HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Citizens Transportation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 9/1/2016MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES CITIZENS TRANSPORTATIO N OVERSIG HT COM M ISSION 5850 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, Arizona 85301 City Hall, Room B-3 September t,2Ot6 6:(X) p.m. Tom Schmitt, Chair John Geurg Vice Chair Don Brazier James Grose MichaelHart Jeff McAffee Marie Nesfield Roberta Podzius CJ Williams Joan Young Jack Nylund (excused) Jack Lorbeer, Transportation Plan ning Manager Patrick Sage, Transportation Planner Purab Adabala, Transportation Analyst Kurt Christenson, Assistant City Attorney Jennifer Pyne, Valley Metro Megan Casey, Valley Metro C.all to Order Chair Schmitt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Approval ofthe Acenda Chair Schmitt called for approval of the agenda for the September t,IOLG CTOC meeting. Mr. Lorbeer noted that Ms. Pyne (Valley Metro) would be a little late and asked that the CTOC consider moving the Valley Metro Agenda ltem toward the end of the meeting. ACTfON BY CTOC: Approval of the agenda for the September t,20t6 Cltizens Transportation Oversight Commission with Agenda ltems Vlll and lX to be presented before Agenda ltem Vll. Motion: Commissioner Podzius. Second: Vice Chair Geurs. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioners Young, Grose, Hart, and McAffee were not yet present. Approval of Minutes from Aueust 4, 2016 Meetlne Chair Schmitt called for approval of the minutes. ACTION BY CTOC: Approval of the minutes from the August 4,2016 meetlng of the Citizens Transportation Overcight Commission as written. Motion: Commissioner Brazier. Second: Commissioner Williams. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioners Young, Grose, Hart, and McAffee were not yet present.) Call to the Audience No comments. Commissloners and Staff Updates [Commissioner Hart entered the meeting.l Commissioner Williams commented that he participated in the new Commission orientation with Mr. Sage and Mr. Adabala, who both did a great job. [Commissioner McAffee entered the meeting.l Chair Schmitt commented that he attended the ADOT Self-Driving Vehicles Oversight Committee meeting a few weeks ago, which he found to be very interesting. Chair Schmitt stated that the meeting included an update on Google Cars. Chair Schmitt explained that the technology for self-driving cars has been around for approximately 20 years, that ADOT has plans for participating in the challenge of self-driving cars, and that Uber is also looking into the technology. Chair Schmitt noted that ADOT indicated the current roadways could accommodate self-driving vehicles. [Commissioner Grose entered the meeting.l Chair Schmitt introduced new Commissioner Hart, who was sworn in at the August 9th City Council meeting. Chair Schmitt inquired if Commissioner Hart had participated in the new Commissioner orientation and Commissioner. Hart replied in the positive. Manase/s Report Mr. lorbeer provided a status update/information on the following topics: r Follow-up ltems from August CTOC Meetins o Northern Parkwav Update o CTOC Appreciation Meetins Chair Schmitt inguired if the other partners want to downgrade to signalized intersections instead of interchanges. Mr. Lorbeer replied in the positive. Mr. Lorbeer explained that there is a higher cost for the interchanges and there is a difference of opinions among the partners as to the scope and size of the parkway extension. Chair Schmitt inquired if there was anything the CIOC could do to assist the City of Glendale in support of the original project. Chair Schmitt asked if the 2008 agreement regarding Northern Parkway had been reviewed to determine if it was a legally binding agreement between the partners. Mr. lorbeer explained that a cursory assessment has been made. Mr. lorbeer noted that there is a desire by all partners to arrive at an agreement without pursuing legal means. Mr. lorbeer added that the City of 2 Glendale has already invested S30 million as a match to fund the section of the Northern Parkway that has already been constructed, as initially agreed. Mr. Lorbeer stated that negotiations will be continued for the near future after which, Mr. Lorbeer will most likely bring a recommendation before the CIOC for consideration. Chair Schmitt offered any needed assistance by the gfOC. Commissioner Williams asked which department handled the HURF program prior to the Transportation division. Mr. Lorbeer explained that the HURF program was previously handled by the Finance division because several City sources drew from the funding. Mr. Lorbeer noted that he and staff recommended moving HURF to the Transportation umbrella because the division has efficiently managed HURF projects and funding. [Commissioner Young entered the meeting.l Chair Schmitt welcomed new Commissioner Young, who was sworn in at the August 9th City Council meeting. Vll. West Phoenix/Central Glendale Hirh Capadhr Translt Studv Update To be presented after Agenda ltem lX. Vlll. 60 Prosram Audh Mr. Adabala presented the final draft of the GO Program Performance Audit for FY2OL2-2014 (the draft Audit report was presented to the CTOC at the May L2,2016 meeting). Highlights included the following information: o Update on how commitments to voters are being met. o Update on how the GO Program is being addressed fairly and accurately in the City's financial practices. Mr. Adabala provided the status of implementation of each recommendation. Mr. Adabala also mentioned that some of the findings depending on the status of implementation would show up in the next audit. Mr. Adabala opened the floor for questions. Commissioner Podzius inguired as to how long it would take for new CIP input software/system to be purchased. Mr. Adabala explained that a consultant has already been hired