HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Citizens Transportation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 6/4/2015 MINUTES
5850 West Glendale Avenue
Glendale, Arizona 85301
City Hall, Room 8-3
June 4, 2015
6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: James Grose, Chair
Tom Schmitt,Vice Chair
Roberta Podzius
Gus Woodman
Frank Johnson
Darrin Lacey
OTHERS PRESENT: Debbie Albert,Transportation Engineer
Purab Adabala, Senior Transportation Analyst
Patrick Sage,Transportation Planner
Barbara Cole, Chair, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
I. Call to Order
Chair Grose called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Administer Loyalty Oath
The Oath of Office was administered to Commissioner Lacey.
III. Approval of Minutes from May 7,2015 Meeting
Chair Grose called for approval of the minutes.
ACTION BY CTOC: Approval of the minutes from the May 7, 2015 meeting of the
Citizens Transportation Oversight Commission as presented.
(Motion:Vice Chair Schmitt; Second: Commissioner Podzius; motion carried
IV.. Call to the Audience
No comments from the audience.
V. Approval of the Agenda
Chair Grose called for approval of the agenda for the June 4, 2015 CTOC meeting.
ACTION BY CTOC:Approval of the agenda for the June 4,2015 Citizens Transportation
Oversight Commission as presented.
(Motion: Vice Chair Schmitt; Second: Commissioner Podzius; motion carried
VI. Public Input—Commissioners and Staff
Commissioner Podzius overheard a group of people at the Foothills Recreation and
Aquatic Center discussing Valley Metro service. One comment expressed appreciation
for the transit access at the west end of the Glendale Foothills Recreation and Aquatic
Center parking lot. Another comment implied that there is not transit service to the
Arrowhead Mall Chair Grose stated that the mall area is currently served by transit.
Commissioner Podzius agreed, but noted that these comments reflect a general
misconception regarding existing transit service to Arrowhead Mall.
Vice Chair Schmitt informed the meeting that business owners located along the
potential West Phoenix/Central Glendale light rail transit extension paths are concerned
about disruption to their business operations during project construction. Ms. Albert
reported that Valley Metro hosted a public meeting in Glendale the previous evening
(Wednesday June 6, 2015)to provide information regarding the high capacity transit
alignment study: Approximately 50-60 attended the Wednesday night meeting, and
Valley Metro is hosting a second meeting in Phoenix at the time of this CTOC meeting.
Ms.Albert noted that during construction of the light rail infrastructure in Phoenix,
Tempe and Mesa, business owners in those communities also expressed similar
concerns about business disruption.
Ms. Albert further reported that Valley Metro and the City of Glendale have convened
the Downtown Community Working Group to identify these types of concerns and
provide a forum for gaining a consensus on high capacity transit service to the
downtown Glendale area.The group is comprised of 48 citizens, with Vice Chair Schmitt
participating as a representative of CTOC.The first meeting of the working group is
scheduled for June 24th and will be held every other Wednesday through October 2015.
The end goal of the working group is to provide a recommendation on the high capacity
transit alignment to the area of 59th Avenue/Downtown Glendale.
Ms.Albert stated that a future light rail crossing of the railroad tracks at Grand Avenue
at grade will not be a viable option for providing high capacity transit to the City of
Glendale west of downtown. Either a grade separated option would need to be
identified if light rail is promoted as part of a future study, or bus rapid transit adopted
at that point for future rapid transit access to Glendale west of downtown. Vice Chair
Schmitt stated that light rail should go either over or under the tracks and a study is
necessary for expansion of light rail from 59th Avenue and Grand to Westgate.
Vice Chair Schmitt asked for clarification regarding his role in representing CTOC at the
working group meetings. Ms. Albert stated that Vice Chair Schmitt will report
information from the working group meetings to the CTOC, and the CTOC will have the
opportunity to provide recommendations regarding the actions of the working group.
Vice Chair Schmitt asked if the CTOC should make a recommendation this evening
regarding if the light rail should go over or under Grand Avenue. Ms.Albert stated that
at this time the project only goes to 59th Avenue, and that and high capacity,transit
access to west Glendale would be part of a separate,future study. Chair Grose
expressed that ideally the expansion to Westgate should be considered at this time. Ms.
Albert stated that the discussion regarding potential expansion to Westgate should be
carried forward as a future agenda item independent of the current project, and
supported by CTOC's approval of funding for a study to expand high capacity transit to
west Glendale as part of the February 5, 2015 CTOC meeting.
Vice Chair Schmitt commented on an advertisement from a local restaurant on the back
of Valley Metro busses.The verbiage for the advertisement states"Don't Pass" and
"Stop Here" which, upon observation, has the potential to confuse certain drivers.
