HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Aviation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 11/16/2016MINUTBS AVIATION ADVISORY COMMISSION GLENDALE MI,INICIPAL AIRPORT 6801 N. GLEN HARBOR BLVD. GLENDALE, ARTZIONA 85307 AIRPORT CONIIERENCE ROOM NOVEMBER 16,2016 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Commissioner Quentin Tolby with the following Cornmissioners prese, rt: Leonard Esordero, Kerry Dewberry, Randal Kruger, and Terry Aramian. Also present were Ke,nn Potts, Airport Adminishator; Trevor Ebersole, Deputy Public Works Director - Transportation; Kurt Christianson, Assistant City Attorney; Bill Gillies, Luke Air Force Base (LAFB); Jason Franlq DOWL; Mr. Victor Palmq DOWL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THB PREVIOUS MEBTING Commissioner Escudero motioned to approve the October 19, 2016 and November 2, 2016 Commisslon meeting minutes as wrltten. Commisgioner Dewbeny made the second. The modon carried 4 - 0. [Commissioner Aramian was not yet present l ilI. REOUBST FOR CONTII\ruAI\ICE OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS. None. rV. NRP'ORT BUSINESS 1. Introduction of new Commission Member Newly appointed Commissioner Dewberry was formally welcomed. Commissioner Dewberry is re,placing former Commissioner Tim Topliff. All Aviation Advisory Commissioners introduced the,rnselves. 2. Loyalty Oaths Commissioner Dewberry signed his loyalty Oath for the Commission. Commissioner Kruger recited and signed his loyalty Oath for his renewed Commission term. 3. Glen Harbor Boulevard Extension Mr. Potts facilitated a discussion stemming from a previous request by Commissioner Escudero to review the possibilities of a Glen Ha$or Boulevard Extension. The Commissioners were provided with the Glen Harbor Boulevard Extension Initial Summary Revised as drafted by Stantec Consulting for the City of Glendale Engineering Departnrent. Mr. Potts stated that the main focus of the extension in the report was to alleviate traffic congestion from Camelback Ranch. Mr. Potts noted the possibilities to tie into Glen Harbor Boulevard and presented aerial diagrams of the potential routes. Commissioner Escudero stated that in previous meetings, it was mentioned that City Council was in favor of some tlpe of extension, however, the Commission has never discussed the issue as an agenda item or made a recomme,ndation on the issue. Commissioner Escudero commented that an extension would relieve congestion at Camelback Ranch, enhance the probability that pilots will fly into ttre Airport to attend a game at the sports complex, and could also enhance Airport business due to ease of road access. I 4. 5. Mr. Potts displayed aerial photos and diagrams ofthe potential extension and routes. CommissionerTolby inquired as to whytheextension could not come shaight south from Gle,n Harbor Boulevard to Camelback Road, instead ofinto Ball Park Boulevard. Mr. Potts explained issues with theriver, wash, current runway protection zong and ultimate nnway protection zone. Mr. Potts stated that an extension from Glen Harbor Boulevard to Ball Par* Boulevard at grade crossing was estimated at $1.7 million and a flood event could cost an estimated $167,000 for road r€pair. Mr. Potts noted that a bridge could be built to avoid the flood issue and the estimated cost for that project was $12.0 million. Commissioner Dewberry inquired as to the advantages to the Airport for the road extension. Commissioner Tolby commented that pilots or others currently driving from southwest of the Airport can get to Airport more quickly and easily. Commissioner Tolby stated that the road would have be,lrefits however add€d that $12.0 million is a higlr exp€nse for the bridge alternative. Commissioner Tolby comme,lrted that the City may be able to get assistance with the $1.7 million route. Commissioner Tolby inquired as to when the study report was completed and Mr. Potts replied that it was dated June 21, 2016. CommissionerTolby wondered iftheCityofGlendalehad discussions with the CityofPhoenix regarding an extension to Camelback Road. Commissioner Escudero suggested a general Commission recommendation regarding a potential extension which would provide an alternate access to the Airpo( enhance the pilot experie'lrce, and increase access to and from the sports complex from the Airport. Mr. Gillies inquired if development was planned for east of the Airport. Mr. Potts replied in the positive. Mr. Gillies commented that the extension would be beneficial for future development on the east side of the Airport. Commissioner Escudero modoned that the Commission sees the benefits to opening Glen Harbor Boulevard through to Camelback Road and would llke to create a dialogue with the feasibility of movlng this project fortard. No second made. The motion died. Commissioner Dewberry expressed conc€rn as to