HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Water Services Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 10/5/2016tlt I Water Services Advisoryllr-I^--
ry | Commission
7070 W. Northem Avenue
October 5,20fG 6:l[ P.I}L
L CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m.
il. ROLL CALL: Present Chairman Jonathan Liebman, Vice-chairman Ron Short, Commissioners
Robert Gehl and Robin Berryhill
Absenfi Commissioners Ruth Faulls and Amber Ford
Staff: Craig Johnson, Ron Seriq Doug Kupel, Dan ltratch, Amanda McKeever, Mark Roye, Karla
Camou Guera, Drew Swioczkowski, Megan Sheldon, Joanne Toms, and Sally Melling Recording
Approval of the Final Minutes, September 7,2016 meeting - Motion for approval made by Vice-
Chair. Short, seconded by Comm. Berryhill. APPROVED +0
ry. DIRDCTOR'S REPTORT - Craig Johnson, P.E., Water Services Director
Mr. Craig Johnson presented a brief update on the deparfinent's activities to the Commission. He
was pleased to r€port the Chapter 33 revisions updating water, sewers and sewage disposal, fees, and
other billing issues were approved by Council at the September 27,2016 voting meeting. He gave
further information on the Environmental Summit held on September 13 at the Foothills Aquatic
Center. He reported that over 50 attendees, including the city manager, from various city departnents
gathered to share information and brain-storm futur€ plans and solutions.
Mr. Johnson reported that while Glendale didn'ttake home first place forthe AZ Forward nomination
for the Glendale Garden Habiat Education hogram created by the staff of the Conservation and
Sustainable Living group, it is an achievement and an honor to be included in the field of finalists.
The project was awarded Honorable Mention, in itself a well-earned mark of rocognition.
Mr. Johnson also updated the Commission with the news that the solar-powered stneet lights along
the front drive into Oasis should be in place by the November WSAC meeting. This will reduce our
carbon footprint and help the environment.
Comm. Gehl asked for information about the Lake Powell pipeline project. Mr. Johnson stated he
had not heard any inforrration on it. Dr. Kupel explained that it has been around for a long time and
is one idea as part of a long-term idea in the Navqio and Hopi Tribes sefilement to provide water out
Water Seryie tlepanment . ,oro ,rroff#$ffi* . Gtendate, Az 8sit03 . (023) 9304100
October 5,2016
Water Services Advisory Commission Final Minutes
of Lake Powell for agriculture pool and non-Indian agricultural users during drought periods. He
clarified that this would also bring water into the Flagstaffarea and it has always been a possibility
but all solutions are coming back around as creative options are discussed. He stated it is not really
an anticipated solution.
Ms. Joanne Toms, Environmentrl Program Manager, presented information to the Commission. She
began by describing the various handouts that were passed out. She frst explained the importance
of having a well-recognized brand for the department and pointed to the well-attended nnnual Touch-
a-Truck event that has grown consistently over the years. She expounded the many positives:
increases trust, support and investments; clarifies value and roles; improves communications;
reduces negative branding and politics; and helps recruit talent.
Ms. Toms explained that a utility company would want a brand to build a foundation with the
community. Negative events and instances would not be viewed as the norm if the reputation is
alrcady strongly established as being of providing reliable high qualrty products and services. Strong
support for the Branding and Public Outneach (BPO) committee's efforts comes from the top down
and an annual summary is provided to the deparfinent's executive staffteam. Many new brochures
have been developed for community use. Continual efforts are conductod to reach the younger
community members in the grade schools with hands-on demonstrations and fun activities.
Community workshops are conducted year-round on such subjects as green living methods, low water
landscape classes, and vegeable gardens.
The departnent's information has been brought current with the technical advancements skills by
staffto present it in exciting educational formats. The department has a play list on YouTube with 18
videos. The number I video watched is on Sanitary Sewer Maintenance by the Wastewater
Collections division with Carl Westbrooks, supervisor. On other types of information, technolory
has helped our information go from flaf black and white photos to 3-D color images conveying the
same information. Another format to reach the community is the insert included with every paper
water bill. Press releases have also gone out about the dangers of starrding water and mosquito-borne
West Nile and Zita viruses, the monsoon season, and correctly watering through inigation systems.