VII. Manager's Report
Ms.Albert provided a status update/information on the following topics:
• Transportation Plan Update the contract for the HDR,the consulting company
that was selected for the plan completion, will go to Council for approval on.June
23rd. Once approved, the plan process will take approximately 18 months. More
information will be provided during upcoming CTOC meetings,starting in August
• Flashing Yellow Arrow Study-Council approved funding for the study on May
12th, which will include prioritized locations for flashing yellow arrows.The
study should be completed in July. Of the estimated 50 arterial intersections in
the City,some already have flashing yellow arrows and some are not conducive
to the installation of flashing yellow arrows due to intersection configuration,
signal phasing needs, etc. A detailed presentation on the study will be made to
the CTOC in the fall.
• The West Phoenix/Central Glendale High Capacity Transit (HCT) Study- this item
was previously discussed in Agenda Item VI.
VIII. Citizen's Bicycle Advisory,Committee Appointee
Mr. Sage announced that staff is requesting a Commissioner to serve as a representative
of the CTOC on the Glendale Citizen's Bicycle Advisory Committee (CBAC). Chair Grose
has served as the CTOC representative through March 2015 and a new member of CTOC.
as a replacement is being sought. Ms. Albert announced that the CBAC meets the first
Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in 8-3.
Chair Grose commented that Commissioner McAffee had previously expressed interest
in the position. Commissioner Woodman offered to serve on the CBAC if Commissioner
McAffee was unable or not interested in the position. Staff will contact Commissioner
McAffee (who was not in attendance at this meeting) and the appointment will carried
forward as a discussion item on the next CTOC agenda.
IX. Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Update: New River North, 55th Avenue,and Neighborhood
Mr.Adabala provided an update on the following projects: New River North Shared Use
Path (SUP), 55th Avenue Widening and Neighborhood Connections. Mr. Adabala noted
that the following applies for all three projects:
• Design Contract is being administered by ADOT
• JPAs are in place with ADOT for design and construction
• AMEC is the designer
• Initial Project Assessment and Stage II Plans are available for review
• FY 2016 Federal funding will apply
• Construction is planned for 2016
Mr. Adabala provided specific project updates, which included the following highlights:
1. New River North SUP: Mr. Adabala provided aerial displays and design plans of the
SUP along 75th Avenue and Hillcrest. Commissioners expressed concerns regarding
flooding issues. Mr. Adabala stated that the project design will take flooding issues.
into account. Commissioner Johnson asked if there would be 24 hour access to the
SUP and Mr:Adabala replied in the positive.The SUP is intended for pedestrian and
bicycle use. Commissioner Woodman asked if lighting would be installed. Mr.
Adabala replied it the negative. Ms. Albert noted that this SUP allows for access
between Peoria and Glendale. Commissioner Podzius asked if information regarding
this project was provided to the Bicycle Committee. Mr. Adabala replied in the
2. 55t"Avenue Widening: Mr. Adabala provided aerial displays and construction
designs of the project at 55th Avenue and Cactus Road. Mr.Adabala noted that the
widening will occur on the south side of Cactus Road and will also include the
following improvements: a sidewalk, curb gutter, bicycle lane and some landscaping
including placing irrigation infrastructure underground.
3. Neighborhood Connections: Mr. Adabala provided an aerial display and
construction design of the projects along the Thunderbird Paseo/Skunk Creek at the
following locations: Sweetwater Avenue at Thunderbird Paseo, Hearn Road at
Thunderbird Paseo, 715t Avenue and Greenway Road, and at Sunset Vista Park at
64th Drive.This project will improve neighborhood connections along the
Thunderbird Paseo Bike Path. Commissioner Podzius reminded Staff of her
suggestion that a program be implemented for citizens or other groups to sponsor
benches along the City pathways. Commissioner Podzius suggested outreach to the
Bicycle Committee regarding this concept.
X. CTOC Performance Measures-Refined Goals and Objectives
Mr. Sage stated that this agenda item will continue the discussion of possible CTOC
performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of CTOC in meeting the intent of
City Ordinance 2241. Mr. Sage stated that refinements to the draft goals proposed at
the May 7th CTOC meeting will be further discussed, refined and possibly adopted at
tonight's meeting. In addition, Mission and Vision statements for the CTOC will be
discussed, developed and adopted to provide further context for evaluation of CTOC's
Mr.Sage presented the following background information:
e Mission and Vision Statements
1. A "mission statement" is intended to provide the purpose and primary
objectives of an organization.
2. The "vision statement" is related but less specific. It is intended to
provide an inspiring and timeless statement of an organization's
• Existing CTOC Mission Statement-Adopted by CTOC on July 11, 2002
1. "The Citizens Transportation Oversight Commission will ensure that the
Glendale Onboard (GO)Transportation Program is implemented in a fair,
cost effective and timely manner, serving the best interested of the
Glendale citizens and the community."
• CTOC Draft Vision Statement
1. No existing CTOC Vision Statement.
2. Staff developed four "seed"Vision Statements for consideration.
3. Commissioners held discussion regarding the proposed Vision Statements
and made suggestions for changes.
The Commissioners agreed on the following wording for the Vision Statement: "CTOC
envisions a high quality, multi-modal transportation system.for Glendale that provides
safe mobility options to all citizens and visitors, and the necessary infrastructure to
support economic activity and meaningful connections in daily life." Mr.Sage stated
that formal approval for the Vision Statement would be placed on the CTOC August
Mr. Sage presented the following proposed goals and feedback was provided by the
• Draft Goals
1. Ensure Public Input:
• Performance Measure 1 (individual)—As a representative of
CTOC, attend at least three public functions a year where
transportation issues are topical or otherwise of interest (i.e.
public meeting, Glendale District meetings, City Council meeting,
etc.). Report on these meetings to the Commission. Commissioner
Podzius suggested attending four public functions. All
Commissioners agreed.
■ Performance Measure 2 (collective)—Provide input and comment
on GO Program Annual Brochure and on projects website.
Commissioner Podzius suggested including both print and social.
media. Commissioner Podzius also suggested that solicitation of
public comment could be advertised in the City water bill.
2 Ensure Governmental Accountability
■ Performance Measure (collective)—Ensure that CTOC is able to
hold regular meetings a minimum of 8 times during a calendar
year. Chair Grose inquired as to the wording in the CTOC
mandate. Ms.Albert stated the wording indicates "at least once a
month if there is business to conduct." All agreed the phrase
should be added to the goal. Commissioner Podzius asked if
quorum could be achieved via conference call. Ms. Albert will
contact the City Attorney to determine if this is permissible.
3. Monitor Fund Expenditure
® Performance Measure (individual)—During 2016, attend all staff
presentations regarding the GO Program Annual Report.
■ Performance Measure (collective)—Work with staff to be able to
recommend approval of the GO Program Annual Report to
Council in a timely manner.
4. Recommend Adjustments to the Program
■ Performance Measure (collective)—On an annual basis,
participate in a staff led exercise where proposed program
projects are presented, discussed and re-evaluated based on
changes, needs and trends in the City. Commissioner Podzius
asked if more elaboration regarding the financials could be .
included in the goal description.
5... Make Recommendations to Council on: regional transportation issues;
public transit; bicycle projects and programs; and alternative modes of
• Performance Measure (collective)—During 2016, work with staff
to provide at least three recommendations to,Council on one or
more items. Vice Chair Schmitt asked that the phrase "During
2016" be removed. Commissioner Podzius asked if this goal was
taken from the CTOC Proposition wording. Ms. Albert replied in
the negative. Commissioner Podzius proposed the removal of the
number"three." Commissioner Woodman felt it was important to
have a number in the goal as far as a performance measure.
Others agreed.
Mr. Sage stated that he will hone the goals based on the input and feedback. Mr: Sage
will bring the goals to the August CTOC for final review and adoption.
Chair Grose commented that the Mission and Vision statements as well as the goals will
provide all Commissioners, especially new Commissioners, a good idea of what to
expect when participating on the CTOC. Commissioner Woodman commented that it is
important to fine tune the goals of the CTOC in writing. Commissioner Lacey stated that
the proposedgoalsformally quantify the role of the CTOC.
XI. Future Agenda Items
Commissioner Podzius requested a running list of proposed agenda items to be
maintained, perhaps as part of the monthly agendas for the CTOC meetings..
Commissioner Podzius reminded staff of the following suggested agenda items: speed
zones in schools, open meeting law, and statistics on fatalities related to biking/walking
to determine which areas need sidewalks.
Other suggestions included the extension of Valley Metro over or under Grand Avenue
and a City staff organizational chart and presentation.
XII. Next Meeting Time
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 6, 2015 in Room B-3 in City Hall.
XIII. Adjournment
Chair Grose adjourned the meeting at 7:27 PM,
s Grose, Chair
Please contact transportation staff at (623) 930-2940 at least three (3) days prior to the
meeting for special accommodations. Hearing impaired persons please use the Arizona Relay
Service at 1-800-367-8939.