HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Citizens Bicycle Advisory Committee - Meeting Date: 3/1/2004 CITY OF GLENDALE CITIZEN BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CBAC) Monday, March 1, 2004 MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 5850 West Glendale Avenue 6:30 PM, Room B-3 MINUTES L CALL TO ORDER Jim Hunton called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Also in attendance: David Parks, Bill Wilkinson, Omar Khiel, Ed Cure, Betsy Turner, Joe Terranova, Michael Wood, Brian E. Kanitsch, Shirley Gray and staff— Steve Hancock Members absent: None Guests: Cactus High School students II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the February 2, 2004 meeting were approved with changes. III. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There were no guests wishing to address the Committee. IV. INTRODUCTIONS Members and guests introduced themselves. V. CONTINUANCE OR WITHDRAWAL OF AGENDA ITEMS No agenda items required continuance or withdrawal VI. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS • Ed Cure said the Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists leaders were in Washington D.C. this week to attend the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) Summit. He also said that there would be a LAB Instructor Course in Mayr the Coalition is hoping to train active instructors of the LAB certified cycling classes. • Bill Wilkinson said the Citizens Transportation Oversight Commission(CTOC)had discussed the use of Glendale Onboard (half-cent sales tax) funds for pavement management use. He said that pavement management had not been part of the transportation tax package and that Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee Minutes March 1,2004 —Page 2— money allocated for some bicycle or pedestrian projects could be at risk if pavement management were funded with sales tax money. • Betsy Turner reported that the Greater Arizona Bicycling Association was staging the Around the Tanks bike ride on March 28th. It will be a 70-mile ride with a $20 fee. There will also be a shorter 50-mile ride. VII. ARROWHEAD MALL BIKE ROUTE TO SKUNK CREEK UPDATE Dave Hedlund, URS Corp., reported back to the Committee on the issue of a bicycle/pedestrian connection to Arrowhead Mall from the Skunk Creek linear Park pathway system. He noted that at the last meeting he had presented five possible connections but that recent discoveries had revealed a new possible connection. Dave said that there is an existing paved pathway and equestrian trail located on an east/west alignment with East Mall Drive—and entrance into Arrowhead Mall. This pathway exists because of the 1989 Northwest Valley Specific Area Plan that requires developers in the area to build segments of the pathway adjacent to their developments. Dave said he spoke to Shirley Medler at the City's Parks Department and she said 15' was for equestrians and 15' was for bicycles and pedestrians. He further stated that the wall surrounding part of the undeveloped area to the north had been built by the industrial park developer and somewhat limited access to the pathway easements in that direction as well as along 71st Ave. Wash to the east of the undeveloped area. Dave said that a bicycle/pedestrian path could be built north of the wall and east of the wall along 71st Ave. Wash, although a 400' segment at the south end connecting to the Skunk Creek Pathway would require an easement. Dave noted that a bridge across the 715t Ave, Wash at Grovers Ave. was proposed"years ago"but was opposed by people in nearby neighborhoods. Ed Cure asked Dave if the City could pay for building the trail and then be reimbursed by future developers. Dave said he wasn't sure of City policy in that regard. Jim Hunton said that the 400' shouldn't be built until the entire pathway from Skunk Creek to Arrowhead Mall was built. Joe Terranova asked if Grover Ave. ends as it goes to the east. Steve Hancock said Grovers does end east of 67th Ave. but could connect to the Skunk Creek Pathway via neighborhood streets. Dave said that the pathway identified in the Northwest Valley Specific Area Plan could be added to a"wish list" of bike/ped projects, noting that Terry Johnson seemed supportive of the CBAC developing a list of projects. Bill Wilkinson made a motion that the CBAC recommend to CTOC that the new route based on the Northwest Valley Speci is Area Plan be pursued as the preferred Arrowhead Mall to Skunk Creek connection and that 73' Ave. from Grover to Union Hills and Grover Ave. from 71st Ave. Wash east to the Skunk Creek pathway be designated as bike routes and that funding be found for completing the connection. Michael Wood seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. VII. GLENDALE FAMILY BIKE RIDE • Steve Hancock reported that the Glendale family Bike Ride was scheduled for Sunday,April 18th. He said the route for the ride would not include ASU West due to recurrent problems with the route being poorly marked by ASU staff and riders becoming confused after leaving the rest stop. Steve said the new route would continue south from the Copper Elementary c:\documents and settings\blimbach\desktop\minutes\2004\0304m.doc 04/29/11 Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee Minutes March 1,2004 —Page 3— School rest stop on 55th Ave. to Sweetwater Ave., 47th Ave, and the ACDC canal where a new rest stop would be located next to the Cholla Water Treatment Plant. Steve also said that registration flyers were being printed,the t-shirts had been designed and bidders were being sought for the t-shirt printing. Steve said a website where the registration form, waivers, and bike ride route maps could be downloaded. Steve told the CBAC that he had invited all the bike shops in or near Glendale to set up tables at the Sahuaro Ranch Park start/finish to showcase new bikes and related gear. Steve said he would tell CBAC members when the registration flyers were ready so volunteers could help distribute them to various locations. IX. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Jim Hunton asked for an explanation of the City policy of not having bike lanes on major streets. Joe Terranova said that even wide curb lanes, like those on 67th Ave. would be good for bicyclists. Jim also noted that many of the City's bike lanes ended at intersections with right-turn-only lanes. He said Tucson does the job right by having a bike lane to the left of the right-turn-only lanes. Bill Wilkinson cited Silverbell Rd. in Tucson as an example of Tucson not doing the job right. Joe Terranova asked if there was any coordination between Glendale and Peoria regarding pathways. Betsy Turner says the bicycle person in Peoria was not well supported by that City. Steve Hancock said that there had been good coordination with Peoria staff people on plans for New River pathway connections in both Peoria and Glendale. Ed Cure said that east/west bike lanes are needed on arterial streets because half-mile collector streets do not cross barriers like New River. Ed asked if there would be bikeways on the Northern Superstreet project. Dave Hedlund said the Northern Ave. Superstreet would be a limited access expressway, not suitable for bicycle travel. • Omar Khiel asked that an agenda item addressing needed improvement to the City's bike system be added to all future agendas. X. OTHER BUSINESS • Bill Wilkinson asked Steve Hancock to give him the name and contact information for the City of Phoenix Bicycle Coordinator. Steve said he would do so. XI. NEXT MEETING Jim Hunton stated that the next regular meeting of the Glendale Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee would be held on Monday, April 5, 2004, 6:30 p.m., Room B-3, at the Municipal Complex, 5850 West Glendale Avenue. XII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Committee, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Jim Hunton adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. c:\documents and settings\blimbach\desktop\minutes\2004\0304m.doc 04/29/11