HomeMy WebLinkAboutCandidate Records - Elected - Petitions - Ray Malnar for a Better Glendale 2016 - 6/1/2016 (9)NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, andofthe City of Glendale - gahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Si nature Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing g g QG 1-t. 2 2. 2 Z Cc), 1-Y, 57/ Z1 4. l --:2 C E &e v'e: Lt7 E5 S L �z. 6y/y �ZZZ D2 7. Aae l U)61 Q C' 8. % %"�3q A) s �z Secretary of State, Revised 7/17/2012 apo d1z Pul, umoj.TO ,CITD (uollpod oqj UO popnloui oq f1LL1S UOTILOOI aOUapTSa.l jo uoildnoSap L' `SSa.1ppL loans ou jj) ssa.Tppd oouopisag 1LnloV s,.lolLlnoi►D riolLlno.TT7 Jo 0UJLN paIu!.i l .io pod,Cj .iolL[no.nD jo ainluuDiS a Zi OZ/LI/L 11astna21 `*IBIS }o klLaa.iaaS ts% N -v ns Ctt poanja.id / 1jnd ou .io luopuadopui sL paialsinai sT iaulis oqj .To `lolluq all LTO LToi1Lluosa.lda.i ponuiluoo of polmuo IOU sl ILgl �pud 1L0illlOd L' jO .Tagwow L SI .iaunTS aql .l0 `UOl1LUlulOU nUl?10aS ST OjupipULO all goigm Luo.ij / 1pud oql Flo .iagwow L' sT .lotloo lS g0L'a 1L'LIl �jl.TOA .iogj.m j 'poli oipui olup oql uo oou-3p!so.l .TToLli SL UaATf SSO.IppL oqlsop!sai otim ioloolo poij!ILiib L' sL'AA .toulis L10La joiloq ILLI LTi lBgi `'poiuoipul olup gill UO aouoso.id Xw UT pounis sLM tioi ijod aqI UO SOWLIU OLll JO L10L0 1LL11 �J!10A �go.ioLj `LlUOZJ.lVJO 01133IS aql LIT, � � f p�] j jo rJIUIOO Oql UT aIOA Ol .IOIS120J Ol paLJllulll7 aSiM.I2Lll0 Sf OL1M 111g alLIS STtl1 jo ILIapISa.l L ag Ol pa.Tln6a.I IOU Si 011AA L[OS.lad L `j7l7 r j �j i Id,'i 'LTOTlpod 3qj uo papnloui oq 11als uotwool oouopTsa.l jo LT011duosop L' `SSa.ippL laa.lis OLT Ji `.IO SSa.TppL' 00uapisa.l 1Lnjou s,ToluinOi1D t 'a.Injuu2is s,.Tolulno.li0 otll iapun polui.Td .TO podi�1 oq 11LLls aLLILu S,.T01L1nz)iiD £ '01Lls JO kil,,lai0as otp LllinA .iojujnO.no L' SL .lalslAo.l 1jugs `alulS STEN jo luoplsai L IOU Jl `pUL BILIS Sltll LTT OJOA 01-MISlna.i 01 palUilunb oq IsnLLI osiMntpo Inq owls snp jo luoplsoi L oq Ol paiinba.l IOU ST .101ulno.11D Z '.Tolulnouo .�q poufis oq 11LLls suoililod 11V i SiolullloiiD i0j suoilomisul NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION 600 164 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of Glendale - Sahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing 2. �vL4 nv-, 4,1 -z- 3. (-"-1 ZI Ul) , 5 n- _ -r57 �S cls c, aoD N � l S�- A � 6ZVL/u-�;�'�(AVIIJ � (? 1R Az 4aA./v L'Ml 9. Ua-Ae ` to')ou-e ,> _�� 1 P �ZSS 6 (v Secretary of State OR vised 7/17/2012 V U Co op0D diZ put, UMO I, .IO fl 79 Z f OZ/L I /L PasiAQN 'aA'IS do kWjQ.aaaS (uoililad oql uo popn[Oui oq IILgs uoiILOOI ooLlaplSa.l ,IO uoilciposap L `ssa.ippL' 100.11s OU J1 ssa.Tppd aouopisaN ii nlod s,.iolLlno.gD 4. /Ap- G ron- .101"10.1! Q� .101 lo.nD jo owuN poluud ao pod/ ,j Mr!" Z .Io1LlnanD jo a.mlimDis 0 > c . r- � t�. rr, pa.injoid �iJLd OU.10 JUapuadopui sL ponisiDw si n0is ggl .io `loilLq oql u0 UOilLluosa.ldai ponuilu00 of paIlllLla IOU SI JUL[l tt1.1L'd ILOililod L jO .Iaquiow L sl .lauols oql .lO `UOIILLIILUOU DUI?