HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Aviation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 7/13/2016MINUTES AVIATION ADVISORY COMMISSION GLENDALE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 6801 N. GLEN HARBOR BLVD . SUITE 201 GLENDALE, ARIZONA 85307 AIRPORT CONFERENCE ROOM JULY 13,2016 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Rovey with the following Commissioners present: Quentin Tolby, Terry Aramian, Tim Topliff, Randal Kruger, and Leonard Escudero. Also present were Kenn Potts, Airport Adminishator; John Padilla, Luke Air Force Base; James Gruber, Assistant City Attomey; Kurt Christianson, Assistant City Attorney II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Commissioner Aramian motioned to approve the June 8, 2016 meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Topliffmade the second. The motion carried 6 - 0. III. REOUEST FOR CONTINUANCE OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS. None. IV. AIRPORT BUSINESS 1. Aviation Advisory Commission Skill Sets Vice Chair Rovey facilitated a discussion on the Commission member Skill Sets. The following narrative was reviewed by the Commissioners as submitted by Commissioner Escudero at previous meetings: "The Glendale Municipal Airport exists for the use and convenience of the private and business aviation community. That community ranges from individual small aircraft owners to flight training schools. The Airport is also home to various supporting business operations providing serices and supplies to that community from fuel to repair and maintenance facilities. In addition, the Airport is a close proximate transportation hub for the sporting, entertainment and business venues located in Glendale and neighboring communities. The Airport is therefore both a service and abusiness. The dual goals of the Airport are to fulfill the expectations of the serviced aviation community and to be a self-sustaining business in providing those services. The seven-seat Aviation Advisory Commission perfonns an oversight function, focusing on protecting the interests of the Airport, promoting the Airport to the aviation community, and working with City Staff in charge of the Airport to develop recommendations and voted on resolutions conceming Airport activities for submittal to the Glendale City Council. The following desired qualifications for membership on the Commission are guidelines, helpful, but not requirements for citizen participation. o In common with all City Commissions, members must be willing to devote the required time to attend meetings and Airport public functions. o Members must be willing to learn about the Airport, its place within the City of Glendale, and its impact on the City and the region. Part of the learning experiences includes understanding the constraints imposed upon the airport, such as FAA, environmental, zoring, and even Air Force regulatory impacts. I understanding the constraints imposed upon the airport, such as FAA, environmental, zoning, and even Air Force regulatory impacts. Members should have some experience or relationship to the aviation community, whether as a pilot or affiliated business interest. This is not a hard and fast requirement. As the Airport receives monies from various sources used to fund the operating expenses of the Airport, any budgetary or financial awareness is helpful. Members must be willing to make themselves available to the aviation community, and may need to reach out to members of that community that are directly involved with the Airport. The continuing viability of the Airport depends upon the number of aircraft using the Airport. Mernbers should be proactive in developing promotional opportunities to make the Airport the destination of choice for the aviation community. The most important factor that overrides all of the other considerations is the desire to be an active, participating citizen who wants to fulfiII a civic role in and for the City of Glendale. Commissioner Kruger inquired as to the objective of the document. Commissioner Escudero explained that the document would provide a general description of the ideal qualifications for a Commissioner candidate. Commissioner Escudero commented that these were not hard and fast requirernents but a framework for Council members to use when looking for appointees to the Commission. Vice Chair Rovey commented on the difficulty in finding Commission members over the past year which led to challenges with meeting quorum. Commissioner Aramian wondered if the qualifications listed in the document would further limit those who would sit on the Commission, again causing issues with vacancies. Vice Chair Rovey explained that it is significant that new Commissioners have some attachment to the aviation industry because of the leaming curve of the Aviation Commission. Vice Chair Rovey also felt that a two-year Commission term was not long enough for an Aviation Commissioner. Commissioner Kruger motioned to approve the Commission member Skill Set recommendation document and submit the document to the Government Services Committee for consideration. Commissioner Topliff made the second. The motion carried 6 - 0. Aviation Advisory Commission Vision Statement The Commissioners reviewed proposed Vision Statements submitted by Commissioner Escudero. Commissioner Aramian commented that Council, who most likely established the Aviation Commission, would have a very specific reason to have done so and wondered what the initial reason was. Commissioner Tolby explained that when he was Mayor, his initial concept of the Commission was to be the watchdog of the Airport, to interact with Council more, to work with Council on needed changes, and to be involved in public relations. Commissioner Tolby felt