specifically recommending the extension of Glen Harbor Boulevard to Camelback Road as there are other alternatives, zuch as exte,nding Glen Harbor Boulevard to Ball Park Boulevard. Commissloner Bscudero motioned that the Commlsslon sees the benefits to esttblishing the concept of an altemate tcce$ route to the Airport through to Camelback Road and would like to creete a dialogue with the feasibility of moving this project fonvlrd. Commissioner Dewberry made the second. The modon carried 3 - l. [Commissloner l(ruger opposed. Commissioner Aremian wtg not yet present l FAA Hangar Policy/Stakeholder Group Update Mr. Potts presented a draft invitation letter to be se,nt to the potential memb€rs of the Stakeholder Committee for the purpose of revising the Airport Rules and Regulations and procedures. The Commissioners reviewed the letter and all agreed for Mr. Potts to move forward with sending the invitation as written to the Airport stakeholders. Discuss Revised Airport Capital Improvemeirt Program (ACIP) Mr. Potts announced that the state aviation fund has been sw€pt by the state legislature and there are no more aviation grant funds available. Mr. Potts has revised the ACIP due to this decrease in funding which has specifically impacted the Conair I^and Acquisition grants and the North Apron Rehabilitation Project 2 grant. Mr. Potts met with the FAA regarding the loss of ADOT grant funds. The FAA has agreed to prograrn fimds for the Airport for the Conair Land Acquisition. The FAA will also provide the full $4.5 million in order to complete the North Apron Rehabilitation Project in one phase, instead of multiple phases as originally planned. Mr. Potts displayed aerial diagrams of the projects. Commissioner l(ruger motioned to approve the revised Ff20l&2022 ACIP for the Glendale Municipat Airport as presented. Commissioner Dewberry mede the second. The motion carried 4 - 0. [Commlssloner Aramian was not yet present l V. SI'MMARY OF CI'RRENT EVENTS Mr. Potts reported on currqrt airport activities: l. Constnrction Projects/C'rants Status o Phase I of the Conair Land Acquisition ADOT grant is on the Noverrber 22od Mayor and Council agenda. Phase II of the ADOT grant has offEcially died out as firnds are no longer available. o Mr. Potts is finishing up the final review of the draft Airport Layout Plan. o Phase I of the North Apron project will take up to six weeks to complete and will not begin for at least another six weeks due to a part on order for a drainage issue. o Cox Communication will finish installing the fiber optic cable for intemet acc€ss at the Airport bynext Friday. Mr. Potts will meet with City IT staffthis Friday to discuss the set up of free Wi-Fi for the Airport usem. 2. Operating Budget/ExpenseslReve'lrues - gaphs o Mr. Potts presented detailed financial information for the month of October as well as year- todate. 3. Airport Business Activity/L€ase Updates o The city has se,nt Skyquest a revised lease for signatue. o A revised lease for the Butler box hangar will be sent to Mr. Butler. o The incorrect legal descriptions for some hangars have been corrected. o The Master Lease for Specialized Aviation Se,nrice Operators (SASO) will go to the City Council for vote on November 22d. o The legal fee reimbursement check has been sent to GAPA. The lawsuit is now done. o The Glendale Fire Deparfne,nt has been hosting hazmat naining at the Airport. Pictures were displayed. [Commissioner Aramian entered the meeting.] Commissioner Escudero comme,nted that as a result ofthe Airport Op€n House, apilot expressed interest in potentially moving his business operations to the Airport. Commissioner Escudero that he also met another persnn this past Sunday at the Airport to expressed similar inter€st. 4. Land Use PlanrinlTnninglDevelopment o No report. 5. 2017 NCAA Final FourNational Championship o Mr. Potts met with the FAA this week and was informed that the FAA will beat this event in the same manner as a Super Bowl. LAFB will be open during the event and the Airport Tower will have extended hours. The dates of the event are March 3l through April 4, 2017. Planning meetings will continue. 6. Air Traffic OperationVAinpace/Community Relations o Flight operations were down l0o/ofor October 2016 compared to October 2015. No specific r@son was determined. o Sonoran Aeroplane filmed an interniew with Channel I I today as a follow up to the Open Horse. 