[OOS Sl O1L'p1pUUO all goiLlM LLi01j XIJLd all SIO .Iagwoui L' Sl AOUSTS gOLg 1LLI1 �j!.JQA .1OgI.11lj I 'pOILOTpUl 0110p gill UO OOLIOpISO.I .liagl SL UOATD SSa.TppL oql lL sapTsaJ oqm .ioloa[a pa1UliLnb L' sLm .IaUois LIOL'a jalloq CCU ui IL'gl `•polLOlpul OILp all u0 ooLlesa.ld tw ui pouf is sum LIOililad oql u0 sowuu oql jo gouo lugl /tjpoA Cgwoq `uuoz .id jo glLls oql ui Jo /tIUn00 oql U OIOA 01 JOISIoai 01 p;)U!ILnb astm.iogjo ST oqm inq oluls sigl JO IuopTsa.l L oq of pa.11llbai IOU si OLIM uos.iod L' 'uollllad Oql u0 popnioui oq [ILgs uoi1LOOl oz)uoplso.l jo UoildLloSap L' `SSa1ppL' 100J1s OLi Ji `.10 ssaJppu OOUaplsa.i iunlou S,.iOILinO.iTD v '0.1111BUDls S,.iOIL'jnzmiz) agl .lapUn polui.ld .l0 pod,tl oq [[Lqs Ouw'u s,JOILinO.IiD £ gIL1S Flo ktulonos aLll ill!m .loluIn01io L' SL' .lalslna.l Iii qs `oms slgl jo 1LTgpiSO.l L IOU A `pUL OILIS S1111 LTi OIOA 01 .121STa0.1 01 p04i11,'nb oq Isnw osimnillo Inq alLls slLl1 jo luopiso.l L oq Ol pannbai IOU sl .IolLlnanD "Z %iolLlnoiio /�q poOis oq llugs suollpod 11V � siolvi lair ioi sLtOi�olliisLII NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION 000 165 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of Glendale - Sahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. taffy of State, RVsed 7/17/2012 V Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing Signature 2.3. w,. 4. A ? WC '��� (►�c�-Q� �� ��� I II Pe 7. Lo U0, s v� -AVp z �C-G��Ll- fif'Y � S � taffy of State, RVsed 7/17/2012 V opoD dlZ puu, uMol to �IiD Zrf� (Lloppod all uo popn[2UT oq [lugs uoiluoOl omoplsa.l Jo Uoildi.losop L' `SSa.TppL? laa.ils ou I.j) sso.ippVoouopTsoN lumoV S,.Tolulno.liD //F "AY 43 l S /x (S( Z i OZ/L I/L p3siA2N '31eIS }o AJL.1a.100S C )Jl:) JO ;)WL'N palUI.ld .lo pad,CJ- .Tolulna.TiD Jo ainjuunis cn po.T.TaJa.Td Xj.Ted ou .lo luopuodopui se paaalsinal si .muaTs 211J io `lolluq oqi uo uoijuluosa.lda.i pallupoo of polliluo lot[ Si juin /�I.Tud lu'opilod L' JO .Iag uoui L' Sl nuns oql .[O `UOIIL'LIiUIOLi nUINOOS Si alu'pipUL'3 aill LloTL1M 1LIO.lJ ril.iu'd 2LlJ JO .lagLUalLi L' Sl .[a1[n1S Lloua luLll �JLI2A .[a1l1.TnJ l 'palL'DIPUI alLp a1[J LTO 2o112piSa.1.112111 Su U2AT2 SSaippu oql Ju sopisal oq/" .[Oloolo paLll[i,,-nb L' SL'M .laL[nTS Ljoua J2llaq ALU L[1 luLll `.paluolpul owp a p uo ooil2s2.[d Xw UT pouf is Sum uoililod oql uo sowuu;)gl JO Llouo JuLp /�JLT2A Cga.ioq `Luo7pV JO owls 2111 CIT' lJ ��� i �q j JO XjUllOo 3111 UT aJOA 01 .1015120.1 01 (3LUBN palLll.Id) pagllunb osmiogJo ST oqm Inq alulS SILO Jo luopiso.l u oq Ol p0.1111U0.1 JOLI Sl OL1M L1oS.lad u ,A J?v ' CIO 1 J pod aqj LTO popnlouT oq llugs uoTluoOl aouopiso.l Jo uoilduosop L' `SSa.ippu 100.115 ou j!'