that overtime, the Commission has become inactive and that some of the past problerns at the Airport could have been avoided if the Commission were more active and involved. Commissioner Escudero stated that the Airport has the potential to be much busier due to the location near the sports complex and the new casino. Commissioner Escudero felt that more public relations was needed. Vice Chair Rovey commented that the Airport seems to have been forgotten and has not been promoted. Vice Chair Rovey felt that the future opportunities of the Airport could be phenomenal. Commissioner Topliff stated that the Airport needs to be a tool in the City's toolbox for economic development and tourism. Commissioner Topliff stated that it could be a task of the Commission to help implement promotional ideas for the Airport, which could take a long time to develop. Commissioner Topliff would like to see the Airport become a pronier landing spot for corporate jets. Commissioner Escudero suggested that extending Glen Harbor Drive south of the Airport would increase traffic flow and Airport interest. Vice Chair Rovey agreed. Commissioner Kruger suggested that each Commissioner select one of two of the proposed vision statements for discussion and vote at the next meeting. The Commission agreed by consensus to table further action on the Vision Statement until the August meeting allowing time for further review. 3. FAA Hangar Policy Mr. Potts provided an update to the recent publication of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars. Commissioner Tolby inquired as to the waiver process. Mr. Potts replied that the waiver applications are not available yet. Commissioner Tolby commented that there are many airports not in compliance. Commissioner Tolby felt that the FAA has treated the Airport severely while turning a blind eye to others. Commissioner Tolby stated that the Airport complied and performed hangar inspections, which in tum led to a lawsuit. Commissioner Tolby noted that a recent court ruling states that the Airport cannot enforce a ruling which has not been enforced in the past, so the Airport is in a no-win situation regarding hangar inspections. Commissioner Kruger commented that the City has 21 days to respond to the court ruling, therefore, the issue is not fully settled although the judge came out with a summary judgment. Mr. Gruber confirmed the general explanation. Mr. Gruber added that litigation is ongoing and there has been no settlement between the parties. Mr. Gruber noted that the City has hired outside legal counsel for litigation in the form of an appeal to a higher body. Mr. Gruber was unable to provide more details at this time. Commissioner Aramian requested a brief explanation of the issue regarding hangar inspections, including the lawsuit and definition of aeronautical items versus non-aeronautical iterns. Commissioner Tolby provided an explanation. Mr. Potts provided the next steps regarding the FAA policy on non-aeronautical use of hangars, as noted in the following: o Glendale Municipal Airport Non-Aeronautical Use of Aircraft Hangars Rules and Regulations/Policy Change Process o Final FAA Policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars Published o Internal City Management Meetings . Review Policy ' Provide Direction to City Staff o Aviation Advisorv Commission . Discussion of Policy . Airport Administrator Discussion - City Meetings o Aviation Advisory Commission (AAC) forms Stakeholder Committee (SHC) . Members Identified . Committee Invitations Sent o Stakeholder Committee (SHC) Meetings 3 Recommendation to AAC from SHC on Rules & Regulations and Policy Changes AAC Reviews SHC Recommendation Public Comment Period for Recommended Changes . Public Comment Period for 60 Days ' Recommended Changes Published Public Comment Period Ends AAC Reviews Public Comments r fu{Q Sends Public Comments to SHC . SHC Reviews Public Comments SHC Makes Final Draft Recommendations to AAC Mr. Potts acknowledged that before the above policy change process could begin, the City needs to settle the lawsuit with GAPA. Vice Chair Rovey inquired if the FAA stance would open the door for waivers at the Airport. Mr. Potts replied that waivers may possiblybe allowed. Commissioner Topliff inquired if the new FAA policy requires hangar rent to be charged if non- aeronautical items are stored. Mr. Potts replied in the positive. Mr. Potts stated that 95o/o of hangar inspections have been completed to ensure compliance with the storage regulations. Mr. Potts commented that he is working with Mr. Tony Garcia of the FAA Los Angeles office. Commissioner Tolby suggested invited Mr. Garcia to a Commission meeting, whether in person or speaker phone, to give an explanation of the new FAA policy and answer questions. Mr. Potts was not sure if Mr. Garcia would be able to attend a Commission meeting. Mr. Potts stated that AzAA is in the process of inviting Mr. Garcia to present at the Arizona Airports Association Conference in October 2016 in Phoenix. Mr. Potts noted that the new FAA policy does not take effect untilTllllT. Commissioner Tolby asked if Mr. Garcia was aware that the judge instructed the Airport to stop performing inspections. Mr. Potts replied in the positive and added that Mr. Garcia indicated that the Airport would not be in danger of losing funds. Mr. Gruber stated that the new FAA policy opens the door for discussion between the lawsuit parties and added that the City is historically open to settlernent offers. Commissioner Escudero motioned to keep the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) policy on the Non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars as a standing agenda item. Commissioner Topliff made the second. The motion carried 6 - 0. 