HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 9/14/2016MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: CITY OF GLENDALE PARKS AND RECRI]ATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING GLENDALE N DULT CENTER 5970 W. BROWN ST. - ROOM t04 September 14,2016 6:00 P.M. Manuel Padia, Chair Lorric Moreno Henry Rosas Ethan McAffee Barbara Cole John F'aris Len Koh Kerry Dewberry, Vicc Chair Alicia Rubio Erik Strunk, Director Public Facilities, Recrcation & Special Events l'im Barnard, Assistant Director Stcphanie Miller, Program Manager Paul King, Administrator Sports, Recreation & After-School Mike Gregory, Deputy Director Kim Larson, Marketing & Communications Program Manager Cameron Dewaele, Administrativc Support Supervisor A brief tour of the facility was givcn prior to the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Padia called the meeting to ordcr at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Chair Padia took roll call. lll. APPROVAL OF MINU]'ES -JUl.Y | 1.2016: AUGUST 13.2016 Commissioner Koh motioned, second by Commissioner Cole, to approve the July llr 2016 and August 13, 2016 mecting minutes as written. Motion carricd 7 - 0. IV. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR None. V. PARTNERS IN ACTION FIESTA BOWL GRAN'I' Mr. Strunk noted that in May 2016, the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to engagc the services of Partners in Action (PlA) at the Glendale Community Center at 5401 W. Ocotillo Road. Mr. Strunk announced that on Junc 6, 2016, PIA submitted a grant to Fiesta Bowl Charities to fund physical improvemcnts to thc Center and to provide seed money to enhance youth programs. In August 2016, PIA staff was notified by Fiesta Bowl Charities that they were to receive a $100,000 grant: $75,000 toward physical improvements and $25,000 for program enhancements. Mr. Strunk thankcd Mr. Gregory, Mr. Barnard, and their staff for their hard work on the grant efforts. I Mr. Gregory provided a picturc of the front entrance design and diagrams of the parking lot and proposed intcrior physical improvements. Mr. Gregory explained that thc physicai improvements would include: e Interior o Painting and drywall repair of the interior rooms, updating lighting, removing and replacing flooring, refurbishing the accordion wall, constructing a culinary teaching countei, and replacing the mirrors, bars, and flooring in the dance room. o Exterior o Replacing thc shade structure fabric and resurfacing the basketball/volleyball court for multi-use. o Potentially installing raised planters for a community gardcn program, howcver, logistical issues must still be rcsolved with the City engineers. Mr. Gregory announced that the program enhancements would be used to engage Playworks to supervise and provide organized programming on site. Mr. Gregory commented that additional program enhancements include adding the Ambassadors of Compassion (AOC) Leadcrship Program. Mr. Gregoryixplaincd that AOC is an interactive program designed to teach critical life principles to high school kids. Mr. Gregory reported the following: . Physical improvements are currently in the design phase. o PIA has engaged a landscape architect. . The Building Standards committec has approved the design shccts. . Asbestos testing is being conductcd, but is not expected to be found. o One wall will be removed and replaced with an accordion wall to offer multiple room uses. o Meetings are being held on an ongoing basis. o The grand opening is expected in December 20l6,just before the Fiesta Bowl and participation from both teams is anticipated. Mr. Barnard stated that the project is very unique. Mr. Barnard acJded that PtA is very happy with the grant opportunity and may apply again in future years. Mr. Barnard notcd that this grant helps IrlA, ihc children, and the City of Glendale. Commissioner Koh inquired about the role of PIA. Mr. Gregory rcplied that PIA is a non-profit agency that assists various groups with a spccial focus on youth. Chair Padia commented that PIA gavc a prescntation to the Commission in the past and suggested inviting a representative to an upcoming Commission meeting. Mr. Strunk suggested the possibility oi having a mobile commission meeting at thc Glendale community center along with a-tour. Chair Padia inquircd if thcre has cver becn a discussion of enclosing thc baskctball courl and constructing an indoor gymnasium. Mr. Gregory replied that the suggestion is well takcn; howcver, construction and maintenance of a gymnasium would be expensivc and is not currently in the City budget. VI. O'NEIT, PARK PUBLIC OUTREAC}I Mr. Strunk provided background information on thc aquatics facility at O'Neil Park locate d at 64tt' Avenue and Missouri Avenue. The park features the O'Neil Recreation Cenicr which offcrs afterschool programming, lighted ball fields, lighted basketball court, lighted racquetball courrs, a soccer field, playground, piJric tables,grills, and ramadas. The pool was constructed in 1966 and was opcrationat for 44 years. Mr. Strunk noted thatin 201 l, the pool had been deemed no longer safe by the county due to need of reconstructive repair. The pool was subsequently closed due to dcclining