HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Minutes - Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 11/19/2007CITY OF GLENDALE,ARIZONA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING 7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER 19,2007 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS—ROOM B-3 5850 W. GLENDALE AVENUE MEMBERS PRESENT: Ted Hansen, Chair Eric Simon, Vice Chair John"Chief"Fries Rod Passmore Raymond Kultala MEMBERS ABSENT: Liz Farley STAFF PRESENT: Becky Benna, Director Karen Hesser, Deputy Director Roger Boyer, Project Coordinator Bill Schwind, Deputy Director Brian Collins, Park Manager Eugene Kraus,Park Manager Paul Bernardo, Recreation Manager Clyde Brown, Senior Management Assistant Call to Order. Chair Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and read the Committee's mission statement. Chair Hansen stated that he would allow citizen comments at the end of each agenda item instead of only during the Citizen Comments agenda item. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 15, 2007, MEETING Chair Hansen requested the following corrections to the October 15, 2007 minutes: 1. In section IV, include the sentence, "It was agreed that Goals #1, #4, #5 and #6 would be completed as a Commission and this would be stated as such in the list of goals." 2. Under Ms. Hesser's staff report, "Staff is gearing up for the grand opening of the X-Court at Western Area Regional Park" should be changed to state "Staff held the grand opening of the X-Court at western area regional park." 3. Under Ms. Hesser's staff report add, "Park Rangers were trained in police communication." 4. Under Ms. Medler's report add, "A HUB Grant was received for Flag Football. There are twenty-seven teams, of which ten are female teams." Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 2 Commissioner Fries motioned to accept the October 15,2007, minutes as corrected. Mr. Kultala made the second. Motion passed 5-0. II. 59th AVENUE ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Schwind introduced Mr. James Van Houten and Mr. Rick Nolan of Stantec Consulting, who provided an update on the progress of the 59th Avenue Road project. Mr. Van Houten displayed updated photos of 59th Avenue road and the pedestrian/bicycle/equestrian overpass under construction. Mr. Van Houten also showed pictures of engineering features, such as a berm which will be utilized for water redirection away from the road. The project is at 65% of completion and it is expected that construction will be completed in the middle of March 2008. Commissioner Passmore asked for more details of the pedestrian/equestrian bridge's clone stone. Mr. Van Houten explained that it is a man-made stone, which is hand- buttered and set in the wall by dovetailing with metal rods and then grouting. Commissioner Simon inquired about the size of the pedestrian/equestrian bridge. Mr. Van Houten replied that it is 28-feet long and 30-feet wide with a 10-foot wide pedestrian/equestrian path and a 10-foot fence. The width of the path was designed so that city pick-up trucks could fit on the overpass. Commissioner Passmore asked if the clone stone was going to be coated with an anti- graffiti spray. Mr. Van Houten replied that a section of the clone stone would first be clear coated with an anti-graffiti spray and then be tested by an application of graffiti, a water blast to remove the graffiti, and another application of clear coat. Commissioner Simon asked if the bridge would be lighted. Mr. Van Houten stated that there was no additional lighting requested in the project specifications. Mr. Benny interjected that the park is closed after dusk. Chair Hansen asked about the safety of the new road. Mr. Van Houten had recently driven the new road and felt that the new lanes drove better than the old lanes. Chair Hansen complimented Stantec on the quick graffiti removal on the pedestrian/equestrian bridge and efforts to deter future vandalism. Chair Hansen asked if the traffic signal at the north end of the road construction area was in the scope of the project. Mr. Van Houten replied that the traffic signal might shift to the east slightly, but would most likely have no functional change. The City of Phoenix would coordinate any changes, but it would occur after completion of this project. Chair Hansen mentioned that in the original drawing of the project, there was an entrance lane into the park. Ms. Benny agreed that this was in the park's master plan,but would Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 3 have to be coordinated with the City of Phoenix and its plans. Chair Hansen thanked the Stantec representatives for their information and a great job on the project. Ms. Benna agreed with Chair Hansen and complimented Mr. Van Houten and Mr.Noland on being so receptive and responsive to staff inquiries and requests. Chair Hansen asked if the rock-crushing area was Stantec's responsibility. Ms. Benna explained that it was Stantec's responsibility to remove and restore the rock-crushing area to its original condition(natural vegetation) or to what is noted in the Master Plan. Chair Hansen gave Mr. Allan DeFranco, a Glendale resident, the platform to speak. Mr. DeFranco expressed concern over the fact that the 55th Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road entrance into the park was in the original construction plan and felt that at least the cement should have been poured. Mr. DeFranco asked why the City of Glendale was not able to negotiate with the City of Phoenix to include the entrance lane into the park during this phase of construction. Mr. DeFranco asked if the water that would be re-directed by the berm area as previously shown in the pictures would roll down and along the bur area or would simply dissipate. Mr. DeFranco felt that if the water was to just roll down the berm, a retention basin would be necessary. Mr. Noland explained that there was a series of collection systems along the north side of the road and the water will flow north to south into the park. However,there will be energy dissipation,which will slow down the water and minimize erosion. The intent of the berm is to keep water off of the road. Mr. Nolan stated that the City of Phoenix has responsibility for redesign of the traffic signal and will handle this task after the end of this initial phase of construction. Mr. Nolan explained that the addition of the entrance lane into the park is not just a matter of more pavement, but includes relocation of traffic signals and additional striping. The City of Glendale is unable to offer to cover the cost of this additional work to include it in the current construction project. Mr. DeFranco heard that there was to be crushed granite spread at the parking lot at 55th Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road, however, did not see any crushed granite when driving by the site. Mr. Schwind explained that the material used was actually an Ensco product of decomposed granite with a liquid, topical treatment applied to mitigate dust. However, this topical treatment needs to be applied quarterly. So, Staff is looking at another Ensco product, which is decomposed granite mixed with resin. This is similar to asphalt, but with no environmental issues. Budget constraints have led to the topical treatment for now; however, the resin product is being considered for the future. Mr. Schwind explained that both lots would be continually assessed and there is a test patch of the resin product in one of the lots at this time. Mr. DeFranco thanked Stantec for the great job done in protecting the park during Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 4 construction. Mr. Larry Clark, another Glendale resident was welcomed to the podium. Mr. Clark asked if there were any major deviations from the original road plan. Mr. Nolan replied that the only deviation was the clone stone as to the pattern and color of the overpass. Mr. Clark asked if the amount of acreage proposed for road use was the same as in the original plan. Mr. Nolan replied that it was still within the guidelines of the original specifications. Ms. Benny stated that Stantec was very diligent in remaining within the construction boundaries and that yellow ropes were used as boundary markers. Mr. Clark thanked staff, the Commission, and Stantec for their time and dedication to the project. Chair Hansen inquired if there was any finalization of the bike lanes running down into Melinda or Deer Valley Road near the box culvert. Mr. Nolan explained that the bike lanes stop just north of the existing box culvert. Ramps will be installed on the north side of the box culvert to allow bicycles to move from the bike lane to the sidewalk to Melinda. Mr. Nolan stated that that this had been discussed previously and sidewalks were outside of the scope of the project. Chair Hansen commented that during a conversation with the City Engineer, it seemed as if the sidewalk was still under exploration. Chair Hansen also expressed concern about the size of the existing sidewalk. Absence of road striping near the box culvert was also noted. Chair Hansen stated that the HOA near this area is very concerned about the resolution of this issue. Staff will follow up with City Project Engineer Jim McMains for further details. Chair Hansen thanked staff and Stantec for all of their hard work on this project. III. COMMISSIONER PARK INSPECTION REPORTS Ms. Hesser thanked the Commissioners for their Park Inspection Reports and distributed the condensed spreadsheet to the Commissioners for review. Ms. Hesser noted that Commissioner Farley would be sending her report under separate cover. Ms. Hesser thanked the Commissioners for their comments and suggestions in the reports and for taking time out to inspect the parks. Ms. Hesser stressed that the Commissioners are another set of eyes for staff and greatly assist in identifying areas in need of maintenance attention. Ms. Hesser noted that one challenge is that the parks are very dynamic and issues can occur on a daily basis. Commissioner Passmore praised the maintenance staff on the fine condition of the parks he inspected, noting that most of the parks were very well maintained which is a huge job. Commissioner Passmore did state that one area in need of attention was the replacing of plant life. Commissioner Passmore also noticed spots in Elsie McCarthy Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19,2007 Page 5 Park with the black drip irrigation line visible above ground, but no plant. Ms. Hesser noted that two months ago, a major renovation was done at this park during the summer. Due to the heat, replacing the plants was not done, but is scheduled to be completed during the cooler winter session. Commissioner Kultala stated that the drainage ditch north of Thunderbird Road in Thunderbird Paseo Park needs better drainage and that this has been an ongoing problem. Ms. Hesser will follow-up on this issue. Commissioner Kultala noted that there has not been as much trash left on the soccer fields as in the past. Commissioner Kultala commented that the parks were mostly clean and in pretty good shape. Commissioner Simon was amazed at how many parks there are in Glendale. Commissioner Simon enjoyed the process of inspecting the parks and commented that the parks that are flood irrigated have fantastic trees and grass due to the deeper watering. Commissioner Fries noticed that the coating on many park picnic benches and tables was cracking and appeared to be burnt in some cases. Mr. Kraus explained that this web- coating has a life expectancy of about 10-12 years, but some vandalism affects this considerably. Commissioner Fries suggested that during the next inspections, the regular maintenance schedule should be provided so that parks could be reviewed right after maintenance is performed by either staff or the contractor. Chair Hansen stated that the parks he visited were in great shape and any issues were minor. Chair Hansen noted that although the grills were in good shape, there were old coals in the grills which needed to be cleaned out. Chair Hansen stated that at Foothills Park, there were gopher holes in between two ballfields that should be addressed. Mr. Kraus stated that in an effort to provide a high level of service to the parks, he has developed an internal Inspection Route System for maintenance staff. Weekly visual inspections will be made to monitor the work performed by the landscape contractor, identify problems, and potential hazards. Ms. Hesser and Staff will work on the compiled list of items provided by the Commissioners and an updated list will be provided in the December meeting, which will include Commissioner Farley's information and will note resolved items. Mr. Collins presented a new program called "T.A.G."