.to ssoippu aouopTSa.[ 1u'lllou S,.IolulnogD v 'a.i11Juu.o is S�.TOIL'[no.112 aLll .Tapun poiLiud .[o pod,Ci oq lials owuu S,.TOlulno.I1D £ 'alulS JO kIL'Jaloos all LIITM .Tolulnol[o u su.Talsif;u llpgs `ojujs sigl Jo luopTso.T u IOU Ji `pUu 21u1S STLIl Ul aJOA 01 .[3151,23.1 Ol poiJllunb oq lsnw asimntjJo Inq oluls Slgl Jo luop[so.[ u 2g Ol pomnba.i IOU SI .IOJL'lno.UD Z %iolulno.Tio ,Cq pouf is oq llugs suoiljlad llV I sjojujnojiD joj suoilon.usul NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION IOO166 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of Glendale - Sahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing 2. boa � S� r� —C --e V -Y- 3. z7p4 11CK 5- 4. rl RS:Z�(S(n 7. L � (®--Po 1=12 8. / `� �� (� Lv- �� V�^ On GQ 1241,-,� I R %� (�/. C-1 Secretary of State, Revi*ed 7/17/2012 ap0D d1Z puL uA1oj_ .Io 2 (uoi1pod agl uo popnjout oq iltgs uoilLooj oouopisai jo uoilcji.tosop L'ssa.IppL palls Ou jjj sSa.IppV oouop!so-d junjo`J s,tolepatiD tojLjnoaiD jo ou1LN palul.id .Io pod, ,j �.iolulno.gD jo a.inlUu'oISjo a.n11�Lu'olS Z[OZILIIL pOsiAZZj `2ILIS}o bl,'19.100S ZOO "< CIO r- r Zm Qx cn r cc I tl pai.tajatd / lvud ou .lo luopuodopui se paialsi'oai si mums oql .to `Io11Lq oqj uo uoijulu0Saldal ponuilUOa 01 pajliluo IOU Si ILL11 r 1.ILd pz)pI jod L' jo .IOqulaul L' SI JOU'01S aql .10 `UOIILLIlLUOU nUINOOS SI 01UpipULa otp goigm LLio.1j 4tLd oql jo .iogtuotu L Sl .iaUn1S LI'JU0 ILL11 /�jLlOA J0gjnlj j 'palLoipLI1 01Up 0ql UO aaUaplSa.1 .110LjI SL UOAl2 SSa.IppL 0111 IU Sapisal oLIM .loloolo pagijunb L' SUM .IaUniS L13130 jailoq �w ui wqi `'palL'OipLli alUp 0111 uo aoilasa.ld �m uT paLTnIS SLM LIOilllad 0111 UO SOLLIL'U 0111 jo Ljouo IULjI / 1J!JOA �gontj 'ULIOZI V jo owis oqi u1 e y-� 7 _ / C] r{ILi1100 0111 LIi aIOA OI .IaIS120.I OI r (MBN palLn-Id) paLJ.ilUilb osiM. qjo ST oqm Inq oluls sigl jo ILI0p1Sai L oq OI paunbai IOU sl oqm LIOS.tod L J� �I ' 1011god oqj u0 popnioui oq 11LL1s uoilmoj aauopisal jo uoildposop L' `SSa.ippU Iaalls OU Jl `.io sso.Ippu 0ouop!so.I ILnlou S,.tojvjno.11D t 'a.InIUUnis s,iolulno.Tlo oqj .lapun poluild .IO pod,Cl oq llugs owuu S,.IojujnoiTD £ '01L'1S jo klujaloos 0111 L11iM .lolL'1no.1i0 L SL' .lojsl-oa.l jjBgS 'aILIS Sigj JO ILI0p1S0.1 L' IOU J!'PUB 01 -UIS Slgj U1010A OI .IalSina.T of polj!IL'nb oq Isnui osiMngjo lilq olulS si111 jo luopisat L oq OI ponnba.l IOU ST .IOIU1no.tyD Z uolujna.tio Xq paOis oq IjLL1s suoilgod 11d I sloiujnojiD -ioj suopon.osui NONPARTISAN USAN 1� Nd NA��� ION PETITION 00167 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of C-lendale - Saiz-uarc ;:'str!c , hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. ,Desert Hills Dr., Glenda=e, Arizona, 8530'1 in the county of M-arlcopa for the office of -City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the pr mart' election to be held August 30, MI 6, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. F-3 !gn a t ure Prznted Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing I i v cx. r6 l 4 L. 3. kli 4. LIS, � `( 1-16 E 6, �� b �'s��3 ) D7 c' z 3b (I 7. L�2l� Q, e �.. o; aSA20 9. i.cJ - /L� i �21�.