patronage and requircd reconstruction with costs exceeding the City's financial ability. Mr. Strunk commented that the unused bathhousc and pool area have bccome blight to the neighborhood. The issuc needs to be addressed with scnsitivity to thc community. Some Council remb"rs have iriquired about the future plans for thc park; however, the Master Plan does not include rebuilding the aquatics faciiity or repairing the existing structure. A report was provided to the Commissioners with deiails regarding thc cost of"repaiI patronage numbers, and estimates for a new pool or splash pad at the site. Mr. Strunk stated that in ordcr to determine the community's needs and wants regar4ing the Park, public outreach will bc conducted and spearheaded by Ms. Miller. Ms. Miller highlighted the proposed public outreach initiativc regarding O'Neil park. o September - November: Initial Input Phase o Door Hangers o Media Release " "' :" il;*T{, il} h,,'* ;:ff:Hffi ;:-* * : :::,, ce n,ers,he B.ys & Girls Club, Council membcr newsletters o Social Media & Wcb o Flyers to Schools o Ads o O'Neil Recreation Center o Personal Contact will be Key! . Personal, concentrated, targeted outreach eflorts What would you like to see as a replacement? o The survey will ask what features the public would like to sce at the park. November Commission Meeting Update Rcquest for Design Fund via Budget Process Multi-Ycar Initiative Ms. Millcr displayed the O'Neil Park Public Outreach Timeline which delincates the initiative activity, targcted start and end dates, and materials. Commissioner Morcno suggestcd coordinating the outrcach with the two schools in that community andorganizing a raffle for returning completcd surveys. Chair Padia suggested working with the parent-Teacher Associations in the schools as well. Ms. Miller agreed upon the imfortance of outrcach to the schools andnoted that this is in the plan. Mr. Strunk announced that Mr. Barnard is coordinating a Market Potential Index Study which will providc information that will be helpf'ul for this initiative as well. Mr. Barnard explained that Mari.et Study is a tool forranking people's interests, needs, and wants. Mr. Barnard commented on the service diffcrences for aneighborhood, community, and regional park. Chair Padia commented that thc public should not be providcd with options in the survey for items that the Citycannot afford, such as a new pool. Chair Padia felt that the options offered should be rcalistic or a srarement a o a should be included on thc survey such as "funding is to bc determined" so the residents do not get the impression that therc are budgeted funds available for all of the options. Commissioner Koh felt all options should be included in the survey to detennine thc top thrce or four and then staff can pursue feasibility. Commissioner Koh inquired as to the minimum survey rcsponsc required to make a decision and the size of thc area around the park to be surveyed. Mr. Strunk replied that approximately a one-mile radius around the park will be survcyed; however, other dcmographics may be surveyed as it wiil be distributed by various panners and online. Mr. Strunk addcd that Parks and Recreation will soon be undergoing an updated Master Plan, with the process to begin in January or February of 2017. Mr. Strunk cxplaincd that the pro""r, is fairly rigorous which will involve sophisticated analyses and detailed surveying. Mr. Strunk announced that Mr. Barnard is beginning the RFP process for consultants tbr the Master Plan and asked if any Commissioners would tike to assist Mr. Barnard. Commissioner Koh volunteered. Commissioner Rosas inquired about the outreach promotion via social media. Ms. Miller explained thepromotion would be a call to action with links to the City website. Commissioner McAffee motioncd, second by Commissioner Koh, for staff to continue to move forward inthe direction prescnted regarding the O'Neil Park public outreach initiativc. Motion carried 7 - 0. NN toN w Mr. Strunk noted that at the August 13, 2016 summer study scssion, the Cornmissioners identified activities which they were interested in pursuing and/or learning about over the coming year. Discussion was held in order to review the topics and determine a Commission Work Ptan for FYl6-i7. Mr. Barnard noted items which will be addressed by the upcoming Master Plan update. I'otential items included the following: ' Examine socio-economic issues in terms of neighborhood revitalization and also to consider the needs of the south Glendale and the hcart of Clendale o Will be addresscd as part of the Master plan update. r More STEM programming for Glendalc youth. o Chair Padia suggested working with a partner to creatc a SI'EM night or event. o Mr. Gregory suggested partnering with staff to develop a S'I'EM program or curriculum which could be used at five community centers. o Commissioner Cole stated that she would like to learn morc about STEM. Mr. Barnard stated that the topic could be discussed more in depth on an upcoming agenda. Chair Padia suggested a hands-on approach at an upcoming Commission meeting. o Mr. Strunk commented that a visit to thc Martin Art Centcr could be scheduled. o Tentative Work Plan ltem: Furthcr opportunities regarding STEM would be pursued. r Develop Heroes Rcgional Park and consider that many Clendale residents do not have transportation tothe park. o Will be addrcssed as part of the Master plan update. ' Ensure alignment of the City Plan, the Centerline Plan, and the Economic Development plan. r Create more SIC classes that stress civic responsibility, civic pride, and grass roots leadership.' Examine how citizen participation could be increased in certain communities. o Will be addresscd as part of the Master plan update. o Chair Padia notcd that this topic was initially brought up by Vice Chair Dewberry. o Chair Padia stated that this issue could be tackled by inviting nearby rcsidenis to the mobile Commission mcetings. a o o o Mr. Gregory noted that Commissioner Cole could invite students to attend a Commission meeting. Commissioner Cole asked if the students would receive community service hours for attending. o Commissioner Moreno fclt that Vice Chair Dewbcrry's input on the issue was nccded in ordcr to ensure that the discussion was on targct in regards to his original intent. Commissioner Koh suggested that the ropic be tabled until the next mceting. Ail agreed. More scholarships and a STEM camp. o Chair Padia inquircd about scholarships for SIC classes. Mr. Strunk replied that scholarships are availablc; however, any additional funding partnerships would be helpful. Mr. Strunk commented that thc Commissioners could reach out for scholarship donations. Chair Padia asked if staff had a flyer which the Comrnissioncrs could distribute to potential donors. Mr. Strunk replicd that a flyer could be provided with information such as how the funds are uscd and success stories. Mr. Strunk added that a Commissioner fundraiser has not been held in the past however, but it could be considered as well. Commissioncr Cole suggested a booth at the Chocolate Affaire and invite members of MYAC to partner with the Commission at the booth. o 'l'entative Work Plan ltem: The Commissioners will reach out to two outside partners to contribute to the Parks and Recreation Youth Scholarship Fund. o Commissioner Moreno inquired if staff had a tcmplate for outreach. Mr. Barnard stated that staff currently has a template for a thank you memo, but an outrcach memo could bc drafted. Conduct Commission meetings at different Glendalc locations and invite community residents to the meetings to obtain comments and feedback. o Chair Padia suggested posting flyers at and near the mobite meetings prior to the meetings to increase nearby resident participation. Mr. Barnard stated that postings iould be made on social media and the City website as well. o Mr. Strunk commented that a newspaper reportcr could bc invited to an upcoming meeting to profile the Commission. Mr. Strunk will contact Ms. Kim Larson of the Marketing Departrnent to outline potential ideas. o Commissioner Cole noted that this evening's meeting is being held at the Clendale Adult Center. o Mr. Strunk commented that other mobile mcetings are scheduled for the year. o Tentative Work Plan ltem: The Commissioners arc to invite members of the public to thc Commission meetings. Flyers will be developed as wcll. Develop a map depicting where SIC classes are currcntly offcred and identify underserved niches. o Will be addrcssed as part of the Master plan update. o Commissioncr Moreno noted that some StC classes might be popular in one area, but not in another. Chair Padia stated that unique offerings to diflercnt areas should be explored. o Mr. Barnard explained that the Mastcr Plan will identily gaps in the services and facilitics and offer recommendations for resol ution. o Commissioner Cole suggested targeting one community by having a meeting in their park. Follow through with the development of a Youth Mastcr Plan and conduct a survev. Learn more about partnering with the Boys and Girls Club. Address the necd for frcc services at the parks and librarics. o Will be addressed as part of the Revenue and Fee Study. o Chair Padia stated that the public may not be aware of the free services that are already available. o Chair Padia commented on thc upcoming Far West Lib Con and suggested distributing a targeted survey to youth at this event. Chair Padia explaincd that the Far West Lib Con is an event giarcd towards teens and is similar to a Comic Con, but for reading. Chair Padia noted that the Glendale Library is participating in the event and this could be a good opportunity to conduct teen outreach and capture feedback. o Tentative Work Plan ltem: A potential participation opportunity with the Far West Lib Con would be explored in regards to youth outreach/survey. Commissioner Rosas suggcsted raising ratcs for facility rcntals and allocating the extra funds to the Youth Scholarship Fund. Mr. Strunk noted that in the City water bill, residents can donate to the Youth Scholarship Fund via thc From the Heart program. Mr. Strunk added that when residents sign up for a class, they can also donate to the Scholarship Fund at that timc. Commissioner Rosas suggested implementing rounding up a payment for a class, with thc difference being allocated to thc Scholarship Fund, such as how grocery