with the ta3k of identifying recommended software. Mr. Adabala stated that it could take up to two years for purchase and implementation due to the far-reaching aspects of this type of system. ACflON BY CTOC: Acceptance of the findings of the pt20t2-t4 GO Transportation Program Performance Audit report and to forward the report to City Council for consideration. (Motion: Commissioner Podzius; Second: Vice Chair Geurs; motion carried unanimously.) !X. Flnal GO FY20U-2041 Procram of Proiects Mr. Adabala clarified that at the last CTOC meeting, he had stated that the City's bond rating (Moody's) was"A2"; however, it is actually'?3." Mr. Adabala gave a presentation on the final draft of the FY2017-2UL GO Program of Projects: o Background ofGO Program o Proposition No. 402 Background & Projects 3 x. . Corrections . summary of FY2017-2UL GO Program o GO Program Capital Summary (including any changes to projects) o Operations Summary (including any changes to operations) o Schedule Chair Schmitt asked staff to provide copies of the report to the Commissioners. ACTfON BY CTOC: Approval of recommendatlon to City Council of the Final FY2017-2UI Program of Proiects forthe GO Transportation Program. Motion: Commissioner Grose. Second: Commissioner Nesfield. Motion carried unanimously. West Phoenix/Central Glendale Hieh Capacitv Translt Studv Update Ms. Pyne provided a recap and status update on the study to extend high capacity transit into the downtown Glendale area. A map displaying the anticipated future transit system through 2034 was displayed. The presentation included the following information: o Background - Maps displayed o Timeline o Goal of Planning Study - Develop a Recommendation o Study Process o Key Evaluation Criteria o Types of Transit o The Map of the Leading Alternative was displayed o Next Steps Chair Schmitt inquired if the same criteria used for route evaluation would be used by the federal government for project funding decisions. Ms. Pyne gave a brief explanation of the similar criteria used for determination of federal funding and noted that all criteria is weighted equally. Commission Williams inquired as to the wide range in costs estimates for the different types of transit. Ms. Pyne explained that the costs of right-of-way requirements and utility relocation are dependent on the specific project and locations, which leads to the wide ranges. Ms. Pyne explained that if the ultimate project goal is to cross the railroad and extend to Westgate, at would be easier done at Glenn Drive or Palmaire Avenue. Chair Schmitt commented that opportunities for a park-n-ride are better on the west side of Grand Avenue and Ms. Pyne agreed. Ms. Pyne noted that another area which at which further design is being explored is the crossing at l-17 and Camelback. Vice Chair Geurs inquired if Ms. Pyne could provide another update to the CTOC in Spring of 2OL7, especially regarding the crossing of the railroad tracks at Grand Avenue and the crossing atl-L7 and Camelback. Commissioner Brazier inquired if the leading alternative route is set in stone. Ms. Pyne replied that this is where the technical analysis is focused, but it would be solidified in Spring of 2Ot7 with a Glendale City Councilvote. Commissioner Brazier expressed concern that many businesses would be affected along 43'd Avenue. Commissioner Brazier stated that a route along Grand Avenue would have less impact on businesses. 4 Chair Schmitt commented that many alternatives were considered by the Glendale Working Group, other groups, and also reviewed by the CTOC. The pros and cons for all routes were researched and reviewed and at that time, the leading alternative route was determined to be the best overall. Chair Schmitt commented that eventually the alternatives had to be narrowed down with a final chosen so that the design and development phase could begin. Ms. Pyne noted that there are still many studies to be conducted on the leading alternative, such as environmentalstudies and more detailed design. However, in the spring, the leading alternative will need to be finalized to further define funding, identify impacts, and develop detailed design. Commissioner Podzius inquired as to an update on City of Phoenix progress related to this p@ect. Ms. Pyne replied that a stakeholder group, including Valley Metro, the City of Phoenix, ADOT, and MAG, is reviewing options for the design. A major consideration for the Phoenix section is the required crossing of l-17 to extend rail into Glendale. Valley Metro and Phoenix are working towards identifying their focaf fy preferred alternative by the Spring of 20L7. Commissioner Williams inquired as to the costs of maintaining the laght rail or the specific type of transit method chosen. Ms. Pyne explained that Valley Metro manages and operates the service and the cities reimburse Valley Metro for costs based on mileage within each city. Commissioner Brazier asked about the costs along 43'd Avenue. Chair Schmitt clarified that the City of Glendale and City of Phoenix would share the costs along 43'o Avenue. Commissioner Grose complimented the several modes of public transportation in the City of Boston he observed while on a recent trip. Chair Schmitt announced that there is funding in the GO Program which CTOC has approved for use by Valley Metro to study and extension from downtown Glendale to Westgate. Mr. Lorbeer confirmed. Chair Schmitt thanked Ms. Pyne for her presentation. Future Asenda ltems No new future agenda items were requested by the commissioners. Next MeetlnsTime The next meeting is scheduled forThursday, October 6,2OtG at 6:00 p.m. by consensus at 7:30 p.m. SPECIAT ACCOM MODATIONS Please contact transportation staff at (623) 930-2940 at least three (3) days prior to the meeting for special accommodations. Hearing impaired persons please use the Arizona Relay Service at 1-80G,367-8939. xt. x[.