�— - c JC'Y�c.�.a BIZ yrs/ -J 130. C ;)poD dTZ PLIC UM01.10 XjTD 2 VIC (LIOIITjod oqj u0 popil[oui ag [[LCIS uoilcoo[ oouop!so.l jo LIOTidposop L `ssa.IppL j30.11S ou J.1) ssaTppd oouop1Sa21 1LnjoV s,.lojujno.TlD Y// -#- '-�/l Y4E G rV lE r-.Io1LIna.1TJ JO aLULN paIUT.ld .Io pada,, .1O1L1no.ITD jo aimuu-o[S ZIOZ/Ll/L PasiAau `a1LIS JO AJL10.130S na fir+ ^i -< Q N .j C) o r r 3 Z o ry v;lK c,n r c, r*a painja.ld iCj.1Ld ou .l0 j opLTadopui SL pa.lalSlna.l si .lauvls allj .IO `j0[[Lg aLlj UO u011uluosalda.l PQIIUIiLIOO 01 pollptio jou sI jLgj / 1pud [Llolillod L jo .IagU.low L' SI .I lifts al.Ij .lO `uOIjuuILUOLI k�uplaas SI OjupTpULo pill LIoTLIM LLTO.Ij ,�j.TLd alll jO .[-.)qwo U L Sl .10UoIS LIaLO iLLll tj!.lQA .I0gj.lnj 1 'pajLlalpUT ajLp OLIj LTO 03U0pTS3.T .I10LIj SL LOAD SSO.IppL oqj jL SapTsa.l OL1M .IOloolo pog!li iib L' SLIM JOU"DIS L[oLa J01[ag ALT LII jLLIj `.pajLalpUT alLp OL[i LTO 001,10Said I�Lu UT pouf is SLM uOTjpQd aqj UO SaLLTLILT aLlj jO LIaLIa jLLII f,.ILIaA Cga.laLl `LUOZT.IVjO ajL15 aLlj Ln ` JO I(JU11W Oql Ln ajOA 01.I31SI20.I 01 (OWUN pa1UT.ld) poyqunb os1M.l0LIl0 SI OLIM jng olLls sIL[i jo )uop!sol L ag Ol paimba.1 jou sl OqM UOS.Iad L 11011pod aLlj u0 popnloLll ag Ilugs uoijLool oouopisal jo Uoljdposop L `ssa.Tppu iaaljs ou j1 `.IO ssa.IppL oouoplSa.T junjoL s,iolLIno.ITD p a.IlljLllnls s,iowlna.Tla 0111 .10pUn polLll.ld .Io pod,�j ag [ILLIs otum s,aojuIno.ITD £ ajLIS jo kluja.Toas 01i1 111TM .101L111al10 L SL .101S 110i [ILLIS `ajLIs SIgl jo juopTSal L IOU jT `PUL 01LiS SILIl LII OjOA 01 .101SInaI 01 paTJTILnb 0g isnw osimnillo Ing olulS sn11 jo luop!so.i L ag Ol pall ibat iou sT .Tojujno.nL) Z '.Ioluina.lio Xg poufis ag IILLIs suoljilod 11d i 5IOjL'jno.IiD IOj suoilomisul NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION 0001 GO I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of Glendale - Sahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Malnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing 1. 3. 4. la r y, (�/ 67 abs - z c� " 3( 3 - (3_)"i rL e, 7. ��Ij/z� a � Va ES -36 ble -& , 9. Lwh3 �J /-Z-q6 "Y 10 lG' co' mo Y -V --Fo r,�Q v) Secretary of State, -Revised 7/17/2012 U Z10Z/L1/L Pastnag "3191S JO bElaaaaS opoD diZ puu uMoZ .to ,�iiD -� a (uoijpod ;Dqj uo in popnlout aq Iiutis uoiIuool aouapisat jo uoildi.tasop u `ssa.tppu laa.tls ou 3I)-0 ,r- ssaippd aouopisag Inn;ad s,aolulnattD _3 YM J �e Q D 7� - / � r- julno.tiD 3o atuuM palul.td ao podXl cr M tolulnanD 3o oinjuu2iS •paauaiput aJup aqj uo aauapisa.t .naqj su uani2 ssa.tppu oqj ju sopisoi ognn .toloolo pogtiunb u suns ►au2is gouo joTloq Xw ut