HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Citizens Bicycle Advisory Committee - Meeting Date: 10/6/2003 CITY OF GLENDALE
Monday, October 6, 2003
5850 West Glendale Avenue
6:30 PM,Room B-3
The meeting was called to order by Jim Hunton at 6:30 p.m.
Also in attendance: Brian Bates, David Parks, Ed Cure,Bill Wilkinson, Michael Wood, Omar
Khiel and staff- Steve Hancock.
Others in attendance: Reed Kempton (Maricopa County Bicycle Coordinator), Kate Russell
(Citizen) and Dave Hedlund (URS Consultants).
Members absent: Betsy Turner, Michael Beaver, Joe Terranova, and Tom Mowery-Racz.
The minutes of the August 4, 2003 meeting were approved.
There were no guests wishing to address the Committee.
Members and guests introduced themselves.
No agenda items required continuance or withdrawal
• Ed Cure said that the Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists were not very active while the State legislature
was out of session. He also encouraged members to participate in the Memorial Ride for Safety -with
100K (60 miles) and 35-mile options on October 11, 2003. The ride is being co-sponsored by the
Greater Arizona Bicycle Association's Phoenix Metro Club.
Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee
October 6,2003
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• Bill Wilkinson said he did not attend the September 4, 2003 CTOC meeting due to illness. He said
others had told him the CBAC recommendation on the Loop 101 bridge project was well received at
the CTOC meeting.
• Jim Hunton reported that there would be an Arizona Trail maintenance project by the Mountain Bike
Association of Arizona southeast of Florence. He said more information can be found on the
Association's website at<mbaa.net>
• Reed Kempton gave an overview of the Maricopa County Regional Trail System Plan. He said that
Maricopa County's Park system was the largest on the U.S. and the trail system linking the various
individual parks would be a great amenity for future generations. The trail system will be designed
and built to accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, equestrians, roller bladers, wheelchair users, etc.
Reed said there are three goals of the Plan: 1. Provide a shared use trail system for non-motorized
users to connect the Maricopa County Regional Parks together, 2. Link metropolitan areas to the
regional trails, and 3. Provide open space corridors. Reed said there would be 440 miles of regional
trails, some making connections to BLM wilderness areas in Maricopa County.
To expose the Plan to as many people as possible the County held many open-houses seeking public
feedback and many presentations to various service clubs and other community organizations. Reed
noted that many municipal trails, like those in Glendale, would connect to the regional system. To
make the goals a reality the Plan includes an implementation element with a number of"Immediate
Steps." These steps are:
• Designate the County as the responsible agency for implementing the Plan
• Fund the remainder of the corridor studies
• Hire staff to complete the studies
• Hire a Program Manager
• Implement departmental policies to protect the trails for futures development
• Form a nonprofit organization to support the Plan
• Prioritize corridor acquisition and development
• Develop an acquisition plan and begin land acquisition
• Develop a marketing strategy by Dec. 2002
Steve Hancock asked Reed if all the planned trails would be paved. Reed said only trails in the urban
areas would be paved. More rural trails would be unpaved although some would be more developed than
others would. Reed told the Committee about the overall County bicycle system, noting that all County
arterial streets are built to standard cross-sections that include bicycle lanes. Reed said most other cities
in the County routinely build arterial streets with bike lanes with the exception of Glendale and Peoria.
Reed then spoke about the County's Bicycle Advisory Committee saying that it was no longer viable and
had not recently been meeting. He solicited input from the CBAC on how the County's bike committee
might be revitalized.
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Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee
October 6,2003
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• Dave Hedlund of URS addressed the Committee on a realignment of the 63rd Ave. street-widening
project for bike lanes. Dave said that since the August CBAC meeting, where a previous alignment
had been presented, a new alignment was being developed. Dave said that the situation had changed
regarding using Morten Ave, as a way to get from 63rd to 61st Ave. He said the cost to purchase the
needed right-of-way along Morten would be too great and environmental concerns also weighed
against using that alignment. Dave used a map to point out three other possible routes; Alice Ave.,
Royal Palm Rd. and Friar Dr./Friar Park. Dave explained why Alice Ave. and royal Palm were
eliminated from consideration (too narrow roadway and need for park access). Dave pointed out that
a "Bike Park" was planned at the southwest corner of 63rd and Northern as well a traffic signal
installation at 63rd and Northern which made a transition to 61St more viable south of Northern Ave.