7. Op€Nr House Update o Mr. Potts gave a pictorial presentation of the Op€n House aircraft, offering, booths, race, and activities. Mr. Potts stated that the event participants and atteirdees enjoyed the Open House very much. Commissioner Aramian inquired if the Airport charged the commercial enterprises a fee for having a booth at the Opqt House. Mr. Potts replied in the negative. Commissioner Kruger inquired as to the number of sivilian participants at the Open House. Mr. Potts re,plied that Mr. GregYost had approximately 100 nuurers in the race. Mr. Potts estimated that there were 300 to 400 people at the Open House. Mr. Potts relayed that Mr. Yost was very pleased with the feedback from the race and that this was the first race Mr. Yost conductod that was injury free. Mr. Potts was very appreciative of all of the businesses, volunteers, partrcrs, and City departnents that helped with the Op€n House. Mr. Potts stated that pictures from the Op€n House were posted on the Airport Facebook pag€. Commissioner Knrger suggested posting Op€Nl House pictures on the City website. Commissioner Aramian asked if IvIr. Potts considered the Open House a success and worth doing again. Mr. Potts stated that it was a success because the Open House showcased the Airport. Mr. Potts commented that a larger crowd would have been more ideal but it would be worth doing again. Mr. Potts stated that there was no budget for the event and donations from partrers and City deparfinents were ncc€ssary and very much appreciated. Commissioner Tolby noted that Mr. Yost stated that these tlpes of events take a few years to grow as word and interest spreads. Commissioner Tolby inquired if Mr. Yost was interested in operating the race again next year. Mr. Potts stated that an Open House follow up meeting will be held on December l$ and Mr. Yost will be in attendance. Commissioner Tolby commented that the date for next year's Open House should be picked now because it takes a lot of time to plan the event and reach out to partrcrs. Commissioner Escudero thanked Mr. Potts and Ms. Roxanne Alexander for the Airport FAQ's which were very helpful for the Commissioners in answering questions from the public. Commissioner Escudero stated that his conversations with the West-MEC students revealed that the students are very positive and dedicated to their education at the school. Commissioner Escudero will speak with staff at Boeing to explore potential internship possibilities. Mr. Gillies inquired if the event would be again scheduled in the fall. lvlr. Potts replied in the positive due to the favorable weather. Mr. Potts comme,nted that at one point, the Commission discussed having the Op€n House every other year, opposite of the years that Luke Days are held. Commissioner Aramian commented that the fall timeframe coincides with the Airport amiversary. 8. Luke Air Force Base Operations: Mr. Gillies reported that the F35 hansition continues. IvIr. Gillies stated that last weeh the first class of six F35 students were selected and will begn taining next Monday. Mr. Gillies inquired if lvlr. Potts had any recent issues with small unmanned aircraft. Mr. Potts reported no recent issues. Mr. Gillies stated that there are approximately 500,000 registered unmanned aircraft nationally and it is a growing industry. Mr. Gillies commented that it will be interesting to see how the FAA handles unmanned aircraft in the future. VI. CALL TO THE PI'BLIC The floor was opened to public comment. lvtr. Eb€rsole announced that staffwas v€ry pleased with the Op€n House and complimented Mr. Potts and all who participated in putting the event together. Mr. Eb€rsole stated that Mr. Jack Friedline and Councilmenrber-Elect Joyce Clark were in atte,ndance and enjoyed the event. Mr. Ebersole stated that fall was a good time forthe Open House, which was beneficial to all who participated. Mr. Eb€rsole asked Mr. Potts to e,nswe that FBO is included on the Stakeholder Committee invitation. Mr. Potts replied that the FBO will be included. VII. NEW BUSINESS REOUESTS (Frrture Agenda ltems) No new business requests were proposed. VIU. NEXT MEETING TIME The next meeting date is Wednesday, Decerrber 21,2016 at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor Conferelrce Room of the Airport terrrinal building. D(. COMIIIISSION COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Commissioner Escudero was thankful that his Commission t€nn was extended. Commissioner Escudero stated that he enjoys being on the Commission and was happy that his ability to serve was extended. Commissioner Aramian noted that his wife attended the Opm House with him and she eirjoyed the event very much. Commissioner Aramian suggested that at the next Open House, the Commissioners should have specific duties and time slots to assist staff. Commissioner lhrger comme,nted that the Open House was very good and a lot of work was done with a small amount of stafr, Commissioner Dewberry was pleased that the Airport is moving forward and leaving the past behind. CommissionerDewberry stated thatpromotionoftheAirport atthe Open Houseis verygood and positive. X. N)JOURNMENT The meeting was adJoumed by consensus at 7:19 p.m. The Aviation Advisory of fbcember 21,2016. of November 16,2016 were approved at the Commission Meeting Kenneth Potts, Airport Admi 623-930-2188