juq} :pajuoipui olup ;)ql uo oouosa.td Cut ui pou2is suns uoiplod 01i1 UO sautuu Oqj JO tloua jugj Xj!lan Xga.taq `uuortlV jo aluls oqj ui , Jf � — jo Xiunoo aqi ui aJon 01 JOIS1231 01 (OWN p2lut.td) pagrjunb astnn.raglo si oqm lnq oluIs sigl jo luopisa.t u oq of pa.nnbat fou si oqm uos.tad u — •uotjtjad oqj uo popnloui aq llugs uoiluool aauopisaa 3o uoudposop u `ssa.tppu lowls ou p `ao ssa.rppu oouoprsat lunjou s,aolulno.nD •.v •a.mjuu�ts s,.tolulno.tio oqj .tapun paluiad ao podXl oq llugs autuu s,aolulno.nD £ •ajuls jo XJUJQaoas oql tljtnn .tolulna.tto u su aalsiga.t ilugs `aluls sigl 3o luapisa.t u jou ji `puu aluls sitil ui aJon of ialsi2w of poUqunb oq jsntu ostnn.tatljo Inq oluls sigl 3o luopiso.t u aq of pa.nnba.t jou si .tolulno.nD Z •iolulnatio iCq pougis aq Ilugs suoiliiad Iid .1 siolulnojiD aoj suotionaisul NONPARTISAN NOMINATION PETITION I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of Maricopa, state of ArizoAQW-a the City of Glendale - Sahuaro District, hereby nominate Raymond L Mahtar who resides at 5343 W. Desert Hills Dr., Glendale, Arizona, 85304 in the county of Maricopa for the office of City Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held August 30, 2016, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Signature Printed Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town Date of Signing (5� (N,� . (P- ro\ Com(_ 57-1 q- 261k 2. Tigq 5 C.rCkb 3. I� JL 4 1 �/ 5. 6. �C� fi ii V ` lSZ JI l^ 1536 (c l� S S— 19 WV •, K. &! `a"V 'C K3O Pw- Qui`3 ' (as`. �/1L1 l ! N 8. 30 9. h 1' �,'(r f ju l✓ 3 tqv� lo. ;,� 01,A �Q �h�+eley ArrylAo. ,e- t S �5-2, H cel (- 3 te D o Secretary of State, Revised 7117/2012 [ C-) ZIOZ/LI/L P)S]AaN `glens;o ItIMQi:)aS apoD diZ puu L umoto fqi:) " n (uoiliiad aqj uo N.{ papnloui aq llugs uoiluool aauapisoi 3o uoilduosap u `ssa.ippu iglus ou jl) •moi ssaappd aouapisag lunjoV s,.Iolulno.ITD -d a/N 7,z . A7 � 23► .iolulnonD 3o awuN paluiad jo pad,CZ cnrrn "9 y -P a' il` 1 .io�uinoiTD jo ainpufiS paluoipui al -up oqj uo aouapisa.i 1i341 su uanTO ssaappu aqj ju sopis;)i oqm -ioloolo pa>Itlunb u sum .iauaTs goua jaTloq Xw ui jugj `pajuoipui alup oqj uo oouosaid ,Cw ui pounis sum uoijilod oql uo sowuu oq4 jo goua jugj XJ!Ian �ga.Iag `uuozuV jo alms oql ui ` of ;o Xjunoo aql ui aJon o; IQJS12ai 01 pog!lunb osim.iaglo si oqm ing ajuls sigl jo juopisa.i u oq of pa.Iinbai lou si oqm uosaad u --i" s uoijijad aqj uo popnlouT oq llugs uoiluool aouopis;)i jo uoijdiiosap u `ssoippu iaa.Iis ou j!'jo ssaippu aouapisol luniou s,iowlno.iiD v •a.iniuu2is s,.Iojulnoaio oqj aapun palui.Id .Io pad.Cj aq llugs awuu s,aojulnoiiD £ -alu;s 3o xlmg.ioas aqj qj!m .iojulna.iTo u su nisi&a.I llugs `alms sigi 3o iuopisa.i u iou ji `puu OJUIS sTgj uT a;on 01 JOJSI�OJ of pail}Tlunb oq jsnw asim.iagjo inq gains sigl jo luapisoi u oq of pa.Iinbw jou si lolulnoiiD Z •.Iolulno.iTo