The Friar Dr. alignment was the only viable route south of Northern. Dave said a multi-use path
would be built between 63rd and 62nd Ave. with street connections on 62" and Friar Dr. to 61st Ave.
The bike route would then proceed south on 61st to eventually connect again to 63rd Ave. south of
Grand Ave.
Michael Wood asked if the cost of the project would include the traffic signal at 63rd and Northern.
Dave it would not since the Transportation Dept. had plans to install a signal anyway.
Ed Cure said it was imperative to put bike lanes on Friar Dr. Dave said, due to street width
constraints, it would be difficult to do so and maintain on-street parking for residents. Omar Khiel
said there should not be a pathway built across the property at the northeast corner of 61st and Myrtle.
He said it would be too difficult for cyclists to enter Myrtle Ave. and go westbound and almost
impossible for eastbound cyclists on Myrtle to safely turn onto the northbound pathway. Omar said
that the consensus at our last meeting on this subject was to have the 61St Ave. bike route turn east on
Northview Ave. and then south on at 59th Dr. to Myrtle Ave. Ed cure said we need to make the 63rd
Ave, bike route and connections as safe as possible due to its future use as a way to cycle to the future
Coyote Arena and Cardinals Stadium. Kate Russell said cars entering and leaving the Circle-K store
on the southeast corner of Grand Ave. and Myrtle would make eastbound entry onto the pathway even
more dangerous. After further discussion Bill Wilkinson made a motion that the CBAC recommend
the new alignment through Lions Park and Friar Dr. to the CTOC with the need for further study of
the proposed pathway crossing the property on the northeast corner of 615t Ave. and Myrtle Ave.
Omar Khiel seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
• Dave Hedlund of URS presented a concept for a multi-use bridge crossing Grand Ave. at the
intersection of Myrtle Ave. and 61st Ave. Dave stressed that this bridge concept had no dedicated
funding and was not in any City plan. He said the Glendale Onboard Management team asked URS to
look into the feasibility of bridge at this location. Dave said two considerations were important to
developing this concept; first,the bridge would cross active railroad tracks and second,the bridge
would be constructed beneath 230 kilovolt transmission lines. Both the railroad and the transmission
line have standards for the number of feet structures must clear the rail bed and the high-voltage lines.
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Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee
October 6,2003
—Page 4-
Dave noted that no right-of-way acquisition would be needed for siting the bridge. Dave displayed a
slide showing a conceptual bridge location with approach ramps. Ed Cure asked if any neighborhood
resistance was expected. Dave answered that he did not expect any due to the commercial nature of
adjacent properties. Bill Wilkinson asked how much the project would cost. Dave said the
preliminary estimate was about $1.6 million and that City staff managing the GO program thinks they
could find funding. Bill Wilkinson said the concept would "sell" better if matching funds were
available. Ed Cure said that the long, north ramp would be dangerous because of its steepness. Dave
said the bridge would be designed to AASHTO and ADA standards for safety and convenience. Jim
Hunton said cyclists should use their brakes. Ed made a motion that the CBAC recommend to CTOC
that a grade separated crossing for bicyclists and pedestrians at Grand Ave. and Myrtle be considered
for funding. Michael Wood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
• Steve Hancock reported on the update of the Glendale Bike Map. He said that he wanted to keep the
design and layout of the map in an electronic format called Adobe Illustrator, the software used by the
City's Marketing and Communications Department. This department will be doing the graphic layout
of the map for printing. Steve said this would allow the City to update the map when needed without
going to an outside entity. He displayed a preliminary proof of the street map in an Adobe Illustrator
format and said the text and added graphics would be developed when the proof was finalized.
• Omar Khiel asked if someone could address the CBAC about the planned Bike Park at 63rd Ave. and
Northern. Steve Hancock said he would ask R.J. Cardin, Parks South District Manager, for an update
on the Park. Omar also asked for an update on the Sports and Entertainment District bike and ped
study. Steve said he would try to get someone for an update. Ed Cure also suggested an update on a
Maryland Ave. overpass at Loop 101.
• No other business was brought forward.
The next regular meeting of the Glendale Citizen Bicycle Advisory Committee will be held on Monday,
November 3,2003, 6:30 p.m. in room B3 at the Municipal Complex, 5850 West Glendale Avenue.
There being no further business before the Committee, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and
unanimously approved. Jim Hunton adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
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