4. Discuss Federal Aviation Administration Grant 025 Mr. Potts presented information on the upcoming FAA Grant 3-044-006-025-2016 for the North Apron Rehabilitation Project. Mr. Potts showed an aerial map of the Airport, with special emphasis on the North Apron Project. Further details as follows were presented: o The project will go out for bid at the end of July. o The federal fiscal year ends September 30s and the last grants are approved in August. o Grant pre-approval is being sought due to timing constraints. o The issue will be on the August 9ft Council agenda. o The grant is for approximately $865,000. The City has already paid $292,000 in design costs and $4,000 in environmental work. o o o o o Commissioner Aramian inquired as to how the City knows the project can be completed with the grant funds approved. Mr. Potts explained that the consultants are informed of the budget for the project and will design the bid to conform to the amount of grant funds. Commissioner Aramian motioned to pre-approve and recommend Council pre-approval of FAA Grant 3-044-006-025-2016 for the North Apron Rehabilitation Project. Commissioner Topliff made the second. The motion carried 6 - 0. V. SUMMARY OF CURRENT EVENTS Mr. Potts reported on current airport activities: 1. Construction Projects/Grants Status The Cox Communications License Agreement was approved by Council at the end of June. Cox should provide information regarding the project start date soon. There was a three week delay in bids for the North Apron Project. Mr. Potts is reviewing the final ALP Draft Report which will be sent to the Commission soon. o The land acquisition reimbursernent grant for the Conair property will come before the Commission for review and recommendation at an upcoming meeting. 2. Operating Budget/Expenses/Revenues - graphs o Mr. Potts presented detailed budget information for the month of June and year-to-date fiscal year for revenues and expenses. o The fiscal year will end over budget due to vehicle repairs and salary and retirement expenses. o There were 80 applicants for the vacant Service Worker II position. Reviews of the applicants are still continuing. 3. Airport Business Activity/Lease Updates o Mr. Rick Radernaker is moving from the Terminal Building to the EZFIy Aviation building. Mr. Rademaker needs more room and was unhappy with the time it took to replace his carpet. o The lease with the City Materials Lab is complete and has been reviewed and approved by the FAA. o Mr. Potts was sad to report that Mr. Tim Brown, based at the Airport, perished in a helicopter accident in Mohave County. o Glendale Aero Services has changed their fuel supplier to EPIC. A flyer announcing the change was displayed. VAS has sold more hangars. All hangar rows are now in associations. The House and Senate have passed the FAA funding extensions which include 3'd Class medical reform. Mr. Potts met with a businessman who is interested in starting a sightseeing operation based out of the Airport. The interested party is currently based out of the Goodyear Airport and is active with the Civil Air Patrol. 4. Land Use Plannin/ZoninglDevelopment o Commissioner Escudero inquired about any activity on the Camelback Ranch parcel. Mr. Potts stated that there is no new activity and he keeps in touch with his City of Phoenix contact regarding the parcel. A brief history of the parcel was provided for the new Commissioners. 5. 2017 NCAA Final Four National Championship o Mr. Potts attended another meeting was held today regarding preliminary planning with police and fire. s o o o o 6. Air Traffic Operations/Airspace/Community Relations o Flight operations were down 20o/ofor the month of June compared to June 2015. o Noise complaints have increased with 90% of the complaints from one individual. 7. Open House Update' sk tr##Uh$ffi;1f##k*'*Ti,{;:nlg;ffiffifd.f #n Parks and Recreation quarterly newsletter, City website, and social media. Commissioner suggestions included a troop carrier, fire engine, and the Confederate Air Force. i,",Hil:';:,Ti:ffi ';liiJi"r,i:"*"0"ffi 'illi;ff i,ii"J:ilff fl iH[:i*'ff ff l'*: them. 8. Luke Air Force Base Operations: Mr. Padilla announced that the third F35 squadron will arrive next month at LAFB. There are24 F35's in the squadron. Vice Chair Rovey inquired about a date for the new Commissioner orientation. Mr. Potts will follow up when the ternperatures are cooler. VI. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No comments made. VII. NEW BUSINESS REOUESTS (Future Agenda Items) Commissioner Escudero suggested posting the Commission's monthly meeting dates in the "General Aviation News' newspaper. Commissioner Escudero noted that the Civil Air Patrol meeting dates and events are listed in the newspaper. VI[. NEXT MEETING TIME The next meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor Conference Room of the Airport terminal building on Wednesday, August 10,2016. IX. COMMISSION COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Commissioner Kruger offered to be a contact person/facilitator for working with the GAPA regarding the comment from Mr. Gruber about the potential for a settlement with the lawsuit. Commissioner Escudero noted that his term expires in November 2016 and suggested a proactive and early search for his replacement from the Ocotillo District to avoid issue with quorum. Commissioner Escudero would like to provide his Councilmember names of potential candidates as soon as possible to facilitate a smooth transition and asked for any potential candidate names. X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:12 p.m. The Aviation Advisory Comqrission Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2016 were approved at the Commission Meeting of "f::) Potts, A.A.E., MBA Airport Administrator 623-930-2188