Chairman Liebman asked there ar€ any metics available on reduced wat€r consumption through the
years. Ms. Toms stated that yes the average gallons p€r day use has dropped significantly since water
consenation efforts began in 1985. She also explained that it has been through a combination of
increased industy efficiencies and technolory, and behavioral changes by the public. She shared
that a pre- and post-test test is conducted before such fun and entertaining school events such as the
magic and puppet shows put on through staffefforts. The tests ask questions on water and energr
vocabulary tems, and water and enerry saving efforts to see if learning occurs while having fun.
Comm. Gehl questioned if marketing efforts increase in anticipation of rate increases. Ms. Toms
explained that the BPO committee was only established in 201I and there have been no increases
since 2010 but she sees the committoe helping with that aspect. Mr. Craig Johnson explained th*
more information will be presented in the meeting's third item. Information will be presented and a
plan will be formulated with input from the Commission to reach the community.
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Water Services Advisory Commission Final Minutes
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Comm. Berryhill asked if the water bill insert lie Connection is available on-line for those customers
that pay their bills through the Internet. Ms. Toms provided instuctions on how to locate it. Comm.
Berryhill suggested tlrat a link for rle Connectionbe placed on water bills for customers. Ms. Amanda
McKeever, Water Services Administator, explained that staff would certainly follow-up on the
suggestion since Water Services does not produce the water bills.
Mr. Ron Serio, Deputy Director, Water Services presented information to the Commission on the
Sub-Regional Operating Group or SROG. He explained the partnenhip of cities formed in 1979
involved for all the parts composing SROG. Several agreements are used to enable the SROG
concept to work the Sewer Interceptors and 9ld Avenue Wastewater Treatuent Plant agreement
and the 99th Avenue Interceptor agr€ement. Various cities parher in this enterprise, share costs and
revenues based on their percentage of ownership, and minimize costs by purchasing items with an
economy of scale. The city of Phoenix operates and maintains tre facilities on behalf of SROG.
Mr. Serio explained that the Sewer Interceptor system receives flows from Glendale, Sun City,
Peoria, Phoenit and Tolleson; however, although the city of Peoria retains ownership in the Sewer
Interceptor system, they currently do not use it. Flows from Sun City and Tolleson go to the Tolleson
Wastewater Treafinent Plant. Peoria built their own sewer tneatnent plant but wish to have an
emergency by-pass plan. He stated that the 9l n Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant heats flow from
Glendale, Mes4 Phoenr:r, Scottsdale, and Tempe with a capacity of 230 million gallons per day
(mgd). Glendale owns 13.2 mgd of treatnent capacity. Metering stations measure flows continually
in addition to sampling done twice a month. Fees are determined based on these two figures for each
contributing city. He showed an aerial photo of the 9l$ Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant and
provided a summary of its history. Glendale does not treat its own sludge, everything is sent to the
9ls Avenue Wastewater Treafinent Plant which Mr. Serio explained was a huge benefit on costs.
Cost allocations were then explained. Mr. Serio said that capial expenses are proportionally shared
based on owned capacity and operational expenses are proportionally shared based on operational
use which is taken from the metering station flow figures and sampling. A third party, Arizona
Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA), provides adminisbation sewices. Several SROG
committees (each composed of members from each city) provide oversite and management of the
Mr. Serio explained that several benefits to Glendale have already been mentioned but two others are
that a majority of effluent produced is sold to the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Facility with
nevenue generated $500,000 this year alone and the 9ls Avenue Wastewater Treatnent Plant
provides redundancy for the city's West Area Water Reclamation Facility (WAWRF).