Xq pou2is og slugs suoppod lid T siolujnoziD .zoj suollonjisul NION PARTISAN NoMINATEON VET)iTION 000 170 I, the undersigned, a qualified elector of the county of TVraricopa, state of Arizona, and of the City of Glendale - Sal -ua:o .y s.: c�, hereby nominate Raymond ii. Y-alnar who resides at 5343 W. Desert 12iffils Dr., Glendale, A. -.zona, 853 d� in the county of Mar_copa for the office of amity Councilman - Sahuaro District to be voted at the primary election to be held iLugus. 3C, 22'-x, and hereby declare that I am qualified to vote for this office and that I have not signed and will not sign any nomination petitions for more persons than the number of candidates necessary to fill such office at the next ensuing election. I further declare that if I choose to use a post office box address on this petition, my residence address has not changed since I last reported it to the county recorder for purposes of updating my voter registration file. Si naturz g '?riuted Name Actual residence, description of place of residence or Arizona post office box address, city or town mate of Sign4rg z2. 3. 4. i ' %1 Z �'' 2� 5. 7C7- 6. -� Z -� i%� 7. ® 2 LSM 2 s 9. 10. Oecrerary ui Jlale, ttevtseu /!1 //GV1G opOD diZ pUL' umol .lo rji:) 2 (11O111pod a1j1 Uo popllloui ag iILLIS UOIIuool 00Ll2pls0.l JO U011dposop L' `Ssalppu Iaalls ou JI) SS2.IppV oz)uopisa21 pnjoV S,.IOIu[no.11'D ..iowjnoj!D jo auluN palupd .lO paEj_ �,-ID,►1 D; 1olulna.►iD jo amluufli� Z[OZ/Ll/L PQS!Aag `a1L1S Jo kIL1a.100S N v 3 pa.i.laja.Id Xl1ud ou .io luopuodopui su pa.lalsillow si laui is 2ul 10 `Zoll Q 21I1 uo LIOi1uluosa.ld0.l ponuiluoo Ol pollptio jou S1 ILLII ,�pu'd juoIIIiod L' jO .iogwoLLi L' SI A001S alll .IO `UOijUUU.UOU nUIJOOS Si alupipUuo oill LIoiLim LLio.lj ,�I.md all LIo .(agLL ow L' SI .I2LiaiS Liotta ILLi1 XJLI2A .IZ)gl.illj I 'paluolpUl alup 2LI1 UO aaLlaplSal .1131jj Su U2Ai2 SS21ppu oill lu Sap!s;)j ollm .IOlaaia pog!IL'llb L' Sum .[ally IS lloua jallag /Cw ui IuLl1 `.paluoipui alup alis LIo aoLiosaid /Cm ul pou�?1S SL'm Uoipl2d 2111 UO SOLUL'LI aLll JO Liaua IL'Lil / J!12A �g2.l0Li `L'UOZlAV JO 01L'1S aLII Ul ` �, Vf jo /�Iunoo oql UI OJOA of 10lS120.1 Ol (aLUuN palLll.id) paLJiiL'llb 2SIM.I2LI1O SI OLIM h1g a1n1S SiLIl jo ICIapTSal u ag OI pallllba.i IOU Si OLIM LIOS.Iad B `I -1 -uOililad 2LIl Uo popnloLll 2g IiLLis LIOTIL'a0I oz)uopisal jo LI011dilosop u `SSa.lppu laailS OU. jI `.Io SS21ppu aouopiSai lulllou S,1Olulno.11D t 'alnluLlalS s,io L'inap aLll .IapUn polupd .Io pod�CI 2g dugs ouii u S,lolullloliD £ 'alulS jo kiulonos all LIl►m .lolulno.no u Su .lalslaa.l IiugS `21uIS SILII jo 1Llapisal u IOU Ji `We 01uIS SiLII Ul OJOA 01 .1alSlna.1 Ol pogilLnb ag Ism osim.lalilo Inn olulS Sllil jo juopISa=i u oq of palinbai IOU Si .►olulno.iio "Z '.IOIL'inalio /Cq poOis ag IiLgs SU011ilod 11V I SIO-elnoiiD of suot onjisul