stores have done with other charities. Mr. Strunk stated staff will takc thc focus items from the discussion this evening and draft a tentative Work Plan which will be placed on the October 2016 Commission agenda for final review and forrnal adoption. Commissioner Cole announccd that she will not be at the October 2016 Commission meeting since shc will be out of town. Commissioner Cole wondered if shc could cast her votc carly in regards to the plan. Mr. Barnard replied in the negative. Mr. Barnard explained that the draft Work Plan would be sent out via email with the mecting documents. Commissioner Cole could submit her formal comments to the Chair via email which could bc read at the meeting and included in the rneeting minutes. VIII. STAFF UPDATES Mr. Strunk gave an update, which included the following: . Update on the Fall2016 "Movies in the Park" series o A calendar of movies was provided to the Commissioners. r The dedication ceremony will be held on October l5th for the new Archery Ranch at Heroes Park. o Mr. Gregory noted that Mayor and Council will be at the grand opening, as well as Mr. Erik Bennett, a paralympian, and Mr. Mel Nichols, the U.S. Olympic Archery Coach. Archery demonstrations will be held. All are invited to attend. o Request by the Chamber of Commerce to construct and place a flag polc in Thunderbird Conservation Park o Mr. Strunk explained that this rcquest is being handled carefully as this is a conservation park and there should be no commercial or manmade encroachment on the park. Someone has placed a flag at the park ovcr the years and there is a movement to permanently install the flag along with lighting. Mr. Strunk stated that all respect to the flag is well-deservcd and well-intended. StatTwill meet with the Chamber of Commerce in regards to the issue. o Brush Fire at Thunderbird Conservation Park o The fire occurred a month ago and covered approximately five acres. o The terrain was very stcep and BLM air support had to be called to extinguish the fire. o The cause of the fire is still unknown and is under investigation by the BLM. Mr. Gregory introduced Mr. Dewacle, the Administrative Support Supervisor. Mr. Dewacle gave a bricf description of his responsibilities. Mr. Gregory noted that Mr. Dewaele is researching new and better softwarc options for registrations. Mr. Gregory provided the following updates: o The department has reccived an Arizona Diamondbacks Play Ball Grant in the amount of $1,000.00 which will go into thc Youth Sports Scholarship Fund to fund youth teams. o The Glendale Adult Ccnter hours have been expanded to 7:00 p.m. Kudos to staff membcrs for being flexible with shifts to accommodate the change. No additional staff was nccded. o A STEM Club has been introduced at the Descrt Mirage Elementary Afterschool Program. o The Harvard University astronomcrs and Smithsonian Institution astronomers partner together as the llarvard-Smithsonian Center tbr Astrophysics. The Department has joined the Center's "search the Universe" club which allows children to go to thcir website and access telescopes to view various pafts of the universe. o The Glendale Community Center is partnering with thc Library on arts and crafts programming. o The'Iouch-A-Truck event will be hcld on October 22no. Volunteers are needed. Commissioner Cole volunteered. o An RFP has been issucd for urban farming on undevelopcd park land. Mr. Barnard provided the following updates: o On October 25tn, Mayor and Council will vote on resurfacing the tennis courts at the Pasco Racquet Centcr. o The RFP for the update of Master Plan for the Sahuaro Ranch Historical Park potential contractors by the end of the month. Commissioner volunteers arc will be distributed to needed for scoring. Commissioner Cole voluntcered. o An on-call consultant will be uscd for the Herocs Regional Park be signed soon. Master Plan update. The contract will Chair Padia stated that he would like to see the Movies in the Park scries held at Rose Lane. Mr. Barnard rcplied that the schedulc distributed was only for the fall, and the spring schedule will be devcloped in the ncar future. X. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner McAffee stated that the meeting was very good. Commissioner Cole found the meeting to bc very informative. Commissioner Cole likes the suggestion of having a Commission booth at events and also likes the Movies in the Park. Commissioner Cole volunteered to work the Commission booth. Mr. Gregory announced that thc City's will be sent to the Commissioncrs. Commissioner Koh stated that it would to ask when working a booth or events. GAIN event will be held on October 28, 2016, and more information be beneficial to have a specific list of questions for the commissioners Commissioner Rosas enjoyed meeting at the Glendale Adult Center and was pleased that the meetings will be held at other facilities too. Chair Padia stated that he is very excited about the new programs such as the Archery Range and the Movies in the Park. Chair Padia looking forward to the continued growth of youth programming in the City. XI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. by consensus. Respectful ly submitted, Denise Kazmierczak