Chairman Liebman asked how much our allowed treatrnent capacity of 13.2 mgd at the 9l$ Avenue
Wastewater Treannent Plant would increase in the event of a catastrophic event. Mr. Serio said it
would be slightly over 14 mgd, so a small amount more that what we currently own. He further
explained that should such an event occur, other cities could sell us a small amount of their capacity
since no city is using all of their allotted ownership percentage. Chairman Liebman then asked how
the AMWUA personnel is determined. Mr. Serio explained they are paid employees. Mr. Johnson
further explainod that all ten member cities pay an annual fee which is how AMWUA is funded for
such work as administative duties, accounting lobbying with the legislature, and being an advocate
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for both water and wastewater entities. Chairman Liebman then asked how much on an average
household bill does using the SROG facilities save a family. Mr. Serio said that the WAWRF does
not have the capacity to teat all the waste. It would have to be expanded at a cost of $20 million to
$30 million in capital building costs and could reach the $50 million range if a solids handling plant
had to be added. He elaborated tlrat just the hains at the 9ln Avenue Wastewater Treatnent Plant
cost $200 million per hain and each train heats 15 million gallons. Then annual operating costs
would then have to be borne by every customer so arnounts would be significant and on-going. Mr.
Johnson added that costs are spread across the 9ls Avenue WastewaterTreafrnent Plant and savings
as a SROG member are slightly less per gallon than the cost per gallon currently incurred at city
facilities. Mr. Serio then confirmed for Chairman Liebman that we can buy more capacity in the 9l s
Avenue Wastewater Treatnent Plant either from other cities or if plant upgrades are made.
Chairman Liebman asked if the r€,ason why Peoria pulled out was known. Ivlr. Johnson could only
speculate that Peoria was beginning to build so far north that it appeared to be a better business plan
to build their own tneahnent plant. Vice-chairman Short asked if Glendale could ever divert flow to
the ctty of Tolleson reclamation plant if needed. Mr. Johnson stated no, costs are much higher and
the effluent/reclaimed water should stay within city limits forcrty recharge benefit.
Comm. Berryhill asked for more information about the solids handling. She asked if a certain view
were leech fields. Mr. Serio explained that they were drying basins and leech fields are associated
with septic tank systems.
Mr. Craig Johnson provided information to the Commission on the financial plan and rate study, such
as clty manager input anticipated needs and possible direction of the Commission's role. He
informed the Commission that a Request for Proposal has gone out for linancial analysis, cost of
service analysis, and rate study for water and sewer nates. Six submittals are being reviewed by staff
of the Finance and Waer Services Departnents. This is the first rate increase since 2010 and will
not be an immediate effect increase.
Mr. Johnson met and explained the Advisory Commissions criteria of advisement to the Council on
issues pertaining to water and sewer when asked by l"tr. Kevin Phelps, the crty manager. Mr. Phelps
then asked if they could perhaps expand their scope to include solid waste, landfill fees, and other
sanitation-related issues. Mr. Johnson broached a broad outline of projected processes and topics.
He explained it will ake many meetings once the consultant is selected and then many more with
involved grcups: home builders' associations, Chamber of Commerce, water zones, and different
districts, in addition to any public meetings held.
Chairman Liebman asked what the protocol is going to be in bringing the commissioners up to speed
on sanitation topics. Comm. Gehl asked who the public works director is and if they awar€ of this
request. Mr. Johnson explained that the director is Jack Friedline and yes, he is aware and on-board
with this request. Chairman Liebman stated he does not want this to dilute the WSAC mission. Mr.
Johnson assured the commission that would not be the case. He further explained that when the term'trtilities" is considered by the public, it includes sanitation charges for garbage services.
Chairman Liebman stated thathedoesn'tgeta sepafrat€saniation bill towhich Mr. Johnson explained
it is all contained on the monthly water bill. The unanimous oonsensus ofthe members was that they
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Water Services Advisory Commission Final Minutes
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would be willing to undertake this addod task. IUr. Johnson and Ms. McKeever stated that more
information, but no final resolution, will be brought to the commission at next month's meeting.
No audience members spoke.
Fats, Oils, and Grease
Water ConservationlDrought
Rate StudyUpdate
No Commissioners spoke.
)il. I\rExT MEETING: November2,20l6,6 p.m.
XII. ADJOT RNMENI - Motion to adjoum was made by Vice{hair Short, sccondcd by Comm. Gehl.
MOTION APPROVED 4-0. The meeting adjourned il7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitte4