Minutes - Minutes - Housing Advisory Commission - Meeting Date: 4/27/1998 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA HELD MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1998 AT 5:30 P.M. Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chair Potocki. Present were Commissioners Houck, Hunter-Ojala, Potocki, Haran, and Sharpe. There was a quorum. Reading of the Minutes Motion by Houck, seconded by Sharpe, to dispense with and approve the reading of the minutes since each commissioner had received a copy before,the meeting. Motion approved unanimously. Tenant Advisory Commission Tenant Advisory Committee members in attendance were: Barbara Craig from Lamar Homes; Rosie Valles and Mindy Harrold from Glendale Homes; and Ray Lara from the Cholla Vista Apartments. Issues of concern to the residents involved cars speeding through their complexes as well as high school students walking through and littering their yards in an attempt to take a shortcut route to the park located next to their complex at Lamar Homes. Commission suggested staff look into the possibility of speed bumps at appropriate locations and to put up a fence to separate the park from Lamar Homes. Commission asked staff to follow up on these issues and return with information within 90 days or at the next regularly scheduled meeting after the 90-day period. Elderly Housing Presentation A thorough and very informative presentation was given by Ann Ransom, Administrator of Waymark Gardens on the need for elderly housing in Glendale. Inspections for the Public Housing Program After a brief discussion, Commission agreed that inspections for the Public Housing Program were very thorough and necessary. t (P SNETWORD\HSGADVISNINUTES HAC0498.DOC) ti • I HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 1998 Page 2 History of Calls for Police Service The Commissioners were very impressed with the low number of calls for police service. Commissioners commended both Housing staff and the police for a job well done. Commission suggested staff work with the Tenant Advisory Committee to set up a block watch program at each of the properties. Staff is to report to the Commission the status of establishing block watch programs. Expenditure Report The expenditure and revenue report covered all program expenses from July 1, 1997 through February 28, 1998. No action was required. Monthly Activity Report The Monthly Activity Report was presented to the Commission for their information. Adioumment The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. t "`airperson ATTEST: S- re ' v'