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Minutes - Minutes - Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 11/8/2010
CITY OF GLENDALE, ARIZONA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING 7 P.M., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2010 5850 W. GLENDALE AVENUE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - ROOM B-3 MEMBERS PRESENT: Rod Passmore, Chair Jonathan Liebman, Vice-Chair Dana Dale Danielle Silvas Donna Williams Elizabeth Fernandes Margaret George MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Parr STAFF PRESENT:Becky Benna, Director Bill Schwind, Deputy Director Karen Hesser, Deputy Director Mike Gregory, Project Coordinator Marcheta Strunk, Management Assistant Christine Frederickson, Management Assistant Call to Order. Chair Passmore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and read the Commission's mission statement. I. Approval of Minutes of the October 18, 2010, meeting Commissioner Dale motioned to approve the October 18, 2010, meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Liebman made the second. Motion passed 6 — 0. [Commissioner Silvas was not at the meeting yet.] II. COMMISSION GOALS The Commissioners reviewed and discussed completion of goals. Commissioner Silvas entered the meeting.] Commissioner Silvas inquired about Goal#5, which is for the Commission as a whole to tour the Oasis Water Treatment Plant. Ms. Benna will schedule the tour, which might have to be done on a weekday. Commission Dale asked if attending Glendale Glitters would satisfy Goal #3, whereby each Commissioner is to participate in at least two parks and recreation programs or events. Ms. Benna explained that Glendale Glitters is coordinated by the Marketing and Communications Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 2 Department and.the Parks and Recreation provides logistical support to the event. Ms. Benny stated that Goal #3 was intended for events, programs or activities offered by the department. Ms. Benny asked the Commissioners to keep a record of their completed goals. III. OVERVIEW OF THE NEW MARKETING APPROACH FOR PARKS AND RECREATION Ms. Strunk gave an update on the new marketing and promotions approach for the Parks and Recreation Department, including the new quarterly brochure, new promotional partnerships, webpage design and social network links. Ms. Strunk announced that on December 3, 2010, there would be a new roll-out of cross- promotion of services offered by the Community Services Group. Ms. Strunk stated that the Parks and Recreation quarterly brochure will have the new title of "My Community". The new brochure will include the classes, events and offerings of the following departments: Parks and Recreation, Library and Arts, Code Compliance, Community Action Programs and Community Partnerships. Ms. Strunk displayed the new cover of the quarterly brochure. Ms. Strunk noted that the cover will still prominently feature the Parks and Recreation name due to historical recognition; however, this will slowly be phased out as the public begins to adopt the new title of My Community". Ms. Strunk discussed and displayed portions of the Parks and Recreation website. Ms. Strunk commented on the new Parks and Recreation E-BUZZ CLUB which allows for target marketing: Participants can sign up to receive information via e-mail from the Parks and Recreation Department on all offerings and events or specific offerings based on their areas of interest. Most participants request information on all areas of Parks and Recreation. Tracking how many participants actually open their email, click on links and forward these emails to other people can be done as well. Ms. Strunk discussed "Community Connections" which is a monthly email newsletter that provides information from all departments in the Community Services Group. Ms. Strunk I displayed views of the newsletter. Ms. Strunk also commented on and displayed the Parks and Recreation Facebook and Twitter sites. Ms. Strunk noted the department is looking for ways to increase social networking use. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 3 Commissioner Dale asked if the lap pool schedules at Foothills could be posted on the Parks and Recreation Facebook page. Ms. Strunk will follow-up on this request. Chair Passmore thanked Ms. Strunk for her presentation and hard work on the new promotional implementation. IV. DISCUSSION ON ACTION STEPS FOR THE DRAFT OF COMMUNITY MODEL STRATEGIES Ms. Benny requested the Commission's input on action steps for the draft of the Community Model Strategies. Ms. Benny stated that the Commission's feedback is needed to help identify measurable action steps to accomplish the initial draft. Ms. Benny noted that the Commission is the first group to tackle this task and staff will also provide feedback. Ms. Benny and the Commissioners reviewed each Community Value and the corresponding strategies to brainstorm action steps for achievement of each