Committee -members to save the date for an Appreciation Night on January 13,
2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Arizona Coyotes game. Mr. Adabala will send more details soon.
Mr. Adabala announced that an 11.4 mile Committee bike ride would be held at 3:00 p.m. on December
5, 2016, in lieu of the regular Committee meeting in order to view some of the recently completed
bicycle/pedestrian projects and asked if the Committee -members agreed with vacating the regular
meeting. This type of Committee -ride had been previously suggested to staff by Chair Flatau. No
opposition was voiced.
Mr. Adabala contacted Ms. Zomok of the Glendale Convention and Visitors Bureau for information
regarding street light banners for the Glendale Family Bike Ride as suggested by Committee -member
Waters at the last meeting. Mr. Adabala reported that each banner costs $70.00 in total: $50.00 for the
banner and a $20.00 installation fee. Mr. Adabala stated that the month of March is unavailable due to
banners for the Final Four; however, the month of February is available. Committee -member Waters
commented that there are downtown events in Glendale during February and this would bring good
visibility to the banners. Committee -member Waters commented on the high cost for the banners and
installation. Mr. Adabala stated that the banners could be printed as "evergreen", meaning without a date
and therefore could be used many times. Committee -member Waters commented the goal of the banners
is awareness so not having a date is still beneficial. Mr. Adabala stated that there are three areas
available to display streetlight banners: Historic Downtown Glendale, the Sports and Entertainment
District, and the Bell Road Corridor. Discussion was held regarding the number of banners to be
installed. Mr. Adabala suggested a number of five in each area, for a grand total of fifteen. It was
agreed, with no opposition, that fifteen banners would be printed and installed on streetlights in the three
available areas in the City.
Mr. Adabala displayed the "Bicycle" link on the City of Glendale website. Mr. Adabala announced that
#bikeglendaleaz as suggested by Committee -member Waters is now official Committee -member Waters
announced that pictures have been posted to the hashtag twice so far.
Mr. Adabala announced that the sidewalk improvements along Myrtle Avenue between 62nd and 65th
Avenues have been completed and the bike lanes have been striped.
Chair Flatau encouraged all to exercise their right to vote on Election Day. Chair Flatau announced the
City's Veteran's Day ceremony on Friday, November 1 lth at 9:00 a.m. at the Glendale Main Library.
Committee -member Osborn suggested awards for different categories at the Glendale Family Bike Ride
and stated that he makes various awards for an annual bike ride that he attends with friends. Committee -
member Osborn will bring a sample award to the February meeting.
Committee -member Waters encouraged all to use #bikeglendaleaz.
Mr. Adabala announced that the January 2017 meeting would be vacated since January 2, 2017 is a
national holiday.
The next regular meeting of the Glendale Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee will be on Monday,
February 6, 2017 at 6:30 p.m., Basement Meeting Room B3, City Hall, 5850 W. Glendale Avenue,
Glendale, Arizona, 85301.
Chair Flatau adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.