(Together Against Graffiti): The program involves city departments, residents, businesses, schools, and the courts. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 6 The program began in August 2007 in Glendale, but was implemented earlier this year in other valley cities, including El Mirage and Surprise. It encourages citizens to report those responsible for "tagging" by offering monetary rewards. A reward of up to $250 is being offered for information on graffiti taggers. A graffiti hotline will be advertised through the use of flyers distributed to HOA's, neighborhood watches, local businesses, schools, and postings at specific parks. All calls are anonymous. The program will start by focusing on the west side of Glendale, west of 75th Avenue. The Police Department liaison, Mr. Randy Stewart coordinates all documentation of graffiti in an effort to link multiple incidents. The total number of arrests since the start of the TAG program in the valley has reached 51. The Glendale TAG program will be reviewed for success in January 2008. There was discussion about the phone number on the flyers and if it could be utilized for both reporting of graffiti and reward administration. Chief Fries felt that there was a separate number for reward administration. Brian indicated he would check. Chair Hansen thanked Mr. Collins for his presentation on this program. IV. PARK REDEVELOPMENT PUBLIC MEETING UPDATE Mr. Schwind stated that the planning process for renovation of four parks began in October and the first series of public meetings were held at these facilities. The goal of these meetings was to determine the values, issues, and needs of citizens regarding park renovation. All of the information garnered, including staff thoughts,will be compiled by Logan Simpson, the consulting company, and should be available soon. Mr. Schwind explained that all parks had some similar, but also different needs and issues. Mr. Schwind felt that overlapping desires at most of the parks were looped pathways, new drinking fountains and picnic enhancements as well as shade in various forms, the age of trees, and the collection of dog waste. Renovations will be determined by available funding, but the goal of the city is to make the parks the best they can be and meet citizen needs. Mr. Schwind commented that the parks in question are well used and residents want them maintained. The residents would like to keep these older parks updated so that they can play and recreate close to home. Improved parks also deter bad elements because families and residents are using them. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 7 Mr. Schwind explained that this is just the first series of meetings. Once the consultants put the initial ideas into design, there will be another public meeting for concept review. Construction funding available will be blended into the design. Mr. Schwind and staff will meet with the consultants in early December to review the initial design and will begin scheduling public meetings. The renovations will be implemented in Spring/Summer 2008. Commissioner Simon inquired about the amount of the budget. Mr. Schwind replied that CIP has $1.3 million available for this round of older park renovation. Commissioner Simon asked how this was distributed between the four parks. Mr. Schwind replied that allocation would be based on need, value, and customer service within each park. Staff and the city would like to accomplish as much as possible at each facility. Commissioner Simon asked how the public meetings were advertised. Mr. Schwind replied that direct mailings, city website promos, and newspaper ads were utilized. Commissioner Simon suggested posting large signs at the park. Mr. Schwind agreed and stated that these types of signs will be utilized in the promotion of the second round of public meetings. V. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. VI. STAFF REPORTS Ms. Hesser provided an update including the following: Staff completed projects at several parks, including O'Neil Park, Foothills Library front entrance, tree trimming along the Bethany Home Outfall Channel and is busy preparing for holiday activities at Murphy Park. Staff is pursuing the purchase and installation of a solar lighting system for Hidden Meadows Park. A new wide area mower has been ordered to service the Grand Canal Linear Park. Many division staff helped with the GlendOberfest program at Sahuaro Ranch on October 31. Park Ranger Wayne Drummond and Brian Collins staffed a booth representing the department at the Phoenix Outdoor Expo on October 28. Complete pool facility assessments were conducted by Ms. Hesser, Mr. Collins, and two Service Workers. Replacement signage and other issues are all being incorporated into a spreadsheet for the annual budgeting projections. The fountain at Murphy Park was repaired and a new pump system was designed and installed by pool maintenance staff. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 8 Mr. Bernardo,who was acting for Deputy Director Ms. Medler, discussed the following: Events/Sahuaro GlendOberfest had 9,600 attendees. Update on improvements at Sahuaro Ranch Park Historic Area: In the Fruit Packing Shed, the house was painted, the roof was completed, and the floor will be completed this week. Pending items include: Exterior walkway, grading, and ADA. Guest House roofing recently started. Pending: Adobe House (paint and roof) and the Main House roof. A Volunteer Recognition Dinner was held on November 14, 2007, with 200 volunteers and their guests in attendance. Farm Education Day was held last Friday. The average was 55 students per tour/program. Tractors&APS Well House Re-creation is now operating. The X-Court is operating smoothly. Jingle Bell Hike is scheduled on December 1, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Holiday at the Sahauro Ranch Historic Area will be held on December 15, 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Adult Center The Annual Adult Center Thanksgiving Luncheon was held last Friday. Approximately 275 meals were served to participants. An addition to this year's event was the Phoenix Model "A" Car Club Exhibit that brought a dozen classic vehicles to the parking lot for display. A collaborative music event of 4 "Kitchen Bands" (music, with a comedic tone, made with a variety of "instruments") is scheduled for Monday, December 3 at 1:00 p.m. in the Palo Verde room of GAC. The music will include all the seasonal holiday favorites. The Annual Holiday Luncheon is scheduled for Friday, December 14. This popular center event includes a performance from "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" grade school choir, a visit from Santa, door prizes, entertainment, and more. The event concludes with a delicious meal and dessert. Tickets still available at the Adult Center front desk. Youth & Teen The Gila River Indian Community awarded the Parks and Recreation Department Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 9 a $120,000 three-year grant to assist in funding the Youth Workforce Development Program at Copper Canyon High School. The Youth and Teen Division just opened a licensed after-school program site at Sunset Ridge Elementary School on October 15. Approximately 30 youths are registered in the program. The Smith GRASP program just received Weed and Seed funding totaling$7,000 to support after-school enrichment clubs. The Glendale Community Center will be hosting a holiday event on December 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The event will feature entertainment, food, arts and crafts, and Santa for residents in the Heart of Glendale. Foothills Recreation and Aquatic Center Glendale scored top honors at WESTMARC's Best of the West awards ceremony. The Parks and Recreation Department was honored for its outstanding contributions to the community with the new Foothills Aquatics and Recreation Center. There were nearly 80 nominations in eight categories. Award winners were noted for their contributions to Western Maricopa County's growth and economic development. Sports& Aquatics The Fall Youth Sports Program ended on Saturday,November 17. Over 700 youth between the ages of 3 - 12 participated in Soccer, Basketball, Football, Cheerleading, and Kickball. Mr. Schwind provided an update, including the following: The connector road improvements between 67th Avenue parking lot and the north parking lot continue at Thunderbird Park. Bids will be opened at the end of the month for the balifield lights at Kellis and Copper Canyon High Schools. The X-Court concessionaire, Action Park Alliance (APA), is very happy with the partnership and has been very successful at the park. APA is also offering lessons, camps and clinics. Constructions and improvements continue at Tarrington Ranch 63rd Avenue and Butler, 87th Avenue and Missouri) and 71st Avenue and Orangewood. Mayor and Council have not officially voted on these names, but hopefully will do so in 2008. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 10 Ms. Benny announced that Chair Hansen is being considered to represent Arizona Park and Recreation Association as its citizen-board representative to the National Recreation and Park Association. Ms.Kenna complimented Chair Hansen on his hard work and felt he was very deserving of such a position. VII. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Passmore attended the Arts Commission meeting last month. Commissioner Simon asked about the status of new Student Commissioners. Ms. Benny is still trying to find replacements. Commissioner Fries interjected that he was trying to find some potential candidates as well. Commissioner Simon reminded all present that Glendale Glitters begins this Friday. Commissioner Fries stated and requested the following: Liked the new organizational chart and suggested that phone numbers be included in the next update. Asked for an updated Commissioner listing. Ms. Benny said she will provide an updated listing for the Commissioners. Asked about Commissioner name tags and shirts. Ms. Benny will work on this request. Chair Hansen suggested posting flyers at the Foothills Recreation Center advertising open "Student Commissioner" positions. Chair Hansen felt that getting one high school junior and one high school senior would stagger the terms and would be a good idea. Chair Hansen commented that a card he has for the graffiti hotline has a different phone number than the one on the TAG reward flyer. Commissioner Fries asked about the specific age limits of the student Commissioners. Ms.Benny said she will check on the exact wording and will advise. VIII. NEXT MEETING SUGGESTED AGENDA ITEMS The following were agenda suggestions: The Historic Manistee Ranch IX. The next regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be Monday, December 10, 2007, at 7 p.m. at the Historic Manistee Ranch at 5127 W. Northern Avenue in Glendale. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 19, 2007 Page 11 The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:10 p.m. Denise Kazmierczak,Recording Secretary