strategy. [Feedback by Commissioners noted in bold.] Community Value I: Community Mandates 1-1 Care for and enhance the quality of current park sites, facilities, amenities and programs within the parks and recreation system. Implement an Adopt-A-Park Program Continue to survey the community on-site and online Track and analyze RFS requests to determine trends Document park inspections 1-2 Maintain and develop facilities that are equitably accessible to residents throughout the City; that reflect the ability to serve a diverse public, and meet all ADA compliance requirements and other special needs users. Delete"and other special needs users" the phrase is too broad Ensure an understanding of ADA requirements Have a scorecard of compliance requirements and inspect facilities for compliance Utilize citizen Committees/Commissions for review of accessibility of facilities/programs Determine construction/modification requirements and costs to address 1-3 Upgrade park and recreation facilities to meet the needs of modern day users and uses. Use surveys and feedback from the community on interests and needs Review demographics Develop a trail maintenance plan and establish timelines Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 4 1-4 Continue to enhance safety and security in parks and neighborhoods that encourages positive use of the community's amenities. Investigate the opportunity to use "call boxes" or emergency alert systems Analyze use levels of parks and facilities Independent assessment of safety and security of parks 1-5 Pursue responsible improvements and expansion of the parks and recreation system in areas of the greatest growth and unmet needs. Finish development of the Western Area Regional Park (WARP) Combine this with strategy 1-2 Review the park bathrooms and needed restroom improvements, including costs Analyze modern day uses of parks Verify existence and equity of facilities and park, and type of designs 1-6 Leverage a variety of resources to support capital and operation needs of the Department. Seek grants, sponsorships, donations and partnerships Establish a formalized volunteer group (i.e. Peace Corps for Parks) Continue to analyze purchasing and volume purchasing Analyze specific parks to maximize use of"green" equipment and practices Community Value II: Service Standards 2-1 Utilize best practices that match the established levels of maintenance standards for sites and facilities. Move to 1-1 as an action step 2-2 Establish shade standards for outdoor facilities and parks Move to 2-9 as an action step 2-3 Utilize consistent design standards (city specific) in park and facility development including standards for landscaping, incorporating public art, and sustainable materials. Clarification of appropriate equipment and amenities in parks and facilities Establish design standards specific to Parks and Recreation facilities and trails 2-4 Maintain timely standards of response to public complaints and concerns. Move to 1-1 as an action step 2-5 Define and maintain a consistent and ongoing public input process to continually refine the successful delivery of services, design of facilities, and site improvements. Move to 1-1 or 1-3 as an action step 2-6 Establish standards for partnerships within both the public and private sectors to augment the capital and operational resources of the Department. Establish a written guide for partnerships Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 5 Establish a code of conduct Consider moving 2-6 and 1-6 to 1-5 2-7 Enhance communication standards for marketing promoting program services and facilities of the department. Expand use of E-BUZZ CLUB Mobile Applications (including standards for communication operations) Park and Recreation Mobile Applications Payments through cell phones Signage improvements GPS use in parks and for mileage on trails Continue to expand WI-FI in facilities 2-8 Maintain consistent standards for the asset and amenity management in order to maximize and expand their useful lifespan. Ensure updated database of all equipment in inventory, including lifespan and estimated costs 2-9 Establish a department environmental sustainability policy that addresses energy and water conservation, environmentally preferable purchasing and sustainable design/construction of parks and facilities. 2-2 move under this strategy Community Value III: Programs and Services 3-1 Align all programs and services to the core services of the Department. Review core services periodically with the Parks and Recreation Commission Complete community inventory on a regular basis 3-2 Develop and maintain high quality programs that promote health and wellness. Focus on programs to prevent, reduce and educate the community on childhood obesity Using national programs and standards for program development and assessment of results Partner with healthcare providers for health and wellness awareness Conduct fitness fairs for kids 3-3 Increases awareness of programs and services offered to the public for the purposes of promoting the community and its amenities. Relates to 2-7 3-4 Engage residents in programs that build community and reflect its values. Build volunteer base 3-5 Provide programs and services that have a regional appeal for purposes of economic development. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 6 Review demographics and use Need self-sustaining revenue sources Relates to 1-3 3-6 Expand partnerships with entities and organizations in both the public and private sectors to increase the amount of resources supporting programs and services offered to the community. Move to 3-5 3-7 Continue to monitor and evaluate alternative services provided to the public that are either complementary or competitive with the programs and services of the City of Glendale. Community inventory 3-8 Provide access to quality programs, services and partnerships that fulfill the unique and specialized needs of the community's residents. Analyze specialized use needs (dog parks, skate parks, equestrian, adventure sports, extreme sports, etc.) 3-9 Develop and maintain programs that interpret the significance of the natural, cultural and historic resources of the City. Historical properties and programs reviewed and updated in the Master Plan, Site Master Plans and Operation Plans Document and educate public on significance of historical properties Review and update Master Plan for Thunderbird Conservation Park on a regular basis Install more interpretive signage and education Establish ranger programs Consider creating a junior ranger program Community Value IV: Business Practices 4-1 Develop a comprehensive cost recovery plan for programs, services, and facilities that appropriately balances public funding with earned revenues. Update the department fee philosophy and pricing plan on a regular basis 4-2 Maintain an appropriate balance of affordability and entrepreneurialism in the programs and services of the Department. Utilize the results of the community-wide survey, program and user surveys, and budget and operational needs for guidance in establishing fees 4-3 Improve the effectiveness of marketing and promotion of programs, services and facilities to increase and diversify usage and participation that generates earned revenues. 4-4 Maximize the capability of new and existing technology to enhance business practices. Smart phones using mobile applications Identify appropriate uses for phone applications and costs Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 7 4-5 Ensure cost control measures utilized by the Department to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of operations. See 2-9 Meet the accreditation practices 4-6 Establish alternative funding policies and procedures that support capital and operating expenses. This should be an action step under 1-6 See 2-6 4-7 Update the department fee philosophy and pricing plan to reflect total costs of service, levels of service, cost recovery goals characteristics of the users and a sustainable approach to managing programs and facilities. Possibly merge with 4-1 This could be an action step for 4-1 4-8 Retain status as an accredited agency through the Commission of Accreditation for Parks and Recreation Agencies. Apply for accreditation every 5 years Community Value V: Community Outreach & Partnerships 5-1 Develop a formalized ongoing community outreach strategy to expand awareness of parks and recreation services offered to the community. See 2-7 5-2 Maintain and monitor services provided to the community. Play an.active role in the network of services and opportunities available to residents, organizations and businesses. Could be action step to 5-1 5-3 Pursue and develop viable partnerships with youth service organizations and schools for youth development opportunities. Identify other youth service providers and potential partnerships 5-4 Develop a sustainable partnership with an established non-profit organization to leverage private sector funding to support select capital projects and programs. Determine viability of establishing a separate 501©3 for the Parks and Recreation Department 5-5 Update terms of agreements with existing partners utilizing City of Glendale parks and facilities for public or private events. This appears to be an action step, but exact strategy to which it belongs to needs to be determined 5-6 Develop public/public, public/not-for-profit and public/private partnership policies that may include strategies for engaging neighborhoods and community organizations in helping maintain park facilities, programs and services. Establish a guide for partnerships Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 8 Ms. Benna thanked the Commissioners for the time taken this evening to provide feedback on strategies and action steps and will continue to update the Commissioners on the Master Plan process. V. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. VI. STAFF REPORTS Mr. Schwind announced that the Glendale Adult Center and the Foothills Recreation and Aquatic Center will both be closed November 25, 2010, through and including November 28, 2010, due to annual facility maintenance. Ms. Hesser provided the following update: As part of the effort to increase outreach efforts for the Adopt-a-Park Program, Mr. Roger Boyer attended GAIN night at both Sunset Palms and Mission Park. Each neighborhood group accepted the challenge and submitted an application. Additionally, Mr. Boyer attended the Mid-Western University Volunteer Fair and secured over twenty contacts for potential park volunteers. Mr. Gregory is working with an intern from ASU to develop a marketing program for the plastic grocery bag/dog-bags that are stocked in many of our parks. The focus will be to provide locations for "drop boxes" for clean, recycled bags from citizens that will be used to re-stock the containers in the parks. Fry's Grocery Market has already donated a box of bags to the division. Staff spent considerable time during the month cleaning up from the October 5 hail storm. Nearly 50 trees were damaged and had to be removed or substantially pruned. Staff responded to approximately 30 citizen storm related concerns. The sports complex renovation at Sahuaro Ranch continues to progress. October milestones include the construction of sports fencing, installation of irrigation pipe, and installation of the sports lighting. The Adopt-a-Park program is well underway. On November 6 the Desert Mirage Volunteer Park group picked up 21 bags of trash and raked up tree limbs from the recent storm. They are scheduled for work days on the first Saturday of each month through the winter. The visitor survey at Thunderbird Conservation Park on November 6 was an enormous success. Contacts were made with hikers, bikers and picnickers to assess the frequency of their visits, types of use, which trails they typically use, willingness to volunteer to help Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 9 with trail and park care and their home zip codes. Since almost 150 people signed up to volunteer, the actual data will not be available until next month. Comments from those surveyed were enthusiastic in their appreciation of the park, its amenities and the staff that care for the parks. Upcoming outreach dates: Wednesday, November 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and Thursday, November 18 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help with the survey. VII. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner George attended a Cholla District Council meeting with Commissioner Liebman, attended a Kiwanis barbeque at Sahuaro Ranch Park and finished park site visits. Commissioner George noted that graffiti and litter issues at the parks have improved. Commissioner Williams will perform park site visits this week and also assisted with the onsite Thunderbird Conservation Park surveys and found visitors to be very receptive of the survey. Commissioner Fernandes performed site visits at many of her assigned parks. At Discovery Park, Commissioner Fernandes fielded complaints regarding clogged water fountains and the lack of restrooms. At Western Area Regional Park, complaints were received from visitors regarding a large amount of bugs in specific areas. Ms. Hesser took note of the issues for follow- up. Commissioner Silvas has almost completed her park site park visits, assisted with the onsite Thunderbird Conservation Park surveys and is starting a new job on Monday. Commissioner Dale completed her first park site visit and found very little graffiti and basically no litter. Commission Liebman attended a Cholla District Council meeting with Commissioner George and assisted with the onsite Thunderbird Conservation Park surveys this past Saturday. Commissioner Liebman completed three park site visits and reported that Thunderbird Conservation Park was immaculate, but Sierra Verde Park, due to heavy use, may need an increase in visits by the maintenance crew. Chair Passmore completed 23 park site visits and praised the condition of Murphy Park. Chair Passmore expressed concern regarding the condition of Lawrence Park, noting that it is getting worse with each visit. Ms. Hesser commented that staff is working with the Police Department due to specific activities occurring in the park. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting November 8,2010 Page 10 VIII. NEXT MEETING SUGGESTED AGENDA ITEMS Preliminary Master Plan Presentation by Consultants (if completed) Distribution of Updated Commissioner Contact List Chair Passmore suggested that the Commissioners each bring cookies or a treat to the December meeting to celebrate the holidays. IX. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting will be Monday, December 13, 2010, at 7 p.m. at the Glendale Adult Center, 5970 W. Brown Street. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.by consensus. Respectfully Submitted, Denise Kazmierczak